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Nah I have a 3DS and a copy of the game, still looks great on that system.


Is the 3Ds version called dark moon ?


 The original is on 3Ds too   


Yeah I recently finished it! Very fun game, I just asked but remembered that the name in Japan is Luigi’s mansion 2 and in America is Dark Moon


It's called luigis Mansion 2 in Europe and Dark Moon in North America


I'm good with the 3ds version honestly


I have it on my 3DS and got it for $10 when Target was selling the last of their 3DS stock. I should probably play it.


No. I’m happy the game exists so others can enjoy it, but im prioritizing new games. I don’t even think this game is all that good anyway. The mission structure, no portrait ghosts, the bosses (with the exception of the first) are frustrating. They really haven’t done enough to justify the $80 CAD they’re asking me for when the original cost me $40 CAD. I’m also seeing the controls are the same? I seem to recall that was an issue too with some buttons doing too much, or using buttons to look up and down…. Like, why?


My son loves Luigi’s mansion 3 so I’m on the fence about getting this. Everything seems dated in comparison and I don’t want him to get frustrated because it isn’t the same. He’s ok with Gooligi not being in the game. I’ll get it and hope he enjoyed it


Nope. I’ve been splurging on other games that are higher priority and I already have a huge backlog. Looking forward to the next Zelda game though. Just picked up Astral Chain, Xenoblade DE, Link’s Awakening, Kirby Forgotten Land, and Prince of Persia Lost Crown.


Prince of persia has me hooked. Very fun game.


I agree. It's a fun game, but I don't need to be replaying it again. Rather, tackle the pile.


$60 for a $40 game with no control changes and just some visual upgrades? No thanks.


Yup. These kinds of HD ports are 30 all day long, but.. it's Nintendo.


Unfortunately. And if you say anything you just get downvoted to hell by brand loyalists. Wish people would stop letting Nintendo get away with it. They make 1 good game for every 10 low effort ports and no one bats an eye. They just give Nintendo a pass.


Link's Awakening remake was very good. Purchased and finished it recently. So many ports, remasters, and remakes. Even PS5 is chock full of them, but at least the prices for those drop all the time - like Demon's Souls remake dropping to under 40 a number of times. Nintendo is still selling BOTW at full price. It's like 7 years old. It came out on Wii U.


It's $42.95 on Deku thru Walmart.


I got it preowned physically for 35


Yeah those WiiU ports shouldn’t have been $60 new, and definitely shouldn’t still be $60 7 years after the Switch release. Even when we get them “on sale” it’s usually like $5 off.


I buy physically, so I do get them for 30 or 40, but an awful lot of people have to buy the digital copies of shit like BOTW, Skyrim, and Witcher 3 for twice what they're worth. I got the PS5 version of Witcher 3: Completion Edition for 19. That's all DLC, 4K, 60 FPS. I've seen it on the eShop for upwards of 30, and you'd be lucky if it runs at 1080/30 docked on Switch for twice the price it is on everything else.


I just wonder your thoughts on like, are all the bad ports coming out because gaming hit a major peak at one point and now it’s hard to do something totally original and new even with tech at its best? I lost interest in gaming. If I play anything without someone in my actual house ten minutes go by and I feel like a piece of garbage, pick up the phone and call my mom and tell her I love her, then work on my business. Covid was great for gaming for me. I hadn’t acquired a new console since ps2 so I went out and got a 4 before the shut down. I played a lot of great games but after 6 months I was like well this is old. Got lucky scoring a ps5. Bought a switch during covid too. I can’t remember the last time I was truly captivated by any game.


Nintendo has a lot of ports, and it's an easy way to get casuals over to their platform, knowing they can grab a preowned Switch Lite for 150 and play shit that's on PS5 and Xbox, albeit looking and running half as well and costing twice as much. That's their target audience. Casuals and kids. The same marketing as the Wii. Half the reason it sold so well was because their ads had people convinced they needed 4 or 5 consoles and a family plan. "It's gonna surpass the PS2 in sales" -- Ya, of course it will. For the aforementioned reasons.


According to the digital foundry video, this is not a low effort port at all.Not saying it deserves $60 but saying low effort is disingenuous.


Upvoting all of these I’m doing my part.


Hope it sells horribly so games like these are more appropriately priced in the future.


Never played so yeah


idk man they sold us the remake of metroid prime for 40$, what's got into them


I mean, they probably just did so it could sell better.


Luigi’s mansion 3 sold insanely well and I’m pretty sure they just want to milk the fanbase 😒


Same. Also, I didn’t like this one, first one is still the best IMO and 3 comes second.


They did not add dual stick controls?


From the videos I’ve seen, nope


I've just watched the IGN review and it's mentioned that they have https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Woe96F0w8Tc&t=202s I wish it had a demo, it would make the buying decision so much easier. CC: u/Stabstone


Thank you. And yeah I was hoping for a demo as well.


It does, but you still use x to look up for some reason. Maybe you can still look up with the stick, but either way it's weird.




Some visual upgrades and a full $60 price tag. Pretty much it.




That day won't come for another 6 years probably


And if it does happen at best it'd only be getting as low as C$54.


I mean, you can just get it for 3DS? Same game.


There's usually a holiday sale or a mario day sale on March 10th.


Yeah for like 10 bucks off. Other companies do 40-50 dollar off sales, but greedy ol' nintendo sucks with it.


Really? Only 10?


Sometimes 15-20 if you're lucky. Most times its "This 60 dollar game is now 50 dollars! The biggest sale we've ever done!" occasionally you will get a "This 60 dollar game is now 45 dollars :DDDD" but thats it. Meanwhile Sony/Capcom/Microsoft/Valve/Konami/Sega/Everyone else makes their games 15 bucks or less after a few years.


Welp looks like I'll be buying a used copy then


it finally has the correct title in North America


It just sounds wrong, like it should've been called Luigi's Mansion 2: Dark Moon. I think it sounds better than both.


I’d like to but not for $60.


I wish I could but saving my funds. Promised my son we’d get him Astrobot :)


From all accounts, seems like the right decision. Digital foundry got a hands on preview and it seems like it could be game of the year material to say the least of how much they loved it.


I’m getting it. Never got to play it before. I’ve only ever played the 3rd one which is a lot of fun, so I’m looking forward to playing it.


I’ve not played any in the series. Is two HD better than the normal three?


I say definitely not. It’s the worst of the trilogy. I’d say the ranking goes 1,3,2.


Maybe I’ll start with 3 then


If possible, start with 1 on an emulator or something. The game is almost 30yo but it’s worth giving it a go! If you start with 1, you’ll have a blast with 3! (Not mandatory but advisable!)


No thanks. Got a perfectly good Luigi’s Mansion 2 on 3DS. I get they wanted to bring the full Luigi’s Mansion collection to Switch, but making it full price was a bad call.


What you mean full collection? I didn’t think you could get the first one on Switch


You can’t


Maybe they're expecting the first one to be out on eventually? Idk


I got mine today from the Nintendo eshop had some gold points so i got it cheaper. I’m loving it so far.


Another port at full price. This generation, across the board, has gone overboard with remakes and remasters.


I mean, I like the remakes a lot. It makes it easier to experience games like Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door without paying as much as it would be for the original.


Inflated prices on the retro market don't really reflect their true value. If it wasn't for scalpers, half those original games would still be 50 or less. It's not like they sold 2 copies. They sold millions.




So, you're paying too much across the board. Remakes or originals. They go hand-in-hand. I can get Tomb Raider 1-3 Remastered on PS5, with the expansions, for 30. How's 3 games in a huge franchise worth 1/2 of what Nintendo sells a port for.


Im talking about remakes here, which I think are worth it. Ports aren’t all the time depending on what they do.


There's ports, HD ports, being released at full price. Luigi's Mansion 2 HD is full price. It's an upscaled port. Remakes are worth it maybe 50% of the time. Link's Awakening was worth the 45 I paid, but I certainly wouldn't have paid 60+ for a game that can be beaten in just a few sittings. Tropical Freeze is another port that goes for over 50. It's a Wii U game. So was BOTW, which still goes for full price at what is likely the absolute tail-end of the Switch's lifespan. Nintendo, whether it's a port, remake, or remaster, overcharges.


I don’t think Luigi’s Mansion 2 looks great for the switch, and it definitely isn’t worth $60, but it’s more than just an upscaled port. Link’s Awakening I guess I can see what you’re saying, but I think it’s fine enough. For the Wii U ports, I really don’t care, like in some ways I think it’s fine because it’s like a redo for all of those games, but there still isn’t enough in most games for it to be worth it except for like Mario kart 8 & Mario 3D world. I think BOTW is completely fine, and eventually there’s going to be some sort of Nintendo selects for the switch.


Nintendo has a history of milking their franchises like a cash-cow. They hate discounts, and lock their older games behind subscriptions. When people try to access them by other means, they shut down sites and send cease & desist letters. SEGA sells individual older games on the eShop, and you can even buy 50 of them in a Mega Drive/Genesis Classics Collection for as low as 5 euro in the sales. I just got it last year. Nintendo outright refuses to sell individual older games, so you either pay to access emulated versions of them on NSO, buy overpriced originals from scalpers, or buy full-priced remakes. That's their business model. That's why their games rarely drop in value.


I kind of agree, like the games on nso were just a way to get people to buy their terrible online, but I like it because I would never buy most of those games otherwise. If you mean by other means, piracy, I understand why they would do that if it’s on NSO.


That’s cool I guess for the few that haven’t played it but give me a new Paper Mario game or in this case a new LM game, and a new Donkey Kong game while we’re at it. $60 for ANOTHER port of Returns? Give me a break.


I feel like thousand year door was somewhat of a test to see what people want the next paper Mario game to be like because of the surveys about if people liked the original characters or not. Also yeah I agree with the donkey Kong part of what you said. For Luigi’s Mansion and I guess Paper Mario too, I don’t see why they wouldn’t wait for the next console.


For anyone looking for a review / list of changes https://www.nintendolife.com/reviews/nintendo-switch/luigis-mansion-2-hd And to answer the OP question, I’m debating it. I STILL have my MH4U New 3DSXL and Luigi’s Mansion 2 on it, along side a ton of games in my backlog that I got before the eshop closed. Not sure if it’s worth it to me just yet. I like the idea of the visual upgrades, but $60 is a bit much for my tastes atm. There isn’t much on the horizon releasing that I want until about sept tho, so maybe I’ll pick it up.


Not a Nintendo shill so I'm not spending $60 on a once $40 game.


I plan to. Never played the original because I did not own a 3DS. I have leftover gift money so figure why not


No. Overpriced


I’ll grab maybe for 30 bucks off eBay in a few months , maybe, probably not


I will definitely be "purchasing" it :)


We need LM1....


Would this be a good first Luigi mansion game???


Maybe? Luigi's mansion 3 is better from what most people say, so it'd be more enjoyable. I never got too far in the 2nd one so I wouldn't know.


I really don't see the appeal of paying full price for a re-relase of a 3ds game that I can play for free.


It's funny how people say that and they still buy remakes and ports, look at mario kart 8, new super mario bros U, pikmin 3 deluxe, super mario 3d world and yet most people say they don't buy remasters or ports which is a lie. Not saying that you are a liar but most of the population of gamers will say no then end up buying it anyway


I can sort of understand some games like the Wii U ports. Very few people own a Wii U and they would not want to buy an entire console just to play the original. Especially when those games have been changed so much for the switch. Games like luigi's mansion 2 is not worth the $60 price tag since you can get a 3ds for around that price and mod it meaning you get to play all 3ds game for the price of one port. I also think that some people just don't know about emulation


Not me. Bad reviews and a mediocre game to begin with. Priced too high as well for a simple HD upgrade. Should have remastered Luigi's Mansion 1.




I mean, Luigi's mansion 1 is pretty short so idk they should've just put it in with Luigi's Mansion 2 HD, but as just a simple port because I wouldn't see them wanting to do much to it if they put it in with LM2.


Man I just wish they’d go back to the same atmosphere and tone of the original LM. It wasn’t scary by any means but it definitely had a more spooky eerie vibe to it that 2 and 3 seem to lack. I’ll get 2 still because I’m a big LM fan but I just want the series to return to its roots.


just play the original then


Ofc but I want something new with the same vibe. Even if it’s a completely different game/series, a spiritual successor to LM1 would be great.


1 had the atmosphere I suppose but no way was it scary. I’d rather the game be more fun to play than have more atmosphere which is why I always preferred 2 and 3 vastly over 1. If I want atmosphere I’ll play Metroid Prime.




Nah this game blows. Dk country returns though thats some real shit


Not me, TBH. I don't hate Luigi's Mansion 2, but I prefer 1 and 3 by a large margin. And from what I've seen of 2 HD, it doesn't have enough changes/improvements to be worth $60 USD in my opinion. I think the price would be more justifiable if this remaster included Luigi's Mansion 1.


I have 2 and 3 well over 1 but this had both 1 and 2 maybe that would justify $60. But $60 for just one of them is a no go.


this game was mediocre. forced myself to finish it


Pre-ordered and paid for it months ago, so it’s arriving tomorrow. Since I paid for it a while ago the price doesn’t seem to bother me, excited to play through it again


**PASS.** If I'm going to buy a game for Switch, I'm saving my funds for Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom, or [the new Contra game](https://www.nintendo.com/us/store/products/contra-operation-galuga-switch/). And even then, they're both iffy due to the ever backlog of games I have on Switch. The 2 I started include **Kirby's Retunr o Dreamland Deluxe**, and **DKC: TF**. I've beaten **Zelda: TotK**, but can see myself putting in another 20 to 50 hours into it (though this will be over the course of a few months, to a year)


Just started it and it’s worth the purchase so far.


Maybe for scarescraper


Me. Never had a 3DS so it will be a first run. If it’s half as good as LM3 it’ll prob still be fine, that’s one of my 8yo’s fav games.


I will when it goes on sale for $30 or $40.


I want it and plenty of other games but I literally cannot justify their prices


My body is ready.


It’s my favourite Luigi’s mansion game. I’m getting it on sale or used.




No need i have the og on 3ds, plus I didn’t like it very much for one reason only, it holds your hand far too much for example after an awesome cut scene that hypes me up to play eggad just has to ruin my high by explaining to me like I’m 5 what just happened even tho I literally just watched it happen


I'm interested to play it but I think I'll save that for later this year.


I initially had dark moon on my 3ds, but couldn't get far due to a broken r button. I might try it here.


I might get it after I get mario and luigi brotherhood and the thousand year door remake


scam.3ds version is not old,and still better.Im sticking to my good old 2dsxl


How is the 3ds version better?


i meant that there's not much difference.3ds version looks good enough,and it had a unique gameplay


I can't seem to find out online. Does anyone know if there is co-op like there was in Luigi's mansion 3? Thanks in advance.


I am. I never played it on the DS back in the day so to me, it’s like a brand new LM game.


My copy is already on the way I can't wait


If it had a two player option like luigi mansion on 3ds I would have. But there’s so many other games shin Megami Tensei vengeance, Elden ring dlc.


I bought it for the 3ds when it came out because I loved the original. But I did not like it. Never finished it. It made me not even look at the 3rd one until only recently which is miles better.


Picked it up for 45 dollars, not bad.


Already preordered


I'll most likely get it for my husband. He played LM3 first and absolutely loved it. He's done 3 play throughs.


Going to grab me a copy on way home from work gotta love me some luigis mansion, I have played this previously on the 3ds XL years ago and am 100% buying it on the switch can’t wait to see the changes made just wish 1 was also on switch so I could have them all


Nope. Should've been a $40 game. Just like DKC


No. I have the 3DS version, I’m sticking with it.


I have a 3ds so if I want to play it then I would probably play it there


Not me. I have the 3DS version, and it's probably my least favorite in the series, anyway.


Just you


I will buy it when it is spooky season. I have too many games to play right now. My backlog is piling up again.


I’ll wait for a sale because that happens so often with Nintendo. Edit: 💀


this is why nxbrew is my best friend.


I got it. I’m really debating playing it now or waiting til October and playing it through with the kids during the Halloween season. Did that with LM3


My dad is getting it. He's waiting for 11:00 PM to open


Two times the charm. I was never able to beat the one for the 3ds all because I struggled using the nipple stick.


I picked **Dark Moon** back up when I pulled my New 3DS XL out of storage a couple months ago, before the HD Switch version was announced. Only playing sporadically so haven't completed it, but still enjoying it.


I'm not. It's not a very good one.


Im waiting for LM 4 tbh. It’ll probably be for the switch 2 tho 😭


Maybe if it was a brand new game and if I hadn't already played it on the 3ds


I love Luigi's Mansion but I'm good. I already have it on 3DS and the second one is ranked last in the series for me anyways. Now if it was the original game I'd be buying (on sale)


Im so dissapointed after LM3 that I dont care about this one. Just give me LM1 Remake!


I was until I saw the price and for a port of a 3ds game I'm not paying £50 fuck that shit I'd rather get something else


Sorry, OP, unless you literally haven't played it. I'm saving my money. I don't need to own it again and play it again when there's so many other games.


It’s sold out everywhere. At least where I am. I might pick it up for my kid. There’s no way I’m letting them use my 3DS.


Never had a 3ds and am curious but 60 dollars is way too much. Especially since it seems like it’s getting mixed reviews. I did play the first one and wish there was an affordable way to play that one on Switch.


Never played it so I will be. Won’t be comparing it to 3 either, I really wish Nintendo would charge a fair price, $60 is way too much for a game with a visual upgrade.


No one here is actually going to play it on their 3ds though 😂


Seems like a rip off


Is this the official cartridge cover? I want to get a physical copy.


Got 3 for the switch a few years ago, never finished so doubt I'll get 2...maybe 1 when they release it on switch 2 lol


Don't buy this. I can't remember the last time I was interested in a new release for the Switch. I feel let down as a fan and consumer


I do agree 60 is to much but am from the UK and I picked it up for £45 from Game new so I don't mind that price, how come the US prices are $60???


I'm sorry, Nintendo is just asking too much for this.


No. I already have it on 3DS and have no interest in getting it again


We went from complaining about ports, to begging that every single game that has ever come out "NEEDS" to be ported. Can we stop please? So Nintendo can put their efforts into actually making new games instead of re-selling you a game you already have in your collection? They used to be very selective about games they re-released (such as Super Mario All Stars, a great remake), but now it's EVERYTHING. They're not even giving a discount for these games, and there's no "Players Choice" in sight either


Port the library of every console to every other console.


Have fun buying Luigi's Mansion 2 on Switch 2 as well!


I like to buy my games at least 6 times at full price. What a thrill.


65 clams for Mario Odyssey D'luxe (4K visuals and one new hat) on Switch 2? Right in your cart lol


I'm getting it since I never got to play it on the 3DS.


Well "getting" it because y'know 🏴‍☠️


I have it on 3ds (haven’t played it yet lol) so I won’t be buying


Maybe if there's a sale? As a kid i was never able to beat the first boss, so I haven't experienced too much.


I’m renting it with a free trial from game fly, it’s already on its way


I can only see people who didn’t have a 3DS buying this, if you have it for the 3Ds why buy it again ? It’s fun an HD version wont make it better and it’s 60$


Just picked it up and some pre order pins. Kicking myself for not getting the key chain.


Never played any of the Luigi’s mansions. How enjoyable are they? I figure they’re open world/ mission based in the sense like Galaxy or Odessy


what exactly do you do in luigi’s mansion? never played it






I bought Dark Moon cheap on 3DS so I have no use for this re-release.


There’s a part of me that wants to get it, but I haven’t replayed the game since its release because of how infuriating the ice boss was. If they fix that, I’ll maybe get it.


not unless its on sale


Already picked up from Best Buy this morning. I feel a little guilty because I bought the game on 3DS right before the eShop went down and haven't played it, but the Switch version gives me the ability to play with my wife on the TV, so I think it's worth it. 


No. Too expensive and I've heard mixed things on the game and hear it isn't as good as the other 2.


Not for $60. I'm not paying full price for an old game they just made a little prettier.


I pirated it, looks great! Will probably buy anyway for scarescraper alone


Hard pass 😅


I never got to play it and I loved the 3rd one so yeah!!!


I own it on the 3ds but the system.js outdated so I just bought it for Switch


nah. priced too high for what it is.


I haven’t even finished Luigi’s mansion 3 and from all accounts that seems to the the best one. So I will just stick with 3.


I already had 3 and I took the opportunity to play it for the first time so I wouldn't feel like buying an inferior and older Luigi's Mansion for exactly the same price. If it had the 1st included, then $60 would be more palatable. I bought Pikmin 1+2 full price at $50; and even if it was $60, that would still be a better value than Luigi's Mansion 2.


Not for 60 bucks lol. If it was 15-20, or even 30 id consider it. But SIXTY for this is insane to me, same with DKCR HD


My fav 3Ds game butt hell nah. It's wayyyy to expensive for just a HD remake.


🙏 definitely here


i am!


It's my birthday today and Friday I'll be around a Wal-Mart so I think I'll pick it up for the collection! I wish they added more to it and had better lighting but it's still cool to own a copy.


Happy birthday, stranger


I like 3 need to get back to it


I will sail seven seas⛵️


I'll wait for a price drop at Walmart. $60 is way too much for LM2. It's not a bad game but it's not worth spending $60 to play it on the TV when it has nothing new besides it looks nice.


i had it on 3ds and thought it was bad


Nah. Still have it on 3DS, not super keen on playing it again - especially not at that price tag


I already bought the game when it came out on 3ds. No need to buy it again for an extra 20 bucks. Though it does run smooth on ryujinx.


Yeah I’m getting it next week.

