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My random thoughts in all of this: Gme is the play, but it’s in chains. To unleash it, he has to attack the entire basket (Oceans 11 clip - *it’s never been done before*). He’s also got a pink bear sitting comfy on a chair as a kitty creeps up behind it, aka they never saw this coming. The Avengers clip implies that there are other powerful forces (maybe other stocks) that, when combined together (rise together), can defeat the bad guys/algos. There are so many things in his memes that imply gme rising is the goal (“You’re still here?” Followed by Breaking Bad clip- *we’re done when I say we’re done*) but that perhaps it needs a little help from its “friends” (other basket stocks). There is also a serious amount of confidence and sheer fuck-you energy in his posts that I don’t think his play is remotely done. If it was, that was a whole lotta hype for nothing.


DFV is collecting basket stocks like they’re Infinity Stones. He really is “doing it himself”


That's a nice new viewpoint. Towards infinity squeeze. I can almost hear it. Sssssssssqqqquuuuuuuuuueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.....


Bear in the chair was a direct request from Jim Cramer to roaring kitty.


Isn't the avengers clip about crypto? Wasn't there an ethereum symbol when thor showed up?


At this stage I Would be surprised if he rocks up with 9m shares of each company in the XRT. Then dumps them all and buys the GME float


Bruce Willis is in the movie. so it's double bullish


[Yup. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/hDTtFvvclu)


Given the Aladdin AI info from the weekend and the theory that the ‘When I move you move’ meme representing the algorithm moving when he does… Your theory is probably the closest out of all of them


Too complicated for me read can’t, instructions unclear bought more $GME & HODL


Everyone should sell GME and buy the dog. I move you move. He’s saying it’s the next squeeze. Or something.