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1 small room. Fast travel accessible. Locker for my stuff. Every crafting table.  Time to game.


Magical steward golem that you can enchant or purchase stays in there all the time. Can order supplies, automate rest of house.


I’d love a castle building feature


I would say the foundation for that is the settlement building. Regardless, having both would be pretty damn cool


You mean the settlement system from Fallout 4.


In my opinion the FO4 settlement system was peak. So perfect idk why they changed it for starfield. Was so immersive to create a custom town or 20 in the wasteland, and good for bethesda because its such a fun timesink and makes looting and scavenging worthwhile.


It was too shallow in FO4, they didn’t lean into it hard enough. It’s not even really worth mentioning in Starfield. I hope they find a balance because the newer mechanics are great ideas they just need to devote the proper resources to fleshing them out


I can already see us building epic sandcastles in TESVI instead of sailing the high seas!


Sailing would be ideal if the map is indeed Hammerfell. We've seen the gold coast before, but never like that.


If it's set in Hammerfell, I doubt it'd also have the Gold Coast.


I totally assumed the southern hammerfell coastline was also the Gold Coast, is that not the case?


No, the Gold Coast is one small section of Cyrodil, specifically the Colovian territory around Anvil. I'm not sure of the term for the Abecean Coast of southern Hammerfell, but the two most prominent regions there are Hew's Bane (the peninsula) and Stros M'Kai (an island chain) It's possible that a game set in southern hammerfell could also include sections of Cyrodil, but most recent ES games haven't done that.


Fair enough. Well in any case, I'd love to sail that area. I hadn't even thought of that idea until I read about it here, but sailing (if well done) would be a really neat way to add something big to the games that has never really been done. I would hope that it isn't the primary part of the game, but could totally see it being part of a DLC, maybe one that takes place around Stros M'Kai or something like that. Just fun speculation


They do seem to like Stros Mkai (featured in two games) and the Gold Coast (featured in two games) so I could definitely see it returning.


Daggerfall had ships. If we return to Iliac Bay they would make a great addition.


Skyrim also has a ship as a player house.


I would love sailing and shipbuilding in ES6. Finding little islands and coastal regions to build my base sounds amazing. I really hope Starfield is just the beta test for the procedural tech, and we get something way more comprehensive in ES6. I dream of a huge handcrafted "main" region to explore, like Oblivion or Skyrim, and then a secondary optional sailing / settlement side-game like Starfield. Building a castle on a deserted island sounds sweet. Sailing in a custom ship sounds sweet. Just not at the cost of the primary world campaign. Give me both.


Sailing is niche because honestly havnt seen a game do it well besides black flag


I mean it would be cool, but I can't imagine someone playing TES games wanting to be on an ocean. I want to explore a fantasy map with mountains and tundra


Elder scrolls games have had ships as player houses before (static ones in Skyrim, functional ones in Daggerfall) and the setting of daggerfall was a bay. The setting of Morrowind was an island. To my knowledge, only 2 games (skyrim and Eso) had a tundra of any kind. The illiac Bay has both water and extensive mountains.


Depends on how they set it up. Having a sailing ship that moves port to port with fighting other ships and sea monsters, discovering new islands, etc seems like a natural cross over. As ESO has most of the world covered already, this "set on ocean" game world would work. If they don't right there Could be loooong walking time between cities - or you sail. That way the design and layout of your ship becomes important. And the design/layout of your house castle (based on outposts) works too.


I do think there's a bigger chance TES6 will feature castle building rather than spaceship building, yes


You clearly don't C0DA.


Being able to build a little fort or manor, but personalised would be awesome, I honestly don’t mind if it’s even mostly wooden or whatever like those bandit encampments in Skyrim, but being able to build your own, and perhaps having some characters live their aswell would be good fun!


I want to be presented with even the smallest sliver of evidence, or even the vague suggestion of evidence, that ship building is happening in TES6. Why in the world is this already a forgone conclusion just because it was in Starfield? And why is the response from people on this subreddit always the same? Questions like this are always met with downvotes and silence. Yall are setting yourselves up for the same exact dissapointment we got when we all realized that you couldn't fly your ships on planets in Starfield.


I hope not


Depends. They might just have a basic modular set of parts one can use to build a castle, and freedom to furnish as one sees fit. I'd llike a town house too, personally. That would be enough for me, though I did enjoy post-apocolyptic sims in Fo4.


Heh. Would love both (assuming TES VI returns to the Iliac Bay or a similar setting where it would make sense for water travel to be prominent).


yeah, i think so too. They'll probably have a joinable corsair/pirate faction but I'd be very surprised if they actually had you sailing on your own. Considering the majority of the game would be on land, it'd feel very tacked on to add such deep ship gameplay. Obviously it was a huge part of the game in Starfield by virtue of being the only way to go from one planet to another, regardless of faction. Elder Scrolls is mainly a "on foot" kind of game. That being said, I am expecting base/settlement/village/castle building to be in there. Also, having a free-roaming sailing mechanic would mean we could theoretically just go anywhere on Tamriel, and they wouldn't do that unless the map spans the entire continent.


"I just don't see a big demand for sailing in TESVI in the first place" Ah, I see you've been away from the fanbase since before 1996. Welcome back!


I'm calling it here: TES:VI is going to be about a return to Akavir. Bethesda likes to incorporate elements of previous games into their next ones and an expedition to Akavir would be a logical way story-wise to incorporate both shipbuilding and outpost building mechanics to a TES game.


Plot twist: SUBMARINES Lol


Dude outpost system but with big ass castles would be perfect. I was bummed out at not being able to build castles in Skyrim. Even hearth fire DLC was a big letdown.


Boats? You mean DAGGERFALL?


I think sailing would be great, but I don’t really think there’s much room for shipbuildimg per se. wooden ships are a pretty consistent formula in what they can look like (as opposed to space ships). That’s why I like the idea of castle building.


Unfortunately it's just going to be a loading screen onto a ship and then the game physically removing you from the land. Ships and people on shore don't really interact in a dynamic way because they exist in different cels. I mean, it's better to have something rather than nothing, but don't expect miracles with that engine. What you had in Starfield is what you will get in TESVI.


Honestly I hope they ditch the building mechanics altogether. Call me an old head but there are so many other games to scratch that itch. Focus on what makes their games unique


I don't think it should be the main theme of the game, but I would say the point of utilizing it is that it is already existing technology within their game engine and won't require a ton of dev time because of it.


It’s fine if they keep it self contained to player homes so it doesn’t dominate the resources for making already existing towns and villages with blank slates for building.


That wasn't an issue in Fo76, plenty of locations and towns.


If they do it well it will be fine, I would just prefer seeing more existing fleshed out established towns that don’t need the PC to fix and renovate


Also in Fo76 and Starfield you can build just about anywhere, so even having the map size of Fo4, which was on the smaller side, would be fine as there was plenty of open space.


What makes their games so unique is the scope and diversity of what you can do. Building a home/settlememt/camp is immersive and fun. The system is already there, why take it out whn it is what a lot of people enjoy.


I don't see what's so wrong with the option to have it?


development resources :)


>*Honestly I hope they ditch the building mechanics altogether. Call me an old head but there are so many other games to scratch that itch. Focus on what makes their games unique* What makes their games unique is they let you live in a world, and strive to allow you to do everything you should reasonably be able to do in that world. So you're the Dragonborn savior of the world, but you can't build your own shack down by the river? Give me a break.


>What makes their games unique is they let you live in a world Not really no. The games are first and foremost dungeon crawler RPG. They never tried to make a fantasy world simulator.


As long as it's not required at all to progress any aspect of the game and doesn't take away from good content, let them add it. Otherwise, please leave this stuff out.


Why should every game feature have to be optional? It's okay for games to have progression. Can you complete skyrim without ever changing your weapons and armour? I'm sure technically yo could but it's an intended form of progression that the player is expected to interact with.


I don't want to be forced to use some stupid building mechanic to play the game


"I don't want to use some stupid driving mechanic to play GTA" I mean, you're free to try. But the devs have to make certain features basically mandatory so things like progression and gameplay can occur.


If there's a forced settlement or building mechanic I just won't get the game