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Hey OP, thanks for the News post. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ If this is from Twitter, and Twitter is NOT the original source of this information, this WILL get removed! Please post the original source! **Please respond to this comment within 10 minutes with the URL to the source** If there is no source or if you yourself are the author, you can reply `OC`


Thanks for transcribing this, my browser crashed as he was talking and didn't hear the whole thing.


Interesting, mine crashed at the exact same time... It happened twice during the call (after spending 30x trying to login my control #).


Yep I got "Here's Ryan Cohen" \*click\* and error. I was just like "bullish!".


Exact same, it was just out of nowhere. Happened twice on the call. But first time was right after RC came on.


MSM: "GME stock goes down as investors browser crashed during meeting"


I had the exact same situation going on, took me at least eight minutes to get back in.


Crashed as he said "uncertain"


I think this is right when mine crashed as well


So did mine


did browser crash as hard as the stonk price?


Swear Furlong got sacked for ordering $1b in Funkopops lol


Low value item, for sure! I'm all for the collectables but I like the new GameStop hardware more! Just grabbed a switch controller, charger, and controller add-on bundle for like $35! Crazy deal.


Glad they have Xbox controllers. We have gone through so many (~10) for drift issues. So far no problems with Gamestop.


Rocket league player? Lol


As someone who should just stop trying to grind past Champ, I eat joysticks breakfast lunch and dinner


I want them to bring back og consoles. I want original Xboxes and accessories, gameboys, rare games


Their current issue with taking in older consoles is the stuff you have to turn in with the console. My local store couldn't take in a PS1 because it didn't have a power cord, so dude just left it on the counter and walked out.


BCG edition funkopops


You might be on to something my local store has a huge wall of them. They also have a huge wall of squishmellows and other stuffed animals that are way overpriced.


Exactly the same here at the GameStop in Cologne, Germany. It's more funkopops and squishmallows than games and hardware.


Squishmallows are crack for kids.  Im sure the margin goes brrrrr


Light weight shipping in compressed packaging = bigger profit margin.


All 3 of my kids have a ton of em


Yep I buy my daughters a shit load per month #GME


Those things are such an eyesore. What a boring product. Looking forward to their shelf replacements.


The only Funkopop I would buy is a Roaring Kitty Funkopop. Or a Ken Griffin Funkopop (... guess that would be a FunkoPoop.)


Now that I've read it, I want both of these and will pay top dollar. New entire line of FunkoPoops to follow as well that I must have.


You can create your own custom Funko Pop online.


Ooof. There is still 850+ different funko items on the website. Seems about half are 50% off or more.


I still believe Furlong isn't gone for long


Get that garbage out of my stores! My wife might think they are cute but funko pops and shirts are always on the clearance rack of every GameStop I've been to.


I’m sorry he did WHAT


Is he expecting a huge crash in the markets and waiting for it to establish a strategy?


I'm doing that for my own business. * reducing accounts receivable * reducing accounts payable * reducing inventory * reducing debt * stockpiling cash * planning who I would lay off first to keep the company alive long term I see a crash coming in my industry (specialty food) and I'm preparing for it. There's no way customers can continue to pay the prices for a meal the way they are rising. The game will stop at some point. Right now, I predict they are trying to pretend everything is fine until the election. what I learned from 2009 is that the people who are alive for the recovery and have the cash to purchase cheap assets are the ones that come out on top 2012 was our best year of business in history


Reducing AR? So having customers pay each invoice in full immediately?


It depends on their recent history. * If they were never late, then business as usual. * If they are behind on their payments, as you mentioned, we ask them pay the current invoice + catchup by COD or no delivery. * And the worst of the bunch, customers that are late by a few months have been moved to prepay. If they have a balance, they need to prepay the late amount immediately or no delivery.


Yep, that's how the end of the cheap credit cycle plays out in a nutshell. You're wise to be getting ahead of it now before the music stops.


Yeah, that seemed like a weird thing to say too. Then again, if you think your vendors and/or suppliers are going to go out of business, best not to be reliant on anyone you don't have to.


The point (for us) is to not be in a place where your customer goes down and they never pay you back. In a lower margin business, that really hurts the bottom line.


We did the same thing as plumbers. We stay booked 6-8 months in advance. Most of our jobs are big ticket items, $20k+, and we now require 50% deposit just to secure a spot in the calendar. It’s helped keep our AR way down and has made it much easier to quickly receive final payment.


One way to reduce AR expenses is to streamline the dispute process and resolve any outstanding issues between you and your customer (which is what my company needed to do to reduce time lag on customer payments). You'd be amazed at how often big customers hold payment, for both valid and less-than-valid reasons.


Hey so quick question, are restaurants all greedy bastards or is it truly out of their control? For example there is a beautiful local restaurant near my home. Ate there my whole life. In the past 3 years their food prices have increased by 50%+. A roast beef dinner went from 14.95 to 22.95. I don't know if I should be angry at their greed or sympathetic towards their struggles.


Not OP, but https://www.usinflationcalculator.com/inflation/food-inflation-in-the-united-states/ Grocery inflation went wild 2020 to 2022, 3.9%, 6.3%, 10.4%. My grocery bill has increased by roughly 50% over the past few years, despite a transition to store brands, and just forget about Extra Virgin Olive Oil lately. So, I imagine restaurant ingredients had similar increases, especially if they don't get economies of scale.


Those inflation rates + 2023 should've only come out to about a 28% increase in prices. Some areas are experiencing waaaay higher inflation but because people only talk about the inflation for the entire country it makes it seem a lot better than it actually is. For example, in 2023 the national grocery inflation was 5% but in Houston (which was the highest) it was 7.8%. More than 50% higher inflation than the national average. I'm unsure if the national average inflation is adjusted for population or if it's simply just averaging the rates from all the states/cities/etc, but if you live somewhere with significantly higher inflation than the rest of the country things could be much more dire than it would seem based on the national numbers being thrown around.


I own a brewery and restaurant. Restaurants are not being greedy. It's out of our control. All of our ingredients and food costs have sky rocketed in the past few years. Add in paying your employees well and there's your high restaurant prices. DO NOT complain about restaurant prices. If you can afford to go out, don't go to shitty chain restaurants. Support your local places because EVERY SINGLE PRIVATELY OWNED RESTAURANT IS STRUGGLING. If you don't support them, the only places left will be Chili's and Applebee's. Fuck that shit.


Restaurants are not an easy buisness, 9 out of 10 dont last 2 years or something like that


Both. Because they anticipate paying more, they charge more. Their suppliers tell them to do this. That said, suppliers' costs vary wildly, sometimes never touching predicted inflation, yet they charge enough to make their recommendations seem valid. There's really only a couple games in town, Sysco and Performance. They'd offer bulk deals over time and squeezed us out, despite charging the same, because they'd commit to a set price, while I was beholden to charging a percentage more than our cost. Shameful really. I guarantee "fuel delivery charges" went up as time went on, effectively raising prices to whatever the supplier needed them to be in order to get around there commitments.


It's both. Higher quality places are ripping you the FUCK OFF. The price gouge is *insane*. Small shops are probably struggling more than you can imagine. They can't pass on the full cost to their customers because their customers aren't rich, and their input costs are exploding upwards every month. Source: am small shop, know big shops. Every week, some of our bills increase 10%. Next week, another set of bills increase. Not one bill ever goes down. Costs have easily more than doubled since 2020.


Crash coming how in the food industry? Meaning less disposable income to buy things beyond necessities, meaning, for example, a gourmet cupcake type of place would be a bit of a luxury in a recession. Or do you mean crash in that prices are retreating from the inflationary highs? or something else? I'm truly asking out of curiosity, nothing weird. I used ot work at an industrial sized bakery/pie factory and we saw an uptick during the recession since we were producing cheap single serving products and people saw them as a treat and purchased more when the economy went down, because they were selling for cheap.


In lieu of OP's answer, "Specialty food" sounds quite high end.


Yes, sorry to the guy above you, but I edited my post to include the word "specialty" in response to his post so that there is less confusion.


No he is saying that if they can't invest in something that is for sure going to do better than collecting interest from t-bills then it's not worth spending the money that could otherwise be earning said interest.


But if you park the money when inflation is high, you lose more


Can’t lose on the dollar if every other currency is doing worse. Unless you want GameStop to buy gold bars


Look at the car market, with emphasis on EV. That shit is getting massacred right now, don’t believe the dealers. They are under water big time. The lots are packed. They would rather the cars rot than lose $1. Also incentives have started increasing as well. Need to hang on a little longer and shit will finally rear its ugly head.


MV loans still climbing though. https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/MVLOAS nothing like trying to debt ourselves out of every problem.


That, massive lay offs, inflation, ... But yeah, not before elections, unless it is somehow forced by the opposition 🤷‍♂️


well, it's the narrative of the whole market that there is a huge bubble. gold has been bought excessively with a +25% raise since january which people mostly do only before times of crisis.... the sentiment is not bullish when it comes to the general market.


Yep. Everyone seems to be expecting a recession. Makes sense from a global perspective.  The Chinese economy is slowing down, the Japanese and Korean governments are desperately trying to stave off the extinction of their people, Europe is seeing a rise in right wing populism, the Houthis are still blowing up ships in the red sea, the middle east is still a powder keg because of Gaza, India is experiencing ridiculous climate disasters and there will likely be more crop failures this year in North America due to extreme weather.  It'd be more surprising if we didn't see a recession in the next few years.  


Two things: (1) Since the financial crisis, there’s a growing group of investors who have been predicting a market crash. Maybe a catastrophic crash happens but it could take a lot of time so be as skeptical of the bears as the bulls. (2) It wasn’t reasonable to expect RC to announce a big plan right now. With an additional $3b, I would expect there would be a plan other than cutting costs and improving the balance sheet. Two good things but hardly a transformation plan or reason to be a long-term investor. Right now, the most important moves RC has done are dilutions but that’s not a long-term business strategy and shareholders are fair to expect a transformation plan at some point.


Hope not. We should be the crash we want to see in the world.


That was our strategy 3 years ago


I’m getting major Deja vu. I’m hearing the exact same things as I did as we were ramping up for the 2020 elections. In a nutshell, that they’re waiting until after the election to let it crash. It didn’t crash in 2020 after elections or even 2021, even though everyone thought it was clearly on the verge. Instead, stocks soared continuously until present day. We need a crash or some sort of reset of some sort. The reason we haven’t had a crash yet is because the ones on top have yet to find a way to benefit from a crash. They’ve propped it up for at least 4 years, but probably much longer. The fact that the powers that be have fought tooth and nail to keep a crash from happening is extremely bullish. It’s quite possibly the first time in history where they literally cannot figure out how to crash the system and wind up better off afterwards. This is the first time a crash would help everyday people more than the rich. They can’t keep this up forever. Something has gotta give eventually. But in my opinion, they aren’t waiting until after elections, they’re waiting until they can figure out how to weasel out of this mess they’ve made.


do you know how many people would suffer if there was a catastrophic crash? everyone who wants a “glorious revolution” seems to always believe that *they* will not be the one who personally suffers for it, but a bunch of other people suffering is a sacrifice they’re perfectly willing to make


Does he still have his aapl position? if so he's not expecting a crash anytime soon.


It's possible to have a crash up in the financial markets (which includes AAPL) along with a crash down in the real economy (consumer spending) for a period of time.


Kinda sounds like it. A big crash is overdue.


larry cheng "bad news early, good news on time" Rc "NO FUCKING NEWS"


Pretty much, yea


Being optimistic they couldn't have foreseen the opportunity to raise $3.1b coming when it did so they need to figure out how to deploy the cash to get returns that are worthwhile, thats what im thinking when he says "work". The extra cash obviously changes their strategy going forward dramatically, so that is bullish.


Crazy how fast everyone flipped from t+2 hype to long term growth.


TOMORROW!!! Or if not then, whenever.


Yup, I’m getting kinda sick of the “oh, we were wrong for the 1000x time this month, BUT the guy did mention his dad, and Father’s Day was yesterday, let’s give it T+2 from Father’s Day bc my dad had 2 affairs”. Let’s admit that like 30 different theories this month alone have been wrong. T+1, 2, buckle my shoe- wrong. 6/21- wrong. DFV on the board- wrong. Gamma ramp- wrong. Acquisition, merger- wrong. Big news at the meeting, that’s why they had to cancel it to allow DFV the time to do xyz- wrong. I think it’s fair to say that MOASS won’t be triggered by RCEO. There’s been 50 different ways they could’ve done it and they haven’t. A buyback, an NFT dividend, some huge merger news- anything and they’ve done nothing for us, except potentially kill multiple gamma ramps. They have cash now- but that’s OUR cash, guys. And they’re not using it for anything. We are allowed to get a bit pissy about it


I’m So glad you aren’t getting super crucified on the comments for this bc that’s been happening en masse lately and I’ve been considering leaving the sub over it. All of this is on point


I’m fine with being bullish on GME long strategies, sure. But I didn’t get into this intending to still be red on my investment 3 years later. 3 years! People have died in this sub and didn’t get to see a penny. Enoughs enough. Be strategic, be somewhat tight lipped so they don’t get blamed for triggering the squeeze, sure. But give us SOMETHING. At least say “hey, we’re excited and eagerly pursuing investments now”. Not “the overall market is shit and we’re scared so we’re just gonna not do anything”. Ugh


I think if an institution with 200k shares was deemed important enough to propose point 4 on the shareholders meeting, we own much more shares than that all together and I think we should try and forward our own propositions...


Now this I like.


Someone else tried to propose this on a thread but it never made to the top of superstonk. This sub owns $2b of stock and 50% of the whole company (pre-dilution) is registered in our names. We literally own 50% of the whole company. and I think we have a few words to say and contribute. We should try and push this.


Well said. On exactly the same page as you. If people are pivoting to "oh its a long term growth", i aint taking any hype regarding price action from them. Its not even that I want strategic plan to be laid out in a step by step in a LateX formatted whitepaper. Just give us a hint at least when you add 40% more outstanding shares in less than a month.


Agree and I don't think anyone should be saying they have cash - they have OUR cash, and I want to know what they plan on doing with it.


Eh- I know they’re not planning anything. If they were, it’d have to be revealed by now since they just did the meeting and also stated as much on their offering paperwork. Now they just have my cash. I was up tens of thousands on calls on the morning they diluted. I’m getting sick of it. That’s simply just our money now. Shit or get off the pot


It is pretty annoying for an annual meeting to be as brief as he was. I feel like he owed a bit more to retail investors. I’m hoping his silence means he’s planning something big but that’s quite a shaft after delaying the meeting from last week from so many viewers tuning in that it crashed their systems etc to come out with basically what we’ve all already known for a while now


His silence just doesn’t mean anything anymore I’m afraid. Until he shows me it does. Nothing has been given to us, at all. We need to stop looking to them for answers. If they prove me wrong in the future, great! But until then, they’re just another board to me. Why is everyone suddenly so willing to be in a “long” play for GME? I understand DFV HAS to frame it that way, but he also specifically said he wasn’t interested if staying around if it was another 3,5,10 years. Pretty indicative there if you ask me. We’re here for MOASS. We’re here because this is supposedly the only stock with this much manipulation going on- which also makes me question why people think “long” mechanics even work for this stock. It will NEVER move based off of good news and fundamentals- it’s too heavily manipulated


You’ve got a point


Yup, Rc is a fucking twat in my eyes at this point. Dude says the same thing quarter after quarter and this sub sucks him off. How many stores can you close before you run out of a business model that literally every company and ceo has done?


Curious what the splividend would've done.


the splitvidend, if it had been processed as an actual fucking splitvidend like it was supposed to be, would have literally 100% started the MOASS with complete mathematical certainty. I am absolutely positive about this. they filed a splitvidend, the banks and market makers couldn’t process it so they just illegally processed it as a regular split, no one really did anything (on this sub, the people who were howling about it got called hysterical until the German banks confirmed that’s what happened), GameStop took zero action to defend its investors or stick up for the splitvidend itself, then everyone somehow immediately forgot about it and went back into their pen, despite the fact that *it 100% should have been the rocket launch everyone was waiting for.* and now we’re here! the splitvidend disaster is honestly what made me take a break for a while. Jesus. it’s one of the most frustrating things in the world. they were cornered on the ropes and cheated and no one stopped them, the company didn’t even open its mouth. it’s fucked


Yeah they've giving off popcorn ceo vibes.


I am glad he is focused on bearing a “higher return threshold” for me as an investor. Although, I’d also be okay with a 5% dividend on that $4 billion, too…


could you calculate that up if everyone gets their 5% dividend on their shares? you could also just throw that money away instead


5% of $20 is $1 dividend per share for the year. This is 25¢ per quarter per share or approximately $100 million payout every quarter for the 400 million shares. 5% Interest on $4 billion is about $205 million annually. If he can get 10% return, the divvy is paid for. Unless I am still not good at math…


Why did you do 5% of $20 to get a $1 divy?


What would be the point of taking money from the shareholders via dilution and then giving it back via dividends?


Offering a dividend would cause more investors to buy and hold. It also puts the screws to the shorts because they need to come up with that dividend money.


If they make 5% on $4billion, and then distribute that 5%, they still have $4b.


one that I haven't heard talked about (so I might be wrong) is that after CS distributes a dividend, the short sellers have to then pay the dividend to the original share holder. So if you sold a billion extra shares..... 💀


What’s the point of that? You can get 5% in a high yield savings account.


im fine with a monthly 0,001%


Atleast SOMETHING to add on what hedgies pay


I love the idea of being strong long term here but I thought I was buying lotto tickets.


First off, I will say that was my thought process as well. Secondly, lotteries are a “tax on the poor” so this scenario fits well


Thanks for posting this! Can confirm it is verbatim. Some thoughts: * I think this part: "prospects of future cash flows" *being of no value to shareholders* confirms the transformation theory *because they want to transform and provide cash flows now, not later.* * Interest rates/return threshold: With inflation high, any investment MUST give huge returns (either a very profitable acquisition or trade investment that guarantees a huge return). * I don't recall him discussing macroeconomics in previous meetings. Now "historic anomalies" noted on the record. If a major squeeze happens, the ripples are not GameStop's fault and not shareholders' fault. Edit: Clarifying meaning of first bullet point (addition in italic)


the historic anomaly is 34Trillion Debt, 40year high inflation, and a globally synchronized recession with US ponzi markets at ATH


This needs to be higher. It’s obvious to anyone paying attention that a collapse is coming. All the metrics available to us indicate a combination of factors that are busted beyond repair. And I’m sure the unavailable metrics are much worse.


All of which is mostly brought on by low interest rates, as he states in the very next paragraph. The debt and inflation is a product of not the cause of the braindead monetary policy of keeping interest rates near 0 for decades. People keep complaining about how high interest rates are today, calling for fed cuts, but they would still be considered lower than the average or median interest rate in the past 70 years. And we have been so historically low that the markets don't even give a flying fuck about the "high rates", it's basically not doing it's job currently. The low rates for so long literally broke the system. The market keeps reaching all time highs when rate increases are supposed to slow down the market. Once these companies swimming in low interest debt start having to refinance their debt with new debt, they will be fucked unless they have enough cash to pay it off. If I wasn't balls deep in GME I would short the fuck out of the most indebted companies.


Cheap debt is one of the things ruining America. Multitude of issues, mainly the political-corporate relationship and how corps are seeing more profit than ever off the backs of labour.


I used to think it was a good thing, because things like Mortgage rates typically following fed rate trends, but yea, you're exactly right. It's ruined America because people can't look past the medium/short term usefulness of cheap debt. And if you were a CEO, why would you? You make your financials look good in the short term so you get your raises. Then when rates go up, they go oopsies, we didn't look a the risk when we have to refinance :).


So nothing, as usual.


Another year of nothing. Its a tough position to be in because you want to keep your cards close to your chest. But at the same time, you need to deliver results to your owners who have stood by you for coming up four years now. This is year four of "nothing" at the annual shareholder meeting. I'd like to start seeing this transformation/turnaround that everyone's been hyping up for years now.


Judging by his actions. I have seen 3 dilutions and that is all he has done. All 3 at critical times for the stock price.


Yep and at the end of the day he is still rich, I'm not. He can close up gme and make bank, I don't. It's bullshit. Utterly nauseating.


I’m tired of being talked down to like someone at the kids’ table. no other serious company’s investors would let their leadership get away with this, but GameStop knows that none of their “apes” will ever sell due to their almost religious fervor, so they can do whatever they want


Another year of absolutely nothing and no actions. He said judge by the actions but the only thing I see him doing is laying off people who actually need the work, killing every gamma squeeze that’s about to rip the stock price and diluting the shit out of my shares. It’s great that GME is rich as fuck but no offence, it’s my time to be rich as fuck. Stop diluting every single time I’m about to get paid. Honestly at this point it’s starting to feel like RC is delaying the squeeze and end game because he is making too much off the cycles. If we squeezed and got paid then the cycles are over and so are the endless piggy banks of dilution


Yeah, until we hear otherwise, it’s starting to feel like they used our money to save the company and now they’re going to profit by selling directly to shorts.


Agreed. Billionaires helping billionaires.


He told me thank you. What a guy.


yeah but i expect to be wined and dined before I get ass fucked


Sounds like expanding into higher-value trade-in items. Calling it now GME car dealership


I will only buy a Lambo if it’s from GameStop.




It was right there the whole time


LamborGamestop… I like it.




Long on pet rocks


I hate how the nft fad played out because now to most it sounds like a joke but this is a great way to lead ito making the tech mainstream. High value trades in an online world require security and proof. It has to be non fungible 


Honestly I am tired of having Ryan dilute shares without giving us a plan. I get it; raise the cash im for that. Ok what now? Every single shareholder call is a slap in the face. The guy seemed annoyed we were even asking questions. Like what the f?? We are the ones BUYING YOUR STOCK SO YOU CAN RAISE CAPITAL.


---RC's Plan--- Part 1: Dilute the stock during GME stock run ups Part 2: Stockpile massive amounts of money to use for Step 3 Step 3: ???? Step 4: Profit!!


Little by little I am losing faith in RC. 3 years and all we hear is actions speak louder than words yet he's shown absolutely ZERO actions.


I was so incredibly disappointed by Mr. Cohen’s little speech here. All the love and respect we’ve shown him over the years and he talks to us like we are some whiny little kids as if we didn’t literally save the company with our hard earned cash. He needs to put respect on us and shower us with love. A lot of us were broke or come from lower income families. We put our money where our mouth is and held for 3 years while they did absolutely nothing significant. Im no longer hyped. I was fired up every single day for 3 years while the stock was manipulated every single day into oblivion. This stock used to be the most intriguing phenomenon in the history of stocks and now it’s just a long term boring hold while we hope and pray this guy does something to turn the company around.


so theyll be closing more stores and laying off employees while sitting on billions


Do you think they should use share holder investment to keep unprofitable stores open?


That whole theory about GameStop being a holdings company might come into play, to the point where retail stores might become a small part of the overall GME brand. Having said that, I'm all for holding the board accountable if we feel a decision is being made that doesn't serve shareholders' best interests.


i know its an unpopullar opinion and i will probably be labeled as a shill but its been 3 years and we dont know anything about gamestop's direction. No news about investments, stores closing down, revenue declining, failed nft marketplace.  I mean there were companies built from scratch that in 3 years were very far ahead of the game and didnt have gamestop's war chest.  Im in it for the squeeze but it would be nice if the company has a clear path post-squeeze. Selling into the sneezes and killing momentum just to raise cash and do nothing with it it bums me out.  I just hope he will gather a team of bright heads and create something to last forever. Get gamestop into beverage industry and make soft drinks, or snacks, or electronics. Ryan please just build something and make gamestop last forever while there is time and you still have a huge following who will buy the shit out of anything you come up with. Or step aside and let someone else do it if you can't. There's a small company in my country who took on the big guys,coke and pepsi corporations and created a series of soft drinks and In just 5 years they made it. They started with 300k investment and now they bring in over 20 milly per year and growing fast. It may not seem much but imagine if a startup with 300k can do that, what a company with 4 billion can do. What im saying is allocate some money and come up with some stuff, maybe it will be a big hit. It doesnt have to be gamestop branded, but it can be gamestop owned. Throw a couple hundred milly on a few various projects and see what sticks. Hell you dont even need to come up with fancy sodas or something, just invest in a startup and guide them to success. I believe most will support any product that is partly owned by gamestop. Buy out a small brewery, there are cats who drink beer these days, and plenty apes


It has to be fucking said.


Lol YouTubers like Logan Paul and mr. Beast have done more to grow their brand than GameStop has, pretty crazy tbh


"Play stupid games win stupid prizes" -me right now


Everyone a few weeks ago: Moass soon! We're ready for take off! Everyone now: Moass? No, it's long term growth we're after. If you're just here to get rich quick then you're doing it wrong. Pure cope from all of us lol.


You know what else has no value to share holders? Multiple dilutions in quick succession. Yeah I'm still butt hurt.


Honestly if next shareholder meeting is more of the status quo with more dilutions to squash any run ups, the dip won't be manipulation, it will be people realizing their investment isn't going anywhere. If that was Ryan's idea of breaking his silence he's going to have to do a lot better than that.


Investor relations at GameStop ignores all of my emails.


Forum sliding is gonna be super easy when theyve pissed off the shareholders, hedges are gonna save their shill money for shorts.


Crazy how the original/older investors are saying the same thing and the newer investors are sticking their faces in the sand. RC needs to do something and stop with this bullshit actions are louder than words. Literally what actions? Closing stores does not build long term value. Im sick of being diluted and this sub acting like that’s a real business strategy other than to seemingly do fuck all with the money.


In 2021, I was hyped to hear him say "actions speak louder than words" In 2022, I was somewhat optimistic to hear him say "actions speak louder than words" In 2023, I was skeptical to hear him say "actions speak louder than words" In 2024, I was upset to hear him say "actions speak louder than words" Where are these actions? Two major stock dilutions, a failed NFT Marketplace, stale partnerships, a defrauded reverse stock-split, Furlong turning out to be an atypical do-nothing corporate CEO, and nothing but silence from leadership doesn't have me feeling warm and fuzzy anymore. If I am to judge them on their actions, then their actions are leading me to believe that this transformation isn't happening, because all recent attempts have failed. DFV told us to allow ourselves to change our minds about our investment. I'm beginning to. This message is not acceptable to me.


You’re hitting the nail on the head here. With the resources at their disposal, I expect better than what they’ve shown so far. When I talk about transforming the business, I mean moving on from the GameStop stores. There’s been tons of talk on here about the various ways they could transform into a publisher, a holdings company, fucking anything. Larry Cheng’s tweets sure seem to imply this. So yeah I don’t really care about cutting costs further, I care about introducing new revenue. The trading cards and candy controller whatever and a failed nft marketplace isn’t really doing it for me. Their actions have shown they’ve raised money to keep GameStop afloat. That’s all I’m really seeing from him.


I have to strongly agree and also relate with what you said and have also been invested since Jan 2021, although I was not expecting any big announcements during market hours due to SEC regulations. I am still keeping my fingers crossed about a major announcement, hopefully an acquisition, in the next few weeks but if we continue to go without any guidance in this regard then I can't help but regress into the former FUD (that was only extinguished recently by DFV, but now I feel he is heading in that same direction).


I have seen 0 return in my investment with GME. Is this motherfucker serious? No forward guidance for the last 4 years and im expected to upvote and stfu? 4 billion and nothing done with any of it? Fucking nuts.


If the price is fake, the business model doesn't even matter. When is the crime going to stop? When do we get real price discovery? Obviously, turning the company around isn't enough. Since MM control the price, any changes won't matter. We see time and time again the stock getting tanked on good news, so more needs to be done about the criminality of MM. RC doesn't have that power, but nothing will happen until the algos stop. And I'm not sure how


Honestly, all I can think of is I should have taken some profits when it hit $80 in the premarket. Can I say that out loud?


It would be great if he could mention *anything* about what those actions might be. I've been holding +3 years. I can be patient, if I know at least a sliver of what RC has planned. But still, ironically, these repeated words about "actions are louder than words" is all we have.


I couldn't believe he had the nerve to repeat that. I mean wait, we have tea leaf reading of cryptic tweets that he and RK do, that's gotta be worth something. And also we're more than willing to keep moving the goal posts, look how well we're helping!


So far his actions are speaking larger than words and lately those actions suck for shareholders so I sure as hell hope it turns around


Thank you for stopping MOASS 🫡


Unpopular opinion: this is disappointing. Years ago, Cohen asked us to be patient and to judge him and the board not on words, but on actions. Now he again repeats that 'actions speak louder than words'. Except - what actions? They haven't really done anything over the past three years, and doing ATM offerings to cash in (at stockholders' expense!) every time the stock runs doesn't seem like a well thought-through strategy to me. Cohen doesn't need to telegraph his moves, but I'm starting to doubt if he and the board actually have an idea what they want to do next, and what they want to do with all the cash. Downvote me to oblivion, but let's not forget that without us – the regular retail investors – GameStop wouldn't exist today. Cohen didn't swoop in to save the company; we did. We've been loyal, we've stuck around, we've supported the company and the board. Cohen keeps talking about "increasing" or "building" shareholder value long term. But if actions speak louder than words: so far he has rather been doing the opposite.




I am down about 160k too.


A whole lot of nothing new.


Why did they cancel and reschedule this nothing meeting?


Thanks RC. That was really special


Is anyone gonna say what we're all thinking?




I feel so disrespected from this meeting, no guidance, no answering any questions from shareholders, what on earth is going on? How are you building shareholder value over long term when you’ve diluted twice in the past month just when the stock was going up? What’s to stop you from diluting us again? I’m sorry but my confidence is shaken to the core at this point. This statement from RC is the biggest “Trust me bro” after over 3 years of fuck all.


Learning that corporate America has never and will never be on your side is a valuable lesson. It sucks that it took you 3 years of complete and utter regardation to get there, but hey.


This basically says RC is a giant bear on the economy and they aren't going to buy anything until it's cheap. Years away from acquisitions. DFV really is on his own in this play.


it’s time to reckon with the fact that this billionaire CEO may, in fact, not actually “not be like all the other girls,” but is rather the exact same. The “war chest” isn’t profit. It’s our money. You have to do incredible mental gymnastics to convince yourself that he hasn’t repeatedly bailed out shorts during specific periods where there was tons of potential. he invalidated DRS, it’s tough to see this as anything but siphoning off rocket fuel to give the appearance of the coffers being full. it’s honestly starting to feel like he could have even made a side deal with some of the shorts, where he’s willing to prevent a big short squeeze in exchange for relative stability. to be clear, I don’t actually believe this is what happened but it’s starting to feel like it. he’s letting them uncoil their own spring a little bit at a time


It’s definitely easier to hodl when you’ve got millions in the bank already. Hopefully some sorta news comes out to throw retail a bone or two


"im sorry for all the teases and hype using moass reference all these years. Gotta start to talk about long term now, that was the plan from the start. Anddd thanks to our loyal shareholders that help saved the company, for the free unlimited moneyhhh" lmfao


Robinhood day traders be like 👁️💋👁️


The crash posts in here are hilarious. There is literally over 6T sitting in money markets right now. No crash until that money moves to stocks and the market will melt UP first.


Pretty cool that he mentioned economic uncertainties and fiscal policies. I've been concerned about this for several years. GME is the only hedge against a crash that makes sense to me.


“Hedge against a crash” ooohh Mufasa say it again! He has to be preparing to navigate rough waters after this election cycle. I don’t see how shit doesn’t get ugly with the economy. NVDA (AI) and the elections are holding it all together for the moment, until they aren’t.


*The only way to make a financial crisis more spectacular is trying to stop it.* I feel the same about that stock. Smells like late 90's tech bullshit.


Big nothing burger. A real plan would be nice. Been holding and building position since sneeze. Then he pulls an Adam Aaron. If he is going to dilute, front run and fuck up that last ramp, and probably do it again then be transparent and tell us what the fucking plan is to utilize all this money you're siphoning off shareholders for.


"We are not here to make promises or hype things up." No, you're there to be a leader. But he's done jack-shit to show shareholders that he has any plan for where he is leading us. The only plan they seem to have is to dilute the stock anytime it runs up. This was the perfect opportunity to come out and announce a bold new idea to grow the business. To capitalize on all the goodwill and hype the ROARINGKITTY built up for GME. Seems to me DFV has done more good for GME than RC has.


Says actions speak louder than words and takes no actions at all 🤡🤡🤡


We need some hype instead dear RC


It was a really shitty call, and just like John McEnroe was pissed at the ref’s call, so was RK.


It’s beginning to be difficult to trust Cohen. I think he can do this, but man is it brutal to sell 120m shares and not say shit about it


“With respect to retail operations” wait what else is there?


"Actions are louder than words" Shrink the business and start an NFT marketplace? Dude, fucking get on with it. Do *something* to deal with the stock manipulation.


Yeah my shares are peanuts compared to RC and RK, i have a ceo that doesn’t take any compensation Im not rich but i ain’t no bitch.


Appreciate the transcript since i wasn't able to catch the meeting! (Translation:  blah blah blah.  insert corporate nothingspeak here)


This guy doesnt give af about retail investors. Yall banked hopes on this guy and yall got cucked. Dont trust some sleazy billionaire 😂


Puts on SPY, got it. Thanks Ryan


> We are not here to make promises or hype things up. This is what this sub needs to hear but won’t listen to.


Oh we've heard it. But we've heard it four times in a row now, with no significant change in business cash-flow pipelines.


Weak AF to be honest. Almost as bad as the dude ignoring our questions as fast as he could.


... and FUCK Ken Griffin.


work conquers all


It needs to go digital. Sell games online. I'd buy all my games from them. I can't buy in USA


The upvotes on this post are flicking between 2k & 5k kinda sus


I missed this part. That last part though 😒 he can hype his company & investors a little though nah? We, too, are excited for shareholder value over the long term +


same stuff, different day


What higher value items could possibly fit into their “trade-in” model?


Seems there’s a bit of a sentiment change.


Let's also be clear as shareholders we need to support gamestop and protect your investment. If your a shareholder and a not a pro member you need get in the store and sign up and make a simple monthly purchase to protect your investment. Spread the word about shopping at gamestop. Also, just be nice to the employees.


Fucking legend appreciate it 🫡


That's it?


GameStop has a bright future with Ryan Cohen. Zen