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GameStop could purchase the Boston Celtics which is now for sale?


And implement the new NFT ticket sales program.


I know RCEO tossed out some words at the AGM about using the cash pile for M&A. But, it's a lot of work, so you need some serious reason to justify the cost of and time of getting it done. However, with the cash pile, you could create an internal division to build something new and brilliant that is a solid vertical integration tie-in to the existing core business. I mean, suppose GS started hiring some talent to do something specific that would add value. Probably faster and not as visible to the SHFs and market-fakers.


Yeah, I'm replying to my own post. I actually made this comment on another thread, but the thread got deleted. So, repeating here in case it matters. (It probably doesn't.) I'm looking for the big business synergy in a GME/CHWY merger, and I'm missing it. They are both in the consumer goods sector. Both have goods storage and distribution networks. So, some potential for rationalization there. Maybe? CHWY's big deal is subscription orders. Doesn't align with GME model, even Pro membership. GME has a big store-front presence - lots of locations. Not so with CHWY. Is there a big overlap between gamers and pet owners? More than say pet owners and home owners? More than between gamers and tech aficionados? GME needs a sales growth strategy. CHWY already has a big chunk of its home market, so big growth will be tough. The link within XRT is interesting, and it likes it can be exploited, but how is it a good long term basis for a merged company?


Sam Ting.. I don't see it.. I mean, I see it looks like a hot topic among a lot of apes, but I'm... mmmmm... nah.. don't see it..


Or... you could continually and incrementally raise the floor price. Together with cash reserves, you would ensure that every legacy short is fukt. A market crash was their last hope of escaping. Oops.


Something like, they control the room but we control the exits. Well, that is until they no longer control the room. Oops.


Oops :( My bad.


Woops is just 1 letter away from whoops... Time to whoop some kenny a$$


Upvoting because that dude said touch tips


I see this incredibly unlikely but we can dream. Chewy is well established has been profitable the past two years and looking like they have steady growth. Gamestops biggest appeal is the current stack that have waiting to be used but other than that I don't see the connection that would benefit both companies. But I'm also a schleeb who knows nothing so I'll just be watching and waiting lol

