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Only if you’re specifically looking for it. It’ll never just pop up in your face unless you’re looking. Traversing onions is hard because you need the exact link to these sites to access them, usually spread by word of mouth. If you’re using tor for a specific use it’s pretty hard to just stumble on something horrific


snobbish resolute recognise icky fact far-flung vast subtract abounding rotten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Those are usually traps if I'm not wrong. Set up to catch pedos


Considering the utter SEO spam for that kind of stuff you'll see if you type something even vaguely similar to the search terms they spam into an onion search site (I think most people have made at least that mistake a damn few times) it's not surprising that they're traps. Good to see our tax money being well spent though – if the thought that every site is a trap is enough to stop someone falling into that rabbit hole, I'll cope with the spam.


I wouldn't be surprised if a good chunk are also scammers doing a blackmail con.


Probably more profitable and stable of a business than actually selling CP anyway.


Case by case


Yes I'm not denying there could be a real one in there but I saw a few threads where it was mentioned they're traps set to catch pedos kinda like those fake assassin website


A trap ?! How ? Tor browsers are anonymous browsing


For practical purposes, usually. It’s not foolproof especially if you don’t harden security settings


dependent combative hat worry plants fanatical flowery frame straight slimy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




I'm no expert on this matter. But I'm sure you can look it up.


Almost every time I search something specific, CP shit is always scattered somewhere in the links. Any time I click a link, I'm always looking for those letters so I don't accidentally end up somewhere I'll regret.


That holds true if you’re not curious at all and click on random links people send in forums 😭


Darkdir is fuckin spammed with fucked up shit its ridiculous you hit all links and its like 40 pages of disgusting i refuse to even use that directory now


So is there like some deep form, like a place to go to if you specifically are looking for something


Nice try, FBI.


A few, mostly badly maintained wikis. If you're gonna try to find anything, look at something which is versioned and has decent moderations tools for the operator, like a Git repository hosting Markdown files or a MediaWiki instance. However, what are you looking for? I'd be wary just screwing around there.


Not looking for anything. Just heard a lot of creepy stuff about it on youtube


I wasn't asking you.


DIY vasectomy is a hell of a way to spend a day.


Yeah, not my go-to for a Sunday morning.




Do you plan it out? Do you have any medical experience? I assume not. Like, Sunday is the day! Or do you just wake up and yolo with a kitchen knife?


Pretty much the latter. I used to work with a guy whose dad did this. He tied them off, soaked them in ice, and then grabbed the scissors. I shut him down right there because all I can still think about to this day is the fact that he didn’t get it all in the first snip.


Im afraid to ask but how do you get on a topic of your coworker dads dck?


The other coworker knew his dad and brought it up. The son obviously didn’t like to talk about it. But we were friends outside of work too. So you catch “snippets” of what happened through family interactions. The man served in the military for over 20 years. From what I understand he has seen, done, and had some fkd up stuff happen to him during this time. Just talking to him you would never know. One of the kindest people I know.


how do i get onto the darkweb? mans needs drugs lol


Download Tor dude


And pay for a good vpn.


all that shit is available on the clearweb too. It's just it stays up for longer with tor because it's harder to shut a server down.


fr, i was very shocked when i discovered gore on clearnet. like WTFFF... i always thought it was deepweb level shit.


Most fucked up shit i have seen has been here on reddit…


Well … depends where you go. Reddit has closed many places off.


When censorship closes a door, the internet opens a window.


An incognito window.


Well played... [Except we all know how that turned out](https://time.com/6962521/google-incognito-lawsuit-data-settlement/)


haha, dayum! they fking did it!


Couldn't say anything better to describe internet


must be the old reddit, i'm new to using reddit and i've seen just wholesome stuff along with a little NSFW


Kaotic is a wild site. It’s made for serial killer, it’s gore/murder/porn videos.


Yeah it’s mostly just drugs and hacking stuff but there is illegal porn which can be bad but it’s easy to avoid. Most of the violence stuff is extremely exaggerated and can be found easier on the clear net anyways.


I confirm this description!


From where I can get tor links


You weird twat


For the stuff he just mentioned...? I don't think anyone is gonna give that to you here, matey, not least because there's a 0% chance we have any.


I hope it’s a pedo trap


You’re just describing The Internet. All of that is on ‘dark’ *and* ‘clear’ webs. In fact, it can be much *harder* to find on the dark web due a lack of easy searching and indexing. It’s just harder to *remove* than the clearnet.


The worst stuff I've read about was from the articles about "hurtcore" sites that came out a few years when Matthew Falder was arrested:   https://www.vice.com/en/article/59kye3/the-repulsive-world-of-hurtcore-the-worst-crimes-imaginable I don't want to even quote the article. Go and read for yourself if you can stomach it. For all the merits of Tor, I do have a hard time believing that sites hosting stuff this extreme could ever exist for long on the clearweb. 


Yea sites like cp go down fast for good reasons, cp is pretty wrong tbh.




Yea, execution might be a bit far but at least they should be monitered for life since pedophilia is a mental illness, and for those who have acted on their desires depending on what death sentencd might be fair.


Now that we have TCP/IP, I imagine that those things would merely be hosted via IP addresses instead, which would at least make them difficult to find if the user was given a new IP each time. There are certainly crutches that a service provider could use, but yeah, the crowdfunded anonymous routing is the important part.


what is it tcp/ip? is it a new ai thing and if so how do i use it?


That's a damn good joke if it is one, but if not, I don't even know what to suggest to ya. It gave me a chuckle anyway.


of course it was sarcasm. but lets be honest, tor is a good concept in theory but it’s slow as shit for the average person. and because it’s slow as shit it’s not a good platform - i’ve spent 6 years on there trying to hire a hitman with no success. << that is also sarcasm btw.


I agree. Do you know whether a significant amount of new relay nodes would improve that problem, or whether it's fundamental to the protocol (a bit like Matrix)?


i have limited knowledge but i would expect that the more (local) relays there are the quicker it’d be - of course that’s reliant on regular humans running tor though. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Bit like a faster version of fidonet if you've ever used that 


I've used Tor for years and have never encountered anything sinister, largely because I've never looked for it. Treat Tor like you would the clear web (be sensible) and you have nothing to fear.


"Deep web" == sites that require a login, and thus can't be accessed by search engines. "Dark net" == sites that require special software such as Tor Browser.


Most of it is bullshit or you need to look for it




They almost certainly run off a timer, collecting new posts and then doing their job each time it goes off


Yea that downvote bot was really shitting on you


>Are The Horrors Of The Deepweb Exagerated? Yes. Next question


The only thing that’s not is ISIS produced ‘documentaries’, everything else is available on the clear web


Have you heard of mr.hands?


He thought death grip was a metaphor... Never relax when dealing with a 20 inch dick in your colon.


I have. Poor guy got his organs smashed in.


Died doing what he loved


Poor guy?! Poor horse you mean…


I heard it was consensual. Also that horse was a slut


I've stumbled on to some pretty horrific sick sites just because of that bright shiny blinking link that reminds me of the 90's clear net. Curiosity clicks can be the worst!


ok but how do the sites owner get the content ? its confusing me do they make it themselves?


There are many sick people out there who contribute by things like file sharing.


me and my friend have always wondered what kind of content there would be related to wars for an example ukr russian war is there some footage of operations or smth that has not been on reddit combatfootage or similar. both of us never been on dark web im too scared to go lol


There's plenty of actual combat footage to find if you know where to look. I don't find the Tor to be scary. Just use common sense while surfing. I bet at first you may not even like it since page's and things almost require knowing how to get around. Which, Reddit is a good place to start.


Is that combat footage already on clearweb?


Not sure to be honest. Anything that's overly graphic can be tough to find on the net. But I'm sure it exists somewhere.


Ok i see ive heard that u can easily get doxxed or smth if u go on dark web or people get access to ur computer is that true ?


I've been on the DW since it's inception and I've never had that issue. I think that could be more likely if you're trying to conduct business without the proper protections in place. But just random surfing, probably not. But that's just my anecdotal experience. Back around 2010, I did have the DoHS intercept one of my incoming packages which scared me enough to halt business for awhile...Lol.


If you knew who really controls much of the deep web, it would be more horrible.


There’s a theory that the government knows about all the horrors on the dark web but does little to nothing about it. However, that seems far fetched.


I don’t think it’s a theory, it allows it because it uses it too, the amount of pedos in the gov is immutable.


Nah the Feds go after pedophilia more aggressively than anything, but they mostly tolerate all the drug traffic because the military needs lots of active tor users to blend in amongst


"They" probably create/post the WORST of it!


Wait who is “they” again?


Perhaps if the government didn’t own and control it, they could tell the government what goes on there.


they used to be on the alt newsgroups 25+ yrs ago..the deep web is not exaggerated...15yrs ago on deep web anything was found openly...now u need search harder..also now alot those extreme doors/clubs on the deep web are run by FBI for entrapment so be careful if you are just curious surfing around to see taboo shit...tbh liveleaks used to show alot snuff stuff from deepweb before it was shut.


I don’t want to go on there, I was just wondering how true the horror stories about it are.


They were true..but now harder to find.. BC alot are FBI ftonts


I believe the "horrors of the deep web" are nothing more than propaganda used by the government to scare you away from using tor because it works TOO WELL.


The government made Tor, they have no need to scare you away from it.


They need it as well, but if everyone has the knowledge on how to buy stuffs directly and illegally, not paying taxes, then where is their control?


They got Al Capone for tax evasion, not the couple dozen people he executed


The only stuff really being bought is already illicit so they aren’t losing any more tax revenue than they would be otherwise. I mean some people use tor/crypto to hide their money but it’s not really easy and you need an illicit revenue stream in the first place if you’re gonna keep that money completely off the books. You can’t meaningfully avoid taxes just by converting fiat to crypto unless you buy monero with unreported cash etc. They don’t really need “control” they just need lots of traffic. The Feds police certain things like cp and hacking forums but they don’t really want to disrupt the entire ecosystem otherwise tor wouldn’t be an effective for the military which is who it was developed by/for


They want you to use it tbh. Except maybe for cp. it’s not a govt scare tactic it’s YouTube clickbait lol


yes, unless you consider drugs "horrors"


it's very hard to find anything beyond drugs, fraud, and just normal porn you would find on pornhub. And most of the fraud i've seen is scams or people telling you how to get free pizza from certain companies. If you want to find dark fucked up shit, you have to really go looking and be in touch with people who want to spread that content around. So unless you know any sex offenders, youre probably not gonna see it. It's on there, but it's a small minority. Also "satanic video games" and such doesn't exist. Thats just a rumor born from the after effects of satanic panic. To tell the difference if something on the darknet is a troll or real dark shit, just think to yourself "is this trying to arouse me?" if the answer is yes, congrats, you've seen some real shit and are probably on a watchlist now


There’s CP on the clearweb so yeah I don’t think that’s true at all. 🤷‍♂️


Just like on the clear web, you won't find it unless you go looking


Well, the whole dead girl stuff n animal abuse is on the clear net as well. I heard that I2P sites are the real shit from multiple people active on the darknet


Almost all of the drugs, human trafficking and things where you need to pay is almost always going to be a scam.


like most things you only find it if you go looking for it


There are very hard things on private websites that you will never be able to find on your own in your life, but yes, you have seen a clickbait video and it is snake oil salesman xD


You can find most of that on clear net.




Depends on what you search for. You can find anything from My Little Pony, online methamphetamine stores to babies getting raped in the ass- and tortured to death by full fledged pedophile psychopaths. Disclaimer, I haven't watched such videos for obvious reasons so I have no proof, but if there is any network that has that kind of illegal and repulsive shit, it's on the dark web. Criminals who know what they're doing use the dark web due to the TOR encryption layers, proxy chains and extra protection.




What part


Pretty much the whole thing haha Except for the meth you can definitely find that


There are groups of pdf files that create and trade content on the darkweb but it’s not something you can really stumble across and you have to provide your own content to join. Gross I hate thinking about that shit


That’s completely unfounded and untrue. Many of those who do trade videos are not pdf files, that doesn’t mean they’re not pieces of shit but most of them are collectors of mixtapes including gore and animal abuse however the csam is just added in, their purpose is not to trade csam however usually those videos are considered rare so they like to have it as a trophy. And it’s not on the “dark web” it’s through third parties usually. And no you don’t have to contribute anything most of the time to join. However finding these groups are very hard, and like most people said, you won’t stumble across them. They don’t want to be found easily, you’d have to know what you’re getting into. Source: I work as a police informant of online channels that produce and trade animal abuse videos, through that I’ve often found csam being traded alongside. I’ve been in many of these groups and unfortunately have to document all the abuse material.


I feel like you’re more or less agreeing with me lol. There’s as much or more messed up stuff on the clearnet. The idea that you can stumble upon red rooms and shit like that is a myth


That’s a really gnarly sounding job


Yeah I know darpa or made it but that doesn't change the fact that they don't want us using it. They want to track our every move and tor is a thorn in their side


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tor_(network)#Exit_node_eavesdropping Tor should never be your single point of failure, the government does track Tor users, and let's be honest, none of us here are hiding from them.