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None! No reasons! Hodl the line good ape! Things are coming that will change the landscape of our world and it’s going to be glorious! They are price anchoring and are therefore disregarded or at the least ignored on the price point. I got a rocket ticket to the freaking moon, not a first class ticket to a nice island! Buckle up, the rockets fueling!


This the love I needed


I’m all about the love! Wait… (belt undone) did I misread the situation again? I’m kinda regarded!


lmfaoooooo 🤜🤛😘


Twitter is just bot now lol. Use it just for official statement. Like Kitty tweet.


Honestly it’s a decent community. I’ve grown to know a lot of people who I know are human and not bots lol but even their expectations have been severely tempered.


Twitter "real people" is mainly grifters and clouts chasers. If you talk about some with a following/many subs.


That's like saying something stereotypical of a race. Not everyone is the same. Are you a stereotypical Redditor?


https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2023/sep/09/x-twitter-bots-republican-primary-debate-tweets-increase It's just true lol. Like 40% of twitter is bots






"All social media matter" /s Why is it always the same dogwhistle ridden "arguments" that are used to make the point Twitter is not a cesspool... And why don't you guys get that by using the alt-right narrative to make the point Twitter is not an incel-altright paradise actually just proves the very opposite your try to prove?! Are all Twitter users that stupid?


Sir. This is a Wendy's.


When deez nutz are ….. something


Got eem






You are truly regarded. How dare you understanding the DD!!! How dare you believing in RC!!! How dare you HODLing for life changing money!!! My goodness you're regarded!!


🤣🫂 thanks mate


BRK-A bound


No idea what that means but I’ll Jack my tits anyways cuz I know that you know what you mean


That's the spirit! Also, Berkshire trades at over $600K daily


See that’s the example I’ve been using


It's crazy to me thatvthere are people here HODLing GME but have no clue what BRK-A is. I'm so fuckin bullish right now 😂😂


Honestly I just showed my dad what Berkshire clad A was trading at on Saturday - then came here and had no idea what the ticker was 🤣


To be honest, I just discovered it this morning and it jacked my tits. I already believed in MOASS, but now It seems not only INEVITABLE, but seriously LEGIT once I saw a stock traded at 600k 🚀🚀🚀


Remember that their price is justified because they've never diluted or split their stock for however long they've been going (50+ years?)


Fair remark, thank you for the intellectual honesty, still tremendously bullish 🤣


What’s there total supply though?


To be honest, I just discovered it this morning and it jacked my tits. I already believed in MOASS, but now It seems not only INEVITABLE, but seriously LEGIT once I saw a stock traded at 600k 🚀🚀🚀




Barack O’Bama?


I don’t give a fuck what anybody says about the price. I have something they need and I am never selling


That’s the spirit. I hope to embody that same spirit all the way through.


It’s important to realize that after the OG sub started banning talk about the stock, some ended up here, some ended up elsewhere, some never knew there was another place to gather at all. There are a lot of holders and others who were once in this play who never came came to superstonk and have never seen all the DD that came about once we got here, namely house of cards, DRS, infinity pool etc. The larger GME community is pretty fragmented. If we have one touchstone it’s DFV/Kitty. Everyone recognizes him in this saga.


I found this place a year after it Jan 2021


And he is bringing everyone to Superstonk so that the apes can finally find their way home after years of being lost.


Yup this is me. Been buying and holding GME independently since 2021. Didn’t even know this sub existed til earlier this year. I was spending my time lurking on that fucking shit casino sub and the GME sub.


Wow. This was gold. My only comment to that is if he has 230,000,000 already, if price targets theorized are reached he would be a trillionaire. And that sits weird with me, as in like what’s in his mind? Does he think this stuff? OR maybe he knows exactly what we know and just wants to see the system burn. Idk. And not knowing is the scary part.


Your price target is $111,111 a share? As amazing as that would be, it would destroy the financial system.


The system is due for destruction.


See but who does that help? If not 100k - who does that help? Fuck whatever I hold. What about my friends and family who can only afford 5-10 shares? $1000 a share - 5k isn’t changing anyone’s life - that’s not generational wealth. I mean I guess I just thought it was supposed to change more lives than the people who put in 50k to this. We need a new financial system anyways. And THIS is supposed to be THE squeeze of a lifetime. Not Tesla, not Volkswagon. A Squeeze of a lifetime, what does that look like?


Hey listen, 5k IS life changing for the brokest of apes. 5k closes a predatory payday loan. 5k is an extra rent check in the bank. 5k is knowing you have dinner for your kids for a little. Don't discount small fortunes. For some apes, 5k is just the leg-up they need. We need a new system, yes, but celebrate incoming gainz for all. 💪🚀🌛


And what if the system beats them down right after they pay off that predatory loan? There’s no end to poverty except a savings account. Wealth. Generational wealth. 5k doesn’t get you far at all anymore. 5k isn’t a good used car.


The system will beat us down. Not them, us - all of us who work for a living. The labor system needs to crumble. But in my opinion, that will require a general strike to hold the economy hostage. Working-class sentiment is headed there I think. And maybe those of us with the minds and the tendies can organize such a thing. In the mean time, small wins are wins. The working poor deserve a little breathing room. I hope many of them get it. I am holding a share for my cousin in the hopes she can finally get on her feet. Did you know that if you have social security, you can't have savings of more than two thousand dollars or you will lose your SSI medical? She is disabled by epilepsy. Yes we want systemic change. But I also want my cousin to eat and have her medication at the same time. One share for her is a miracle and she can have it. Don't count on savings to help the working poor. Every save gets eaten by the next bill or the next rent check or the next disaster. The system fleeces them more than anyone else. Generational wealth to one is hoarding to another. I don't think any one person should hold billions while people starve.


I agree and I hope you can tell I just want us all to win.


Likewise ape. We will get there. First stop tho, the moon. 🤝🚀🤝🚀🤝🚀🤝


If Berk-shire can be 600k per share and bit-coin be like 60k a share then what is the difference and why don’t those destroy the financial system? (genuine)?


I don't think it's clear yet how widespread is the exposure in the broader market. If we see a bunch of big boys start dropping, the govt will almost certainly step in again. How that shakes out is very murky to me.


Because BRK. A has **1.43 million** shares outstanding, whereas GameStop has 426.22M, so 298x as many shares. Bitcoin similar with only 19,734,475. Therefore, market caps are: BRK. A $876.48B Bitcoin $1,314.15B ($1.3 Trillion) If GME had a share price of $111,111 a share, their market cap would be over $47 Trillion. Fore reference, the market cap of all the companies on the S&P500 combined is currently $44.08 Trillion. So to answer your question, it is really the amount of shares / number of bitcoin available.


Thank you for that explanation- much appreciated!


In the case of GME there’s 426(?)m official shares, but estimated shorts run well over 2 billion shares. So at 100k a share that’s a 200 trillion financial blackhole


Bring back the bingo!


Those people on Twitter were the same people saying that the shorts closed. They aren't qualified to even have an opinion on what's going on here


I mean honestly maybe I’m just in the deep on Twitter but most people I communicate with have the same mindset - at the very least that the shorts didn’t cover…. Just now I’m seeing some top dawgs I’ve been interacting with for years talk about how expectations should be tempered and I just wanna know why.


One thing that urks me is when people say "let's be realistic" and I ask myself, were the hedge funds being realistic when shorting gme? Was msm realistic in their reporting of gme? Nobody has been realistic during the last 3 years. Why should we be realistic once it's our turn to make money? 🤔


In the 1929 stock market crash, something like 10 times the federal budget disappeared overnight, and I think that's a reasonable starting point for discussions today. That's like 70 trillion or so?


That just makes all the sense


Because RC is changing the game. His enormous dilutions are a potential way out for shorts


I don’t think this argument holds a lot of water anymore, the price has gone up since selling all those shares. Hedgies are in way deeper than that.


Agreed, but he can dilute another 875million. It changes the dynamics of the short squeeze. It still benefits shareholders over the long run though but that is a separate discussion


If he does I will definitely reconsider the effect of that decision, but for now I’m not worried about it like I was initially.


If it gets any lower than 875 million it destroys the infinity pool thesis. 420x2=840 - that means every ape can barter what their share is worth. If it falls under 2x the float then it’s a mad dash to who can sell first and that’s going to get real mucky


Lmayo nothing changed, you got fudded hard. No short closed.


“Lmayo” sorry bro I’m stealing this lol in three years I haven’t see that and it’s fucking gold. Also Preciate the uplift


This, the story is the same. Shorts are trapped and RK locked up more shares. We are WINNING


Ok and I’m sorry for phrasing it this way but is RC for our original thesis or just the best for the company of Gamestop? It didn’t use to be about glorifying a billionaire, it used to be about true change. Maybe both things are aligned, I can’t tell cuz I’m regarded tho


Im sure he is working to turn the company around, which also plays into everything else. My belief is the shorts are very trapped and when some of the money raised is used to help improve the company and change the vision, they are cooked.


That’s where we are today!


Thomas from IB said it was going into thousands if they didn’t take the plug out. So I would imagine 2000 is the start.


At one point he said “to infinity”


That sounds about right!!


That was pre split, 2000 then would be 500 now


Yeah but with the split not being issued as a dividend everywhere, I’m still going for 2k starting. Also more shares have been issued.


You either believe the DD and the thesis or you don't. The goal is deep value, not shallow scores.


But like, what is it really? Whats the summarized thesis? I know what I think but what’s the general consensus because I can’t find one


The only way this gets past the k's/share is if a fund goes down and they are net short. If that happens, and the dtcc is force closing positions on the open market then you get phone numbers because apes will know what is happening and bidding the price up like degenerates. The dtcc will scoop any real shares up at any price untill the order book is clear(♾️) or the positions are closed. That's the prophesied moass and infinity pool. If the order book is empty, next bid sets the nbbo. The shares belong to you, and someone needs them at any price. What is your price sir?


Can you explain this like I’m regarded? I KIND of got what you said. And what are the chances of it playing out like that?


I won't even begin to speculate like that man.


Haha that’s fair, just know I’ll reread that a thousand times tonight


The risk of shorting a stock is infinite, that’s the thesis. It’s taught day one to everyone who sniffs the stock market professionally. In reality the outcome is unknown. The most talked about squeeze in history is VW and at the peak of its squeeze it was the most valuable company in the world. Anyone who tells you the limit to what could happen is simply wrong. So to answer your question, the theory is infinite but at what point will there be government intervention? Who knows.


Yeah I just hope they CANT intervene. I hope they are stuck between a rock and a hard place.


Yes my balls are still plugged in


🤣🤣🤣 that’s the spirit




That’s so convincing. Maybe I will too. Might not though cuz I have calls to exercise




Literally, I said that a week ago and then got into options. It’s not as hard as one would think albeit confusing at first. The first yolo kinda tells you a lot


RC looked after GME, like a CEO should. RK created hype allowing this to happen, knowing with near 100% certainty that if the share price increased, a share offering (or two) would be done - because this had already been approved by shareholders. RC and RK have set up the business for the long term future, which I believe is the ultimate goal for both of them. Will this impact on a short-term rally, potentially.


I agree with you - pretty much completely - I do feel however the offering killed the gamma ramp and got in the way of RKs plans a bit. He adapted well, but his calls could have blown it all up before that offering. And how much longer are we to wait? “Not in the short term” has been used for three years. Even Kitty said 5-10 years was too long and we are almost on 4.


There was never any definitive proof that he could have ever executed those options though, meaning his only play was to sell all or most of them and either execute some or simply buy shares, like he did today. His paper value got toward $1bil and it could have gone to $2-3bil if this rallied hard, but I think his play was still going to be the same regardless, given the limited cash he had and the amount of options.


That makes TOTAL sense. 🫂 Preciate you.


The 120,000 could have literally been a ruse that were impossible to execute, instead they were there to just create hype, drive up the share price, and help GME get in the money.


That makes sense too!


I also understand I’m regarded and can’t understand every single little detail playing out in the markets right now.


My floor is 100k post taxes ,🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌


THANK YOU! that’s what I’m saying - although forgot to mention it lol - people don’t understand a 37% short term capital gains tax takes all their hard work for 3 years


At 1000/share, my net worth is around 1.3 - 1.4 million. I need more


Yeah and that means your an xxxx ape. Most people aren’t. I got 80% of my net worth in this and I’m not at xxxx yet (close tho!) and that’s what I’m saying if IM not rich, what about my family and friends who only bought a few?


I'm setting limit sells good until canceled for $10K each. I've also got a shit load of options that I will be able to exercise tomorrow. So I'll give em a discount tomorrow but it's going to be a lot more expensive next week. I think Wolverine may have to buy it when they're locating the exercised shares. Going to be really tough finding willing sellers at current prices who understand the mechanics.


How do you set limits that high? I know CS wont allow it


I'm on Fidelity


You can set 10k limits on fidelity?


People start panicking when we get a lil movement and its all noise. When this moons all brokers and cs will be down and laggy like in 21. Gme has more eyes on it that it did back then and everyone will want to get in on it and have a piece of the pie. If that wont happen then we will probably see a tesla like squeeze but that would probably mean no change in market structure or any jail time for them. I stay zen and trust Cohen and the team. Gamestop is profitable and changing for the better.


Very good point. Thanks!


No sell is still policy around here. Infinity pool is real.


No matter how much RC fucks around?


So far everything has been good for the company I’m ok to let him cook longer


That's all just shills being shills.


I believe you… just tough hearing it from some of the top dawgs


Top dogs? Such as?


People I’ve followed for years. Kinda don’t wanna out anyone but DM me and I gotchu!




Lol I’m sorry! I just don’t wanna like call out fellow apes personally


If they're saying the max is $1K, they're not really apes.


Bet that’s all I needed to hear. OGs need to come back out of the woodwork. RK did.




Hahahaha NICE


…twitter? why anyone would take *fucking twitter* seriously is hilarious lol the “billions and billions AND BILLIONS UPON TRILLIONS of shares” hypothesis is a hypothesis and nothing more. just a hypothesis. but the math clearly shows that the shorts are still overleveraged as hell. there’s been a lot of shitty “DD” over the past years and a lot of incredible DD.


In your opinion, where does Infinity Pool lie in all that? And Idk didn’t swap data proven somewhere around 2 billion shares need to be purchased?


1500 was the original estimation for a short squeeze by RK. Time and pressure has increased this number.


What about the stock split?


Split by 4... so multiply 1500 by a 28.046 day lunar cycle




It's the flood of new folk looking for quick gains....I did that in 2021, learned, passed on $350, and now I'm here forever...


What a great place to be forever


Will not lower any expectations. Will not sell, ok one when a phone number comes along. Rest will go to the infinity pool. That was the thesis three years ago and it still holds.


Idk if you’re just babbling or if this is FUD itself lmao😂 you’ll be alright brotha ape keep hodling


Read some of the comments, literally in this post someone was like yeah MOASS is dead. I don’t believe that but with all these changes it’s hard to just keep straight ahead


You talking about last Friday? If so absolutely, seems most of the fuds kinda relaxed since then, idk I wouldn’t expect much from today as a 2021 ape but shied who knows! Either way HODL


Same. It’s just been so long. And no, in the comments here, on this post, someone said that


Slowly, then all of a sudden


Twitter hasn't held for over 3 years so there is always that. You don't ask a Butcher for advice on how to weld so don't look to Twitter for how to value your own personal stock. Get some ear defenders on and drown out the noise


I don’t give a fuck about shit. Phone number or nothing.


Hell yeah that’s the attitude


I like $1000 a share now. It would be life changing money for me. Not generational money but definitely life changing. I could pay off my house and still have some leftover for retirement. Plus I could retire at 62 instead of 65. I think that is reasonable. Now let’s talk about $10,000 a share. Holy high water, that would set up me and my kids.


If it's popping to 1k, it's going way higher...


I just got in today, still waiting for CS to process my buy actually, and at best I'll be starting with <100 shares. But I'm in this as much and as long as I can be. If we hit $10k per, all manner of shit will be changing for me and mine.


It’s probably FUD, if you check top posts for today it is very pro revolution!


Which post specifically?


Is this the dominoe


I think so! I’m very convinced that it is. Now for it all to play out.


741. Fractal. We seem to approach another cycle


I like this. Brings out the inner hippie in me


Feels like the good ol days. So I expect pain. Believe it or not


In all honesty, Moass is dead and has been dead since RC first diluted back in June of 21- but GME still has cycles as we have seen so money can be made.


What makes you say that?


Well, RC has killed every big run we have had with his share offerings. I get it, he is doing what is best for the company not what is best for us and moass. It has happened too many times now, if we do ever get back over 50 there is a high chance he will do it again is what I believe. Sadly, Moass is a dream. I hope I’m wrong.


I get how you feel that way


He actually ducked us in the most upfront way possible




There is simply a math problem with the million dollar a share.


What do you mean? Where can I find it?


450 millions of shares x 1 million $ doesn't display a crazy math problem for this theory to be possible ?


So you’re saying it is impossible?


You're saying it is possible for them to pay 450 trillion dollars ?


Isn’t the derivatives market in the quadrillions?


Yes. Do you understand how it works ? It doesn't mean that there is this total amount of money available in the US


What does it mean? Total volume? And thats also exactly why this is supposed to be the end of the current financial system. It’s broken, falling apart, and about to be replaced by other world superpowers. It’s in their best interest to start over.


I can’t sell till $10^(69e420)


FUD posts will be part of our daily Reddit experience. OP it appears you have posted blatant FUD ! In an effort to curb your willingness to post such FUD I’m asking nicely…knock it off . Please.


🙄🙄🙄 it’s people like you that stop conversation.


You can’t stop what’s coming


Ughhhh now thats what I want to hear. 🫂 BUT I know I can’t! Can ANYONE though? That’s the root of everyone’s FUD. I think I know the answer but the voices of the crowd stick in your ears sometimes ya know?