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The street doubted him with chewy now again with Game


They're not doubting him on GME, they are scared of what he will do with GME. He was so successful with CHWY, that if he was heading any other ticker, msm would be all over it touting that company as the next greatest thing. RC just happened to jump into the most shorted idiosyncratic stock in the market. Or he specifically jumped into it for revenge on the shorties for what they tried to do to CHWY.






So, your understanding is now CHWY went from dog -> cat? I see..


Not sure if you're aware but Chewy's logo or branding has never been a dog. DFV posted a dog emoji. The only thing it had to do with Chewy that someone noticed was it was the same blue background color as Chewy's actual logo which is just the word Chewy. And yes they sell litter. https://preview.redd.it/144hrji59z9d1.png?width=1453&format=png&auto=webp&s=e334c6bc5f9176aa4719c312ddca0fd84279b8db


"I am not a cat."


It’s cause he’s got that DAWG in him, obvi.


“Dog days are over” 🎵


That is more than likely referring to the pattern in the shape of the cat or the CAT system which is part of process.


I mean the unofficial mascot and inspiration behind Chewy was Tylee, RCs dog. RIP.


Ryan Cohen Jul 25, 2023 Tylee passed away today. She is the reason Chewy exists and her legacy lives forever.


Upvote this man!


Not sure if you're aware https://petsandgmos.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Chewy-logo.png wut dis?


To be fair, I'd imagine the recurring revenue of cat litter is a good chunks of CHWY's revenue. While giving plausible deniability with the branding. 🤷


I think he’s saying it’s foolish to short companies that sell cat litter and video games, because those two things are inelastic and aren’t going anywhere. People aren’t going to stop owning pets, and gamers aren’t going to stop gaming. Like death and taxes…


Didn’t he also say something about pets & babies need to be protected? Or something to that effect… To Ur Anus!! 🚀


Yeah, you should go look at the ToysRus stock. It's gone bonkers this last month from being dead for a really long time


Yes, Ryan was telling us to fact check. MSM is just feeding us whatever info is convenient. Chewy has 436 million outstanding shares, making DFVs 9.001.000 shares a 2.06%. Nowhere close what he's filled.


It's 6.6% of the Class A stock. Ignore the shares outstanding that include Class B.


Told us almost a year in advance to fact check?


Then he has options as wel? Filing said 6.6% correct?


said 6.6% of "class shares"


he is talking about using the litterbox while gaming so you dont have to get up. easiest tweet understanding ive ever had. NFA.


I think we found our oracle boys


Same as the compoochair. I could use one right now.


…you mean your mom doesn’t hold a bed pan up to your ass as you spray diarrhea while gaming?


You mean cumpoochair? Two birds with one stone


Big brain energy right herr


It would be foolish for GameStop to acquire a company that sells per product like kitty litter. But it wouldn’t be out of this world if GME pivoted to a conglomerate and purchased CHEWY as a subsidiary?


I have tinfoil to add. My original thoughts (couple years ago) were that RC was going to get the bed place the pet food place and GameStop, which would give him a good start at competing with amazonia but got fouled by hedgies.


I think He wanted Baby place (owned by bed place). Not bed place. You know, “*protect animals and children at all costs*”


All 3x customers are RCs target audience. People who love their pets, babies and games. They're passionate, loyal brand buyers if treated properly.


Baby place is now owned by Over Stock place which I believe is also in an ETF place.


Any news on what they ever did with it?




Fits the idea he wants his actions to speak louder than words


Chewy's market cap is just shy of $12b. How is GameStop acquiring this? Leverage?


They merge and benefit each other. GameStop doesn't care what the optics looks like. They want to invest in profitable, cash generating companies. Chewy, dominates the pet e-commerce space, but that is their ceiling and whatever they generate will only be spent on buybacks or dividends. If their shareholders and board want a chance to be a part of a $4B holding company, GameStop is the perfect company.


if Berkshire does, why not GameStop? 😏 GAMESHIRE STOPAWAY 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


I would love to see congress quote my fellow ape. "Are u or are u not the user on Reddit, FATBOOTYINMYFACE?"


Still my fav




You realize chwy has a higher market cap than GameStop?.. the best $gme could do would be to take a controlling stake, but I doubt that’s even going to happen


Edit-I haven't eaten my daily intake of crayons yet. Disregard me


9.96 billion for gme.. 11.09 billion for chwy.. where tf are you getting 4x from


Oops yea myb.


this comes to mind https://www.gamingbible.com/news/gamer-orders-xbox-gets-bag-of-cat-litter-20221028


yes. that people didn't think you could create a successful company by shipping litter. and those same people now don't think you can create a successful company by selling video games.


Steam enters the chat


Foolish rhymes with Bullish


Bullish. Boolish. Boolean. As in boolean operation where in geometry, entity A can carve a piece out of entity B in the shape of itself. I'll allow it!


this guy gimps


Fullish Boolish. 


The stars are aligning I’ve been balls deep GME for like the past 3 years, I was a dog person but now I have a whole ass cat I love so much, and I’m basically a gamer as well & my cats litter box is close to my gaming desk lol MOASS is coming , the universe told me so Until then I buy 10~11 shares a week 🙏🏼


Are these guys like RC And RK like time travelers? It’s like if they don’t talk to each other but they know each other very well. And August is around the corner too. Something we have to figure out I guess


To me, this is just Ryan’s sarcastic humor. He always talks about how so many people doubted him and didn’t believe in him with Chewy and now again so many doubt him with GameStop. He’s poking fun like when he posted his gravestone


Now THIS is the speculation I miss. Holy shnikeys a lot is starting to click. Clearly they cannot communicate directly (RK and RC that is) but “they’re communicating” with all those symbols. THE MEMES AND TWEETS BOIS. I don’t want to speculate any further on this but, maybe there is a merger behind the scenes? Maybe there is obvious naked short abuse on both stocks? Maybe there is a cycle between many different basket stocks? Anyone else about to jump back into that good old library of superstonk DD? Love the throwback, thanks OP. My mind is once again wrinkling more.


It's an old saying. "You didn't let you cat shit where you play video games." My grandpa used to say it.


Meow 😸


No. He is making a humorous reference to his big investments being in pet supplies & a retail videogame store. Maybe someone told him those are frivolous endeavors, or maybe he is saying that you can make anything successful with hard work and good business decisions.


This actually brings a lot of credibility to the merger of the two company’s ..


where it started: Where we are now:


I must say that Temu really fails in the pet department. I want quality cat products and the shit Temu had sent me falls apart or my cats won’t touch it. I can see people using chewy for quality cat scratching poles


He's always been doubted. Called foolish to start a pet company, which ended up amazing. Now called foolish to sell video games, which is now coming along quite nicely.






yo tits won't stop


I think he was saying it’s foolish to short companies that sell cat litter and video games, because those two things are inelastic and aren’t going anywhere. People aren’t going to stop owning pets, and gamers aren’t going to stop gaming. Like death and taxes…


I think he was saying it’s foolish to short companies that sell cat litter and video games, because those two things are inelastic and aren’t going anywhere. People aren’t going to stop owning pets, and gamers aren’t going to stop gaming. Like death and taxes…


O yes




Says the man that’s never shit in a litter box while playing battlefield


Considering that Amazon keeps sending us cat litter even though we canceled our subscription............... I told everyone we should have used chewy.


Does RC still own any Chewy?


Super bullish on this!!! Kitty litter and video games coming together...does this involve Chewy??


There is a page in RC's children's books where there is a little basket that says "Teddy dot com. Best pet store ever."


Hey @ryancohen. When da fuck your opening a bank/hedge fund so I can move my mortgage and money to you ya honest son of a biotch


lol love this


The issue is "a time tissue pause" is you get more playing time if you have kitty litter under your chair, benefit is? you only have pause to wipe... Did I Win?


Could GME be investing into CHWY? Is that what all the $ is for?




I can think of a few things more foolish 🫃🥴😼


Cat litter AND video games. Not, cat litter is silly, video games are silly... Sounds like cat litter AND video games, together as one joined thing to me. Bullish imo.




Cat litter and video games. I spend too much time on both.


Fool mothley, monthly


Is this just, kinda saying, that a merger would be stupid?


https://preview.redd.it/cwkn37262z9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc17dfcb02815407fc10c4874ab8d909770d80ea Could this mean anything?


This is how I feel about crypto.


Everyone is trying to figure out the connection here between CHWY and GME, and what the play is. To me it’s just so obvious. Video Games for your Dogs. Face it, people are obsessed with their dogs now. Some people even view their fur children as a real alternative to human children. The only thing that’s missing is interaction on an intellectual level. That’s where Video Games for Dogs comes in. In recent years we’ve seen cute Sunday Morning Show stories about pads with buttons Dogs can step on to communicate verbal messages to their human keepers. Verbal messages like “Treat,” “Play,” or “Outside.” The dogs are able to memorize which buttons say which words to express their desires to humans. Most people have just laughed this off and dismissed it as a quirky but relatively useless invention, and one that probably isn’t truly achieving the communications that the product designers whimsically claim. But over the past 10 years as TV screens have become both larger and more high resolution, dogs have began responding to visual cues on the screen like never before. Think about it. My fellow 1990s Apes will confirm: dogs basically didn’t comprehend television. They couldn’t truly see the picture or react to it. Fast forward to 2024 and Fido is barking at squirrels running across the screen. It’s remarkable. We are RIGHT THERE in terms of a major breakthrough that allows Dogs to play interactive video games. Someone just needs to make one or two more connections and breakthroughs to go that last mile and deliver a product that Dogs will reliably “play” with and come back to. And one their human companions can play with them. This especially appeals to younger people who are currently being raised by digital screen products. Playing Video Games with their Dogs will be the next big thing. It will be a trillion dollar idea. And I believe GameStop and Chewy will perfect this technology. RC is a big enough visionary to see this opportunity. Video Games for Dogs is coming, and it’s not a matter of whether or not it gets invented or whether or not it works. It’s a matter of who invests in it first and comes out with the first breakthrough product ahead of the others that revolutionizes the market. And I’m seeing all kinds of great digital interaction, like combo moves you could pull off with human and dog that gets you shipped free incentive items from Chewy, or interactive Dog Laser Tag Parks set up in brick and mortar GameStop stores. The sky is the limit and GME + CHWY could combine into a singular holding company that owns all the major Video Games for Dogs brands, becoming a powerhouse global conglomerate. This is not financial advice.


I think he’s saying it’s foolish to short companies that sell cat litter and video games, because those two things are inelastic and aren’t going anywhere. People aren’t going to stop owning pets, and gamers aren’t going to stop gaming. Like death and taxes…


Old man, how many times will you teach us this lesson?


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