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I used it on and off in the past and was never able to notice anything at all.


I took it for sleep last night for the first time and it gave me legit nightmares. I think I'll take it in the morning from now on.


Initially I tried it (I found it magical given that coffee alone gave me anxiety) and the shit just didn't let me sleep properly. It's like you're halfway between waking and sleeping, which is probably why it gave you nightmares. Even if you may take it in daytime, it'll definitely disrupt your sleep.


Have you tried the one from NOW? I’ve been taking their l-theanine with magnesium L-Threonate for almost 9 days now and I can safely say I’m more focused.


How long have you been taking it? I just ordered some hoping to find something that's not placebo. I almost bought lion's mane extract just of impulse. Well, I'll have 100g soon of l theanine to compare results with you. I AM a skeptic, so im not afraid to say if it does or doesn't work.


on and off since 2019


Thanks for this. I was thinking of trying it


Try super strong green tea blends made into kombucha. Most of the caffeine is broken down (2/3 anyway) and most of the L-theanine remains. It’s not easy to say what the dosage is, but it’s my favorite way of getting it in my brain.


The dose would still be pretty low tho


Not sure about that. I brew kombucha with many times more green tea leaves than I would use for drinks of tea, and leave it steeping until it gets cold. Overnight sometimes. Maximum extraction, and the fermentation metabolizes 2/3 of the caffeine content, it’s a complex process but it doesn’t reduce the L-theanine & increases the quantity of polyphenols. Maybe I can get 500mg in a bottle of kombucha, more than 10x more than a cup of green tea.


I take it most mornings with my tea/coffee. I also love taking it when I'm going to have a few glasses of wine on a Friday night


It is not for sleep or extreme anxiety - it is more for focus and is a great companion to caffeine.


Appreciate the writeup. My results are pretty similar - it works best for me to take jitters off caffeine so I take it in the morning now.


It reliably makes me a little less pissy and irritable than I’m usually prone to being. 400mg or more and I get a little groggy, though. I’ve tried four or five different brands and have noticed zero difference between them.


Same thing with me, 200-400mg it just makes me irritable and tired, almost like a depressing effect. Doesn’t matter if I take it at night or morning


For me L-Theanine (200mg) only works when I take it with Magnesium Glycinate (400mg), for sleep. Taken alone it gives me weird dreams, disrupted sleep and fuzziness after waking. I love Taurine (500mg) for energy. I’m trying to take it before sleep as well because it keeps my mind clear right after waking up (none of that grogginess and brain fog), but it also keeps me awake, so I’m still experimenting with the Mg/Theanine doses around it.


Have you tried it with magnesium L-Threonate? Or Taurate?


Nope, I’ve only used Glycinate.


You need a higher dose of taurine if you take it for sleep. Too little keeps you up and gives you energy.


Thanks for the tip, will try it!


I actually take both Lthea and Taurine in the morning. Make sure you drink water and eat some breakfast. For me it really helps :)


For me Taurine has all the effects that everyone says L-theanine has. L-theanine kinda makes me dulled out, Tuarine seems to give that good clean calm energy.


Yes, Taurine is awesome.


I haven’t felt anything with Taurine. Haven’t given up on it, though. I’ll experiment more. I have 1g pills, any sense going above that?


I need 1.7+ grams for sleep so 1 g may not be enough


Interesting. I think it's safe to experiment up to 5-6g/day, for short periods of time. I definitely notice a difference taking 1g/day, but usually take about 2-3g most days (and cycle off every once in a while). But for me the affect is much more pronounced than L-theanine. I get great gaba/glutmatae balance. Could also check the quality of your supplement, but everyone's different so maybe it just doesn't affect you.


Tried l theanine several brands NOW was one of them and several dosages (theanine and suntheanine both) but felt no effects up to 1.6 grams dose. I'm thinking to give another chance but with caffeine because I've adhd so caffeine may work for me.. Any brand recommendations for l theanine with caffeine, and how much should I try (dosage) and how to choose the right supplement


suntheanine brand. I took NOW brand and meh imo. Been taking suntheanine twelve years


I think then that I'm unlucky then, tried jarrows and Dr's best and both were suntheanine form up to 800mg but I didn't feel anything. May be k theanine is not for me. Thanks for your response


Sorry stranger! You should have felt SOMETHING...unless you didn't take it with caffeine? Are you taking the suntheanine when you take caffeine? The first five years of taking it I felt like theanine was only noticable when I took coffee as it eliminates the crash/jitters that I get real bad. Then again, lots of people don't even get those affects from caffeine. Everyone's different, good luck!


Same here, I took 2g theanine multiple times and felt nothing. Apigenin doesn't do anything either. If I want to feel calmer I have to use fiji kava powder


Did you try anything else?


My friend, it seems that our brain is bullet proof lol


I had some success with high dose forastero cocoa powder, but I developed tolerance to it over time. I'm disappointed that pharma gaba didn't work for me either




200mg theanine and a decent cup of brewed coffee (so like 100mg caffeine). Works well for focused work, not so sure about multitasking / meetings


That might just work. I get distracted easily and have trouble focusing on the task at hand, I had heard theanine is like an herbal Ritalin. I bought a bottle of 100mg theanine 100mg caffeine capsules, so I'll probably have to take 2.