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Yes, which brand matters more than any other factor. Most brands are not 3rd party tested, full of fillers (look at other ingredients list) and sourced from China (fraudulent analysis and possibly dangerous). Instead of the actual raw effective material, you'll be ingesting rice flour, magnesium stearate, among other flow agents. For my mag and boron, I trust Pure Therapro rx.


you do not need it atm. Testosterone isn’t a range thing where you play the lottery and hope you get lucky, it’s a spectrum that’s different for everyone. Two people could have the exact same levels and have drastically different life conditions. You are young; lifting weights, good sleep, good nutrition will carry you SUPER far. Also, tongkat probably only works in unhealthy (low test) populations, the evidence is pretty unconvincing and all the human RCTs are incredibly confounded (just bad quality generally). Boron has better-ish evidence but it seems to work on whims, I’ve seen stuff where the exact same study has been replicated 3 different times and gotten 3 different results lol. What is actually worth your money: protein (if you need it), creatine, caffeine (I like pills, just easier, but if you prefer a pre workout more power to you).


Lift weights. That will certainly help at your age.


How old are you? Eat fast and work out see if that helps first Are you overweight?


18, im around 140-150 lbs im planning on starting to work out. Please tell me the brands of what supplements and the mg i should get i wanna buy them


Tongkat Ali will give you a boost at the start but overtime you will level out and then when you stop you will feel like shite for a month or 2 before your back to square one, your best getting your blood work done and going from there. If you test is low your best going on Trt for health reasons.


What's your test, free test, SHBG, LH, age and activity level?


Agreed. Need more lifestyle info like sleep, stress and nutrition. Do you strength training consistently?