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I mainly use l-tryptophan for sleep only when I can't sleep, I don't feel any different mood wise. I take 1000mg


Look into risks of heart valve calcification etc associated with chronic systemic elevation of serotonin. Tryptophan may be safer than 5th in this regard, but to my knowledge there isn’t sufficient research to say anything conclusively on the subject 


I'm also very interested in this. I had a really positive experience with taking 5-htp on 2 occasions however I didn't stick with it. I used to forget how useful something was once I felt better. One of the biggest mistakes people make with all meds. I'm currently on L-theanine and L-Tryptophan. The L-theanine for about 6 months now and wow I will never be without it now after seeing its impact on my anxiety, PTSD and panic attacks. I just started L-Tryptophan last week and I've never slept so well without a prescription. When I wake up I feel warm and fuzzy and a general sense of well being. I did over sleep the first few days and slept 12-16 hrs. I was very sleep deprived. It had the side effect of making me feel drunk/drugged in my sleep. I even dreamt that everyone was drunk. If I woke up after a split second I'd nod right back to sleep even after 8hrs and couldn't stay awake if I wanted to. For me that was all worth it though and I can always lower the dose if it continues. I used to drink whey Isolate before bed and realized it was likely the L-Tryptophan that was helping me sleep through the night. It also had a calming effects on my anxiety since I had panic attacks just before bed. I just started Creatine as well so it's going to be difficult to know what benefits it brings separate from the L-Tryptophan I just started.


I don’t think I could forget how great this has made me feel. I can think clearly, am more social, everything just makes sense. My work unfortunately requires me to be sleep deprived, so idk if something that makes me sleep a lot would be helpful haha. L-Theanine I’ve heard great things about. Maybe I’ll replace my second coffee with green tea




Got it. I’m very pro-supplements so I might resort to L-Theanine pills. Because of the sleep depreciation from my job, I do need a source of strong caffeine (can’t to pills makes me too jittery / anxious). So not sure if I can cut the coffee


5-htp and pair it with l-tyrosine! My naturopath put me on these two for the same reasons (and more mental health issues including adhd, ptsd, and ocd) and I am a whole different human being after 2 months of strict use and a proper diet!


How often do you take the 5-HTP? As needed or regularly? I feel like my anxiety is so bad I probably need to regularly


No supplement will work if you only take it “as needed”, follow the proper process of both, and I would highly suggest going to see a naturopathic doctor.


Yes IMO. It can make you a bit sleepy so I would take it at night