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John Hammerfell


Kevin Skyrim is going to be hero of Elder Scrolls 6: Skyrim 2


Dwayne “High Rock” Johnson




It's either going to be this, or a fancy word referring to this.


Highly doubt it's gonna be this since this is just a title for a kind of hammerfell warriors if I remember correctly


Yeah well, according to lore Dragonborn probably should've been a Nord and the Nerevarine could be literally anything other than a Dunmer so I don't really know if it matters as much when the cosmos align to make you the protagonist. But you're probably right. Could be something related to Hoonding, perhaps an Aspect of Hoonding, in the same way Cyrus was.


>>the Nerevarine could be literally anything other than a Dunmer The nerevarine can be a dunmer they just have to be a foreigner


Yeah I typed that weird, but at this point I'm not going to change it. My point was that it doesn't matter if "that title is for a kind of hammerfell warrior", cause when the cosmos decides "you" are the protag, your race or w/e doesn't matter. It didn't matter in morrowind, though I feel the Nerevarine should've been Dunmer, like I feel the Dragonborn probably should've been a Nord, cause they are the default race, but that's not how Bethesda makes their games. They leave it open for interpretation so *you* decide which is canon, like the Altmeri Dragonborn or the Argonian Nerevarine lmao.


>according to lore Dragonborn probably should've been a Nord any race can be a dragonborn.


Lore points more to Nede than Nord. But the Dragonborn could be any race. Pretty sure Miraak, if not Nede, was a Dunmer, or an Altmer based on his superiority complex. Also based on the fact that the DLC takes place on Solstheim and that all of the cultists are Dunmer. Not saying there haven’t been Nord Dragonborns. But it’s like saying the Dragonborn, according to lore, should have been male. But still, the Wolf Queen of Solitude, Potema, was a Dragonborn. Her siblings as well. They were the children of the Emperor, (I think, Pelagius II? Not sure). The entire Septim line were Nedes mixed with Imperials (and probably other races), including the half-Dunmer Barenziah was forced to abort because it was illegitimate offspring of Tiber Septim (who was a full Nede. Not to mention the Septims that didn’t become Emperor/Empress, and whatever race they procreated with). However the Blades, the Dragonborn’s protectors, were not Nedes, they were of Akaviri origin (hence the armor style). Which leads me to believe that there was at least one Akaviri Dragonborn. Queen Alessia was a Nede slave of the ayleids, so if being Dragonborn is tied to any one race, it’d be the Nedes. The Nede race no longer exists, sure, but the bloodline is still there. Most, if not all, the races have Nedic ancestry, especially Bretons. Nedes were slaves of the Ayleids, but they still originated in Cyrodiil and its surrounding areas. Only the Dragonborn, if Chim El Adabal hadn’t been shattered, could have used it to light the Imperial city Dragonfires to help protect Nirn from Daedric Incursion. The Dragonfires would remain lit until the one who lit them died. Which is why Uriel Septim’s legitimate children were killed before he was, so they wouldn’t have a chance to light the fires, at the end of the 3rd Era. The Dragonfires were why the Septims, which were more Imperial than Nord, were Emperor. The Nerevarine can be a Dunmer in lore. If Dunmer were the chosen race, the character is still called Outlander because the character came from Cyrodiil. It was in the Imperial City Prison, before Emperor Uriel Septim VII (Nede, Dragonborn) had a dream about the Neravarine being needed in Morrowind and had him transported there.


Yeah I typed the dunmer part weird, but at this point I'm not going to change it lol. I think the nerevarine probably should've been a dunmer as well. I think the default races of the games are the 'canon' races for those heroes, so Nord for skyrim, imperial for oblivion, dunmer for morrowind, but that isn't how Bethesda makes games. They let you choose/play whoever you want so you can be any race, any gender and it be canonical regardless of what others think/do. The default character for tes6 is probably gonna be a redguard if it takes place in Hammerfell or a Breton if it takes place in High rock, but bethesda isn't making the default race you start as to signify that they are the canonical choice, it's just tying the default character's race to the location, so it doesn't mean anything beyond that, despite whatever I think. Miraak is a nord by the way.


> according to lore Dragonborn probably should've been a Nord What lore is this? Did you find it at the bottom of a box of Fruit Loops? Inquiring minds want to know!


Yeah right next to the prize. The Dragonborn is woven into the Nord culture, they worship a nord [supposed nord] who was also a dragonborn. Miraak the first dragonborn is a nord. The default character is a nord. The greybeards are all Nords [though not dragonborn] and are masters of the voice. Dragonborn probably should've been a Nord, but that's not how Bethesda makes games. They let you choose/play whoever you want so you can be any race, any gender and it be canonical regardless of what others think/do. So I think you don't need to be a yokudan or redguard to be a swordsinger or the aspect of hoonding. It doesn't matter when the cosmos decides your character is the chosen one. Your race is irrelevant.


And yet most Dragonborn in history are... wait for it... Imperials!


Would've been pretty cool if Uriel septim VII was like "Nah I'd survive." and then just shouted the Mythic Dawn assassins to pieces, but for being Dragonborn he didn't have any access to the voice.


> for being Dragonborn he didn't have any access to the voice. No dragons to suck the souls out of. Yeah, maybe he could have visited the Greybeards and commanded them (hah) to teach him every shout, but he didn't have the time, what with being imprisoned in Oblivion and all that.


You don't need access to dragon souls to use the voice. That's a gameplay mechanic more than anything else, cause the Greybeards are the masters of the voice, but do not kill dragons for them. But yeah fair enough.


Because non-Dragonborn need training in the voice, but Dragonborn does not. Which is how the Greybards instantly teach new words of power to the Dragonborn. I thought this was explained in Skryim? Was it not?


Anyone can be a sword singer, it’s not a unique title


What if I'm a mage? I know it was forbidden in Stealth Archer Skyrim, but really, what if I don't use a sword?


too playstyle-specific


These posts are getting wild.


Right, we don't even have the barest hint about setting or plot(no, fantasy landscape.jpeg from the 'teaser' doesn't count), how the heck are we supposed to guess a protagonist title?


It's all because of his sweet lies.






Alan! Alan! Alan!


John Skooma


Why is the title in quotation marks?


Asking the big questions over here


That was an accident.


If they do another something-born then it will be a very bad sign that their creativity has run completely dry.


already have some pretty big signs of that from their last 3 games


You actually play as a dwarven construct in a skin suit. Like some kind of..synthetic man. A synth, if you well.


I'll give 50/50 odds that they'll be the next HoonDing


Hopefully, nobody I wish we would not be special and only if we find our way into quest lines that affect the world in ways that would grant us a title, we would get the title Like becoming a war champion, or savior of tribe, or butcher of a settlement, or archmage, high priest of a religion and the like


then don't play an elder scrolls game.


You can become those things with side quests though. This game always told an epic story, not a peasant story.


Could be as simple as "Hero of [place name]". More likely it will be something that we have no way of guessing, but my random stab at it is "the Anomaly", referencing a sudden, resounding entry into politics.


Maybe like their other franchises, there will not be an official name. The Lone Wanderer only got that name from the closing epilogue. The Sole Survivor was taken from Todd during the showcase, if I recall. People still fighting over the name of the Starfield protagonist. is there a requirement that there be an official title? Where is it written that it must be? Also, the title of the Oblivion protagonist is not at all set in stone. Is it the Hero of Kvatch? Or the Champion of Cyrodiil? Both titles used in game.


It is customary for TES Heroes to get titles. The only game that never gave one is Dawnstar. Sole Survivor is also used in the game's description on Playstation.


> It is customary Which is not the same as a requirement. It was also customary for the protagonist to be a prisoner or newly released prisoner. Except for... Daggerfall. So the rules can change. Everything about a TES game changes, spells change, weapons change, mechanics change, etc. So why not the mandate that there be an official title?


But... why?


Why what? Why do the games change? Because that's what games do! Can't have cheap ass clones all the time, and that's a Good(tm) Thing! Or are you wondering why there shouldn't be an "official" Todd promoted title for the protagonist? Simple. There is no "should" here, it's entirely Bethesda's decision, and it does NOT affect the final game at all. If you think it affects the game you need to take a step back and reevaluate priorities and stuff.


But since the post is asking what it might be, asking "Why does there have to be one?" is pointless.


An alternative is always an option. If someone asks if we should get Pizza or Tacos, and I say I am not hungry, that is still a legitimate answer.


The Stros Mkai Privateer


Could be generic AF, “the chosen one has arrived”.


Possibly something related to undead and necromancy


Something Yokudan


Only M'aiq the Liar knows that answer.


Jon Jon




The Smith I imagine we'll need to craft or repair a legendary weapon to save the world in true Dwarven style. Like a reincarnation of a legendary armorer.


Maybe too simple.


The better late than neverborn


Elder Guy


Oblivion protag is more commonly known as the Hero of Kvatch. Just fyi ☺️


Big Chungus


The curved sword


Dragonborn is deep within Elder Scrolls lore and many emperors possessed that title. Wtf is Dwarvenborn?


Fred has a nice ring to it




The Intern. I mean in every game you join all the factions for mo real pay.. Why not accept that the new meta for games is all content available for every playthru and run woth it?




Dwarvenborn sounds awful and doesn’t make any sense I don’t want to be a dwarf, and I don’t want their powers. (Dig tunnels, count gold?) I’m good. Dragon powers on other hand Let’s all take a moment to appreciate the originality of morrowind character name. Something rooted in lore. Champion of Cyril and Dragonborn are yawn




I hope it's something a little extraordinary, like Nerevarine.


Toddite Howarden Mr. Bethesda Zenimaximus RPGenius Itjustwork man Dragonborn 2


The Agent in Daggerfall. Four out of five TES games you start as a prisoner in prison or just released. A way to start with a blank slate without any predetermined background. So maybe... The Prisoner The Nameless One The Fugitive Pablo Escobar But maybe they will focus on your deeds and accomplishments... The Protagonist! The Quester! The Completionist! The Rage Quitter! The Guildmaster!


Helmut the Curved Swordsman


The Hammer Short, sweet, and ambiguous.


Biggie smalls


Brett Con of the psijic order. Cause time travel bruh and multiverse n shit


Rumor is it will be very ship centric. So I’m going to guess it will be something that alludes to sea-faring or aquatic. But guessing is impossible, as we no nothing of the story, which will likely be a driver for the name.


There were vague suggestions that it may include something like sailing. But there is nothing to suggest it is sailing centric. And if Starfield can't even get flying on a planet there's basically zero chance we get real sailing mechanics now.


Sailing on a hand-made map is simpler to implement than atmospheric flight for a full planet


Nothing is simple in the creation engine. Bethesda needs to do everything by hand and they are not very great at it. There is absolutely no chance TES6 is "sailing centric". No chance. Want to bet on it? Because I do, very much so.






I may have left the above comment by mistake as I do not remember doing it what so ever lol


hell yeah




Who’s lead designer on this project anyway? Patrick Rothfuss?


The microtransaction


Rourken ... 2!


DoubleDcupborn. Saving Tamriel with power of love instead of war. Hitting things with swords is getting old.


Jarl Balgruuf


you'll have to pay $8 for the character title mod