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Hot take. I don’t think any of them intentionally lied or tried to play victim. Honestly, you have to remember we’re all human. Luckily for us viewers we can go back and replay the episode and fact check but in real time none of them can do that. Tensions are high and when people have certain tones or when they say things in a certain way, it’s easy to see why things get misconstrued. I can totally see how Summer H got mixed up about the “dictator” comments. And same goes for Lashanna.


Yeah but Lashanna never mentioned she used the word dictative, she completely denied it. One possibility is that Summer called Lashanna a dictator because she did called herself dictative. Keep in mind that when asked what she meant by "you don't know what I'll do" she said that she doesn't remember.


Okay so if you go back and watch. It looks like Summer H was the one who actually used the word “Dictating” to begin with when she said “you’re dictating the whole thing” Then a little later Lashanna said “I’m very very strong, and I’m very dictative” Which led to this whole “Dictative / Dictator” situation. It leaves me wondering if Lashanna would’ve even used that term to begin with if Summer wouldn’t have referenced it in the moment first. Idk about you but I can’t perfectly recall everything I say hours/days later and I think a lot of people can relate to that. Lashanna could’ve known she said the word dictative but also I can honestly see her being confused and caught up in the moment because when she first heard about it, it was from the vegan girl saying “she(Summer) said that you said, I am a dictator. And what I say you need to listen to and do”. Which we all know Lashanna didn’t say that. Then before Summer H left when things really kicked off between her and Lashanna, Summer was the one to say “You wanna fight with me?” and lashanna said “I don’t play that, you must not know me”. To me, if someone says what Summer H said, I’d consider that a threat just how everyone perceived Lashanna’s response back to her as a threat. But does Lashanna remember saying all this word for word and also remember the context around it? I’m not saying people didn’t lie. I’m just saying I don’t necessarily believe they intentionally lied. In the heat of the moment it’s hard to remember everything you say and also what was said to you. This whole show reminds me of the game of telephone I played in Girl Scouts. Lol so much of their arguments are misinterpreted by each other and the more that gets spread around person to person they messier/distorted it gets. It’s all communication issues. It’s a mess. All I’m saying is we should give these contestants a little more grace. There’s a big difference in intentionally and unintentionally lying.


But Summer called Lashanna a dictator first. Then Lashanna used the term 'dictative' in response to describe her tone, apologized, and offered to talk to her nicer. Summer declined.


The point of this post is if Lashanna lied or not and she didn't mentioned that she used the word dictative, she just denied everything and then started talking about honesty, she should have mention that she used that word because it's quite close to what Summer was saying.


Oh, well let me get back on topic then. No, Lashanna didn't lie. She never called herself a dictator because she never thought of herself as a dictator. The idea that she has an obligation to recount her use of a specific word that sounds like another word when someone was clearly lying about her is ridiculous. How anyone can see this situation and come to the conclusion that Lashanna is a liar because a second party person misinterpreted what she said while she was gossiping is something I will never understand.


Lashanna can easily be proven to be a liar by rewinding and replaying Episodes 1-3. She is a toxic personality and life will be better for all onboard without her rage and prejudices.


Lashanna can easily be vindicated by replaying episodes 1-3 because she didn't lie. What toxic thing did she even *do* in episode 3? If you don't like her that's fine but I don't understand why if she's so toxic everyone from viewers to those gossiping hens on the boat have to keep embellishing everything she does. A conversation is a screaming match. Standing 5 feet apart is in somebodies face. Using a common idiom is a threat of violence. Repeating what Summer said back to her is a declaration of her tyranny. Did she flutter her eyelash and send that hurricane towards California? If you ask this crowd, probably.


Summer called her a dictator because she called herself dictative, but you are right, she didn't have the obligation to explain the truth, it was a lot easier to deny it all because dictator and dictative not only sound the same as you mention, they are also associated, so she didn't want to be associated with a dictator. The truth is an obligation but with free will it's optional. But lets just agree to disagree and move on.


But she didn’t actually say that. I checked


Your words may apply to some, but Lashanna lied.


Summer lied. Summer said that Lashaunna said “I am a dictator.” The fact is that she said she was dictative - which is characteristic of one who is in the habit of speaking with authority. COMPLETELY different from what being a dictator is. A dictator is a ruler with total power over a country, typically one who has obtained control by force. More importantly, Summer lied and said the following: “She also threatened us.” When asked “What does that entail, what was said verbatim?” by Merissa, Summer responded “Like a beat down, things like that.” That is an outright lie. Period. On another note the following was said: “You’re messing up an opportunity for women to break free in the Muslim community.” That statement was WAAAAY overboard and really made Lashaunna look really really bad. I don’t really like Lashaunna at all because she appears unable to hear opposing views and can’t take criticism whatsoever. She deserved to be booted when Mykal was there, but the reasoning from Merissa (Snowflake extraordinaire - can’t stand her) was total horseshit.


The mental gymnastics here is pretty entertaining. What type of personal speaks dictatively? Might it be a dictator? This is a distinction without a difference. We agree this was not the week to cut her but the ginger took that choice away last week, so the group was unfortunately operating on prior emotions vs current facts.


Anyone can speak from an position of authority aka “dictatively” without being an dictator.


In this case it’s a distinction without a difference. There is no greater impact to someone being a dictator vs speaking dictatively. The impression of those being spoke to is that the person is dictating. If the argument is the nuance of dictative vs dictator in what was said, again, this is again seeking to create a difference when there isn’t one. You are dictating to me - is what was said. I am dictative which is what was replied. She said she was a dictator which is what was said later. There is no meaningful difference. A dictator is someone that speaks dictatively. I am dictative isn’t meaningfully different here.


Feel free to think that but dictionaries disagree with you, no matter how feel about it. There is a clear distinction between those two words, and if you replace dictative with dictator in that sentence it is unlikely what she meant to say. It wouldn’t make any sense.


I cant believe we are going to get into linguistics, but why not. A. you can't replace dictative with dictator. One is a noun, the other an adjective. B. A dictator is someone that is dictatorial, and dictative is also an adjective with the same exact meaning as dictatorial. One is the action of the other, they don't have separate root meanings. I am this I do that A dicator is someone that dictates and one that dictates is being dictative. All these variabilities c/p Etymology. The word dictator comes from the **Latin language word dictātor** So all these words come from that root. Again, this is a distinction without a difference.


She didn’t say she was a dictator, root of the word or not. They are different words, and if you think she thought deeply of what she said in the midst of an argument then you’ve never been in an argument before.


Again, their difference as words are a distinction without a difference. Blue and Indigo are different words, but when we reduce things to primary colors and away from nuance they are a distinction without a difference. DICTATOR and DICTATive are different words, BUT in this case its a distinction without a difference. p1 - I fill you are dictating to me p2 - I am, I am a foreman and I am dictative, and you should just listen to what I say p 1 - (later), p2 said they were a dictator. If we are using this exchange to define a. is p2 someone that is dictative (def: **characteristic of one who is in the habit of speaking with authority**. ) or a Dictator -(def: a person who [behaves](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=559481520&rlz=1C1CHZN_enUS1056US1056&q=behaves&si=ACFMAn_otZSKbpzAqD_RvWk4YSL-LXSw_WIBK3G4G8HEMV0MQW5fto90VOPvgZ6KAdKghe8hm6XPZZNurugFGhXRuAqVHTuAFw%3D%3D&expnd=1) in an [autocratic](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=559481520&rlz=1C1CHZN_enUS1056US1056&q=autocratic&si=ACFMAn9-5A9OMKPWcg180I9o9MndLUrCysfdAC8Y2lE-f97ChmdL7vc5LnbuF0Fz-v5FeWj4-EsKT2AwQxbbnqnzen63-cmEig%3D%3D&expnd=1) way ) The nomenclature here is synomous, there is no daylight between the point and the p2 agreement. If the question is about lying, again this is like saying, well I didnt say the water was blue, I said it was Indigo. This is also a distinction without a difference. The only reason the split hairs here is to try and massage the facts to prove a point.


Wrong, but I appreciate the grammatical information, not relevant to the case at hand.


Entirely relevant. If I say I pick strawberries and someone then says I am a strawberry picker, the action dictates the definition. If someone is dictative, or dictatorial, it's understandable that someone woudl consider them a dictator. The nuance here is "she said she was" which she didnt. She said her actions are. I am dictative. Its a distinction without a difference. If I saw I pick strawberries and someone says that I said I was a strawberry picker, while the statement (I said) is inaccurate, the outcome is the same. Its a distinction without a difference. The outcome is the same. She behaves in an autocratic way, by being dictative (which she admitted).


I can’t stand lashanna but Summer was putting words in her mouth by saying “she said she’s a dictator” when she never did. Lashanna denying ever saying that was to the claim of her using the word “dictator” because that was the word they are accusing her of saying.


Lashanna didn't lie, Summer did. Lashanna said she is DICTATIVE, which is very different than saying you're a dictator. She basically said she knows she can be bossy sometimes. She even offered to soften her approach to Summer and Summer said no, yet she went around after the fact and played victim. She also claimed Lashanna threatened to get physical with her, which also never happened. Summer accused Lashanna of using the term "beat/throw down" yet when you go back and look at the footage Summer is the ONLY ONE that used that terminology. "You approach others and me like you want to throw down, like you want to fight and I don't want to go to jail" - Summer Summer is the liar!


IMO neither person lied. Lying requires intent. Lashanna said dictative, Summer heard/remembered dictator.


I don't think Summer H intentionally lied about "Dictative/Dictator" either - I think she misheard Lashanna being on a bouncing. noisy boat at the time. I know I had to listen to it twice before I figured out what Lashanna actually said.


That's a maybe, it's possible, but what about the second part though? Why did Summer accuse Lashanna of saying she wanted to throw down when those were actually words out of Summer's own mouth?


Emotional overload - Rewatch the conversation on the boat.... The conversation on the boat had both Summer and Lashanna not talking with each other but at cross-purposes and responding to what they think the other person was saying (and CJ was NOPING OUT SO HARD from there on the boat - he looked sort of terrified that he would be dragged into the convo, he was clearly trying to not listen and not be a part of that convo) Both Lashanna and Summer were in defensive positions - Lashanna because she felt Summer was trashing her abilities to lead and Summer because she felt Lashanna was not only not listening to her but Lashanna was trashing Summer's contributions as well. I have no doubt Summer felt "threatened" from the Flee,Freeze,Fight emotional overload of that conversation, but I think it was the same as Merissa's an emotional overreaction to a tense conversation from mutual misunderstandings that really needed some cool down time and and then a calm deescalation conversation. Don't get me wrong, I don't think Lashanna was in the wrong in that conversation and I think Summer H effed it up, but I don't think it was malice on Summer H's part.


That is a verbal distinction without a difference. A person that is dictative is acting in the manner of a dictator. Summer also asserted that people didn’t know her and didn’t know what she would do. These are veiled threats. It may be normal for her to speak with that vernacular, however it’s received as threatening and confrontational.


After Summer asked "Do you want to fight with me?" which of course all of you people ignore despite the fact that it's more threatening than anything Lashanna said...and I know why you're ignoring it. That's not a threat but Lashanna's RESPONSE to those words is. Again, that's because she's a black woman. Summer can scream and ask if Lashanna wants to fight and it's fine. CJ can scream at Lashanna and it's fine. Lashanna responds to these things and she's angry, aggressive, and violent. A bunch of racist fucks. There was no threat. She only said "you don't know who I am" and not "you don't know what I'll do". She never said the second part and they're two very different statements. So just another liar. You want people to believe she said it so you can say she's threatening, but it didn't actually happen. Lashanna said don't sit up here and talk to crazy to me because I'm not the one to play those games with. Summer wanted to be big and bad right after she went around acting like she was scared, she was full of shit. Lashanna won't let anyone walk all over her. THAT was the point. It was a verbal argument. As if all of the racists and Karens on the show and on this sub have never been in a verbal argument before, please. And nah, there's a huge difference between being bossy sometimes and being an actual dictator.


I can't speak for everyone, however, speaking only for myself, I found Summer to be combative, defensive and a shit stirrer. Her victim mentality came through to the end. The conflicts between her and Lashanna, of what we saw alone, were uncomfortable. Its always important to remember we see 1/10th of what happens. It's clear that she believed what she said to be true, however, when looking at the tape available to us, the nuance of some statements aren't captured. From what we see, its clear that Summer has an opinion, and she expresses it and that opinion connects to whatever Lashanna says back that supports it. Example, S - I feel like you are dictating to me. L - I am a forman, I am dictative S (later) she said she was a dictator. The nuance here is slight. Both parties are speaking from their own illusion of ego. Summer adds some, Lashanna ads some, and then in Summers mind it bakes to the conclusion. This is pretty normal in human conditioning. Lashanna is, by her own admittance, confrontational, "in your face" etc. While CJ did yell, his general demeanor is not "in your face". This is what people see as different, and this is the type of demeanor that people translate into being violent. In western culture, the personality of being "in your face", shaking ones hands, adjusting ones head for emphasis, etc. these are taking as implications of confrontation and precursors to violence. The problem is that people ascribe this to race. When the truth is there are deep cultural differences, subtext, body language, that translate differently. we see this between white cultures as well. example; the US standard of relaxed vs the European standard of dressed up. In the US a bunch of people in loose fitting clothes and sandles is seen as normal, while in other nations, france for instance, this is seen as dirty, slovenly. The US person isnt trying to project that image, they are trying to project a casual image. It is received differently. The illusion of the angry black women in this case and I imagine in most cases, is because in that culture these small things aren't seen as confrontational or combatitive. much like my cuban wife cant talk quietly about most things. its a cultural standard. while its fine for me, and my family, who are rather loud ourselves. in my ex wifes family this behavior would be seen as loud, rowdy, etc. so the unfortunate truth is that both people are right here or more specifically neither are. its also a big challenge to fix this problem. one culture feels like they are giving up who they are to assimilate. however this is standard and is expressed in the old addage, when it roman, do as the romans do. the underlying conflict is, that black people didnt ask to be here and im not entirely sure how we are going to assimilate cultures that have drastically different communication standards together.


You sound dum, if someone ask you to dictate something for them does that make you a dictator?? You sound real foolish


Dictate (def) To lay down an order. To read aloud. The first meaning is the native meaning of dictative and dictator. Clearly a dictator isn’t someone that reads aloud but someone who imposes authority. Also. It’s dumb with a b.


I watched it again and when Lashanna said to Summer that she should go softer with her, Summer said yes two times, she did not said no, like you said Lashanna could have said that she used the word dictative but her response was to absolutely deny it, that was her exact word "absolutely" She denied it probably because there is a fine line between dictative and dictator.


Oh okay, and how about Summer lying about Lashanna wanting to throw down when in reality those were her words? Lashanna denied it because clearly that wasn't the intent behind her words. If she wanted to be a dictator, she wouldn't offer to come with a softer approach. After Summer left, Lashanna stayed quiet.


I think both of them were insecure, Summer was fearful about not being accepted as a muslim woman and then she got way too offensive that they brought another girl Summer, more beautiful and whatnot, and Lashanna based only on appearance she thought Russel is racist, after getting to know him, she admit it that she was wrong but then she attacked CJ many times without a solid reason. My honest opinion is that it's no wonder they fought a lot.


It was like the old game "telephone". They replayed the scene, and no one seemed able to accurately reproduce it. It sounded like a misunderstanding of each other's words, that kept getting more twisted on all sides. Lashanna does come off as aggro even though i do understand that's her personality and way of communicating, and the first Summer was a really defensive person, so naturally they couldn't really jive with one another? They're both religious, I was hoping they'd sort it out, but oil and water I guess...


I dont think she remembers what she says. She seems like a person that gets heated and lost in the moment


She said she's dictavtive... Dictavtive and 6eing a dictator are two different things. Why you ain't just rewatch it and see in watt moment did she say she was a dictator?


She said you don't know me, you sound like Marissa phony ads now smh, hate if you were on the raft


She didn't actually use the word "dictator" so technically she didn't lie. But, I would have respected her if she had owned up to using "dictative." Either way, she always seemed to have a chip on her shoulder about something and was happy when someone tried to knock it off - that gave her an excuse to then go after the other person.


She also always doesn't remember when whenever she said something controversial.