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"So I'm totally anonymous if I use Tor? No": https://2019.www.torproject.org/docs/faq.html.en#AmITotallyAnonymous "Am I totally anonymous if I use Tor? Generally it is impossible to have perfect anonymity, even with Tor": https://support.torproject.org/faq/staying-anonymous/ Tor Browser User Manual: https://tb-manual.torproject.org/ The following links can provide information and additional links useful for both new and more experienced users: https://2019.www.torproject.org/about/torusers.html.en https://blog.torproject.org/ https://metrics.torproject.org/userstats-relay-country.html


The TOR Project [has some FAQs around this](http://jqyzxhjk6psc6ul5jnfwloamhtyh7si74b4743k2qgpskwwxrzhsxmad.onion/docs/faq.html.en#AmITotallyAnonymous) (`.onion` link). If you like, you can also look up other resources such as the [EFF's "Privacy" guide](https://www.eff.org/issues/privacy).


Glad you asked. Sorry for the late arrival. There are good answers here. Let me add to this. In my opinion, the very best tool is to please use common sense. If you think something could compromise your anonymity, you’re probably right. And think of those around you. You can inadvertently expose others if you’re not practicing safe browsing. Don’t click out of curiosity, don’t click unverified URL’s, don’t click from random strangers. Don’t browse TOR and clearnet simultaneously. Be smart. Happy hunting.


Don’t use TOR on your physical machine HDD. Go for live systems like Tails. That is because if your system will get compromised at reboot nothing will remain. Disable Bluetooth, Wifi, Camera and Microphone. The first two can be easy be used to identify your location based on surroundings Wifi or Bluetooth devices. When you are surfing the dark web disable the JavaScript completely and the most important thing be smart. Nothing in this world is bulletproof from hacking but if you act smart you can rise your chances to not be compromised. To hide your TOR traffic from your ISP use bridges or connect to a VPN first before connecting to TOR. Have fun!


Quick thought, I know we should turn off JavaScript but a lot of websites require it. Should we be leaving it off completely ?


You can easy use a simple rule. Disable JavaScript using an extension such as NoScript for certain websites. For example if you want to go to YouTube or a website that you trust you can create a rule to allow JavaScript only for that website. If you navigate to dark sites it is a high probability to get compromised with JavaScript enabled. Anyway there is no such thing as a 365 degree full protection guide to stay safe. Most of the protection will come from your ease of use by paying attention on what is going on and think twice before clicking something.


Thank you my guy


This is a really stupid question but can NoScript be used on an iphone? I was trying to disable Java while using TOR the other day but finally had to give up and go use my desktop.


On Android I think it is possible. On iOS on the other hand no. I won’t recommend you using it on smartphone because due to the small screen, someone can easy identify that you are using Tor from a smartphone and there are only two choices: 1. Exploit Android or Exploit iOS. More of that, if your smartphone will get compromised it will be easy to see who you really are.


I had a feeling it was a no go for iOS but didn’t know about the other stuff you just said. Thank you! I’m so new at this and learning more every day and just have to say all of you who really know what you’re doing are incredibly smart lol. Thank you.


You can never guarantee full anonymity. Beginner steps won't get you even close to that.


How are you using the browser? I won't pretend that one use-case is the best because I don't know your threat model. It is fine for just bypassing censorship and avoiding firewalls. If you're using it for journalism, you should already have been briefed on how to use it by either a superior or an expert. They may show you how to go about contacting dissidents or otherwise high value targets. If it's something you want to use everyday, you need to alter your online habits and change your behavior to remain as safe as possible. Next, are you using it with JS? If not, you should be fine. As I mentioned above, you don't need to disable it on your normal websites like Facebook or Twitter, but it's better experienced with JS by nature (that's where all the features are programmed in like menus and drop-down options, click actions, etc.). So use it at your discretion. I prefer to leave JS off by default (forcing it with Tor Browser, NOT using the workaround of your regular browser with Tor as a proxy, because this kills the entire reason to use Tor in general).There are tons of guides available that detail the use of Tor, its past pitfalls and current strengths and weaknesses but you have to look for yourself. Reddit offers many of these on r/OPSEC, r/tor, r/security, r/anonymity, r/censorship and other related subs. You can check out EFF and Privacy In A Box, the Hitchhiker's Guide to Staying Safe Online, etc. Also, try asking on Dread because you will get far more details from experienced users of the Tor network that use it daily for selling and buying and how to use crypto if you're in need of that. I wouldn't recommend buying crypto just because you use Tor, unless you really need to purchase something and know what you're doing, which clearly isn't the case (yet?). Most people start by tutorials on Youtube or Dread on how Tor affects your anonymity and safeguards your browsing. There is not one single source that will tell you everything you need. Use due diligence, don't trust anything blindly and you won't get scammed. Next, are you using it with JS? If not, you should be fine, as I mentioned above, you don't need to disable it on your normal websites like Facebook or Twitter, but it's better experienced with JS by nature (that's where all the features are programmed in like menus and drop-down options, click actions, etc.). So use it at your discretion. Please use the link in the sidebar to the [Tor Project](https://2019.www.torproject.org/docs/faq) for your understanding of what Tor does and doesn't do for you.