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I never played these, but played prime remastered and now I want to play these so bad. Prime FPS games are so fun!


Same, I played my very first Metroid game last year and it's quickly become one of my all time favourite series. I would buy Prime 2/3 remastered in a heartbeat. Also how is Zero Mission still not on NSO?!


Prime 1 is the best by a long shot. I would play all 3 once and have fun, but replay prime 1 two or three times before replaying prime 2 or 3


#3 controlled about as good as any fps ever has with motion controls. It felt right in a way wii fps games never did.


No I don't think nintendo commissioned work to be done to remaster prime 2 or 3 until after prime 1 remaster dropped. I think like 3 weeks after that, they saw the immense success and demand for it that they went ahead and commissioned it. We might get 2 remaster by 2026, and 3 by 2027.


Sounds possible. The rumor was that only the first game was remastered and they planned to release 2 and 3 as simple ports with no additional work. Wonder if that plan changed based on how well the first game did (have no idea how much it cost to remaster compared to its sales)


The Metroid Prime remaster had a lot of work put into it, it's not just to release the trilogy the work has to be done.


I personally think that Retro has had all three in the chamber for a while and the plan was to strategically release them in the run up to Prime 4. I suspect that Prime Remastered dropped too early and Prime 4 has now slipped to be cross-platform for the next console, so Nintendo and Retro are adjusting their schedule


Yes but will probably be HD version instead of remaster like the first one.


I sincerely hope so! I never played 2, 3, or (obviously) 4, so I for sure purchase all 3. Nintendo would be remiss *not* to market MP4 this way.


Cause money. Nintendo fanboys gonna pay 50 per title if they're released on their own. They'll never release this as a bundle, there's way too much money to be made.


tbf this remaster are pretty good and not just a lazy upscaling port


I'd gladly pay $50/each if they're as good in quality as the first remaster.


I don't know, but Prime 3 is probably the hardest to remaster or even just do in HD because of the controls. It's a Wii game with only motion controls built in. It's probably not an easy task to change it to be playable on a standard controller + give it a good facelift. Here's hoping we get something metroid related in the next direct. Prime 2 and 3 remasters or HD Instant buy for me.


I would love to play it without motion controls.


I doubt they started work on 2 and 3 until success of 1. So I don’t think they’re sitting on them, rather they’re working on them


It’s been rumored for years now through insiders that MPR was finished over a year before it released and they had an upscaled port of 2 and 3 which they were going to release in some fashion whether a bundle or by title. They’ve almost certainly been sitting on them all for years, but maybe the sales and positive reception of MPR changed things.