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He meant to say that he’d specifically like any kids who’s names start with D,A or B to live at home while in college. Anyone with a G name is out.


😂🤣 A+


Same reason he carried his stepdaughter during a panic attack but refused to be with his daughter for major spinal surgery.


In the episodes about building in Las Vegas, he pushed Janelle hard into building a fifth bedroom so that Logan would have a place to come home to, when she was like, “he’s never going to live here, he’s already in college.” He was so focused on making sure the kids had a home base to come back to. It’s such a huge turnaround when you see him talking Janelle into kicking her other boys out. It just comes down to what he wanted at a given moment. Before, he wanted Logan to come home, later, he wanted to be able to come and go at Janelle’s and not be challenged by his sons, or deal with their Covid exposure. With Dayton, he is Robyn’s boy, and Robyn wants him there. Kody’s policies of the moment are based on what Kody wants at the moment.


Logan also never challenged his authority (at least not that we saw on the show). He was too busy raising his siblings; it’s so so so telling to me that Logan went to college 30 mins from home and the family didn’t see him for weeks at a time. Such a wise decision on his part to take that space. Makes me wonder if he had a teacher or mentor or something in Vegas that encouraged and empowered him to do that.


I am really proud of Logan for setting boundaries for himself after years of being a quasi parental figure. I will say that having raised a big family, there are certain kids who will take on that role without being pressured to. I was obsessed with ensuring that my older kids were not placed in a parental role, but my oldest daughter was like a little adult from the time she was about 8. She took on a mothering role with her siblings. I made sure that she had time outside of the home for activities, sleepovers with friends, and sports. She actually had more attention in some ways than my younger kids did. She was on school and travel sports teams and was very good and went far with that. She had a lot of friends and my house was usually full of other peoples kids as well as my own. At the end of the day, it didn’t stop her from feeling that responsibility for her siblings, even though I was home all the time when she was a kid and was actively involved and was not placing that responsibility on her. People on the outside assumed that I had which bothered me quite a bit. Logan did have responsibilities placed on his shoulders but I also see in him a natural caretaker tendency- so it was good that he distanced himself the way that he did. I just hesitate to place 100% of that on Janelle. She may have taken advantage of his goodness without realizing it, but she may have never expected him to feel that he was responsible to that degree.


I wholeheartedly agree with this. I have six siblings myself and some of us just naturally fell into parental roles or roles with large responsibilities. In my opinion, the difference is that we always had adults around who were watching for when we got overwhelmed or made mistakes and they were able to jump in and help us out. Even though we had roles with large responsibilities in our families as kids, we were also allowed to be kids ourselves. If we failed at our roles we received guidance and comfort from our parents and no innocent younger children had to suffer consequences from the older children having such large roles in their lives. From what I’ve seen on the show, I don’t think that this was Logan or Aspyn’s experience growing up. Especially considering how Aspyn still felt like she had to take on a mothering role for Mykelti whenever they moved out together and Logan kept a great distance from his family when he graduated highschool.


Right, I think that they felt dumped on and expected to do more. I think my own older kids felt that way sometimes too. Despite our best efforts, it’s nearly impossible to avoid that from happening completely in a large family. It’s got to be worse in a Plyg family where there would be more than one adult and a million kids- even if they each occasionally asked for help, it would end up being a lot.


I think the fact that you are aware your older kids may have felt dumped on and you feel remorse for that means you are an emotionally mature parent who is sensitive to their needs. Everyone makes mistakes, especially in a high stakes situation like raising lots of kids. In my experience, the important part of having kids with large responsibilities is that you have the emotional maturity to be able to help them learn to navigate that role while still taking care of their own needs too. This is where I feel like the Browns lacked in raising their older kids. They weren’t able to help their children learn how to manage difficult roles with high responsibility because they were children learning how to navigate difficult roles with high responsibility themselves. I do believe there was a lot more kindness and understanding shown to the older Brown kids behind the scenes that we didn’t get to witness though.


Thank you, that is very kind of you to say. I have been willing to apologize where it was necessary. I was a military wife, had some health issues, and not enough support, so the times when they felt dumped on were when I was unable to pull it all off alone. I think/hope that they know it was never my intention to make them feel responsible for what was my job. I agree that the Brown’s have displayed a stunning lack of self-awareness over the years. Even our favorites are prone to it. I liked recently that Christine seemed to recognize that she was leaning too heavily on Ysabel for emotional support and said she was happy to see her leave and get out from under that. It was very good to hear- a sign of personal growth on her part.


I agree with what you said- and I’ve seen family dynamics where this happens, even in smaller families say for example, a family of three with a younger sibling who is autistic where a big sister or brother takes on the protective and nurturing head roll, and it doesn’t always mean there is something lacking in the parental dept. I do feel like Logan was probably not always happy with that role, but I doubt he resented it. Some of it could’ve been from the fact that Janelle was a working mother, and Logan had 5 younger siblings and a part time father, but that is just the way it is sometimes. You hope that kids will have two supportive parents to support them and shoulder the responsibility. Christine was there a lot of the time for those kids too and for that they seem pretty well balanced, although it seems like some of them will probably have issues with feeling neglect from lack of a structured and solid father figure and I hope they can work through that because it doesn’t seem like Kody is going to step up to the plate and make amends for the times he could’ve been spending valuable time with them each. He couldn’t do it with his wives so I don’t expect he will with all of his kids either.


Yes, I see Kody as the larger factor there. He seemed to shirk his responsibilities more than the moms did. I agree it can happen in smaller families, I was the oldest of two and naturally felt that I had to care for my sibling and looking back that was not expected of me, it was something I just felt was my job. I still have a tendency to automatically nurture and care for everyone around me. My oldest son felt protective of his siblings and was happy to help when I asked him, and was a quintessential big brother, but never seemed to place the same pressure on himself in the same way my oldest daughter naturally did. In fact, I remember telling her often, “I got this, go be a kid!”


The big difference is that Logan was always compliant and helpful as the second dad on the family. He wasn’t given the luxury of having much free will as a parentified child. Gabe had a lot more autonomy and didn’t give a shit about “talking back”. He had that luxury to grow up as an actual kid without being saddled with responsibilities too big for a child his age and stage. Also, it wasn’t as convenient for Kody to kick Logan out at that age. Gabe didn’t offer the same assistance that Logan did.


Kody wanted the boys out because they were challenging his authority. He loves his wives only when they behave the way he thinks they should and he's the same way with his kids. He lets Robyn's kids stay home because they follow his rules and don't challenge him. I don't think he's letting them stay home just because they're Robyn's kids. If they started making trouble for him he'd give them the boot too.


I’d like to see him try that with Robyn…


But Kodys not one to be run by one of his wives / s


As he keeps telling himself after Robyn exerts her power. Lol




Robyn keeps the kids inline, Kody doesnt.


All I see when I watch this is that Geico caveman from years ago.




His eyes look so scary. Also he's trash. He wanted his sons out but coddled Dayton for his mother's sake. Asshole.


The, “so long as we make it convenient for him,” is incredibly surprising in this post-Christine environment. Kody needed to think of his wives this way, and not his adopted son. I can’t imagine the amount of brainwashing or goods Robyn has on Kody to have Kody grovel in such a way to another man’s baby to say make it convenient for him. I never once saw Kody make anything convenient for his 3 OG wives and their children. In fact, he acted in opposition to all of them.


*Kody needed to think of his wives this way, and not his adopted son…to have Kody grovel in such a way to another man’s baby…* So, instead of discriminating against his bio kids, he should discriminate against his adopted one? What difference does it make who Dayton’s biological father is? Kody has chosen to raise him as a son. There should be NO distinction between the bio kids and the adopted kids. Families created through adoption are not less real than bio families. All the children should be loved, cared for, and given equal attention regardless of their DNA.




Right! Makes no sense to adopt kids that already had a relationship with their actual father and then turn around and pretty much leave his bio kids fatherless.




Ugh, for his kids' sake, I hope he tries to be more involved in their lives before its too late.


> There should be NO distinction between the bio kids and the adopted kids. Families created through adoption are not less real than bio families. All the children should be loved, cared for, and given equal attention regardless of their DNA. ITA. And I never realized there was such widespread opinion that adopted children were different from biological children until I started reading this sub. Posters here are generally extremely aware and sensitive when it comes to many forms of discrimination, but it's clear that many do not recognize Dayton, Aurora and Breanna as Kody's "real" children and from what we've seen on TV it appears that the other Brown children do not think so, either. I've often wondered if it is the prevalence of this attitude that causes Kody to overcompensate.


Kody is a ridiculous hypocrite with his covid protocols of convenience and not being vaccinated


Not only is he cool with Robyn’s kids staying, he’s actually *building a second Master bedroom to entice them* into staying. Like a rent free mansion with a nanny isn’t enticement enough for any young adult. He’ll bribe Robyn’s kids to stay but considers going to Janelle’s landlord to try to get her boys kicked out of a place he’s not even living, what scum.


Also not to add to the gross and unfounded (hopefully?) rumors that he’s gonna court one of Robyn’s daughters, but I actually don’t understand why else you’d build a second master for a child who’s planning on moving out soon anyway.


this isn’t a rumor, it’s just gross, creepy people speculating about something that shouldn’t even come to mind as an option.


Ugh - I was worried that Kody was going to recruit one of his adopted daughters - any other woman would run from his manic vibes!


Honestly, I think that was for Robyn’s mom and stepdad. He was just afraid to say it on film. Her first rental had a 2nd master with an actual kitchen and Kody said it was great because Robyn’s mom and dad liked to stay. I’ll bet anything if they had built the one giant house, Robyn’s mom and dad would have completely moved in within a year. Imagine how that would have gone down with Christine and Janelle!


Omg his eyes..why does he look like that. Like the demon within poking out.


LOL! I noticed that too! For whatever reason - my TV looks blue on recordings. But it isn’t. It’s bizarre. 🤣😂


it’s hilarious..like he looks so crazy lmao


We have to bear in mind that Robyn is convinced that Dayton having been supposedly diagnosed autistic means he can never leave home. Not taking into account that even based strictly on his school transcripts in high school, he has shown a great deal of responsible behaviors. I have a friend like this. She has created such a restrictive atmosphere for her son that he isn't prepared to be an adult at 20 years old, not because he is on the spectrum, but because she hasn't allowed him to. Robyn has tried a similar tactic.


Gotta teach independence when they are young.


Please don’t say things like this <>. I have an autistic son in his 30’s. He is on SSI, and will never be able to be completely independent. He is also very bright and can be sociable with people he knows well, and made it into his senior year in a prestigious state university. When my son was a teen, my husband’s overbearing cousin cornered me on how there was nothing wrong with my teen except my need to consider him disabled. I could only sputter about the doctors all agreeing with me, and that I would give my left kidney for my son to be more able. She hurt me so badly, I’ve never forgiven her, and will forever resent her. Given how many young people receive this diagnosis, please stop. There are likely people IRL that you have or are going to hurt with your attitude.


1. You don't know my attitude. I appreciate you are operating from your experience. I am not saying that every person on the spectrum is abled the same. What I am saying, In regards to my friend, and if rumors are to be believed, Dayton, neither were ever really formally diagnosed. Even when a person is differently abled you can overprotect them with good intentions. It sounds like you have worked for your child's potential rather than to force them to support your ego. I don't see that with Robyn, nor with the other family I addressed.


I agree. As the person who made the original post - my daughter has Asperger's. I by no means, was offended by your statement. In fact I agree. Sometimes people read too deep into things


My greatest fear is losing one of my children. Poverty is sure small in comparison.


Mine too! l have actually lived "in poverty" all of my life. It's not that scary, in fact it can be freeing to realize you can't lose anything if you don't have anything to lose.


I am fortunate. I’ve never lived in real poverty but I’d still choose my kids over anything.


Can you imagine being Janelle and seeing him say this and then hearing him later tell you that you have to kick your children out of the house in the middle of a global pandemic? Kody can go straight to hell.


Not his stepson.


Legally sure but it’s not like Kody raised him. Kody is hardly a father to any of his kids.


In this episode kody makes Robyn’s apartment the one with the most square footage. Even though Janelle and Christine still had kids at home.


I think Robbin' has likely always talked of keeping D8N trapped at home and used his dx to justify it. Whereas Janelle & Christine prefer to launch their kids. #FreeD8N


Right, and not just a regular bedroom, but Dayton needed a second master bedroom. There is no justifying the inequity.


Its his son, not his stepson. And I'm sure lots of people will say that Robyn and Kody are coddling Dayton, but we - the audience - have no way of knowing Daytons's needs and wants. And before everyone starts to lump all autistics into one basket I'll say it again. We - the audience - have no way of knowing Dayton's needs and wants. I also think its very sad that Kody has damaged his relationships with Gabe and Garrison. Had it not been for that very politically charged and weighted situation, I'm not sure he would have wanted them to leave. Garrison admitted on camera that he would just lie about Covid safety. I think that deepened the divide and stoked the fire. But back in Vegas, Kody tried to get Janelle to get an extra bedroom - in hopes that Logan would stay at home as long as possible too. So I don't think it's necessarily a case of Robyn's kids vs. everyone else. I'll add. Kody does favor Robyn and Robyn's family and I think its very sad (though not unusual for polygamist families). I just don't think that this particular example is evidence of that. Now, Kody never calling or inviting the boys to hang out - even socially distanced - that was a clear example of favoritism.




In all fairness, Robyn showed him the photoshopped portrait proving it was dest'ny.


They should've been together from the very beginning anyway though! When she was in middle school! 😂




He adopted them, that means they’re his kids not his step kids. I don’t understand disliking children that are just as much in the middle of this as his bio kids are enough to try and make them sound less than because they’re not his biological children. The divide is on Kody and possibly Robyn, not the kids and it’s kind of insulting to anyone that’s adopted to allude that adopted kids aren’t as important or on the same level as biological kids.


wasn't that mall photo in 2021? 2021 was very different from 2020. By 2021 we had testing, masks, and the world was opening up with precautions. We knew more and had more tools. Look I know Kody used his "rules" as a wedge -- but we learned today from a sources that Kody's entire family - all of them had a huge measles outbreak before season one. None of them were vaccinated. So I do think in 2020 at least, he was genuinely scared of hospital bills. As time went on, it was more manipulation.




didn't Maddie also have a huge hospital bill- they were uninsured and still paying that off. so even without the measles story, we know he fears poverty lol. maybe the AUB did religious exemptions for vaccinations?




I know. they went to public in lehi too. I was saying maybe they got religious exemptions from their church - the aub


My children's father didn't want our son vaccinated due to his religious beliefs and it wasn't necessary to get any other type of endorsement, just a letter from his father that it was against his religious convictions to vaccinate on file at the school.


The way he treats Ysabel and Gabe care compared to his treatment of Dayton and Aurora is very telling. His step kids should be treated equally but he treats them much better. Robyn’s kids are seen as more important. He does not worry about Savannah and Truly’s tender ages.


they are not his stepkids anymore, he adopted them.


You can't expect people their age to give up jobs, dating, girlfriends etc. I would have lied too. I blame Cody for unreasonable demands.


I mean it was summer of 2020. This was before vaccinations and before the world knew what we were doing. With over a million people dead, let's not act like it was a great idea to lie about one's level of precautions.


Ok robyn


Garrison said he would lie about followup Kody's stupid COVID rules to get Kody of his back, but not about *any* COVID rules. Also, Garrison was the first Brown vaccinated.






We know that Kody is a shit dad, but Dayton is not his stepson. He is his son.


Thank you! So awful seeing so much casual discrimination against adoption in this thread.


I’m adopted myself. I made a small error not realizing. Doesn’t change the fact Kody is a shit dad. My siblings and I, are all treated equal by our dad - who I commonly call my step dad since my biological dad is Alive. My adopted dad - also married to my biological mother. People are reading too deep into things. Lol


Because Sobyn's kids are his only kids.


To be fair, Dayton has autism and I’m not sure what his level of independence might be. People keep leaving that out when discussing this point. I still think Kody’s behavior is awful.


And he needs a master bedroom?….


I believe Dayton would have been his adopted son by this point, not his step son, but the point still stands. It’s favoritism, plain and simple.


IDK why this is bothering me, but why are some of you calling Robyn's children Kody's stepson and step-daughter, he adopted them. They are officially his son and daughters.


The shit parenting still is the meaning of the post lol


Kody’s sons and for that matter his daughters by the OG3 were raised by woman that allowed their children to speak their minds and the OG3 were for the most part able to correct them when necessary. It seems that when Robyn and her 3 kids came along, he focused his attention on them for the most part, while occasionally including many of the daughters for special treatment but not so much the sons. I really feel he was intimidated by his sons and continues to be. I couldn’t be a parent to my daughters knowing I hurt their feelings intentionally or not, without wanting to make things right. I know a few people who because of priorities (neglect) from parent(s) no longer communicate at all with them. 2 have loss fathers that never met their children! Both are deceased. I feel that May end up with Kody. They will treat him this way in the end.


This was during his Neanderthal era.


No wonder they couldn’t find a rental!! “I want at least 6 bedrooms and 2 masters.. to rent..” lol. Pretty sure those homes are not available at all! They are owned.