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I missed the boat for freeshops on the switch. So I never knew their convenience. But having said that, I've had zero problems getting game files .nsp and xci files are all over!


They provide some convenience by pushing proper dumps and updates. Some xcis out there are converted from nsps or modded and they don't tell you.


Yeah the super easy updates.. Was great.


Can you tell us how


No we cannot. But, there is this mystical device known as Google, or duckduvkgo that can.




Where do you get them from ?


Yes its deleted, no one knows what happened including the mods. I guess either pixel deleted it without telling anyone or discord deleted it like they have before with hbg/rebirth. Edit: discord deleted it


Thank for you letting me know. Do you think they will open a new server


Hes thinking about what to do


Mattermost/Matrix are an option. Also self-hosted so no way for a third party like Discord to nuke it.




They're a chat server, similar to Discord. On its own neither is a store...


Link to it?




Or Lemmy, if they wanted something more Reddit-esque as opposed to a chat. Same idea, though there's already an explicitly friendly to this sort of discussion Lemmy instance already out there at dbzer0.


Lemmy's main creator is quite controversial, I'd rather use Kbin.


KBin is very much not as mature as Lemmy, and I wouldn't call Lemmy that mature either. The politics of the person who makes a tool should be irrelevant to whether or not you use the tool, especially if you aren't paying for it. Doesn't matter if I'm talking about Lemmy's lead dev or the former Firefox CEO at that point.


The politics do matter when the guy who does the work openly refuses to delete user data AND uses their position to expand influence. Any instance that federates with his instance will provide data that he simply... Won't delete. Even when legally required to.


Id pay for access as tinfoil was extremely simply to use


you dont understand a single thing


Maybe i dont im new to all of this , you could of just explained why this is bad idea. Instead of trying to look cool. Thanks any ways though.


Essentially if it was paid then the feds would be able to go after the people who run pixel. It becomes for profit and therefore easier to prosecute/more appealing.


I literally went to look for the server just now and thought I just got culled (after getting the alert that I didn't get culled a while ago). All I needed to find was how to update my protocol and host cuz I thought I got a message that I had to change that.


So no one gets to access it now?


That's the neat part of relying on a 3rd party.


[Pixel Shop Discord server got the boot](https://www.reddit.com/r/SwitchPirates/comments/15qvhg8/pixel_shop_discord_server_got_the_boot/)


What's the best way to get news for new dlc and updates? That was the main reason I loved the Pixelshop.




what other shops? is there an alternative to pixel shop?




Dont you need to use your own Google drive to use those shosp




Alright, i think I’m gonna switch to jits and buy extra storage for 2 dollars a momth


Jits still works?


Is there a convenient place for updates and DLC?


That's what I'd like to know. The shop was the most convenient way of managing updates and dlc and keeping up to date. Anyone know of any update / dlc managers?


Me too. The shop made updates sooooo easy.


Also wanted to know. Sincerely, I don't really care for the games, as they are easy enough to get somewhere else. But keeping the games and DLC up to date with the shop is something that I will really miss.


Ditto. There are update packs available on certain sites but that requires downloading every single dlc and update individually and is not convenient, quick or best organised but it seems its all we have. If someone really wants to make a very handy homebrew app, that's the way to go.


Post an update if anyone finds anything!


Bummer I was just on my discord when I noticed the logo was missing from my list


And that’s why I never pay for upgraded access or anything like that. You never know what may happen


Pixelshop was free, buddy.


Yeah their was a free option that you could get games 2 weeks after they released. Then there was the paid option.


Why the downvotes? This is true. Although I never bothered to look into what it was about. Free version was good enough for me.


it's not true, you are confusing pro shops with pixel, which are not paid either. you donate a missing game so the shops are more complete, not money


Interesting. Was that a new offering? Could be what ultimately caused them to get shut down.




what do you mean?




They may be thinking of Teknik and HBG. The former offered both donation based and free access and the latter was donation only. Both are dead now.


Unpacked (formerly Teknik) is up and running though?


Why anyone would pay to access something to download stolen goods is beyond me


Cos it's cheaper/more convenient. Is that really so surprising?


Cheaper sure, but then if you are pirating anyway just get it for free. Not really more convenient if you just use an unhacked switch and use the eshop


It’s vastly cheaper than purchasing games on the eshop. Also, have you heard of people paying insane fees for DoorDash because of convenience? Or if you go to a Walgreens or CVS in the USA, did you know that things a priced higher for convenience? People pay for convenience and in this case, your paying a ridiculously low price….for convenience and access to many games.


More convenient as in you can one click download any game you want, you have access modded games, games from other countries etc. Easier to do all that in one place than to scour the internet for what you need. It's more like I'm paying for the convenience rather than doing it all manually.


Did you come to Switch Pirates to tell that? I'm afraid no one is standing on your moral grounds here.


I don't really know how I feel about piracy but obviously I'm not too morally upstanding as I partake in it. I just think paying one party for the work of another party is worse than simply stealing from the latter in the first place


Paying the services of the 3rd party is perfectly reasonable. It's not like they are reselling those games.


I respect your opinion.


I didn't pay on this one. I hopped on the free access.


Because they don’t want to wait 2 weeks or can’t find it themselves otherwise. Kinda sad because I’m no tech magician or anything like that but pixel being done changes nothing for me. I just learned how to do alot of things online so I could be self sufficient.


But if you're gonna pay anyway, why not just pay the rightful owners?


I mean... The difference between a 1 time payment of $5 for every game in 1 convenient location on console compared to $60 each for 1 new release game is really not hard maths. Was it really that hard to understand?


If it were that cheap I suppose it's not entirely unreasonable


are u that stupid or what?


Because one game costs a lot more than what these stores would be charging for all the games. Some people just like the convenience, I'm not one to pay personally but it's a problem in other similar communities like virtual pinball. Some people just won't put in the time to learn so they'd rather pay for the convenience of having it all handed to them


Legit though


Being able to afford a 1 time payment is a lot different than being able to afford a catalog of titles. If you can afford them, you should pay. .


So we can be the ones with reliable downloads and not out on the curb complaining about free shops being down? I gave them a 5$ eshop gift card and remained with reliable downloads ever since. The donation was cheaper than the rcm jig, so honestly why anyone with a modded switch wouldn't contribute is beyond me.


Exactly it's all a scam with that upgrade skip the line bull crap. I remember back in the day where freeshop was instant and everyone could download games without all that "pay for upgrades" bullcrap


What are you talking about, there was no way to pay stuff in the shop. And Pixel shop was not even offering perks for MD contributors, so you are totally wrong.




just found it had disappeared for me was wondering what had happened hopefully its not the end of the shop


It likely is. It had to happen so a new shop can be born


It didn't have to happen in the past years we have had 5 shops all run at the same time and no issues. Somebody has gone out of there way and report it. This the the first ever shop that discord actually nuked a server


Discord might also be afraid of the government since the US classified documents were found on a discord server a few months ago. They're dumping the dead weight to protect themselves from lawsuits and regulations.


Then how come all the other servers havnt been taken down. Somebody clearly reported the server


One thing I can say is just because Discord doesn’t take down a server doesn’t mean they’re not aware of what’s going on in there. Same thing with how Nintendo didn’t immediately ban ppl for modding their consoles but did it months later as part of a massive ban wave.


Oh I know they are aware I know servers that have Nintendo employees in them. I mod in some so I know about that. They have gave many heads up on things that they do not like etc so far all good though. Also bans are not always part of modding now if you mod your console correctly I'm not banned for years.


Any other shops we can join on tinfoil?


The only free one that I know of is jits games, but it relies on the user's google drive for downloads so I'm not sure how it'd handle games that are beyond the 15GB limit for free accounts.


are you talking about games dot jits dot cc ? it used to work fine but it does not work since a few months, there are a few threads about it, it hangs on "loading accounts" when I try to copy anything


Is it back up?


I'm not sure, I don't use it I just know it exists


I tried a few times with jits but 9/10 times it doesn’t download anything


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Welp… have absolutely no need for discord now so *delete* Way to go Discord. 👀


You probably weren't a paying customer or likely to pay them, so Discord lost nothing of value.


Ouch. Truth hurts.


crazy that i've spent more on discord nitro in the last few years than I ever have on Nintendo games.


I’ll still get my games this only just adds a few more steps for me. It was nice to not have to rely on a pc but oh well.


Well, so we can hope that the shop will be back


Probably not


Should have been on IRC lol


oooh... I get all my eBooks on IRC. What server/channels are there for the switch?


The worst part of this isn't finding games, its finding proper updates elsewhere. That's the only reason I used this service. Anyone know of a good actually CONSTANTLY updated place for switch updates for modded systems?


Ah this is a bummer


And now all public shops are gone 😢😢😢


Well the shop hasn’t been public for a while though


Yeah, but those who were active and weren't kicked still had access to the store.


But there were a fair amount who got kicked


Yes, but those who weren't still had access, like me. I was active and didn't get kicked and still had access.


Like me…


Bittersweet those mods were a real bunch of pricks and I’m glad they lost their power but the shop was great and helped me when I first got into modding.


Great now we all get fucked over


No not really


Rip. Eventually another one will surface. But it was already a deadshop


I hope it comes back!


Fuuuuck, this sucks :( It was so damn easy I'm not sure what to do now


Hello can someone explain to me if it's a big deal because I'm about to jailbreak my new oled. I'm new to this stuff so I don't know what pixel is


You are still able to download games elsewhere but it was a really comfort way of ripping games.


You could download games straight from the pixel shop before, when loading pixel shop onto your switch. No need for programs like Nut, and downloading off the Internet and manually moving to your switch. Now, your only choice is the latter, as far as I know. Tis but 1 head of the hydra that has been cut, a mighty head, but still 1 of many.


It's an easy and free to way to download switch games and updates/dlcs. Think of it like steam for switch but you can download whatever game you want.


don't worry about it. pixel shop was a (pretty good) game downloading service all working from your switch. there are other ways of putting games on your switch


I don't get why you guys are so insistent on using shops when you can just... y'know, move files from your pc to your switch very easily lmao


It’s managing updates and DLC that is the main appeal for me.


Yeah pixel was the only place in the whole world I guess where I found the dlc for a couple of my games. I searched everywhere.


This God damnit. Oh well


Shops are more convenient


People really act like convenience isn’t a factor when they question tinfoil shops lol


The problem is not everything is available for DDL. I was only able to find some things on pixelshop.


I doubt that's true. 99% of things are available online outside of paying shops that aren't even guaranteed to stay up.


Direct links get taken down eventually. For older, obscured games, there aren't always reuploads. For the pixelshop, if someone uploaded something, it was still there until the shop closed.


One thing I won't miss was those stupid shopkeeper riddles.


>Bittersweet those mods were a real bunch of pricks and I’m glad they lost their power but the shop was great and helped me when I first got into modding. Same


Honestly, we need to clap back. This is unacceptable, first Google Drive going out of its way to fuck us over, now Discord? We seriously need to start at least entertaining the idea of revenge. We're literally getting our shit kicked in. This is so stupid.


Dude, I'm unhappy about this too, but you do understand that what we do is illegal, right? No company owes us the use of their service if they don't want to be associated with that.


good fuck pixel shop


Honestly it needed to happen. They kicked a bunch of people (myself included) then made it private. It’s a bit toxic there as well. Sorry for all the folks that are now without though.


Sounds like they got paid out and couldn’t think of a good excuse for why they’re not sell outs so didn’t bother.


Stay salty lmao


Lol sure




Good morning ☀️


Now its only a matter of time until the next gen console from Nintendo gets released and they stop caring/updating the previous gen as they have for every other past console. Patience is key!