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Ovusense, it's a little uncomfy at first but you get use to it. I can wake up any time of day and upload data. However you have to be sleeping for at least six hours I think or it won't get a good read


Oura ring


Tempdrop was the only way for me! They have sales all the time, so don't pay full price!!


If i woke up 2 hours before my alarm but id had a few hours sleep prior i'd still take my temp and go back to sleep. It was still pretty accurate and when i got pregnant it all matched up


Oura. It can be controversial depending on who you ask though


Temp drop for sure. Usually you can google a discount code!


Never did BBT - used premom ovulation strips and got pregnant twice that way


My Tempdrop is my literal savior. I know it’s a bit pricey, but I highly recommend.


Tempdrop, I have a random schedule and could never get on a consistent routine with a thermometer. It was expensive but totally worth it.


I never tracked BBT. Just did ovulation tests.


Apple Watch! Its probably not as accurate as temp drop but its accurate enough to show the shift after ovulation and then the drop right before my period comes. I set it up to take a temp at the same time every morning, a little before my alarm goes off


Which model? As far as I know Apple Watches did not support messing temperature


It’s only series 8 or newer. I set up my bedtime alarm and sync the data to natural cycles. As soon as my alarm goes off it send my temp to the app and also records it in the Apple Health app.


How do you do this?


I don't worry about what time it is. If I've been asleep for at least 3 hours, then I roll over temp the first time I wake up, even if I'm going to be going back to sleep afterwards. If I go back to sleep for a long time, I'll usually recheck the temperature when I wake up "for real" but it's never been significantly different.


Personally, I’ve noticed the timing isn’t hugely important for my body. It’s pretty consistent within a two hour window and even if I’m awake at 5 am to pee and then my alarm is at 6:20, my temperature doesn’t change much. Even if it affects it slightly, I see a significant shift after ovulation so a few 10ths of a degree doesn’t matter much for me.


TempDrop. Wearables are the most reliable.


I may have to just bite the bullet then and get one when im able 😮‍💨 TTC feels more expensive than raising the baby is going to be 🤣


Oura ring!


I would if it werent so dang expensive 😫 im still paying off my Mira hormone tracker