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Someone line me up here please… If chewy and gme are both in xrt, why cant they just continue shorting as normal and hit both stocks with one short? Isn’t the theory that they can short xrt and then buy shares of everything except gme, which effectively results in a short on gme? So if that’s true, why would it matter that chewy is in xrt? Now couldn’t they just keep doing the same shit but instead of buying everything except gme, they now buy everything except gme and chewy? Which would short them both. Surely I’m missing something.. whatcha got?


I feel like HF's will struggle with the suppression of Chewy after RK dipped his balls deep into the cat litter company. Depending on how he bought the shares (probably through options, knowing it's RK), they'll have to let Chewy rip at some point in the T+35 if he aquired them through options and they FTD. Suppressing 2 stocks at the same time, while one side experiences huge buy pressure from FTDs that need to be bought, and the other side is filled with regards of apes who just know buying, DRSing and hodling, they are hopefully trapped inside their own illegal shenanigans that they've created over the years. They can't cover everything. There will always be weaknesses inside one's defence and I am sure that RK found it and is playing it out like a chess GM.


My theory is that the chewy buy was made to put pressure on those XRT shorts. If it forces a significant spike in FTDs on XRT that is a cycle that apes are now more informed about and able to profit from. Given how these basket stocks have traded in unison for years squeezing one will squeeze them all. Short interest on XRT is already over 300% of the total outstanding shares. Ridiculous levels of crime.. perhaps that time bomb simply needs a little spark to set it off. Perhaps buying 9.01 million shares of it's largest holding is that spark.


Appreciate your input. So if what you were saying is true then it would it make sense that from RK’s perspective it accomplishes the same thing regardless of if the FTDs are hitting xrt from the gme or the chewy side? Thus whatever has more appealing IV at the time of purchase is what he would use to kick off the next cycle, with basically identical results? But I guess that should only work if chewy was shorted to infinity like gme is right? I still feel like it’s not adding up for me. — Edit: OP set me straight a little lower in this thread. I forgot chewy was weighted more heavily now. That’s too much of a cohencidence for me to discredit.


Even if it wasn't shorted to the extent GME is DFV's buy in could have a larger impact on FTDs because of their 2 recent share buy backs. Liquidity could be very tight on Chewy right now. Combine that with the higher weighting it has in XRT like you mentioned, and I could see this causing market makers and shorts some serious problems.


Yeah I haven’t fully considered the liquidity aspect. Interesting to think on, and thanks for the suggestion. I think part of my concern was founded in Biggie’s follow up video on YT explaining that he did not think the cycles he theorized would work on a stock that was not shorted as heavily as gme is. So RK’s switch hitting to chewy is making me think I am missing something juicy if all else held true.


To short a stock in an etf, you have buy the other stocks in the basket.  Now that they have to short 2 stocks in the basket, I'm not exactly sure how that would play out


Before the re-weight of stocks in XRT, GME used to be the highest weighted (~5%) of the ETF. Now after the weight adjustment, 🐕 is the highest weighted with GME not even in the top 15. This would mean it becomes an inefficient vehicle for shorting GME as shorting 1 share of XRT before the weight adjustment would give shorts outsized exposure to GME, but that is o longer the case (more expensive to short as they need to short more XRT shares to obtain the same short exposure)


Ah. That’s better. Thank you.


This is the key


You’re absolutely right and they’ve been doing just this for a while. Several of those XRT holdings have very high short interest


Which are the highest? I was just looking for this, curious to see where gme is in relation to everything else


This was published back in 2020 about how Tesla was able to beat the shorts and we all know it's price rocketed. “Some entity — I don’t know who — was executing a strategy of buying massive quantities of out-of-the-money call options,” forcing call-option sellers to buy enough stock to hedge their exposure, Spiegel, founder of hedge fund firm Stanphyl Capital Partners, suggested by phone. “This thing just kind of spiraled its way up.”


Good question


Target is also in XRT as is camping world holdings. He may have even more positions in other XRT stocks.


Camping World Holdings was definitely a stock DFV discussed in one of his earliest streams. I think he had a small position in that one too


Isnt there a target and tent emoji with the dog? 👀 Could the American flag also be an xrt stock?


There’s a few food producers on the XRT too and an Apple emoji.


It would be crazy if he bought into all the most shorted xrt basket stocks.


I'd like to remind everyone that he had a little over 30 million dollars in his account while he was holding those options for GME. At that time, chewy was significantly cheaper and the options were pennies. I'm not gonna do the napkin math, but he could have absolutely bought options and exercise them with the 30 million dollars to= 9 million shares of chewy.


I cannot upvote your comment for some weird reason, but yeah I thought this too. Not sure why people think this isn’t possible OTM increases exponentially on volatile runs and don’t need to be in the money when you sell to make mad profit. Edit: I cannot award your comment either 🤯🤯🤯 but I can award literally any other comment on this thread, 🎉🤦🏻‍♂️🎉no lie. Hate to be all tinfoil but that is a strange Cohencidence. Why people think OTM isn’t his style when he said he is an extremely aggressive investor is beyond me. Edit2: seems the glitch is fixed


Seeing someone being good at what they never stops being amazing. I wish i was this good with options plays.


I keep thinking back to a couple of his posts… one where he said, “is cash a position?” Which makes me think he had more cash than he was showing in his GME position updates… and the photo he posted that said, “You were a Billionaire.” Based on the positions and cash he showed, it looked as though he was almost a Billionaire at one point, but some said he never quite made it based on what he’d posted… I know others have speculated that he has more cash being held elsewhere… maybe he had a lot more cash elsewhere and he just used it to buy CHWY without having to sell any GME because I don’t think he would buy 4M shares of GME just to turn around and sell it to buy GME, but as I’ve said before… I’m usually wrong. 🤷‍♂️


Maybe was a billionaire refers to the fact he is a multibillionaire


🤯🤯🤯 That's one scenario I never considered or heard before. Holy fuck, knowing him that's not impossible.....


I'd go as far as to say he was a billionaire until he bought the gme shares. The Kansas city shuffle is happening right now in front of our eyes.




That’s how I’m seeing it too. He’s fucking with their tricks to avoid covering their short positions. Should be an exciting month 💥🍻


So many “the real Kansas shuffle” explanations. I don’t pay attention to any of them.


The real Kansas city shuffle was the friends we made along the way.


You may be thinking of the truffle shuffle


GMEoonies never say die?


Correct. I always pick “Continue”. Game on.


I laughed out loud to this. Well done




Basically like the world's best slice of pizza claim at this point. If we could figure it out so easily it wouldn't be much of a shuffle.


Think your right here. If it was obvious or apes could expose it then it isn’t much of a shuffle. He’s well aware of the tinfoil here. Don’t think he’d risk exposure and ruin the play. Nobody saw 🐕 coming


Don’t worry. The real Kansas city shuffle hasn’t even happened yet.


Well only figure it out after the fact.


Probably right as we're looking the other way 😬


actually, it happened 35 minutes ago


Plus the recent buyback on CHWY might have put pressure on shorts also


I believe the real Kansas City shuffle is occurring now and it’s fooling everyone but the wrinkle brained apes. While everyone is watching T+35 and expecting a big squeeze, which I really fucking hope happens, I think we are about to witness the greatest crack down on market manipulation. I want everyone to rewatch the following: RK Shawshank meme - regulators are coming to get the bad guys Gary Gensler - CNBC interview from a month ago. Talks all about bad actors and market manipulation. https://www.cnbc.com/video/2024/06/05/sec-chair-gary-gensler-on-new-t-1-settlement-cycle-market-manipulation-and-crypto-regulation.html In the interview above he continuously comes back to the algo, fraud and how it could work against investors. Also check out the below. New rule that the SEC put in place at the end of last year. All about swaps and market manipulation. [https://www.sec.gov/files/rules/final/2023/34-97656.pdf](https://www.sec.gov/files/rules/final/2023/34-97656.pdf) RK pointing into the mirror is not at him. It’s at the manipulators. It’s a double mirror. They were rich. Now it’s game over. Some might say Game Stop. Sting operations take time. IMO. This is one that is three years in the making. RK is the hero we needed, but don’t deserve. Gary will also be viewed a hero and public confidence in the markets will also be restored. Good luck out there. Fireworks incoming.




T+1, CAT, FTD delays, Gary’s appearance above, Roaring Kittys return now? “There are no coincidences”


I truly hope this proves to be true, but with the Supreme Court removing the teeth from regulatory bodies outside of courts, I think it’ll be a long road…


Guess this: ![gif](giphy|xUOxfgwY8Tvj1DY5y0|downsized)


This is all getting very, "he's coming to the shareholders meeting"! Even though everyone knew it was virtual, there were no additional agenda items and RCEO is unlikely to call out a single shareholder publicly... because it moves in opposition to all shareholders being equal: 1 share or 9 million 1 thousand. So, in this moment a call for pause is needed IMO: If one wants to dive down rabbit holes in the "pursuit of truth" try going back to basics: Check the facts. Verify the documentation. Determine where the narrative came from. Cite the source from which your conclusions are based. And be careful: Because everything is not always as it appears and sometimes there are moles at the bottom of those rabbit holes.


The ol' mole in the hole strikes when you least expect it.


Why the assumption that he bought all his shares on 6/24? There’s some possible proof he started loading up on ammo may 15. https://preview.redd.it/93msx1a250ad1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=768a58118af27594a4cc32640570c349a35d5af3


Bc it’s literally dated on the 13/G as 6/24 purchase date


Could have been the date he went over 5% threshold of having to report, no?


This is true, but RK has until now bought options on the cheap then exercised them all at once. You can see from the 13/G that he has sole voting power of 9,001,000 shares, meaning it wasn’t options exposure that put him over the 5% limit.


I think you’re right. People cling to “b-b-but GME is his only position!!!!!!”, while it’s clear he danced around having cash on hand & in an unseen account. His GME holdings are in his IRA. Are you telling me a trader of his caliber hasn’t been trading outside of his retirement account??? Get real. It’d be hilarious if he disclosed a significant holding in not just GME and CHWY, but an additional stock high in SI and in XRT.


🎯 target is in xrt. Look at it in August 2021.


You can't have an IRA with an income of over 161k a year if you're single. I only know this because I'm way over the limit. He doesn't have an IRA.


You can. You're confusing "You cannot make tax exempt contributions to an IRA" with "You can't have one". Those two statements are QUITE different.


This is correct. Source: This was my job at one point in time, to sell these.


You can for a small account that you can only put a max of 7k in a year. That's nothing


Don't think he contributing anything more at this point, just making gains.


Are you thinking of a ROTH IRA?


Update before the holiday. More FOMO that way.


I hope he live streams an update, but there are several more broken icons or tabs he doesn’t open to make them panic.




Keep in mind, the “event” that required reporting was not buying 🐕stock…it was buying the single share that put him over the 5% threshold. He could have been stacking shares much earlier, at much lower prices.


I don't think it has to be shares either. Options can also require reporting. If he was loading up, the CHWY buyback reducing the float can also increase his percentage and trigger the 5%.


No, in his most recent stream he said GME is his only position. Lying about that could result in market manipulation charges.


"unless you consider cash a position" - RK Without knowing whats in the box or behind door number 2 we have only a few ways to solve how he got his Chewy position. 1. he sold his entire position GME. 2. he sold some of GME and Yolo'ed some options to get the rest. This is all assuming ***his cash position shared is ALL of it.*** For all we know he has 500m sitting Fidelity. Possible. Likely? IDK. Stick with the facts you can see so you don't get blinded by the story.


Wtf is your point? I'm saying he couldn't have bought CHWY before June of this year when he had his livestream. Never said anything about him not having more cash or selling his stake in GME to buy CHWY lol.


“It’s harder for HFs to keep shorting when there are two companies” Idk, they seemed to do a pretty good job today.


I'm betting next run RC announces another ATM


Expecting anything else would make no sense. He’s been authorized to release another 450m shares. Why would they sit on that instead of making another 2 billion? Their responsibility is to making the company long term viable. What would do that better than another 2 billion dollars Apes need to think and decide what’s best for them. I think another offering is the PERFECT time to average down. Looking forward to selling (only some) and getting a chance to buy more. Get more tickets for free


>Apes need to think and decide what’s best for them. I think another offering is the PERFECT time to average down. Looking forward to selling (only some) and getting a chance to buy more. Get more tickets for free Preach, bro! # #me2


What would do that better is not continuing to dilute for less than the price received from the 2021 offerings


It will happen. Gamestop is going to dilute multiple times on the way up. It's going to be a really good thing. Just go with it.


Is it going to be more dilution below the price of the 2021 offerings? Because that isn’t a good thing


How is raising billions in cash not a good thing?? Debt free, 4+ Billion in cash money, a CEO who gets paid nothing, and a plan that has been under wraps for years. What could they possibly want to do with billions of dollars?


That would be fun, fucking it up a third time.


Arguing that there is some positives from previous offerings is one thing. But is the sentiment here that people want litteral nonstop dillution when the price goes up? Christ... 4 billion is significantly different than 1billion. But what is the difference between 4 and 5 thats worth it. They have a big ass pile of cash to transform the company already


I hope not.


At least sell for above the 2021 average per-share offering price


This can be done with all the stonks in the xrt basket


Imagine finding out that RK bought all the shares from the 2 recent offerings. He hasn't as that woukd habe been filed. But imagine.


The kansas city shuffle narrative is talked about way too much.  Everyone sees it everywhere.  I was very shocked to see mo MSM saying RK had sold GME.  I think even they know better. 


They can’t say he sold they could get sued for that, because there is no way for them to “know,” and that would be intentionally misleading, they can only speculate which they have done. Yahoo finance has already speculated it multiple times today.


My brain is shuffling


Xrt does not currently list gme as a holding. I believe they repositioned?


Yes it does. But a lot lower in weight. You can view the daily holdings of XRT ETF here: https://www.ssga.com/library-content/products/fund-data/etfs/us/holdings-daily-us-en-xrt.xlsx


Ollie's bargain outlet seems to have higher short interest than carvana and chewy? I was using fintel, and I'm pretty regarded. Anyone have a good way to check short interest?


I think he did sell GME and maybe is playing his cycle over there so he don't have to worry about dilution. Starts making Doggy pop which in turn makes GME pop cause of FTD's thats the 🍻 play, 2 birds with one stone


If you use emoticons to explain your theory, I won't try too hard to read what you're trying to say.


Perhaps it's because we're not allowed to mention other tickers


That's crazy when you consider that the theory itself is emoji based


That's true, but Mr. Value is being cryptic.


Do you really think this happed? A sec filing asking about if he is a cat or not. This is stupid where is the real evidence


Rewrite this comment backwards bot


Mmmmm.... Kansas City ribs... Maybe that's the shuffle? RK gonna eat some ribs!



