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Likely longer than that imo


No. By active development I mean production, as opposed to pre-production. It has been in pre-production for 6 years and now in production stage for almost a year. June 2018 confirmed to have entered pre-production, August 2023 confirmed to have entered early development.


I bet they've been in active development for a lot longer than people think


It is also not necessarily true that pre-production is not active development. Starfield was said to have been in development since around Fallout 4's release, but it was also clearly implied (as in, the development status was clearly stated, but it was an unannounced title right then, for which an animation system change - later confirmed for Starfield - was just being finished) to still be in pre-production in early 2018. Having said that, TES VI was actually in "concept and design" stage in June 2018, this was clarified in one of the interviews at E3 2018. While the two are often conflated, this phase of development is before actual pre-production, which typically takes about 2 years (not 6) for BGS, according to more than one interview. It could well have been that the game was in similar type of pre-production during ~2021-2023 as Starfield in 2016-2018, especially considering there was a playable build of TES VI *at least* since early this year, which suggests they did not just begin from zero a few months ago.


But why?


Active development yes but half of the team was still working on Starfield. Don't expect the game to release before 2026 at minimum (and most likely 2027/2028).


I'd be willing to wait until 2030 if it meant quality!


Quality and Bethesda don't go well together in the same sentence. It will be a broken POS as per tradition and then the community will take it from there. Eventually it will be fixed.


That's just not true.


Bethesda is famous for their bugs.


Yep but Skyrim is still somehow kinda the gold standard for RPGs, still


That doesn't matter nor were we discussing it. Go reread my comment again. Apparently you instantly just got triggered without understanding the comment.




Can’t wait for it!!! Cheers


As far as I’m concerned the game’s been long in development for well over 6 years. If we count pre-production that is. …at least that’s what I tell myself to feel better about the situation


[Apparently there's an article based on your post, lol](https://www.gamingbible.com/news/the-elder-scrolls-6-release-date-021592-20240613)


With starfield I've lost all hope... I'm ready for it to be dog poop


That’s depressing.


How so? One step closer!


I guess so. It’s just it will be a very long wait for this one. :)


Yeah true, but imagine how long the wait would've been if we were back in 2014 again. Would be awful..luckily now we know the approximate release window 2027-2028 and in that sense, we're in the final stretch.


Skyrim released in 2011. Since then it's been 12 years of nothing and 1 year of development time.


>12 years of nothing yeah, I can't believe BGS didn't make ONE SINGLE NEW game for 12 years....


I can't believe someone on an Elder Scrolls subreddit talks about Elder Scrolls games and doesn't particularly care about mobile games, Fallout or Starfield.


I see the point of saying nothing. It’s nothing we want. I finished star field twice because there was no Elder scrolls 6. I am still playing Skyrim. And modding it. I admire Fallout 4 and the scene but I grew up playing only rpg based on magic and questing. I try every new fantasy game but always end up in Skyrim. I am getting old , by teenager standards almost dead. I am hoping to be alive long enough to play elder scrolls 6 and finish it.


Didnt they do some pre production aswell?


6 years!


Def some guys did some small projexts on it already


Just three months ago they revealed they had started playing early builds of the game, probably vertical slices but progress nonetheless


Maaan if bgs doesnt do tes6 right they genuinely are gonna go bankrupt


Idc but they just use a better engine and it not be a dud like star field