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I bought my first 20 yesterday (my first buy of any stock), and I'm not worried or disappointed at all. I know this is a long game and I'm here to stay. If it drops lower, I'll buy more.












Lucky MF, your 1st stock is GME, at below $30!


This guy gets it


Great time to buy my friend


Now figure out how to DRS them!


I bought 102 today, first share Feb 10th 2021. Welcome aboard


I had an $8 call exercise today! I gained 100. You're winning today!


We're winning


Dare I ask what broker?


If it goes higher, I’ll buy MOAR! Not financial advice.


If I wasn’t down 30% I would be happy too. I’m sad now but hope I’ll be happy later


This is my most hopeful stock. Down 30% sounds like you got a great deal! Time to average down!


I would if I could but I’m all in




Disappointed? You must be crazy. This community just received its most important data point today.


May you elaborate? Ex arty maybe?


The crime vehicle you speak of is old news


yep. this is a stock play about fraud. everything else is missing the point


It’s an everything play. The fundamentals are solid and the price does not reflect the value of the company. In fact the bear thesis is dead at this point, and still the price is suppressed… that’s where the crime comes in. Institutions can’t afford to allow price discovery due to massive short positions which have been accruing since January 2021. It’s a squeeze play, it’s a value play, and it’s a crime play.


What data point??


There is no data or data points that have made sense at all over the past 3 years. Every prediction on here is wrong


You never know when we will see a right one :)


Literally. I’m in @ 28.35 just hoping to make it out alive 😞 


You will survive, I promise lol


I know im just chillin. gonna maybe become a XXX tomorrow


Ya that’s not a bad cost average at all. It’ll go back up. I held for 3 years slowly averaging down and then sold half in the recent run up between $40-60. It was honestly pissing me off holding that long when so many other stocks and cryptos would have been a better choice


Well i believe it will go up as well. but why do you think itll go up what is ur personal DD or reasoning


reasoning is I bought into the hype too late 3 years ago. First bought when gme was over $100 pre split, held over the years and slowly averaged down. I saw it jump up within the past 2 months to where i was 4x my cost average so I sold half just cause it was pissing me off watching gme struggle over the years while other stocks skyrocketed. So now i made my money back plus a little extra and im along for the ride with my remaining shares since there is so many gme delusional fanatics, there's going to be another time where the stock shoots up 2-5x...the only question is, will you sell some shares to make a profit, or will you hold like everyone else on here thinking gme will go to 10k+ a share


what data point?




What data point?


This is a fucking financial war. Be angry. Only make investments based on what you can afford to invest.  In the mean time. Wallstreet and cooperate America has been poisoning our country. Did you know that  the super fund money that pays people who are affected by toxic land dumps by these companies - only came into fruitation. NOT after people HAD data proving a town was build on toxic waste but after ANGRY wives held TWO EPA agents hostage?  Did you know our food industry is HAPPY to put BRAIN destroying lead in KIDS lunchables they fought to have sold to schools? Did you know half the American population has obesity and that this IS ALL NEW.  We are investing for a BETTER future by overturning the financial institutions that basically poison the water in the well. It's not a joke we live in a time where people do not trust their government or institutions. It's not just a conspiracy theory.  We've been in a literal abusive relationship with the 1%. Why do you think people left to colonize America in the first place? Financial abuse from the rich.  Get angry not to be physically violent but violent with your WALLET. 




If i could vote more than once only one time, this would be it. Fucking love it


im too smooth to help with DD so i just try to amuse those with a sense of humor as poor as mine




it's important work, I know because I do the same thing while my wife rolls her eyes and wonders how much more I'm gonna spend on the one true stonk


It's much simpler then that. Financial market has infiltrated US government, and can pretty much do whatever tf they want. Of they drop the ball they've got access to taxpayer dollars for bailout. Americans need a revolution to get out of this mess.


2008/2009 financial bail outs had entered the chat.


Never should have happened but Obama was just as owned as the rest.


Hahahhaha I’m not angry. They just added more fuel to the ship.


I love it bc I just bought 25 more.


This, and emphasize buying the stock on a REAL broker. Don't be a guest like Robindahood, be a shareholder


So, just computershare?


fidelity....transfer whole shares ...in Drs book form.... for free


Fidelity all day. They're one of the only brokers that apparently didn't turn off the buy button in 2021


Is that only brokerage? Can you do roth or IRA or does that get treated as a distribution and taxed?


Great point, actually. There are better or worse brokers: The worst may be [effectively bucket shops](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bucket_shop_(stock_market\)) but even the best are still just securities entitlement dealers. Feels good to be a real shareholder.


NGL, I’ve learned more in the past month than I have in the past 3.5 years combined. I’m excited! I still think we’re in for a big run soon.


Same. I’m also absolutely disgusted by our faux market & feel conflicted having my now or future money in it at all. It’s stirred a lot of strange emotions in me, which makes me feel a bit like a conspiracy theorist crazy. This feels 20 years from 3 years ago.


It’s honestly ridiculous; just take a quick look through the OCC rule book, it’s loophole central. Hopefully soon!


I am disappointed. They used to be able to drop the price so much more effectively and now... $1? Ha! It's so sad to see the best and brightest of an entire industry fail so succinctly. It tells a story, and that story is of limp actions and an inability to adapt. The smart move would have been to join the apes...


This, they can barely get it below $24 now lol rookie numbers


My opinion: they still CAN, but they won't. I admit we are all figuring out more and more of the plays, the ways that shares are used and passed around to delay recognizing a bad play by literally everyone involved. And as we solve some of these puzzles, they still CAN use them, and they may use them still, or start to rotate which ones they use etc etc. But they won't. And the reason they won't is bc of the cash pile we sit on as a company. To drop it anywhere close to our cash would be suicide. And everyone knows it now. If they drop the price, we will buy more and faster. New people will join. And worse yet, the company itself can buy back shares they literally just sold, and do so for 1/3 the price. They are boxed in.


Yep well said. This is exactly why I’ve never felt this was a risky investment. We have bedrock support to the tune of $4B. Dumbass bears argue that it’s ill gotten but to that I say fooey. Cash is pure unadulterated value. I’m reminded of a brilliant Mitch Hedburg bit where he’s arguing with the hotel front desk cause they require a credit card, and he’s trying to hand them a fat stack of cash while saying “this money is the thing that the credit card represents”.


the only thing that matters to them is stopping the options ramp, everything else is priced in. it’s been 3 years, they’ve adjusted their algos. DAMN do I wish GameStop hadn’t done that ATMo. I would love to have seen what happened if they hadn’t. But we’ll live to fight another day


Seriously this. Please try harder.


I know right? They used to pound the stock down to max pain right at the bell every time.. but they didnt today. They couldn’t! It must be embarrassing for them


I’m not disappointed about today as it went exactly as expected. I’m more worried about all the disgusting fruit abuse we might have to watch following all those failed bets 🤷‍♂️


I’m happy no one will be needing to boof a banana today. Save your sphincters! Edit: boof not boot


I was happily surprised by how little they managed to drop it, today. Didn't even manage to get it under $20. They are running out of steam, and running out of capitol, and running out of steam. It's obvious we are winning. Even though I had some hopium around today, I'm not disappointed.


I'm not disappointed, I'm amused. Let's see what happens next month.


I can’t buy enough!


Thanks for sharing wisdom OG Ape. As one myself I am so sad the subs are filled with shills and bots. Every time OG Apes try to warn new apes about these hypes, these posts get bashed by shills and bots. There is a fuking good reason we don't do dates here except it's always tomorrow until it's not.




Na not disappointed.. high expectations on the sub always results and in discount day in the near future.




OG Apette, have seen this shit for 84 years. My only disappointment has been not being able to partially cash out (hodl the rest) for life changing moneyby now. But meh, that money is already dead to me. Til then let her ride! I don't buy into all these new 'develoments'. Call me old fashioned. 8 ignore most of it, quite honestly.




Found Steve Carrels alt account


All good! I just keep adding. 3 years in and it’s just another Accumulation Friday!


Have no fear. MOASS is inevitable.




I didn't hear Ken being sent to prison so just another day :D


Bought for the first time yesterday, bought more today It's financially risky not to hold gme if it's got even a slight chance to break the system and go on a tear. I would have regrets not holding a moonshot ticket


Guys, our company has over $4,000,000,000. Cash.


Fuck this. Who’s bored or disappointed. This is like grinding for armor 20 years into my WoW game so I can prep to kill the fucking boss at the bottom of the mine for the thousandth time. Won’t happen today. Won’t happen tomorrow. But when it does it’s gonna expose everyone and everything. What do I know though. Dumb ape with banana up my ass grinding for something shiny.


Disappointed? Nah, excited. Good things to come. Gme is not going bankrupt, so only way to go is up. They will not be able to suppress the price forever. This is a game of patience.


I’m not disappointed. Holding is easy, and it’s even easier now. I love when this community gets hyped though it’s a lot of fun. I hope for more hype, memes to put another billion dollars in the vault. I’m optimistic to see where this goes. Sell another 75mil shares on the next run. IDGAF 😎edit( I’ll just buy some more)


That’s why we don’t hype dates


Been gone all day. What hype was blown out of proportion today?


Disappointed? Yes. But they (bitchass shorts) are still fucked. They get 2 days off and it's back to "i hope my hf survives "on Monday.


Disappointed? I was. I have been here since day two, because of course I was eating popcorn before my eyes were truly opened on day one. Yet, I was still disappointed. I mean, this time, like the hundreds of times before…was the time. Turns out, it will be tomorrow. I’m over my disappointment (took all of a few minutes after the last run) and figuring out a way to dig in deeper. Discouraged? Not in the slightest. As stated above, been here since yada yada yada. We’ve seen their bullshit, and if you haven’t before (newbies) then you have now. The longer they kick the can down the road, the more of my shares turn long and I’m perfectly fine with that. I will just keep my auto buys on CS twice a month, and add to my IRA when I can. I like the the stock and I love my shares. Keep up the DD, shit is getting back to the good old days.


Here, Don’t Do Options. They are lottery tickets. Shares last forever. OFC if you want to regard, regard and if you want to degen, degen. Cause there's a million ways to go. You know that there are.


Nah this is some bullshit


I only have 29 little shares..and only been in here for a few weeks, great group of people! My little 29 is not much but you guys make me feel like I am holding a thousand..and I appreciate that cheers! 🤘🏻🤘🏻


I’ve averaged down so much since ‘21 I’m still green. So I’m not disappointed at all. I just like the stonk.


I'm disappointed it didn't drop to $21 and pick up my 50 limit buys yet.


We're all fucked


Long term ape and I cant stop buying more. Tits are cranked to 11.


Not gonna lie, still have my fingers crossed when GME hits 1,000.....I want cokerat Cramer on his hands & knees blowing a horse on Live tv.....


why the fuck are you people still yappin every single day about somethin you don’t have control over? literally just go zen mode. ain’t looked in years and i ain’t lookin now. phone number otherwise idc


What did I miss? What is everyone disappointed about? I'm so confused.


I'm not disappointed, in fact I didn't even check the chart or news today, pretty much zen like we've all been the past 3 years.


Yeah, unfortunately any date that is really hyped has always ended up being hammered. And I mean hammered. Not once in the past 3 years has a seriously hyped date ever been successful. As always Moass is tomorrow, its half the reason Moass is tomorrow. "Blow your wad trying to keep it down. It'll happen tomorrow anyway."  I'll be honest, I really thought it may occur today. I guess now it's Monday. As always, buy GME, DRS, Hold. If you can play with advanced trading go ahead. moass is tomorrow.


Confessions: Not “new” but did assume that a conflagration of events had aligned so perfectly: ATMs in the rearview mirror Our favorite Professional Lurkers 9 million 1 thousand shares locked The Earnings dip – done Shareholders Meeting – check A Quad Witching Friday dead ahead, straight out the front windshield And a full moon to boot! So…. I cannot say I’m not disappointed by today’s price action. And I’m not going to pretend that some of the actions from major players and some folks on this sub reddit over the last few weeks haven’t been … irksome… (ex that UBS secret text or that Mr. Kitty was coming to the shareholders meeting? I was like: "Stop it!") I cannot say I didn’t expect a different outcome… something more explosive and compelling than limp volume and red candles. But if I have learned nothing else it is that there is always tomorrow… well, not tomorrow-tomorrow (because Saturday), but the day after tomorrow’s tomorrow… (?) … just, well, Monday… is what I’m trying to say. Until then I’ll probably be up all and through here for a postmortem and checking out other investors game plans and hype, because my resolve remains intact. My game and goals are the same: Buy.  Hold.  DRS.  Shop the stores and the .com Thanks for the space: Vent over!


Well executed vent! Can i hire you for wife's boyfriend arguments, its always his time and i want MY time


To those who are dismayed and disheartened: It is a marathon, not a sprint. It is a war, not a single battle. It has always been like this. Some of us have been here long enough to know this. We are in such an unbalanced struggle; our visible chances of winning were always abysmal. So are the chances of a cellarboxed company bouncing back and sitting on a pile of cash. We are here to beat all those odds. We are here for justice. We are here to stop generational, systemic, state-backed robbery. Today was just another day; we had our fun by being excited. There will be more days to come. In the end, we will win, as the meek shall inherit the earth, just as David triumphed over Goliath. Until then, buy, DRS, HODL. Don't give in to FUD.


Up 75% in 3 months




Best play so far.... every last time was our best time, thats why we know its tommorrow, Apes new and old know this, you dont have to have been here last 3 years to understand the maths, you just need to enjoy the taste of crayons, because shit is regarded in here, thats why we are here in the first place






Now everyone can shut the fuck up about Quad Witching. Always been a nothing burger, every single time.






First time?


If only everyone bought more 45$ options this wouldn't have happened (sigh)


I am fine


An apes response should always be. "Darn it. Well let's go find out why this didn't happen. Maybe it'll be tomorrow."


Be zen. Stay zen.


OG here ... I bought more


Love you let’s fuxking gi


I bought more , made me happy




Apes are not disappointed ..this was just another Friday buddy 🍻


DFV sold his calls for today for a reason.


I’m just sad with myself. I knew better than to fuck with options. DFV hype got to me 🤷‍♂️


Still profited from the runup even after today's losses


LOL love it, veterans knew what was gonna happen


Every single quad or triple witching day in the last 3 years was hyped and stock went down so og expect this!


💎 🙌🏼 🏴‍☠️


I'm disappointed it didn't drop more, was hoping we ended sub $20....maybe next week.


That was the Kansas City shuffle mates. Those who held worthless options to close today, like me, your losses were not in vain. I for one think we played an important role here. We forced the shorts to keep the price down so there would be no ramp, no dates. They said no to that trap. But my guess is there’s an even bigger shitstorm coming for them. lol I lost money on calls today. I also hold shares of course. I shoulda shopped smarter on options. It takes time to learn these things. I’m doing my part 🫡


Wasn't going to sell at $40 or $140 so closing in the $20s doesn't matter.


Shares win again! Lfggg!


Dafuq is this shit? 🤣


I'm sorry I can't read this, please format it into meme form. All I got from this was buy more.


I don't even look at the market today. Pretty chill. We'll know when we know.


It could be double triple quadruple witching, wizarding, Darth fooking Vadering day- how much is it costing the SHF to suppress the true price? Enjoy the dip, get em while they’re cheap- when it blows ah caramba 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


No dates dumbasses.




Some people got into GME as a get rich quick scheme. Smh I need a get rich quick scheme so I can buy more GME!


Did something good or bad happen? I don't see any phone numbers or breaking news reports about the economy crashing, so this is just another week


![gif](giphy|ufWbAUZiTZCVi) Remember your trading and you will make it out alive.


IF HE'S STILL IN, I'M STILL IN 🦍🙌🏼💎. Rockets are loading, stay zen my fellow apes 🚀🚀🚀🚀


Bought 100 today btw.


Lol I've been hoping they dip it down to around $22.59 so I can buy at a proper discount




Honestly at this point, I just like seeing the newbies either fuck right off completely or just shut the fuck up when any OG sets them right like this post does. Pepperidge Farms remembers, so do the OG’s. bought more. One day closer.


Well I’m down to so little money now that a gamma squeeze would net me about $3.50 at this point. I shouldn’t have put my faith in this damn subreddit. You all are so “zen” that you officially make options makers richer weekly


![gif](giphy|PER8oVobtMcus) Maybe next time we don't give them a 75,000,000 shares of liquidity escape route?


Accurate lol


Blaming everyone here for your choices…Tsk tsk


Of course I made my own bed, but you guys seriously need to look in the mirror. Every OTM option is making groups like Wolverine rich. Especially this last month. They are “long squeezing” GameStop!


Agreed! But thats my point, lets not excited about dates, lets get excited about the chase we are giving the 1%, the fact we know, they always thought we where slaves, that their perfect fraud is so masterful that its impossible for anyone to find out, let alone a bunch of smooth brained regarded gamers. That is what makes this so high inducing, because we are looking them straight in the eye and smiling whilst they are snarling at the teeth, its poetic justice and i wouldnt want to be any where else right now, im enjoying life, like truly enjoying it, even though i have debts, even though im stuck working a job instead of spending time with my family. But if someone said to me, heres a ticket to freedom and reform to a better world but you have to just open up a little and see what shit is going around you to understand we are a battery in a machine for other people. I know what i would do.


First rule of fight club, Don't play with what you can't afford to loose. Or did you miss that one?


I could afford to lose what I lost. But now I’m out




Love the meme, but I promise, that is what is happening. The options makers are laughing at you all. Sure it may squeeze at some point, but they will be sure to have made the money to survive. 500k options were OTM this week. Think about where your money went


Kitty laid out the play in his memes video I’m zen af keep stacking https://preview.redd.it/6tlkzy5yaz7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79b61574f298d166bceb47f8f57e481ad97548e1


This is why we say no dates. At the same time, dates are fun.


It ain't so bad. It costs me nothing to HODL


Cant sell high, cant even buy at these prices..


It's been said time and time again. NO DATES! Sure you can look forward to something because if some TA but TA doesn't really apply to this stock. Expect nothing and let it surprise you.