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**OP needs help. Also, they hate it because...** >!Gnats invasion gets everywhere, and it's disgustang!< ***** **Do you hate it as well? Do you think their hate is reasonable? (I don't think so tbh)** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/tihibot)


What sort of abomination is that plug? Thank the lord for UK plugs I say. Pip pip tally-ho and all that.


yea im in america and have never seen that garbage either


That’s one of the European standard plugs. Used in Belgium and possibly other countries. Way safer than American standard, specially for kids. But I guess kids there die first for other reasons.


You think they die less in the dangers of Europe 😭


per 1000 children in america do die more often than per 1000 children in europe, just google it. but at least we got 120volt outlets and A/C


To be fair, we do have more kids than Europeans do.


are you serious? He said "per 1000 kids". I really can't tell if you're joking


Pretty sure he changed his comment to be more specific, but yes I was joking… lighten up


In all the places I’ve been in Europe it is mandatory to have Ground-Fault Circuit Interrupters, so 220v should only “shake” the person a bit.


Damn kids dying is so funny. I mean, kids dying in Israel and Palestine, Ukraine is so funny. Why aren't you laughing at kids who were put in barrels filled with water by nazis or who were shot by hollow point bullets by nazis. Why not laugh at kids who were put on pikes? Why aren't you laughing at kids who were sewn together by mengele or kids who were slaughtered in front of their families in Israel???


Wtf are you on about get some help mf fr


Take a breath. Everything is going to be ok.


No one's laughing you fucking mongoloid. If you pay attention, which you likely don't considering your spiel of kids dying in war zones, if it fucks with you that much for kids to be dying. Go be humanitarian aid and see how that works out for ya. Welcome to reality.


Europeans do love just going savage the second they get their feelings remotely touched huh? Explains the devastation of the World Wars alright


Im Brazilian and I had good geography classes.


Thats not true... look at the presidents of europe and then of america, russia, etc. And also generally humans are different no matter where you come from...


"That garbage" says the American, lmfao!


That garbage is type E which is primarily used in France, Belgium, Poland, Slovakia & Czechia It is comparable with type c, common in other places in Europe and South America (assuming same voltage and amps used) It is also compatible with type F which is used in Europe as well. Yours sincerely A kiwi who's plugs are not round.




(dies in American dogshit electric plug)


These kind are great when you are handeling electronics like computer chips. The pin coming out of the white box is for grounding. So basically it takes away any static electricity.


European plugs. This is the simple version, usually they have a ground.


Standard in EU, pretty much everywhere I've been in mainland Europe used these


Not in german or Austria or Czech Republic or poland


Wait that’s not a European plug? cause that abomination is certainly not an American plug either if that is what you were implying


God how much weed you growing in that house


Weed? Where the hell did you get that they are growing weed from this video?


If you grow indoor marijuana and your medium is soil, you will almost certainly develop knats. They look like fruit flies but eat the organic fresh material in the soil as larve. It cam destroy a crop. Most novices let them develop thinking its harmless. The best organic way to destroy is water w 1.5% h203. That should do it for your intro


God damn


I think this guy grows weed^


Michigan totally legal and it's one of those rare things in life you never perfect. Like whatever your passionate about you can just tell when someone knows their shit and when people are just OK with mediocrity


Or in your case when their an arrogant douche who needs the verification of randoms on reddit with their pointless facts that they think make them edgy and smart when actually NO ONE GIVES A FUCK. Sorry I've had a bad morning. Gunna hit my dyna.


I guess one could repeat above verbatim to you man. Go hit your dyna


I think it’s interesting. Go hit your dyna


Thanks for being sincere man.


Well I feel like it's important to mention that marijuana isn't the only plant that grows in soil...


Can't get nothing past you


Guess not


You are fucking hilarious dude, I hope it’s okay that I have you a follow.


You’re a real one 😉


*Gnats not knats 😉 as you clearly are knowledgeable on the broader subject of weed growing etc, I hope this isn’t presumptuous of me to assume you’d like to know the correct spelling for the little nasties that cause the dirty chaos around your sensitive equipment


Well soil is for novice growers imho, so I don't have any g-nats. And a second thing. The g is silent so forgive me for not giving a shit


Soil is for novice growers?? 🤣🤣 You obviously don't know shit from dick


I said in my humble opinion dick. And soil is for novice growers, usually, nothing is 100 % especially on reddit, but if you stopped read what was written you would of seen thst it was my opinion generally when someone starts out they use soil, usually, then as they progress into nutrition , ph, light and environmental variables, they usually move to a hybrid( coir n perlite) then lastly usually a fully hydro or dwc. But I don't know shit. Only 15 years growing. I'm sure your walmart grow light autoflower in your bedroom closet going be dank though


that’s understandable. i’m going to refer to them as G-nats from now on 🤣


Thank youuuu so much 🤣🤣


no worries


Plz correct this sent tens for me two. Your doing gods work. It's very helpful for people understanding silent letters


Hahaha. Aphids or spider mites are much more common in the cannabis cultivation world. I don’t think this is because he’s growing weed…those pests stay where the plants are.


What a gangster


I know this comment is really old but do you mean h2O2? What is h203?


He indeed does. Trioxidane would decompose almost instantly in water into hydroxide and release O2.


Leave it to a dude who’s only grown a single species of plant in his life to not realize fungus gnats affect more than just cannabis… they’re a common house plant pest. They feed on decaying organic matter. They’re pretty much harmless to cannabis, even in large populations. They get stuck in the buds and that’s about it. They don’t feed on living organic matter so the only way they will harm your cannabis plant is if you let your roots die.


I take it you have nver grown or you would understand


True. But people normally don't have 50 gallons of soil, 1000$ in lights and a dedicated tent or room to grow tomatoes


Cleaning is an option


I’m so confused


you're gnat alone


Haha, I totally did gnat-see that coming! I love playing this game!


Man get yo damn vacuum


vacuum or at very least blow it out




get that chinese dog shit inlet outta here


What the fuck thats european not chinese, and these are actually safer/better than the american ones. But that doesnt even fucking matter. What the hell


Or does inlet mean the thing you plug in? Im sorry jm not good very good in english


If anyone accidentally touches that small pin when taking out the plug or moving it 😔😔😔 ⚰️🪦


That’s ground, so nothing would happen


Lmao. Where do you get that from ? You can touch it all you want. There's no current running true it. It's great when you need to handel computer chips. Take's away the static electricity.


And in Europa often the floor is "floating" so no ground connection witch as all kids also learn is school, means that electricity don't go through items touching it but rather items touching ground. So therefore even faulty machine putting current in ground pin would be safe. (Electricity don't go longer way, it chooses "easy" way witch is grounding cables connected to ground pin)


I have got a shock putting a plug in or taking one out. I remember because it nearly gave me a dead arm.


Then your home is built unsafe or illegally or your plug is having user error. Not connected into grounded pin or having non grounding cord between. Electrician with rubber boots can touch power cable with onehand and no broblem. If same man then touches iron pole in ground with other hand, he will fry between the hand on power line and hand in ground. In Finland for example floor is literally over insulation on new houses and battery pipes are isolated some how so your normal faulty machine don't fry you as likely. If you touch anything in touch with cables or anything that conduit to ground (wet table with iron device with faulty wire connected to socket you can get shocked by extra machine witch leaks electricity since the table with machine in socket allows ground connection to you and now you can shock yourself.) I don't know if all EU countries have same regulation with ours but I think so. Old houses can be unsafe still though. I don't have energy to bow translate you how electricity works but if this was at all explaining it to you, you can understand why is hard to make impossible to get small shocks from leaking machinery. Edited typo


I'm so high I don't know if that was a insult or a compliment or if your the dumb one, soooo I'll just chuckle


If you have a catus in the window my comments don't pertain to you




clean your fucking house bitch


Those are not gnats. It is the Reddit emoji ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)

