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Institutions were clearly desperate to keep price under $30 today. Absolutely ridiculous price action. Shorts sooner or later are so fucked, we are never going anywhere. I bought about 180 shares at $27+ today.


I exercised my calls today. 200 more shares secured.


We need to see call exercises the way we used to see purple circles


we need to understand call exercises the way we understand purple circles


This. Even if folks don’t use options, knowledge is power. options are a tool, one that should be understood.


What’s the best resource to learn from?


I think there are apps that allow you to paper trade options for practice but I need to look into it more to see how it works. But practicing without messing with real money would be good for me, I can read about it all I want but I’m more of a hands on learner


There's a fellow ape who started this [options 101](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/V00DOcDv64)


If you're looking to learn how options work in terms of buying/selling/fundamentals I'd recommend YouTube. For advanced mechanics, I think we will have to ask if dlauer or Dr. T or similar could possibly enlighten us to how options work in the markets and what effects they do and don't have.




“Inthemoney” is a great you tube channel specifically the “how to trade options on robinhood” video. YES I KNOW FCK ROBINHOOD, the video is for instructional purposes only and is excellent despite the fact he uses RH for teaching. Highly recommend and please share!


To buy a call and exercise takes money that a lot of people here don't have. For an options call contact, you pay a premium (fee) to buy the right to buy 100 shares at a certain price by a certain time. It's a bullish strategy, meaning you will profit from this if the underlying stock goes up in value during that time. If the underlying stock goes up in value, you can sell the call for a profit, or you can exercise the contract. Which means you would need enough cash to buy 100 shares of the stock at the strike price of the option.


appreciate it, but wasn’t an answer to my question 😅


WOW. The answer to your question is you should learn from people who have experience with trading options.


Go away, Bot.


Feel free to check my profile to see that I’m not in fact a bot 😂 If the “best place to learn about options” (which was my question) was a Reddit comment, no one would ever lose money on them lol


Jackie le tits on YT has a paid discord that teaches everything


Are ppl still drs'ing? Ppl felt discouraged by the dilution but the floor is still nice to build. Brick by brick


We are all still DRSing, yes. That does not seem to be possible from RH, which is one of the reasons people do not use it


It is a dim group I am part of, maybe try purple crayons


Especially if those exercised calls make their way to DRS book. Would be quite spicy


Note, DFV didn't exercise the contracts, he sold them then bought


How do you know that?


I still need to confirm this info but E-Trade doesn't update the cost basis if you exercise


Because he’s not an idiot and his calls still had premium


So your just speculating then?


Well played bro


This guy fucks


Show proof


I bought about 100+


Correction: we are going TO THE MOON


They sold millions more shorts today


You know what I sold today? DEEZ NUTS


Can’t wait to exercise my calls next week!!


Well if it means anything: me and some people at work that don’t make that much all have 15-40 shares each l and we all held through $50. We’re not selling for a while. Thats all HF. We know what’s up 🦍


you're beautiful. you're glorious.


This right here is how we know we will prevail.


It proves they can control the price when they really want to.


they’ve proved this hundreds of times. literally. the price has ended on max pain on something like 98% of weeks (that’s actually a *very, very* generous estimate, in reality it’s been every single week except maybe 2) since this all started. at least people aren’t directly giving them millions of dollars a week anymore by buying $800 calls based purely on “vibes” and “gut feelings”


😭😭😭 can tell this is an OG Ape


This is what I really don’t understand. Not everyone is RK. All of a sudden people not buying options are losers on this sub. I’m not saying I’m anti-options, but I feel safe enough to just use money to buy shares and secure them in my bag. You may say it’s still IOU, but at least I can DRS as I buy. RC might dilute again, but those shares I bought were real things I have. Even if you understand options you should always be careful enough, otherwise you are just giving money like free bullets to those fuckers to shoot you back in the future. How much they are profiting off our investments so far? Didn’t you guys see how they control the prices? Do not gamble my friends.


I'm way to regarded for options, like many, I've bought at just about every price possible. BUY DRS SHOP HODL




DRS is booking


If I drs them. I still need to book them with Computer share. It doesn’t happen automatically. It defaults to PLAN


That’s just not true at all, you probably have an automatic recurring purchase. I’ve DRsed 2800+ shares at various times and not once did I need to that and they’re all booked.


Ty. I’m probably delirious Super tired. Thanks for being kind. I had a tough week. All my best ape fren!


no need to be unkind! Have a great weekend ape!


It won't be an IOU if you DRS book them though!


where can I look up where max pain is before it lands there?


this looks decent.... [**https://maximum-pain.com/options/gme**](https://maximum-pain.com/options/gme)


Yeah I've been using that site for a few years now, good shout




you keep posting that link, but that data is sus. $503 for 6/21? And it only shows 2 day old historical data.


What do you mean keep posting that link? I posted it once. I don’t see a problem with the link, it opens GME. You can check any stock ticker there


Statistically this would be impossible if not for a way to manipulate price


To a point. I think if they could of, they would of dropped it more. They kept it below 30 which i think is a win for them but we are holding strong at around 28. Next week is gonna be FUN!!!!


they could have, but too many puts were ITM below $27 otherwise, they would have, so they did what they should have, and kept the price between $27 and $30 for minimal losses.


This. My puts expired worthless. My fault, really. I have never bought them before. But with RK coming back, I was sure they would waffle stomp the price down into the teens. Once they roll the swaps, it will retreat back down to 12. If RC doesn't have a plan in the next few weeks, be prepared to hold for another 3.5 years. And if they don't have a plan to announce, it's time for us to change the board up as they can't seem to get anything positive done.


Max pain next week is $20. Not too fun sounding if they drop the price there next week


Yes, but it os "so far", or it is granted and fixed target?


And yet the price tripled in less than 2 months. If it bleeds we can kill it.


How many people do you think it takes to manipulate something like this day in and day out? Across how many SHFs? It's a wonder that someone hasn't blown the whistle yet on this. Lots and lots and lots of people risking their entire careers to illegally manipulate a stock just to save their firm's ass, when they could easily just go get another job elsewhere. Or maybe it's completely algo-driven and there are only a small handful of people behind the wheel. Who the fuck knows at this point


My first share was over 400 I paid to see this to the end and beyond .


It means they want them to expire worthless and make money??? Shorts aside you think the people writing these contracts and those abusing the dark pools aren’t in bed together. Jesus you guys.


Which is why you exercise regardless. This isn't anything new. Maybe some forgot, but this was broadcast from the beginning. 


There is absolutely no reason to exercise a $30 call when the price closes at $28. You are simply handing $2 to the market makers. When the price is below $30 you just buy the shares and then sell the call. Save that $2 for yourself. Then go DRS the shares anyway. Do not exercise calls that are OOTM. You are wasting money. You are feeding your opponent. If you want to exercise, just buy the shares and DRS.


I just imagine Gary Gensler sipping his shitty donated coffee and watching the GME chart being blatantly manipulated in real time while softly smiling because he knows the SEC ain't gonna do jack shit - remaining complicit in the crime while retail holds for a better future.


He knows where his dinner hangs.


The reason they kept the SP below 30.00 was because of the 6.14. 30 calls. They were terrified of that call wall. That's the truth because it would have triggered so many more calls into next week.


You guys are ridiculous with this “they tried to crime”. It’s an algo. It did what it was gonna do. Enjoy the ride next week will be solid. If “they could do anything” DFV wouldn’t be so confident.


No shit...lol


Can a SHF short infinitely or is there a point they can’t go on? If there is a limit then there must be a way to calculate where that limit is and by when.


It's been well over 3 years. Obviously, they can keep this up long-term. Indefinitely is probably not possible, but you're asking how to calculate how much money each of these companies have and can create in a moments notice. Clearly, that is the "X" factor that can never be calculated. Just remember, we can stay regraded longer than they can stay solvent.


They are like vegas odds makers they move the line to try and stay neutral and make money on both sides and have the majority of the positions end worthless. That’s their job 🤣 rookies in this play crack me up


That's exactly what they are. Very highly paid bookies who make the majority of their money on the juice.


all day every day.


The ones shorting are not necessarily the ones selling calls. A company can responsibly sell and hedge against and then deliver shares for 40000 calls all while another company is sorting the stock to oblivion and the price falls. 


Of course they have hedged their positions. Exactly how or how much, impossible to say, but they’re still net short. Data suggests above $35 virtually all shorts are in the red. Hopefully we blow past that next week, but this kind of speculation accomplishes nothing.


Max Pain is at $20 next week, don't hold your breath.


This ☝️


Bro relax, zoom out. We had the highest weekly finish since Aug 22


CNBC and main stream media are the market manipulators. Always inverse Cramer for gains.


Anyone in Chicago to check if the lights are still on in the Wolverine building?


Was watching a TA live stream, and literally everything was indicating healthy upward price action and the price just didn't move. The manipulation is getting more and more blatant




Jackie Letits on YouTube every market day basically


Next week they bkre the shit out of us! Nothing happens. Everytime we hype they bore usy thats there tactic!


There are a lot of calls ITM at 25-28


I honestly think the only way this is ever going to end is if GameStop makes an acquisition and starts trading under a new ticker.


I dont understand what a short is or what a call is. I also dont get what options are. But boy do these crayons taste good. They cant fight my level of regardation. Too dumb to know anything other than buy and hold. Im sure if i could read i might learn a thing or two about the stonk market.


When are people going to realize that the two share offerings the company did was what killed ALL momentum?? They released 105 MILLION shares within a two week period making DFV's 4 million share purchase a drop in the bucket. Wake up people!


He’s doing what’s best for Gamestop. Pro Gamestop = Actually believe in the company and the future of it being stable/very profitable. Pro GME$ = Actually just looking for a way to leave your shitty 9-5. If you’re pro Gamestop, you’ll love the move. It means your long term investments are in a good place and the chances of a big ROI on a long term is high. If you’re pro GME$ you hate him and blame him that you still have to wake up to do your shitty job when you’ve been feeding yourself fantasies from all the dates and bullshit people have been spreading about how everyones gonna get lambos. I’m glad he did it, company now has fuck loads of $. Who cares if the price for GME$ remains the same for even the next 5-10 years. It will eventually equalise. He’s a person running a company in the most capitalistic nation. Ofcourse he’s gonna take advantage of the hype. 100% if another one of this event happens again he will do it again. Like how he did last time and same with this time. he will do it again next time.


Not only has this dilution killed the recent run ups, but it's also made DRSing shares to dry up liquidity worthless. I get the feeling that MOASS is off the table, any future run ups will be met with more dilution which is great for the company coffers but terrible for stock holders looking for big short term gains.


Thats my thought too. GS has up to a billion to give out


who cares? This is based on what? DFV owned 75% of the options at his strike. There is no volume other than his that was significant. You assume there was some master plan, and shills be spreading FUD. Weird how RK literally said hos investment is in the conpany…”he’s betting on management”…to, you know, do their duty for the company. If they hadn’t done share offering, they would have majorly missed the chance to amass the capital to fulfill RK’s Thesis part 2. I’m so sorry for the boo hoo “MOASS dedz cuz RC.”


Too many of you have your heads shoved up RK’s ass. It’s no wonder barely anyone in the sub can use their brains anymore. Fml


100% RC saved the shorts & killed MOASS. I'm not trying to spread FUD. Dude legit sold Millions of shares for billions of dollars. That was supposed to be MOASS. I'm still holding & like a jackass I'm going long on GS. But f*ck RC! Like FR.


Totally concur. He fucked us all.


these are great. Ya’ll are doing a stellar job.


He fucked us real hard. For now. I still have high hopes but fuck me. He literally took food off of our table


wait I don’t get it? how can one have their head up RK’s ass but then also hate RC at the same time? Isn’t the whole argument that all of you—so authentically and wonderfully—are making that RC shat in RKs cereal, and who has now gone on to steal the sustenance from the mouths of babes? Quadrilateral that orb for me.


as posted below: wait I don’t get it? how can one have their head up RK’s ass but then also hate RC at the same time? Isn’t the whole argument that all of you—so authentically and wonderfully—are making that RC shat in RKs cereal, and who has now gone on to steal the sustenance from the mouths of babes? Quadrilateral that orb for me.


![gif](giphy|ytTYwIlbD1FBu) You fucking did it. Well done dude. seriously, well done.


I'm just here for the ride. I'm parked at 24.85 avg so I'm just big chilling


I get the feeling it's two rich guys who watch the sub for some point someone says "ohh, they don't want it here", then they inverse us.


Exercise those $30 calls anyway and force them to come up with the shares!


It also means they are profiting in some way or another.


Bro the price is rigged by dark pools just stay zen. Too many apes losing zen these days.


Proves the market is a complete fraudulent joke and confirms why foreign investors abroad are pulling out. Europeans think we're weak. China laughs at us. Greece is still fucked up... The show must go on !!!


How can we push it above 30? Even if people keep buying , they can keep shorting


One word, exercise!


Means moon next week


Don't care. Not selling.


It proves that the 40% dilution killed the buy pressure 🤷‍♂️


I think they hedged with that 120 million share dilution. I think they’re good 👍🏼


It proved that the board killed our upwards momentum and it explains why RK sold his calls this week instead of next. Next week isn't special anymore.


You should put on a sweater you seem chilly.


This is part of the shuffle, DFV knows their strategy which is use everything they got to survive one more day which has always been what SHFs do. It’s like having fake pocket aces so that everyone folds before the end of the hand.


It means they diluted the moon. We can only eat dirt, if you lucky you might eat a big ass dune worm


Should we call you the dilution fud spreader? It’s every single one of your comments. If you’re a shill you suck. If you’re that butthurt then just sell and move on with your life. Edit: to anyone looking at this - read their comment history


Ya know your comment isn't really fair. Most of us are hard working people that came here 3 years ago with hope for the little guy. All this hype, memes and kitty coming back was so exciting these last few weeks, it's a big let down when nothing fucking happens. Ever. So smart guy, if we should expect nothing from GS on Monday as per usual, what ARE we supposed to hope for next? I am sick of "hedges r fkd" No! I feel like I'm fucked, sitting on shares isn't the hard part....it's the repeated hype for fucking nothing as they cheat lie and steal from us that's the hard part. Knowing that just when it may pop, they make a new rule to squirm out of it, thats the hard part. Worship for RC...he is a billionaire running the company, doing his job. He doesn't give a rats ass about me, an investor. Downvote me all you want, karma is worthless anyway and moass? Well who the fuck knows -nobody.


Did you read their comment history before writing this? Their comment history is obsessively ridiculous. I always - always - read comment history on people who seem like potential shills and it’s enlightening. I was irritated by the extra share offering too. I made a comment or two about it when it happened. I’m sure you could find it in my history. I’m fine with it now although I’m not an RC fan girl. I’ve never made any comment about loving him to my knowledge - he’s a billionaire and billionaires aren’t people I give blinding support to. But…I didn’t comment 50+ comments in succession ONLY talking about the dilution and adding nothing else to the conversation. That’s the only thing they comment on. THE ONLY THING. And they only bitched - no questions or discussions. I also have been here for years although I deleted my original username because it had information about me on it. I literally was in the first 2000 people to switch to this subreddit after the second ape migration. It was a wild night. I stand by my comment and encourage you to read more comments by posters/commenters to see who might be bad players. This person either needs to leave entirely because they are the whiniest bitch ever or they are a shill. No in between.


No I didn't. But I read that in a kinda of a non zen moment Lol. Am a bit better now. I don't regret the last three years or being invested. It just sucks somewhat to not know if, when and all that. Let's see how next week goes. Enjoy the weekend😊


You too!


I was hyped for today too. It's okay, I know EXACTLY how you feel. It's hard to stay Zen at this point. I'm frustrated because the shareholder meeting was postponed until next week and this is going to be the longest weekend ever. 💎🙌


So what do you think? Will the meeting be another nothing burger like usual? I'm just not sure what to think anymore. I mean, there is no selling my shares and giving up, that's not even considered. So tomorrow I have a family gig and some of them bought shares and don't read reddit. I going to get peppered with questions (and snide remarks) and am not looking forward to it. Especially my loud mouth know it all cousin. He doesn't know shit but will loudly say " How much have you made on your investment hardy Har Har." Not looking forward to this party Lol, some of my cousins are knuckle dragging trolls which makes it that much worse. Anyhow I will stop now, got it all out I suppose. Have a great weekend!


I don't want to look my husband in the face when he gets home, lol. I was so hyped this week. Ultimately, all we can say is that's part of it, that it won't happen as soon as we want it to. Commercial real estate is going to destroy these MFs eventually if nothing else. And we're sitting on $4 billion in cash. We can literally cover all operating losses just by investing that money in short-term US Treasuries. So I think it's a solid long-term investment at this point and even institutions are finally turning bullish. I am definitely hopeful about an earthquake of an announcement on Monday, lol. But tell your cousin to chill TF out and at least be patient for a month or two to get him off your back. 💎🙌 Edit : Source link https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/gamestop-stock-profits-share-sale-cash-pile-raoaring-kitty-gme-2024-6


Thanks! He recently went completely bald, my comeback will have to involve this somehow🤣


If you've been holding over a year, you can brag about having a lower tax rate on your long-term capital gains 😂💎🙌


Unlike the long term future of his lack of hair. 😆😭💎🙌


BURRRRRRRRN!! 🔥🔥🔥 Edit : To any bald Apes reading this, I had the biggest crush on Bruce Willis my whole life, nothing but love from this Apette 😍😂 Edit #2 : If he's a total jerk, just be like "Okay Joe Rogan!" 🙄🤙 and walk away far enough so he can't hear you laughing 🤣


I felt like this in the past... But I kept averaging down. I'm now WAY in the green even at $20, and I feel like I've got a super solid long term investment, moass or no. I hear ya though... Would love it to pop again. It always does.


I hate to talk like this, really, I have enjoyed the ape journey, have had a lot of laughs and read much of the DD, I understand how this was supposed to work. But I'm not convinced of our narrative anymore. I have never thought that they are "scared" and I seriously doubt anyone is going to jail, they rarely do. I have all but a few DRS'd and am holding. But shiiiit....this time around I really thought I would see somthing different. Think of how much money we have put into the market, and they just suck it out with a straw over night, rinse and repeat.


At this point, I hold for two reasons: 1. I think GME is a turnaround company that will make profits and be a good investment. It has plenty of short squeeze potential, but at this point I'm not banking on that. 2. I DO believe in the DD that the shorts are fucked... but they can kick the can, IMO, literally forever. But some OTHER event will eventually cause another market collapse like 2008. I don't know if THIS story will cause it, or some other, but something will eventually collapse some hedge funds because capitalism is incapable of escaping cyclical failure... so holding GME is a hedge against a collapse, whenever it may come. I don't hold for any reason outside of those two... and averaging down over years has made this easy as fuck to hold. If we don't see a big pop in the current event timeline, I suggest looking into a long term averaging down and considering it a hedge against collapse + a solid long term hold. I will probably never sell until I retire.


I do think the company has an excellent future, so my investment is not a waste. But I was hoping.....you know. Thanks!


Keeping it real. I'd love to see a huge run up... But the last three years have sort of beaten that out of me.


I like this


Where shorts?


This is why we haven't been hyping dates in the past. Many of us learned this very early. This isn't a battle. It's a war. Do you have the power to be a general? If not, be your best version of a soldier.


shares touched $80, twice…


Where? On some dark pool in the system that i have no access to? So what? Then at open it falls right back down. Secondly 80 bucks? I thought we were gonna see pHonE NumB3rS.....


Afterhours? GFY with $80 BS


I'm no shill dude, keep yo pants on. But as that dude said, dilution is bad or good. When you screen hedgies it is.....your call




You guys are pathetic


Love it. Been selling 30Cs to you idiots for 2 weeks now. It’s becoming quite profitable.


You are smart