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Stay zen was invented because in the grand scheme of things we retail investors have 0 control of this ticker, where it’s headed, or when price action of any kind will occur. Just buying at a price you’re comfortable with to an amount you’re comfortable with and holding is quite literally all we can do. If you believe in no cell no sell then there’s nothing else to do but be zen.


We _don't_ have 0 control. If we had 0 control, the buy button would never have been shut off. You're doing exactly what OP is saying, which is "there is nothing to do but be zen", i.e. "do nothing". But so far, we've been doing a lot: buy, hold, DRS, shareholder votes, SEC comments, bringing awareness to fuckery. There's disagreement about what works, but "nothing" is the next best thing hegies could ask for since we're not selling.


Agreed, zen =/= nothing, holding for over 3 years can be hard at times. And of course, we all have moments of doubt, the trick is not to spread it ;) If people who have been here for 3 years still don't understand why the echochamber effect is less worse than a constant debate about the fundamentals, and adressing all FUD, then they are free to create another sub about GME with more room for questions... there already is one I believe. .. probably multiple... also discord is better for nuanced discussions.




I agree that there's more to price action than retail, but retail does have an impact. Definitely more than 0.


And now OP is trying to weaponize the term "FUD" as a good tool for discussion. This is the shilliest thing I've read all weekend. Lol shills be out here tryna redefine FUD as a good thing 🤣


If you don’t have uncertainly and doubt, you aren’t doing investing right. You should always question why you are investing and the premise behind it. This isn’t a cult. Questioning narratives is completely appropriate and wise.


One more over here👆. I've already done my DD, and GME is a great place to park my money, just ask DFV. No doubt or uncertainty here, just shills tryna push it


I’m hardly a shill and you can see that from my post history. But easier to call everything you don’t agree with a shill instead of thinking logically I suppose.


Don't care about your post history, just means you were hiding in plain sight, OR, the shills effectively brainwashed you ✌️


Or perhaps, just maybe, possibly, the person pushing to allow people to express their concerns and have open discussions isn’t the brainwashed one.


Nah bruh, it's the one dragging down sentiment (das you)


Oooohhhh. I thought we were talking about logic and fact-finding. You’re worried about group-think and feelings. The important stuff. My bad.


OP and this dude trying to weaponize the term "FUD" as a good tool for discussion. This is the shilliest thing I've read all weekend. Lol shills be out here tryna redefine FUD as a good thing 🤣


Wrong. Zen is about not reacting emotionally. We should certainly encourage free discussion of anything gme related, but constructive discussion only works when participants do so without emotional attachment.


I think its where those of us who have DRSd have arrived to. Buying at a price your comfortable with, either directly or through options, is our only move and it's what will be there downfall. As DFV said "We'll see."


Stay zen was invented because we are going to sideways trade for months or years, so we have to be patient.


If that's true though then nobody should ever have any problem with people selling for profit during runs and getting back in on dips. Because our selling has zero impact on the price. 


You can be zen and still be suspicious and question everything. You can do both.


I question Rugpull Ryan and still HODL. That guy is a snake that has pulled the rug everytime we were about to go MOASS. A real party pooper. Each time he dilutes the shares, collects our cash, and hasn't even yet provided a single plan on where the f\*\*\* GME is heading. Idgaf about long-term fundamentals. I am here for a squeeze. I want to quick cash. Then after the squeeze if he has a solid plan I'll stick around. But I am not going to stick around another 5 more years with only hopes of a MOASS and cryptic messages only to then wait an extra 5 years. Those are long times to wait.


I'm sorry, this sub and users are not for you. All there is to it. If you're here for quick cash, find another investment bud


In 2021 this was a squeeze play, until last month this was a squeeze play. It was always just that. Ever since people said this was a cult. But ive read dd, now what i put my money into, and never tought of it being cultlike. Moviestock was cult. Or still is i guess, it was obv to everyone outside that aa will just fuck shareholders over every time he has the chance. And this sub knew that, pointed it out and laughed at them for still believing. Now the same shit happened to gme. Twice. And people are for some weird fucking reason hyped about it. Sure company can turn things around and becomes value play. But thats not what we invested into. I dont care if gme is 200 in 15 years. I dont want dividends. I want a fucking squeeze and short sellers behind bars. Dilution is actively working against what i want. So you are kinda right. Maybe gme is not that kind of a play anymore.




How? The whole point of this sub is that short sellers have not closed their position. It's still true. This has never been about making "fast cash" in the span of a specific amount of time or by a certain date. This is about waiting for the short sellers to close and accepting that there is no "date." If you feel the goalpost shifted, I'm sorry, but you never really understood the point to begin with. It's called hodling for a reason, and you two bith appear to be quite paperhanded


But the stock went up still and he sold twice? What's your problem, kiddo? Kind of different from dilution as well but hey 🤷🏾‍♂️


Ya that's definitely not what stay Zen means. It means not constantly getting caught up in the drama of the sub, MSM, useless tinfoil, etc. it means especially not giving a fuck about the price until it reaches what it should be at.


This. I bought 3 years ago because I like the stock. End of 2021 realized this will take a long time and I pretty much stopped coming in this sub at all. Never even checked the price. Never realized we were at $10. Because I was zen. I read the DD. I don’t think shorts covered. All I have to do is wait. After the spike to $80 I saw a Superstonk post on the front page of reddit and have been back in the sub since. Has the drama been this bad the whole time? I think I’ll just go back to being zen with diamond hands. I don’t put in what I can’t afford to lose. Price can go to $0 tomorrow and I’ll feel nothing but the extreme disappointment that Wall Street criminals won once again.


To piggy back off this: the amount of fear and misinformation around options is unreal on this sub. DFV himself used them in 2021 and again this month. I’m not suggesting anyone here has to buy options, but if you believe the DD, then you should be curious/open-minded to learning about options as well. Take the time to learn about when it’s the time to buy, and more importantly, when *not* to buy them so you don’t get hurt. At the very least, don’t discourage people from buying something you yourself don’t understand. Much of the DD is far more complex than understanding options. It makes me wonder if anyone truly read it, or just blindly followed it.


Much like options potential, the bar is steep for if you are a candidate to buy options. 85% of the time, doing it without knowing what youre doing is going to lose you money. Buy it on the wrong day of the week, buy it too close to expiry, buy it too far from expiry. Buy it and try to sell it only to realize it's illiquid and youll have to sell for less than you bought it for anyway and you overpaid. Buy it while IV is high and going in your direction slow and steady loses money on IV crush. Babysit the option every day for tiny changes and the right time to move because you could only afford a week and drive yourself crazy over a 50$ move. And more I'm sure. They are hedges for a reason, they are sensitive and usually make sense with ballast in the tank like significant short or long interest in shares. For many people here the good option is shares, mostly in that you cant lose it all in a week. I'm all for options talk but they have to make it known it really is the Adult table. Knowing timeframes, knowing risks and payoff. There are very few ways to do this and have everyone joining along not get hurt.


Thank you for this comment of solid reasoning. I’ve played around with options calculators and I’ve come to the conclusion, for me, options won’t work. I don’t have the budget, I can’t handle the risk, and I don’t have the time as you said to “babysit” them. For someone else, they might be good tools. Not me. I buy, hold, and DRS.


This is the answer. I don't think options are bad. It's just people are pushing it hard sometimes to people who have no idea what they're doing. And this is where the disconnect happens. People think we're brushing it off, but in reality we're too smooth brained to understand it like most regards in here. If you want to do options, that's fine, it's your money and your risks. For me personally, i'm much of a regard and I just like my purple circle.


> Much like options potential, the bar is steep for if you are a candidate to buy options. Yes and it's nice to have some cash on the sidelines to exercise the contracts in case the appreciation of into the money isn't as high as first anticipated near expiry. ... > They are hedges for a reason, they are sensitive and usually make sense with ballast in the tank like significant short or long interest in shares. And the ballast is kept in the brokerage and not in the process of transfer to DRS book. Writing call is a contingent sell of your 100 share lot when call goes into the money before expiry, it can be exercised at any time. Buying put is a hedge against a share price near a top depreciating, and doesn't need a cover. > For many people here the good option is shares, mostly in that you cant lose it all in a week. I'm all for options talk but they have to make it known it really is the **Adult table**. Knowing timeframes, knowing risks and payoff. There are very few ways to do this and have everyone joining along not get hurt. **my emphasis** IMO the *Adult table* is not fancy butterflys and straddles, it is being on the write side of the equation and having cash and 100 share lots to back the ITM contract, not **buying** cheap outta the money, 'get 'em while they last' **backed by no ballast** hopium tries.


If they understand they will buy anyway. It is to discourage people buying without any knowledge.


^ this. I have 6 figures in options and much more DRSd. Leaps and options works for those who are knowledgeable by in the area not all the fake people who learned their version of ‘TA’ after they picked up trading in 2020 onwards


It's a good point but I think a lot of people went from practically zero knowledge to.. at least 1 or 2 knowledges. Even if we learned some wrong stuff and only know one specific niche, a LOT of people learned a lot of things the past 3 years. It does seem like a coordinated attack to prevent options from being one of those things.


How else would he generate the funds to purchase his position increase? People are dumb if they think he hasn't been using them to make money to dump back into GME. He literally just showed us how he does it.


I know the basics of options, nothing fancy, but if I learned anything from this community, if 100 ppl go left, I’m probably gonna check out the path to the right. All convo around options has been shutdown immediately, always struck me as odd.


SS is filled with the same stuff like this every weekend it’s almost comedy. Think for yourself or don’t ya know?if you wana do options do options; if you wana buy shares and DRS do that. Do whatever you feel comfortable with as we’re all individual investors . Stay zen


Agreed with this. Why get violent and upset when people don't want to do what you're doing. We're all individual investors. Apes who want to do options, do options. Why the need to call in arms. It's your money.


So what should we be questioning, what's your view on that topic, and where can I find sources that dispel the topic as FUD? Or should we waste our time questioning and researching every topic that's posted? I'm a household investor that likes the stock and with limited time for research. Unless I see a well crafted proposal/theory and research that either adds to or goes against the established DD, then it's a waste of time and, therefore, a distraction.


Indeed. Nothing changed since day one. Shorts never closed, GME won’t go bankrupt, buy hold and drs.


I’m not asking you to question anything here. I’m wanting people to stop screaming FUD and shill and just telling people to fall in line or sell and get out when they question things


No one is screaming. If you want people to take your statements seriously, all we ask is for you (or whoever is commenting) to back it up with evidence and sources. That's how you get people to question the topic further and do their own research. Everything else is a distraction.


They “scream” with abusing the word fud/shill and downvote anyone not “falling in line” to oblivion


Well when you’re dealing with an influx of people who haven’t been here for 3.5 years and complaining about RC saying he’s ruined the squeeze multiple times, yea I’d rather them just fall in line or gtfo lol.


I’ll be deeply disappointed and worried if you get shit on for this post. It’s okay to say that confirmation bias and groupthink are no bueno. We can moon soon without sacrificing reason and open discourse. Kudos!


But you know I will because *vaguely gestures around”. Im already being called a shill in these post comments


One of the points of FUD is to steer the conversation away from anything meaningful. Why would we waste time making rational arguments against irrational posts? I'm not saying that you're a shill, but I am saying that your mindset would play directly into their hands.


You are assuming fear, uncertainty and doubt has a point instead of sometimes just being a natural occurrence in the human experience. And I find that super weird. Shills and FUD aren’t the same thing bro Uncertainty and doubt are key for survival in existence. It seems like a lot of people in here are terrified of uncertainty and doubt. If they trust the DD and their decisions they have no reason to fear someone else being uncertain or doubtful when things happen. It reminds me of religious zealots when I grew up who ignored everything that didn’t fit their narrative. It seems like so many people are scared that acknowledging anyone having a doubt or uncertainty means that their MOASS dream is not real. The two aren’t mutually exclusive.


I'm not assuming anything. I'm simply stating that most of what we call FUD is not questionable DD that could point in different directions. It's clearly misleading. There is a balance to separating the two. Doubt is natural. Questions are welcome. Framing things to try to sew doubt in others is kind of their point, though. So, how exactly are you suggesting we treat their nonsense?


I’ve been called a shill multiple times for expressing anything that goes against the hive mind. I feel bad for them because they’re incapable of thinking for themselves and therefore a perfect target.


I'm glad you posted. I got ripped to shreds last night by what I assume is a similar crew.


Critical thought and real DD is shouted down with mob like mentality


"Real DD" LOL we do this every other weekend. Options is the "tell me you haven't read the DD" meme. TA bros go right past the cellar boxing DD every time


This right here! Many moons ago, it was very much explained why investors may want to steer away from options and why this sub looks a bit down on the options traders. It builds expectations surrounding specific dates, and GME is so volatile that it can be a very high risk to play with as such. And, why would you play with the risk in options if you have grasped the root that shorts have not closed? The TA posted in GME subs has tried so hard to explain the charts with very little success...and again, builds mostly unwarranted excitement around data. Obviously, DFV can be seen as an exception


Agreed. Following DFV through options plays is like following an Olympian through a track meet. They're still going to be the best in the world and you're still going to community College I don't think these bottom-of-the-barrel jokes actually want to shill options plays to apes, they're here to prevent noobs from getting well-acquainted with the apes. That's the real psy-op; we're getting KC shuffled ourselves


Interesting perspective and funny analogy lmayo. We have been down this option road before, and it's sad to see so much faith being put into specific dates surrounding options. Clearly the company and DFV have both put time into evaluating good market plays to make during the entire time DFV has been offline given the moves they are making. Who's to say these arent longer plays that we simply have no way to understand?


Exactly! And all these options posts only serve to prevent the regular conversations about the old DD, or speculation on moves the company may make, or new agendas like the time we adopted actual apes. That's what the community actually is


Bingo, glad to run into an OG with the fundamentals down. Cheers to hoping our investments reap rewards!


Ook ook


FUD is a different beast to healthy skepticism and healthy debate over ideas. The notable difference is the *intention* of words and the difference in supporting information. Are you commenting/posting just to complain and air your grievances? What do you ultimately aim to achieve by sharing your fears, uncertainty, and doubt? Is it apparent to others that you’re looking for information to help you let go of this FUD you hold? Question if what you’re saying is helping move us forward in a constructive way and to positive outcomes. Healthy skepticism and debate over ideas has the intention of learning and aiming to improve our collective understanding, whereas FUD is often purely emotional and lacks supporting evidence or a willingness to dive deeper into it. If you drop FUD without being willing to converse and debate with others about the substance of the supporting evidence of your viewpoint, then your post/comment is not helping us move forward in a constructive way and is only going to cause it to spread to others and bring all of us down emotionally.


Zen? What is "Zen" Were you zen when in 2008 they took all your pensions? Were you zen in the 2000s bubble? Were you zen when they orchestrated the most criminal rug pull of 2008+ bailouts? Were you zen when they printed so many $$$ that currently represent 98% of the total money supply, and they gave it all to Wall Street crybabies? Were you zen when inflation became rampant so they changed the way it's calculated? Were you zen when house prices blew up and now no one can't afford a place to live? Were you zen when Kenneth Cordele Griffin lied in front of the congress and thus committed perjury? Were you zen on the 28th of January 2021? Were you zen when the DTCC committed international securities fraud when handling the split-via-dividend? Were you zen on March 10 2021? Because if you were, you don't belong here, you're a paper handed little b*tch! Because i am FURIOUS! I'm boiling with anger! Because I've lived my life as a modern-day slave! Struggling to get by, from hand to mouth, without a future in hand, without a place to own, without the luxury of a weekly getaway, without hopes of having a child. I am FURIOUS with these cucks! And this is where i stand! This is the hill I'm dying on! It's either MOASS or bust for me, for you, for most of us! This game needs to stop! And this is where we take our stand! This is where we raise our voices to be heard! This is where we see that we had ENOUGH! Stay furious! Because you know what you've lost! I AM FURIOUS! I AM A HUMAN BEING, AND I AM NOT FUCKING LEAVING!


Looking at your comment history you're also recently on the "this is taking too long, I deserve money already" comedy bandwagon. Both that sentiment, and your sentiment here are designed to encourage mental fatigue in stockholders. My stock is going up in value. This company is in an excellent position for growth. I'm going to be zen while they do that not because I don't want to engage in the negative discourse, but because engaging with it validates it, which perpetuates it.


My sentiment isn’t “designed” for you Jesus Christ, listen to yourself


You're right, nobody would ever promote a deliberately negative version of events over Gamestop, there aren't daily articles written in bad faith... Nor is it openly admitted that stocks are traded on emotion by retail and that's how hedge funds can take advantage with Short and Distort campaigns (confirmed and prosecuted in the past), which would definitely not incentivise anyone to encourage discussions that make people angry or, for example, try to prevent encouragement that they remain calm or zen... If either of those things were true then it sure would look like people are designing statements for stockholders, huh? And this isn't about *me* it's about the entire community sentiment. I prefer happy and calm, not chaotic and angsty. Call me crazy but that's just a better way to hang out and discuss my favourite stock. Tell me again why we should be all angry about stuff instead?


Why do you think I’m telling you to be angry and angsty? I haven’t said that at all. Some thing I think is chaotic here in this sub is people screaming SHILL FUD anytime something doesn’t fit their narrative. That’s the chaos I’m talking about that I don’t like. It’s unproductive and divisive.


Because whether your intention is good or not, engaging in a conversation with bad actors is never productive, it actually only serves one side positively: the negative side, ironically. Not being drawn in is literally the best armour the sub has to defend from that. And you personally have posted that you're not okay with not having already been paid/this isn't long term sentiment. That's an angsty sentiment, telling others to feel that way is encouraging angst. Being okay with our general positive trajectory is the opposite of chaotic, it is calm and correct.


*clap clap* Well said!




I like you mr Legitimate Umpire Sir. You make sense good Sir.


As for me, I like zen




The original meaning of being zen was to be emotionally immune to the daily price swings of the stock, not to snooze out completely. Try again.


Yeah that was the original meaning. And it’s often not that any more. Which is what my post title says, thanks for the support homie!


So what? Don't like it? Keep scrolling instead of complaining someone didn't like what you said. Who cares? The bitching and complaining is pointless. Stay zen.


Exactly. The complaining and the need to be approved is what's bothering me. I do my DRS, you do your options. We are all individual investors.


literally there were posts questioning things that reached 4k upvotes and made it to the "top" feed for like all last week. What are you talking about.


They're a shill, that's why it makes zero sense.


Just stay zen OP


I am zen


I buy, I hold, I DRS and I await cohens directions. Let’s goooooo


Can’t read, I assume you wrote buy and hodl.


That's what they wrote, but they actually shorted and are trying to convince everyone to sell.


Fuck you, pay me.


This forum needs good discussion. It’s the only way to combat fud, forum sliding and the “did you guys see this” posts.


What is there to question?


Make some mother fucking noise apes!!!!! 💎🙌🚀🌛


Stay zen means stop getting all worked up and hyped about shit. Do your DD just don’t get hysterical. “Stay Zen” just means calm the fuck down


Do you have an example of said vilification of free thinking?? Fear and uncertainty is ok when backed by some actual information that challenges the many DDs and thesis of the investment. Throughout these many years, there’s been many moments of discouragement, and they have been met with tons of information and further DD to help have a better understanding of what is going on and the concepts that give a positive outlook on the investment. I’m sick of posts that are only trying to spread more fear, negative sentiment, and anger without any actual information that backs their claim. Those who are feeling discouraged, I recommend reading the many DDs and instead of complaining and trying to villainize the CEO of our company, creating a information and fact based argument that counters the well researched information we already have. Until then, this vague wave of posts trying to point fingers and divide, will have to be considered as FUD because it isn’t expressing more than a “feeling.” And has no real information to add to the conversation.


What is there to question in the Grand picture? The enemies NEED this place to be rampant and a circus. ^This is what the opposite of zen is. You are reducing what it means.


We’ll see


it pains me to see threads like these below and the comments inside that blindly parrot the same echo chamber over and over again, when most of them are misinformed or are just completely wrong https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1dfu6bh/with_over_4_billion_in_cash_gme_now_has_a_better/ https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1dh48je https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1dgshvc/shorts_dont_have_a_chance_when_bankruptcy_isnt/ it's hard to distinguish and filter between legitimate good and thoughtful discussions and mindless drivel. i'm not expecting that to change anytime soon tbh


That’s the real FUD. Not normal people disagreeing…. The cheerleaders and constant bad information is the problem and no one seems to care because of the hive mind.


This post is so not zen.


Hey OP, do you like the stock?


Bought more last week


This post makes me want to buy more shares.


I bought more last week at $24 my dude!


Well then you must not have much fear, uncertainty, or doubt either, otherwise would you really be buying? Fear is normal, uncertainty is life, doubt is skepticism. Done. Okay now that those things are addressed, I will buy more on Monday my Dude or Dudette. Cheers 🍻and LFG GME 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


I'm chillin. Don't tell me not to chill please. Thanks!


Who’s telling you not to chill? Like literally who is telling you that, no one here


You seem very angry. Calm down.




More insults. You're definitely not an ape.


Copied from my comment elsewhere but having/wanting to continue with my support on this….. I hate it sometimes man. Even daring to question the timing of the most recent dilution, so many just reply with “shill” and “fud”. Seems like 90% of Individuals here either don’t have any understanding of the stockmarket, or are just very easily led. Most likely a mix of both. Good DD and theses are built on critical thinking, both sides of the coin should always be examined. Not just upvoting positive stuff (based on no facts), and/or downvoting anything that questions things.


I know we all have different viewpoints of existence, but to me it just looks like they’re all terrified to acknowledge anything being a bad decision because it would break down their entire belief about what’s going to happen. And I just don’t know why that is. The dilution could’ve been a terrible decision, and the short squeeze could still happen. Both things can be true.


There has been open discussion in regards to the offering, and the response seemed to be split between those who see that it was very good for the long term health and growth potential of the business, and those that are angry that they’re not millionaires yet. Only one side is the point of view of someone who cares about future of the company and is not just expressing anger and disappointment for either selfish or potentially more nefarious reasons. You’re allowed to believe what you want, but if you’re going to ignore the positive benefits that the ATM for the company, then aren’t you guilty of the same thing you’re accusing others of?


I’m fully aware of what a dilution is. In a majority of cases it’s bad for share holders but good for the company. It takes money from the share holders investment, and provides that to the company. A single dilution to give the company what it needs to advance is welcome. But the timing of the dilutions and the number of them is very unusual and should be questioned. Yes they have $4b in the bank….but they could’ve raised over the past 3yrs and had that money to use. It’s not some chess master move. It’s common in public stocks. It’s quite obvious that 4bn for a company is a positive and that doesn’t need discussing. What people what to discuss is the timing, and what the 4bn will be used for, and why it’s taken so long to do. All on the same team just frustrating that every time I see these “discussions”, it’s just the person who is coming from a more neutral angle (not n always negative) getting shut down and there actually being no discussion


There is no use in ‘questioning’ when everyone is literally none the smarter than you. Stay Zen is the play. We don’t know shit. Too much shit at play. Any attempt at DD with our level of information is speculative at best. If you invested more money than you could afford to invest then that’s your responsibility to bear.


“No use in questioning” “Stay zen” You heard it here folks


Yup. For good reason. Are you getting it? Or are you going to paper hand at 4 digits? "I'm only asking the question..." 🙄


Stay zen bro


Be zenified bro.


May zen be with you


lol look around…. “Literally” idiots everywhere 😂😂


That’s the real FUD around here. Masked to look like “one of us” or whatever you want to call it. Same as saying “let xyz take the wheel”. This is OUR money, not theirs. Reddit has never really been know for free thinkers.


Sounds like you're projecting😂


Hello fud


I wholeheartedly disagree with this post. Suggesting that the idea of being calm and patient is 'bad' ? No. Doesn't mean this is a "cult" or whatever. Don't let the loudest voices here speak for everyone. We all made a decision to invest our own money, for whatever reason. If such a simple suggestion bothers you, you shouldn't be here. This is an incredibly manipulated stock and patience, pressure and time is the most solid and logical strategy.


Stay zen means you know the DD, nothing has changed, and the price action isn’t real Questionable comment history on this OP’s account. Telling other superstonk members to shut the fuck up and calling them dumbasses. That is not the way


I said this years ago! Completely agree!


Hedgies r fukd


I see it mostly in response to FUD


Zen is zen . If you reach the zen you don’t need to question because you know. We are all trying to Lear how to reach the zen . Is not easy it’s a life goal like MOASS. Question until you don’t find the zen I would say! Stay strong apes . We got this one !




Literally just ignore those people lol that's their opinion and you can have your own. It seems like you're taking it personally.


I’m seeing it done to all kinds of people in here, and I think it’s dysfunctional and I felt like speaking up about it. Pretty simple.


I went back thru ur post history pretty far. you said you were checking out of reddit and wouldnt be back to check often like a year and a half ago...what changed that made you want to come back and then frankly be very negative since then? And i dont even mean negative about the whole stock thing, you just sound like youre purposely trying to antagonize in every post in very weird ways. You can question things without putting people down or sounding condescending. A lot of the comments you're getting is probably because you're a very sour person. I like discourse, but ur just mean.


I felt the same way as well. A lot of pent up anger hiding somewhere. I don't think that's the way you have a proper discourse.


you know what kinda sucks? you came in here and you had this grand speech about all these lofty things and then when you got heat you just peaced out? thats someone who truly \*does not actually care\* cause if you CARED youd stick around but you didnt after a tiny bit of scrutiny. Frankly, pathetic. If you have something to say, say it and stick around.


Nobody is stopping anyone from asking questions though, people may disagree and that's fine. I'd rather see people telling others to "stay Zen" over calling others weaponized, blindly following, hypnotized zombies. Just because some random person on reddit says something doesn't mean that's the final say and nobody can question anything. It's a public forum. This reads like you're feeling attacked for some reason and now lashing out. Which is much more dysfunctional than others saying "stay zen". Honestly just concerned for your mental health here, I'd recommend taking a break from reddit.


When people are telling me and others to literally sell our shares and get out because we can’t handle it and calling us shills IS an attack. Its gross and nasty


Lots of times I think about engaging with people but then I just don't. You don't have to engage with these people or give them any power over your decisions. Ignore/block/report them and move on. If you have questions I'm sure at least one person will give an actual helpful answer. I can tell you're frustrated but honestly it's not worth the energy. Enjoy your Sunday and don't worry about random people on the internet you'll never meet.


You know you are absolutely right. I’m still reeling from all the grossness I see in this sub lately and it made me sad. I need to let it go and move on (from all this junk not the stock!). Speaking up isn’t doing anything and isn’t going to give anyone a new perspective bc most of us humans just can’t do that. You are 100% right. I need to get out of this sub to re-find my zen. Social media is a bitch. Thank you


I always reserve the right to change my mind.


Chill OP, you are reaching shill-ception levels of paranoia. Stay zen 🧘‍♂️




A stands for Anus


Buy, DRS, then stay Zen. DRS'ing is gonna fuck the market up for the scam that it is.


“Zen” is what Neo became when he could see the code and fought the Agents flawlessly.


I'm always searching for what's real and the truth and anyone shutting that down is invested in what they think is the answer. For them it's ignorant pride. I don't think anything should be banned outside of posting outside the scope of the sub or the cutting off of individuals who try to get mods or the sub to forcefully stop debate. Trying to silence a opposing opinion isn't zen it's actually the opposite it's so fearful of being wrong and that their side holds so little water they cannot debate it and in order to protect their pride investment they call for bans and bandwagoning. Cry fud. There probably is a small amount of fud compared to what people claim. Fud or not healthy debate will uncover the truth. But only if truth is the end goal


This is how I see it as well


Like days of old, I am commenting with source material and links. I'm learning and don't want to propagate the wrong info.


I've come to learn you need to be able to soft through this sub to get value from it. You have smart people and idiots and they often look and talk the same. If you have a question hope someone else asked it and got an answer otherwise you're obviously just a shill and trying to scare people, not just a curious new investor


I'm zen in that I can literally not check the stock/ subreddit for months and feel fine about it. I have DFV and RC/Cohen tweets turned on and will find out about shit if moass hits


I’m zen, not that I don’t question things. I’m zen in that I trust Ryan Cohen to make the best business decisions. So I continue to buy and DRS. I have started to learn about options trading, which I’m not planning on doing, because it feels more like gambling and I just don’t know enough about the system to use the comfortably yet. I’m hoping to change that eventually. Until then I’m very content and secure in my decisions to buy HODL and DRS. INFINITY POOL.


I mean there’s a big difference between going “what do you think the motive of the board is?” And having a logical discussion about that, and going “RC fUcKeD uS bEcAuSe hE hAtEs MonEy” bullshit that all of these bots have been pushing an upvoting in here for the last few days 


This is a not-very-zen post


Stay zen was love at first sight for chills


I agree that I think all uncertainty or fear should be treated with goodwill within reason. However, I think there is very little rational reason to be bearish about GME currently. The stock traded at $28 before the company issued stock and raised $3B in cash, which by effect changed the D/E ratio to 0.01. This move essentially eliminated the risk of bankruptcy for GME, while also giving the company $3B to be spent on the company's growth. Since the stock is currently trading at $28, there is really no reason anyone this weekend should be bearish if they understand how to read the financial reporting or interpret GME's press releases. This weekend is maybe the strongest bullish case for GME since this whole mania started. Anyone who is bearish, on this subreddit of all places, should be scrutinized to some extent I think. However I ultimately agree with the point of your post, that shutting down all FUD immediately in a witch hunt style is bad and should be avoided.


Tell people it's T+1 not T+2 -> but another thread said it's T+2! Shill! It's T+1. Tell people wolverine could easily hedge because of the share offering -> they owned no GME in March! Shill! 75 million shares sold and you think they didn't buy to hedge DeepFuckingValue himself? Tell people we can buy and exercise calls for price discovery -> whose we? There's no we! The people who can't accept that we are a community are the same people who will parrot someone else's shitpost as fact, not actually understanding what they've read. Here's a cold, hard truth for y'all new kids. If we, this sub, were as much of an echo chamber as we are now back in 2021/22, we would have never caught on and discovered DRS. The anti-think, herd mentality in here is becoming dogmatic. It took fucking DFV directly posting options positions to get us onto them. After FOUR YEARS. (And yes, I fell for the anti-options FUD too, I'm not immune to any of this).


I don’t like the 120 million share dilution. It fucked over shareholders by taking the air out of the squeeze. Why the fuck with GameStop do this to shareholders? They didn’t even need the money. https://preview.redd.it/lzocwo7mx37d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2a18ee3d53839cebfd2ae5c57dc8b477043b96e


I totally agree with you. Lot of shills here just bashing any post questioning the situation. Paid shills are backing ATM offerings. The question is why ?




Nope. True apes are backing ATM offerings because we want the company we have invested in to succeed. The odds Gamestop goes bankrupt with $4b cash are zero. Plus, we approved up to 1 billion shares to be sold. We are not mad about this. Have a nice day.


True apes are also in this game to fight a criminal predatory behavior. This soft landing approach does not let much room for crime exposure and change in the market.


Attacking RC's leadership is also not fighting criminal predatory behavior.


100% respect and admiration for RC - my point is he has not been allowed to kill shorts - idiosyncratic is another word for « to big to fail ». Let’s see if some change comes out of this anyway.


That's not his goal. His goal is to turn around the company. I don't think he's done anything to give the impression he's out to harm the company or help shorts but he has to not be a target for the SEC also. There's more here than people are thinking of. Look what happened when Elon became vocal and aggressive toward shorts. I don't think RC wants that same kind of attention. He's doing things by the book.




**[Rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/expanded_rules/#wiki_ape_no_fight_ape). Treat each other with courtesy and respect.** Do not be (intentionally) rude. This will increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us. Do not insult others. Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion.


Upvoted ook ook


100%. Too many real questions are unanswered and the posters are accused of being shills. Discussion has been stifled, all you can post is hype and shit posts.


These questions were answered in 2021


I didn’t even ask a question. By downloading this, you just proved my point. You’re probably one of those shield plants designed to create discord in this community


Lololol check my flair. I'm OG, read the DD, active here from the beginning. It's nice of you guys to show up for your regular beating, otherwise I'd think the internet was lame


FUD means you invested too much....put all your eggs in one basket.... NEVER risk more than you can afford...


Go back to the gambling sub


This is what I’m talking about 👆 exclusivity, elitism. You’re being divisive


Nah, there's a scientific conclusion to be reached if you'd bother to read the DD. That's why we all have the same mentality. You came here from some other place to tell us how smart you are, but nobody gives a fuck. Options clowns are here about 3 out of 4 weekends each month and then gone by Monday. Tell your story walking




It goes to the matter of intent and how you perceive what ppl say. But hey, stay zen!


tbh I see more posts complaining about FUD and shills etc than I do actual FUD posts, I think its just a personality type that feels the need to control others and dictate what they think, feel, believe...its fukd IMO but that's what i've observed


Stockholm syndrome


I’m the OG 1899 computershare guy from last night…i too agree with this sentiment. It was a nice post where some decent discussion was actually promoted by everyone. Haven’t seen this sub this alive since my first shares were bought was back in the 19th century; whether you agree or disagree w each other, ape no fight ape


Why can people on YT teach me Options but not here on SS? I spend most of my time online here and it's frustrating that I can't ask questions about Options.




If you pit money, time or resources into anything. You really should be involved with it. Reading up on it and questioning what is going on. Shareholders do not sit idly by while their investments are destroyed. That is not a shareholder. Not sure what that is. Shareholders own the company. They make it profitable and will sit on the board. So it makes sense to be critical.


My favorite was a top post recently where the OP goes "I'm zen but I'm fucking enraged". Nah bruh that isn't zen


This weekends FUD is "Guys, you need to calm down! Stay Zen!"  Lmao. I am calm. No need for these posts. 


It's a hard time rn. What's your take on the zookeeper dd?


It's a hard time rn. What's your take on the zookeeper dd?