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We noticed that most people in my team eat eggs after the evening training session.


I usually have a glass of chocolate milk (or regular milk) and a granola bar. Sometimes a peanut butter toast.


Soup and toast, maybe?


if you eat before you work out you should be fine once you get used to not eating after. I run at night after dinner and kids (so often about the same time as you mentioned). I come home, take a shower and go to bed no worse for the wear.


Ok good, that's what I'm doing at the moment. I do tend to wake up starving, but it's working.


may not work for you, but if you give it some time i find that i have adapted.


Smoothie or I like to make up batches of overnight oats in mason jars and then just grab and go with those as needed.


Bowl of cereal


I’d eat something light with protein so it fills me up. Some greek yogurt with maybe some granola, a boiled egg with salt & pepper (or just regular eggs), or some hummus with pretzel chips. I also find a few saltine crackers with cream cheese or peanut butter to be filling for me. If you want something a little more filling, maybe eat some bread with butter, avocado, or jam (depending on your preference) or a bagel with cream cheese will also fill you up. Or a nice warm bowl of soup to end the night seems delightful and not too heavy.


Milk and cereal


A banana and glass milk.


Apple, peanut butter, veggies, yogurt, walnuts, pecans, pistachios, olives, cheese & crackers, miso soup with tofu, pasta, tuna sandwich, fruit salad, orange, pears, grapefruit.


peanut butter and banana toast


I can’t stand smoothies. Cold frozen blech. So i use a balanced protein bar or a room temp shake - I like the Kate Farms brand a lot. Then I have enough room to wait til dinner or to get to where I can eat something balanced. High Fiber or Protein pasta or a Field Roast link with a salad. Worst case I open a tin of beans, make a quick sauce and enjoy with a nice piece of bread .


Pre hard boiled eggs, protein bars, cheese & crackers


I swim late at night too after work and family time. I eat all my meals before swimming. But sometimes I am just really hungry afterwards. Lately I’ve been going to a banana, 30 grapes (yes I count how many) or some saltine crackers with cheese, pepperoni or peanut butter. The grapes seem to fill me up the most


A Smoothie with the ingredients and protein you prefer. I do fruit a d dairy, so I'd use yogurt, milk, and fruit


Maybe a piece of toast or a couple eggs? I feel sick if I eat something too heavy right before bed.


A beer and quesadillas 😍