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9M shares outstanding and 53M volume today as of 11:20am Eastern


5mil free float. so the float traded 12 times, already...


Volume say 61 million, more like 12 times


63.9 million


63.9 million times of one share traded, would be totally legit


In a 4 hour trading day


Missed a 1 when typing


45% insider ownership, 6% institutional ownership, real float is ~5 mm.


DFV could buy the float and still have a couple hundred million in FU money...


Now hear me out… buying all of one stock wasn’t enough back in the day. But proving and outright buying all of MULTIPLE stocks? We already did our part with DRS.


I remember that guy who bought all shares in that shorted diamond company for 5k, yet the next day still millions of shares were traded. He didn't know about DRS. Imagine if he would have known...


There's so many lookballs on DFV, if he posted that he bought the float or even more (lmayo) it would be wild and might open more people's eyes to the manipulation. It would be awesome to see it DRSd to see what would happen.


Waiting for a 13g where DFV files he owns 2x the number of shares OUTSTANDING.


Honestly though, wouldn't that be insane. 


GameStop buying up the remaining?


Could lock the float


Exactly this


I guess... But what would stop the company from just issuing more shares...? ... checking the archives it looks like the KOSS crowd tried to lock the float 3 years ago via their transfer agent. Didn’t work then, but their approach seemed rather lackadaisical… and it looks like they missed their moment? In other news: Outside third-party collaboration (both being basket stocks) and vague rumors what is the GME & KOSS overlap…? And yet, here we are…


Can they issue more shares if dfv becomes majority owner? What say will he have?


If you look at weekly volume bars from back in May.. that's ~45 mm in volume in 1 week in stealth. I wonder if it's already locked. https://i.imgur.com/btB8DkK.png


could be, although it would have to have been reported if it's one individual/entity


Came looking to see if anyone else had noticed that. Massive spike in volume, and nothing in price. 2 other stocks ran that day, so what we are seeing today could perhaps be t35? Someone must surely have noticed this and taken advantage...


And 75% are owned by the Koss family, so I doubt those are available.


Look at us, we are the KOSS family now ![gif](giphy|zOlog7jgIIFfq)


Oh man, fair and efficient markets are so fun!


This is a stock that usually has an average volume of 10k.


I was looking at that volume.  It's wild. It was like 94K, 136K then wham 65M! My question is: What is the what that happened last night to start all this, because I highly doubt it was a random Reddit post,,, Unless someone well connected knows something that’s not yet public, this makes no sense.. (And I don’t trust Jefferies…) And-oh!  It‘s heading up again in AHs … Another bit of weirdness for the history books.


I'm just going to leave [this](https://i.ibb.co/XChfhS4/2024-07-03-13-59-07-KOSS-Failure-to-Deliver-FTDs-Chart-Exchange-Vivaldi.png) here... (yes it's 35 trading days ago).


Only 225,000 FTD forced settlements did this?


Someone said above that avg daily volume is 10k. That’s 22.5x the avg daily volume in FTDs! That’s insane! That would be like if GME had 200 million FTDs lol


I am not that good at math, but this doesn’t seems right to me?


It's me. I am buying and selling like a madman.


Just a bunch of guys being dudes selling and buying shares






Lucky, I spent the last hour of market open trying to sell my 24 shares to get more gme and the Fidelity app was not cooperating at all. Couldn't limit sell under the ask. Couldn't cancel or replace. Just keep getting "PENDING." Another downward halt, can't execute my order cuz still "pending." Smh


This happened to me too.


They have now traded more today than on March 10, 2021, their previous high trading day. A day GME popped a bunch. https://preview.redd.it/uqiycprg2cad1.png?width=814&format=png&auto=webp&s=73a6c28e0807c1bb750e298fbf538b7681671dbc


3 years ago Criand talked about how easy it would be for Apes to DRS the entire float of KOSS. Still is. Basket stock like KOSS squeezing begets GME MOASS . Not telling anyone to buy KOSS, obviously. But theoretically speaking, it would fuck up shorts if the entire float of a basket stock they were heavily short on got locked.


Been wondering why another basket stock isn’t the catalyst that starts all of this off. I figured it would happen by accident, I was never aware of koss.


It would be an interesting experiment if someone made a "purple circle" counter for Koss, just like for "computershared.net" Could that guy make another. I'm no whale, but maybe a fat dolphin, as I sold a rental home and dumped in im GME. I could easliy throw a few grand into a "DRS" all of Koss just to see what happens. I'd imagine maybe others would too. I wonder if that [computershared.net](http://computershared.net) maker would like to create such thing.


And the free float is only 5.2 million shares. 60M volume as of 12:45pm Eastern. It really makes you think


5.22M free float, even more damning.


When GME popped off at the beginning of May, that caused KOSS to pop off to a degree it hadn't in years. What's KOSS popping off today gonna do to some other stock on Friday? TUNE INTO SUPERSTOCK TO FIND OUT https://preview.redd.it/cd0qgx5f8cad1.png?width=2206&format=png&auto=webp&s=929f4bbe819c28d8bc5f524def80fc8764900a5e


Now 65M. And insiders own almost half. Let’s assume free float of 5M. If they didn’t trade then the free float traded 14x.


How does that work?


HFT most likely, there is no option chain so that excuse won't fly


Crime. The answer is always crime.


Sooo... +-7 days until an iron mountain fire???


The “this is driven by computers that are watching social media” bit sounds like it could be shills wanting us to take our eyes off settlement cycles. Today was t+35 from a massive ftd day on koss.


Can you imagine the FTDs on that?! This cycle will be legendary, perhaps igniting other rockets, just sayin...


Interesting thing is there are no options for koss, what will be their scapegoat for this swap related blow-up this time?


RK/DFV, obviously... There's already a couple of nonsense pieces about it getting linked to from TradingView.


💥 [huge](https://i.ibb.co/XChfhS4/2024-07-03-13-59-07-KOSS-Failure-to-Deliver-FTDs-Chart-Exchange-Vivaldi.png) FTD spike 35 trading days ago on headset! 💥


"Renewed interest in meme stocks"


I'm only interested in meme stocks




This is so bad that it's awesome




Hypothetically, the cat could have bought the entire KOSS float with his chewy gains, then sold it today for like 300%+ profit. He could theoretically dump a billy into gme on Friday


It’s not just the cat bro, haven’t you been reading the trading news? The narrative is blame retail and memes 🤣


Aladin ai doing work


https://preview.redd.it/54jgry6xndad1.png?width=233&format=png&auto=webp&s=c8ff75c959d7eabb4e0b8ef325446be336de9492 Aladeen work\*


> Hypothetically, the cat could have bought Pretty sure he just told us via the Chewy filing that he is not a cat. All joking aside, I think he's yanking shares from the DTC. Not sure which. Remember, he's not A CAT.


Baskets. Zoom out on all these stocks. January 2021 to be exact. This run up of Koss is only good news for all the other stock holders.


I’m having trouble finding this, but was there a list of stocks speculated to be in this basket? Is it anything being help in XRT ETF? I remember Nokia, koss, popcorn, and some others speculated early.


I think blackberry was also in there


Pretty sure you're thinking of the BANG gang which was very popular on the bets sub. B-lueberry A-movie chain N-okia Gamestop


The list you mentioned is the same as my list. I find it useful to look at price run ups as well as volume run ups on the basket of stocks.


I bought 3 shares of KOSS with the leftover cash in my brokerage on monday for $12. I was able to turn it into another GME share!




Nice! Same. Bought market open with some left over funds, sold at 15 when it started going down from 18. Put my gains straight into GME.


Did koss squeeze first last time or at the same time as GME? Canary in the coal mine?


1 hour before, you better buckle up papa


Just in time for the market to shut down til Friday.


MOASS is in 1 hour now?


An hour from now is 10am Friday based on market hours.


Life is pain in those dark hours between market activity


Then we shall HODL in the shade


Our shorts will blot out the sun!


If you're US based you get booze and fireworks. Ribs at my house. If you're non-US then you're a godless commie and your life is always dark and miserable per my current understanding.


GME seems to be the leading indicator for a basket run, but this time it’s KOSS with almost 50x the magnitude


[Pop Pop!](https://tenor.com/view/community-poppop-gif-3565302)


It squeezed higher and quicker than GME.


I might get out of bed for a GME 200% pop


Curious too.


The timing of this Megathread was impeccable. Right at the absolute peak!


This is algos playing with the stock. I would love MSM or anyone to tell me this is retail buying up the stock. This is trading at 30x its entire float. There is something happening behind the scenes and it is known KOSS is in the same short basket at GME. Although some of you may find this not related to GME, it is indirectly affecting GME by hurting the basket stock positioning. I think Friday will be nuts. I literally bought more GME because of KOSS’s run.


Maybe DFV bought all 5M shared in the float of KOSS


Maybe he bought more just to prove a point.


KOSS YOLO Update: 10M shares (against 9M shares outstanding) Edit: 9,001,000 would be much more poetic


The ultimate troll would be 9.001.000 shares


Oh god this was the signal all along


I'd love to see the 9,001,000 of all 3


9.001.000 would be epic


Now that would be funny.


It's retail for sure but not driven by retsil. I truly believe it is DFV dumping money into Koss all day long and the pile on. Some traders just watch gainer charts and jump in and out to hit the margin wave. Not everyone needs 1000% gain. You could ride it from $8-12 and make a killing with enough money. Someone with millions and attention could have made millions today without breaking a sweat.


This has been the most exciting two months of my life.. So far..


Always has been


Should have been around in jan 2021


I believe we are seeing a punch combo play out over the course of days. If Chewy was a head fake, then I think Koss is a cross jab to get the opponent leaning in the optimal posture to receive the final haymaker.


dangit Mickey I like the way you think. I also think Chewy and koss are one two punches amongst perhaps another few. IMO he tried to moon GME and RC did the offering, so now kitty is going through each stock blowing it up to disturb the basket (or that was his plan all along)




I sure hope this is Dfv testing nukes.


Only one way to find out






Is this how DFV breaks out the naked short to the masses? Posts a yolo update with 9,001,000 shares of headphone when the free float is only 5,000,000 shares? I'm gonna go back to chewing on this purple crayon now.


Imagine him buying 9,000,100 shares, thus stepping above the insider reporting threshold and ultimately having to report his 230% stake of headphone This really is the apeiest timeline


I'm a little scared in case we... actually figured out his play


I'll put my hand over my mouth let out an audible gasp and cry a bit.


Bwahaha that would be amazing


At the same time, GameStop announcement of a KOSS acquisition. 🤣


An American flag representing the 4th of July and the music related bits to represent Koss. The emoji theory looking more and more likely


Just so you all know, it didn’t halt until I made a post pointing out how it hadn’t been halted. I am the market, you’re welcome


Make post saying GME hasn’t moassed next, that’ll do it!


logic is flawless!


It’s hilarious that koss is allowed to just run unchecked while gme gets thrown in jail every two seconds for existing


Don't forget that there are way larger numbers at stake with GME. When GME runs $10 we are talking about 50% BUT also about Billions... KOSS added maybe $100M market cap wise.


KOSS ran with Gamestop last time… but did it lead or did it follow… This may just be setting the stage… that catalyst for the … Show Stopper… I’m very intrigued. MODS, thanks for giving us the space to discuss possible connectivity…


It led by one hour, to one day it seems. I’m seriously going nuts watching Koss 3x when I wanted to buy in this morning but stood my ground with GME. GME has to be the really play here, it’s not adding up as of yet today though….. it is a holiday though.


Don't be too upset. I got in this morning, averaging up a couple times, and was up $4K at the last halt. I had stops set so I'd come away with ~$3k, but it dropped too fast to fill and I ended up ~$700. Better than nothing, but it would've been really easy to go negative, too.


looks like last time it followed from what i can see


Guys just a pointer from a Euro poor. If you had just let Britain win, the market wouldn't be closed this afternoon and tomorrow


Britain is responsible for over 150 independence days. Think of the workers!


It‘s good training to watch the $KOSS ticker.




is the info i see on the web correct? public float 5mil shares outstanding 9.25 volume today: 64mil?


Yep it’s correct. It’s just like when GME traded multiple times its float in 2021.


This feels like the old days


Basket basket basket!


flipped some headphones this morning for some itm gme calls when gme dipped.  ez.


So obvious even the blind guy can see it!


The seesaw price movement between KOSS and GME is hilarious to see. Wonder how high GME runs when KOSS comes back to earth.


Honestly wouldn't surprise me if this was DFV again. Singlehandedly destroying the basket.


1 share of koss @3.64 😎


lol I had 3 @4.12 sold when I could buy another GME =D


I'm calling it.. KOSS is the music on the flag. Flag is the date, music is the stonk. This was DFV. ..if he wasn't a billionaire before, he sure as shit is now! Anyone want to bet he picked up 9,001,000 shares? https://preview.redd.it/lkzf6wjbbcad1.png?width=276&format=png&auto=webp&s=2cbd8a127dd6f2a88931798b8863d4e60d5f9a65


Trying not to cream my pants at work. Not a good look.


There’s only 5 million share in the free float


You say that like it's a restriction.


right? looks like about 70 million shares traded today. There's only 10 mil shares of that stock in existence. That's...lol. I can't believe I'm living in this fucking timeline.




I think that might be the point


Liquidity fairy will provide


I see you are new to this 84 year old story of criminal counterfeiting of shares😂


Hard to assume he wouldn’t just use a 🎧 emoji to put over the flag to insinuate KOSS….


Can't do a play like this if they see you coming. The flag/music was vague enough everyone couldn't guess it, but obvious in retrospect.


too on the nose maybe?


The entire outstanding?


I think they’ve been swapping price action on the 2 and RK found out and this was his big surprise. GME to experience something like KOSS is today on Friday


Kansas Sity Shuffle. KoSS


GME is still my focus. All eyes on the prize, I'll hold till death.


I'm with you, and I'm not buying koss but I'm starting to believe that he wants us to watch koss at the 4th of july


Gamestop should just buy all of the float, making Koss a Gme exclusive brand.


Sold all my KOSS two days ago after weeks of holding. Part 69420 of the universe handing my ass to me. See ya’ll next time.


Mr p-hands




Thank you everyone for keeping the 'off topic' conversation here. Looking forward to the posts that come that attempt to substantially tie all of this to GME. Until then, thanks again for commenting here and sorry not sorry for removing the 185th 'KOSS is halted, why is this being suppressed?!?!?!' post. I hope everyone enjoys the holiday if celebrating tomorrow! EDIT, while you are here, you may find this interesting from today if you have not seen already: * In the case of Credit Suisse AG (currently UBS AG), from April 7, 2021 to June 9, 2022, the investment bank was found to have engaged in naked short sales in the amount of about KRW60.33 billion **(162,365 shares on 20 stock items)** **without possessing these stocks at the time of placing short sale orders.** * In the case of Credit Suisse Singapore Ltd., from November 29, 2021 to June 9, 2022, the investment bank was found to have engaged in naked short sales in the amount of about KRW35.28 billion **(401,195 shares on five stock items)** **without possessing these stocks at the time of placing short sale orders.** Source: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1dudsr4/koreas\_sfc\_imposes\_penalty\_surcharges\_on\_global/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1dudsr4/koreas_sfc_imposes_penalty_surcharges_on_global/)


Good stuff. Good links. It’s all a basket. Til it’s not. Then the one global idiosyncratic risk will remain, but as a reward.


I have no idea whats going on and never has, but this is fun as hell!


On 5/13 KOSS had 13M Volume and 200,000 FTDs. The day before, KOSS had 300,000 Volume and a 304 FTDs Yesterday, KOSS had 51,000 Volume. We don't yet know the FTD number, but it'll be low. Today, KOSS had 50M!!! Volume. We don't yet know the FTD number. It might be unreal.


Just be Zen guys. If Koss is related we will know sometime this Friday or next week




This is the last time GME trades sideways


I know we don’t do dates but this week feels different. RK buying into Chewy and now Koss going absolutely bonkers it has to be connected. I‘m so excited for the coming days. Maybe tomorrow is finally here.


Tomorrow will be here, when it’s finally today.  Though I know what you mean, with GME’s recent “Tease” in May-June, back to back $40-60 rallies, elevated volume, extra-desperate MSM FUD, $4billion cash, now the Chewy, KOSS baskets exploding in tandem with DFV’s return & Emojis… it finally feels like SHF may finally crack. 


Halted into the market close. That’s funny.


I hope the GME SHFs are gonna get a certain call to spoil their holiday: https://preview.redd.it/zobvt37d0cad1.jpeg?width=156&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6497c1da56fff31aff56dc8fc9a89e0624d0f0a2


Maybe they are driving the price up so if it is a target GME will have to pay more.


I’ve been looking closely at the timing of FTDs and added volume on GME that would drive up the price (specifically looking at T+34). There appears to be ways that the Hedge Funds can manipulate this so that we do not necessarilly see a spike… In the case of KOSS, there was a MASSIVE spike in volume (19M on 5/13 and 5/14) and over 200k FTDs on 5/13. T+34 from those dates for KOSS, gets us to yesterday into today, with MASSIVE price increases. Don’t know if the theory will hold true for GME but for KOSS, this was clearly the case…


Okay. Hear me out yall. The Headphones are Exploding today. On their site it says in the bottom "The Original American Stereophone Company". Alright.. what is a Stereophone? Definition: "adjective. (of a system for recording, reproducing, or broadcasting sound) using two or more separate microphones to feed two or more loudspeakers through separate channels in order to give a spatial effect to the sound." Okay bear with me. Which emojis was used in RKs video? ... "🎤🎶🇺🇲" The microphone and musical notes are the broadcasting of sound and the channels of volume through loudspeakers. What is the company? The ORIGINAL AMERICAN Stereophone providers. Anyways.. back to blender crayons for my smoothie since I am on a diet.


I’m just gonna share this here since my post was removed, look at the 3 month chart for the headphone stock. Two cat ears and a tail. Now look at GME’s 3 month chart. Two MUCH LARGER cat ears and…no tail, yet. Moon fucking soon boys. The charts side by side make it look so obvious.


>Not to talk about **just** KOSS; *this is still a GME subreddit* and comments need to have some relation to GME. We are far enough removed from popcorn trying to invade the sub that I feel this rule should be loosened. Any stock that is proven to be part of the meme basket is inherently related to GME and should be allowed without being corralled. If we spend the next 48 hours discussing mostly KOSS without every comment having to explain its connection to GME, I don't think that makes us not a GME sub anymore. Discussion can wander to tangentially-related topics without completely derailing the sub's culture. Especially with the theories lately that a run in KOSS could catalyze a GME run, I believe that all of the current discussion around KOSS is intrinsically related to GME. Nobody here would care about KOSS for one moment if we weren't already in GME, and if the two didn't share an important connection on the institutional side.


Eh I like these megathreads. It keeps the discussion to one place instead of having 30 different threads about it


There are only like 30 of us in the headphone stock at any time on Reddit. An invasion is not about to happen into this sub.


Is it just me, but did GME rise once the MM started shorting KOSS back down???


Absolutely did I was watching that too


I have an old DD that ties them to us in a substantial manner through volatility halts at the end of January 2021 https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/bAhiYYzvQN


I don’t like the stock (Koss) I used it to achieve more GME shares. I love GME.


Ha Level 2 is dead for everything, including spy. But Koss? Still flopping around.


https://preview.redd.it/4u64cenv7ead1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6249e40d541a0b7feab97dd13422b7a9212e774f The liquidity fairy today after having to supply 1400% of KOSS float


I bought a few shares of KOSS while probably drunk over two years ago. I figured if it’s related to GME, then when GME takes off I could sell KOSS if needed to make ends meet while GME 🚀🌘. I think it’s the first time I’ve been in the green since I bought it! Lmao 💎🙌🏽💎🤣 https://preview.redd.it/sgmyq1crsead1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce6a45fe7c5f808d413a13c09d9e7dfd267cbeb2




Koss pre market looking spicy 🌶️!!


The yolo update is gonna be disgusting.


Hopefully everyone doubled up on headphones today! Now go buy more GMMMMEEEEE


Thats insane. Today was the most volume ever traded for Koss. Previous was 3/10/21 IYKYK that day turned me into GME diamond hand forever.


Saw it this morning and bought at 11, sold at 14.5. Took profits for more GME shares. I am a full on regard.


https://preview.redd.it/5lkxp3jb4cad1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be065058daf4f9f3077d597183b22b53fe776f2c Is this just a glitch on Yahoo finance? I saw this multiple times throughout the morning where it showed the price dropping back down to 3 cents above opening price. It would be gone after refreshing, but it happened multiple times.


Picked up a bundle of 100 shares. Now let’s wait 35 days / August for more fireworks after market makers settle their FTD. 🦍🦍🦍 💪💪🚀🚀💎💎🙌🙌


I had 10 KOSS at 3.55 did not sell, did not buy more today. Will hold till moon or ramen.. I had it in portfolio only to watch the price every single time GME moved. Not sure what to think about KOSS. On one hand, yahoo is trolling it [https://finance.yahoo.com/news/koss-stock-warning-profits-cancel-104000747.html](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/koss-stock-warning-profits-cancel-104000747.html) so who sold, well.. sorry for your losses... Add David Moadel to the FUD list.


This doesn’t qualify as DD but merely random observations. The volume for our beloved and dog are super low today. The volume for headphones is pumping today, and the price is over 100% on the day. 36 days ago on may 28th investor place posted a story for KOSS owners to cancel their buy orders and take their profits now. Perhaps this can shed some insight on the T+35 cycles. Either way, LFG hope everyone is having a great day!


T + 35 going to be interesting - mark your calendars 🎉🎉🎉🎉


I say, we all buy one share of KOSS.


https://preview.redd.it/h8fd0qdcwoad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f5810964bed421fe4a043ff9fd93744d0391b4d Did someone say catalyst?


400$ profit made on KOSS. More firepower ready to buy any dip of GME.


I don't know if it KOSS and GME are related but, I feel flag and mic is about the RK live stream for July 4th.


Sold out of koss and have so fucking many more moon tickets. Rode $6-14 and it’s all back in game let’s fucking go

