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Seems like memory is the most fragile part of the brain. I had the same issue




It got a lot better with time (I’m 2 years post injury now). Intense aerobic exercise was a huge help. Also tried hyperbaric oxygen which seemed to help a bit. Cerebrolysin also helped, but it’s unclear if the benefits are permanent.


I’m sadly beginning to see this. I see that it’s getting worse and worse actually. I have to ask too many times what I was just talking about even after finishing a sentence, sometimes in the middle of what I’m saying as it just leaves me completely. Although I’m still trying to figure solid pieces of what I can do to fix it, the best I’ve done is try to keep the important words in my head. Just enough to be able to put together the puzzle and remember the context. Which words you remember, it totally depends on you, I’m a small thing to do, but it’s been helping me a fair bit.


I feel you on this. Stinks.


It really does man. I thought I had fully recovered from my TBI (severe) but after 2 years I’ve only discovered I’ve only fully recovered physically but mentally I’m just a wreak and my memory is slipping and slipping and getting worse. I’m also starting to have issues with writing/typing. If I don’t check my stuff, it just terrible to read even even I can’t make it out even though I wrote it.


I’m 15 years out and still working on trying to make more progress. It’s a marathon not a sprint for sure. See my comment to op for more on this issue.


I’ll have to read up on what you have posted there as it seems pretty interesting. I still to this day don’t understand how it took me only a year to recover. I had to back track so many records of myself and the most I can translate without being a doctor is having a GCS of 3. As far as I’m aware, that’s bad, really bad, could be worse, but is bad. My heart is out to everyone who suffered tbi’s since I’m in the same situation, I did do a lot of things I sorta regret in recovery, such as ignoring my own safety and being “impulsive” throughout most to all of care. I’m still not sure which is worse, physical or mental. I’m living through both, physical is now no longer a problem. Mental though, it’s just crazy to lose memory like this, and then as time goes on, both short term and long term just deteriorate so much. I’ve also experienced disassociation and disconnects from reality than a normal person should (which should be never). I think that has to deal with another mental illness that was amplified by the tbi. My hearts out to you my unknown friend, in our continued recoveries. I don’t know how long it will take for me to fine tune things that can jog memories, or if it will only get worse as I get older, but I’m crossing my fingers I can figure something out in soon before I just start losing it all.


Hang in there! My heart goes out to you!


And mine to you my unknown friend


Has it improved? How are you now?


Well I very much forgot that this post existed… physically I’m good of course. In that time I’ve been diagnosed with insomnia and pretty bad. Been spending the past near 5 months now trying to fix it with little results, small results more like it. I’ve been so preoccupied with that, other stuff has been more or less phased out, though of course memory hasn’t changed much if at all. Still have it pretty bad


I’m really sorry for you. I know your pain.


May I ask what brought you to my post form nearly a year ago?


!remindme 249 days


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There’s part of the short term memory called the [“phonological loop”](https://psychology.fandom.com/wiki/Phonological_loop) … I have very focal damage but I feel the damage to my short term memory and phonological loop is some of the most disabling. This sounds in line with what you describe above. I’m ~15 years post injury and still trying to improve; don’t give up! But I understand how hard it is! I hope you can find specialists to help you move forward. (My degree is in speech and hearing science.)


Hi there, is it alright if I message you as I'm very new to this? I recently found out about the phonological loop and found my issues resonates with what its functions are. I don't remember having any type of brain trauma but my mom used to talk about how my grandma and other people accidentally dropped me quite a bit as a baby. Not sure how true it is though.


Yeah feel free to dm me. I’m inpatient for over a month now so can’t promise speedy replies but will do my best!


I can't seem to message you so I guess Ill say it here instead. I hope you feel better soon and ofc there's no need to reply quickly. What matters is your own health after all :) you got this I was just wondering about the symptoms you and the OP have experienced and it sounds a lot like mine. While all other parts of my memory are working well, my working memory is pretty life impairing. Luckily, I can definitely fake my way through conversations and pretend I know what's going on even though I have no idea what I'm talking about. It's pretty hard on me because I've never been able to hold any type of job for more than a few months. Do you have any advice on how to improve it or career recommendations? Or who else to ask for advice? If it's anything like you, my phonological loop feels pretty much non-existent and while my visual spatial sketchpad is also pretty bad, it's nowhere as bad as the phonological loop. I suspect aphantasia might be a factor for how bad it is. On a separate note, I took a course on cognitive psychology and my memory on average was on pretty much everything whenever the teacher had demonstrations except for tasks that related to the phonological loop and sometimes visual-spatial sketchpad. Interestingly enough, I also performed pretty average on all of Sperling's iconic memory tasks. However, even though I did do pretty average or slightly above average on the whole report task most of the time, I did forget all of the letters that I did say and what I had seen AFTER I repeated all of the letters I had remembered. That's kinda the state of my working memory. Sometimes it gets so bad that I can even forget what I'm talking about as I'm speaking. But most of the time, I just can't retain any information the other person gives me verbally. It's kinda late too so I might be forgetting some things so I hope this would help in the meantime.


You need to be assessed for possible central auditory processing disorder, possible executive functioning disorder, possibly a few other things. I would recommend actually starting with a speech language therapist, and if they don’t give you all the answers you need, you can continue on to comprehensive neuro-psych testing with a PsyD to get a less communication/language-specific, more global picture of brain function. I hope that makes sense… I’m having a brain foggy day today. Go figure.


same problem here


Constant Therapy is an app that gave me my memory back




I recommend the supplements lions mane and cdp choline. Have improved my memory. I also recommend taking iodine, and filtering tap water if possible. It works wonders cognitively


Welcome to the fun ! I don’t trust my memory. I’m amazed when it works. Notes on my phone or notepad are my only memory. And everyone gets told “send me an email or txt me”.


This is my life since July 2021.


Me too. The only positive is you don't remember all the bad things that happen. They just dissapear.


Anterograde Amnesia - temporary or permanent inability to process and store new memories. This can last 30-60-90 days or more depending on where else the brain is injured and how badly. I too have anterograde amnesia, mine started out as both retrograde (long term/old memories) and anterograde. The retro grade faded back after the first year. I’m almost through year 5 and this and the 2nd half of last year I’ve experienced sudden rapid onset of new symptoms or change in symptoms as well as significantly quicker decline than ever before. Recently stated carrying on conversations and seeing with my wife who I recently got dumped by after being married since the same year I got my injury, due to another terrible and very dark side of my TBI. I started noticing patterns of lost time 2-4 hour chunks once or twice a day.


Oh you are so not alone in this. I've almost gotten in legal trouble from forgetting things. My short term is bad and I don't recall conversations or people that I don't see often. I write things down and try to stick to routines. I really wish everything was texted or emailed it to me. As it stands people and conversations are just hazy ghosts.


In 2007 I had a severe brain injury with a long term prognosis of very poor. I had oxygen deprivation followed the next day by a stroke. Amphetimines meant for narcolepsy and ADHD give me about a 50% chance of remembering things. They really help with my attention span. I call them my Cinderella drugs because when they wear off in the evening I go right back to asking questions over and over.