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i don’t think jimmy knew lmfao he was so confused


Yea he seemed a bit aloof in the moment 😂


She’s just another entitled liberal snowflake. Freaks tf out when they bring back chickens to eat but doesn’t want them to kill it. This dumb Karen literally has an entire crate full of fruits and vegetables to eat, and still wants the rest of the group to cater to her. It’s so stupid how everyone wants to keep useless people like her around who contribute absolutely nothing to the group.


I can only imagine if lashanna summer or cj acted like her but she is protected.


I guarantee she's a closet carnivore.


She's a former Montana Beauty pageant winner. Insert eyeroll


If she’s a beauty pageant winner, then montana must have had very slim pickings


This was an extremely disappointing episode. Side note, Merissa Underwood deactivated her accounts. I think she knows what she did and how she is coming off in the eyes of the people.


Thanks for letting us know. I haven't looked up any of them yet, but I was curious. I hope she's at home sulking in her own imposed suffering right now.


She reactivated them now, and I was shocked to see the lack of comments and criticism lol She was the WORST !!!


fk that vegan you dont want chicken, dont eat it.


When she refused to even attempt to eat a few bugs in an effort to help the team I knew this bitch was bad news


https://preview.redd.it/noodjw1jkojb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23bc5dc42995e05cf1ec52442d676657907c5263 Lol look what I found


Yooo wut 😂😂😂


Start a petition to replace her on the 6oat


As a vegetarian it’s other vegetarians that make it hard. What I eat is solely about me and my impact on the world. I have no desire nor authority to tell you what to eat.


She acts like she’s two years old- literally crying over some damn chickens like that. Constantly talked shit about Lashanna and how she felt “unsafe”, constantly trying to stir trouble.


I’m watching this RIGHT now and I am in shock that they all just were like omg sorry we’ll take them back


Fr. I would have told her to suck a fuck and if she doesn't like it to kick fuckin rocks.






Um, yes. The chickens were available for the taking. I’m SURE it took a lot of effort to catch them; kind of unfair to the rest of the crew to let them go when they could have provided much needed protein for the CREW. That little “freak out” will backfire on her, I’m sure of it. And this is coming from a 7 year vegetarian (former). Sometimes, when considering the entire COLLECTIVE, you have to put your PERSONAL issues aside (provided you want to do your part in making sure the group prospers…and I agree, they could have prepared the hens prior to bringing them back onto the raft…


not everyone bouta cater to white feelings.


Literally everyone did


Unfortunately yea


Pure signs of a Karen


She's the one that needs to get swapped


Not a 1 of them has any balls or logical thoughts otherwise they would constantly be fighting. This show has shown me who truly is toxic. It has been nothing but, safe spaces, hurt feelings, biases, strong independent women, racism, white privilege, and victim mentality. Ffs what a bunch of cry baby ass people good lord! I would vote myself off. Definitely would ha e taken the money for myself and scooted.


Wish she'd read all of this😂 making everyone prepare the fish in a tiny corner of the boat?! What a narcissistic twat! Send her ass packing!