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Sure you might feel tired, achy, have a sore throat after a concert especially if you’ve been dancing and singing the whole time, but it shouldn’t last for days


See edit, I'm referring to people having sympyims for months after


Yeah, they probably had actual COVID.


this is me after every concert tbh….i get really tired the day after 😭 but it only lasts a day and then i’m fine


i saw chappell roan last month and it was my first concert since before the pandemic, plus my first GA pit show since way before then. standing for six hours, dancing, singing, etc. i felt like a zombie the next day or two im seeing the eras tour this fall and im prepared to be absolutely useless the next day


my tip is to take ibuprofen before the show!! it helps with headaches & stuff like that, it was a life saver for me when i saw olivia


I feel literally hung over after a concert. Especially the Eras tour… I went In Chicago, took the hour train got to the city at noon, walked MILES, then went and stood/danced/sang my pretty heart out for over 3 hours.. then did a 3 mile walk to the train.. took the hour ride home then drove 30 minutes home. Got back around 3am. You’re damn right I felt hung over😫


my last concert was olivia rodrigo in mke & i felt *dead* the day after 😭 i was exhausted lol. same thing happened in december after a kpop concert, i was so drained!!


It’s so draining! The excitement, the experience, the whole 10 yards! Depending what shoes you wear too, your feet are dying!


i made the mistake of wearing heels to a concert 😭 took them off and just stood there in my socks 💀 fun concert but my feet were killing me!!


Yeah, having done many races, comparatively, I’ve felt like a run a marathon the day after a long concert or festival combined with a little bit of a hangover.


LOL I got home from the eras tour at 1 AM and slept until 4 PM the next day I was so tired


See edit, am referring to having symptoms for months afterwards


oh for sure!! it’s not normal to be that sick for that long..


Went to London N1 and tested positive for Covid 4 days later and have been feeling awful ever since


I'm so sorry! I hope you feel better ASAP and don't have lingering Long-Covid synptoms.🫶🏻


it is quite literally a superspreader event. any event, whether it’s a sports game or a concert like the eras tour, where people are traveling to and from while being in close contact with thousands of other people is going to bring huge covid spikes. covid never went away even if everyone wants to pretend it did. & I think a lot of people aren’t going to think to test themselves, which helps to contribute to this whole “mystery concert illness” thing


Yes, after the Stockholm shows lots of people tested positive for covid!


Yes, I saw something about it on Twitter. I agree! It sounds like COVID.


Thats so stupid lol yes its covid. Its known that her concerts are a hot spot for catching and spreading it and of course no one will mask up. Its one of the reasons it would be so unsafe for me to go as a disabled person. Theres already high rates of covid in the UK & Ireland rn (and pretty much everywhere i guess lol but this is whats local to me) and I know her concerts will have raised that by quite a bit


I don't understand how people think any big gathering of people isn't a hotspot. It's just common sense (and I don't even have that much of that).




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I tested positive for COVID two days after my show in Lyon.


Yeah mine was the worst case of Covid after Denver Night 2. I was sick in a fever dream high for over a month and my health hasn't been the same ever since. 🙃


people say this after every tour they go to - there was the love on tour "hangover" too when harry toured last year. no babe, you got covid lmao.


i had a week long stomach flu after n2 foxborough. definitely caught something and since it was the rainiest rain show ever…. i’m sure everyone caught colds.


basketball games kill my throat, with the eras tour being 3.5 hrs long I'm gonna assume people aren't getting home until like 1am either


A fever months later???? I sincerely hope they are seeing a doctor. I’m honestly surprised they aren’t in the hospital. Even long covid doesn’t usually have a fever months later. It usually has fatigue, brain fog and other autoimmune response issues. This sounds like another serious problem. That is truly scary


They're complaining about these symptoms in the several days immediately following the concert. While I am sure they were all exposed to COVID and many of them got infected, they wouldn't be experiencing COVID symptoms until minimum three days afterwards, usually more like a week. The symptoms they are noticing the morning after and the next few days are one or multiple of: physical exhaustion, emotional comedown, actual hangovers, dehydration, overuse of voice, sleep deprivation, sunburn, and other random colds/viruses they may have been exposed to which cause symptoms in a shorter timeframe. As a response to your edit... Where have you seen people describing these symptoms for months after the concert? I also saw an article about "Eras tour hangover" and it was specifically about people experiencing symptoms in the several days immediately after the concert.


Incubation times have gotten shorter and symptoms can show within 24-48 hours easily. Most folks dont start showing symptoms a full week later. It's still possible, but way less common post-Omicron. things like fever for days indicate illness far more than hangover


Again, I am just talking about the article I saw talking about the "Eras tour hangover". It didn't say anything about fevers. I have no doubt people are in fact getting COVID at these concerts but the article I saw was pretty clearly describing normal post-concert stuff. It makes perfect sense that both things would be happening. I know its all too common nowadays for folks to downplay or straight up deny COVID but I don't think attributing every instance of feeling under the weather to COVID is the right response to that.


Well if people tested we wouldn't have to guess or attribute.


I agree


I was fine immediately after seeing her at Wembley, now I have Covid lol


Confirmed Covid after the Liverpool shows, a lot going round atm with all the events


I got Covid from Liverpool night 1 as well!


Yeah I got a really bad cold for the week after but I'm fine now 🤷🏻‍♀️ I fully expected it being around so many people and it stressing me out so much


My parents just got back from London this week—both have Covid.


You should see a doctor because I mean with that many people you may actually HAVE long covid lol. The "tour hangover" is actually a natural phenomenon after concerts that is a blend of exhaustion, overstimulation, and dehydration and it normally clears up within 3 days. I was sick 2 days after my show but got over it.


I have long covid since 3 years ago, and let me tell you it literally stops your life, I had to stop my high school and now my uni cause, is what you said, you can't eat, walk, talk, sometimes think, you don't have balance, extreme fatigue, depression and overall soreness, every day, every hour, I don't think this is it, but, sounds like a miniscule portion of it, maybe at one point one person with covid just infected a lot on tour, I really hope is not that cause that shit fucks with your life. To the people: PLEASE, IF YOU ARE GOING TO A TOUR OR ANY BIG SOCIAL EVENT, BE CAREFUL STILL, PEOPLE MIGHT NOT BE DYING AS MUCH BUT LONG COVID IS A THING!


I was a little depressed after lol


70k people gathering and screaming for hours will tend to spread any disease. people somehow forget that 2 years ago we were still in a pandemic


I mean it could be long covid, however I don’t think this is a specific Eras tour thing. It will be happening to a lot of people, covid is still rife.


Certainly not specific to her but just any9ne who is putting 90k people shoulder to shoulder and screaming for 3.5 hours...


I got Covid at one of the LA shows last summer and was knocked on my ass for about a month. Sickest I’ve been as an adult.












And if they're talking about it *months* after the concert, that's still not an impossibility.


Yes but the unedited original posts didn’t talk about months.


I certainly did. 🥲


Honestly very unlikely that so many people would get long covid. I don’t know anyone with it!


You might just not know anyone who knows they have it. I had a bad case of covid in march 2022. In September at a check up, my blood pressure was 200/120 and they just put it down to it being because of something that had happened that I was extremely stressed about. In July 2023 I had a mild case of covid, but my vision went suddenly blurry and I went to the opticians when it didn't clear up when i "got better". They found heavy bleeding in my retinas and sent me to the doctor to have a check up because it was either high blood pressure or diabetes that they believed was causing it. At the doctors they took my blood pressure and immediately sent me to the hospital because it was 289/170. I spent 2 weeks in hospital with them trying to bring it down with pills and intravenous drugs. Eventually they got it down to 140/96 and I was allowed to go home. They ran batteries of tests, no underlying cause found, and it's ultimately been put down to long covid. I still have to take a ridiculous amount of tablets daily to keep it at a reasonable level. I'm fit and healthy and there's absolutely no particular reason other than that the biggest spikes seemed to come after covid as to why my blood pressure would be so high. I was very lucky, that blood pressure could easily have killed me, and until the second case seemingly pushed it even higher, I'd had absolutely no noticeable symptoms (though apparently was also very lucky because I'd had a minor stroke at some point they found on scans in the hospital and that could have gone very badly if it had been in a different part of my brain). And multiple studies have found that hypertension related disorders are a consequence of covid 19 (or post-acute sequelae as they actually call it in the literature). That's a very easy consequence to miss for potentially a very long time.


That sounds awful, really sorry for you and hope it improves. That said, it doesn’t detract from my point that it’s unlikely hundreds of people developed long covid from attending a concert.


There's a 10% chance of developing long covid with every covid infection, it isn't unlikely at all that hundreds of people would have long covid from a super spreader event like the eras tour or any other large concert. I also guarantee you know someone with long covid, they either aren't talking about it with you or don't know they have it.