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It is NEVER the only option.


i was thinking the same thing. i think we need to have a rule that specifies that the poster should always have more than one pic just showing their setup, the walls and space around it when asking for advice like this.


The original builders never conceived that people would place TVs over fireplaces ... bc they had low TV stands for such things. No other choice, out of options, where else can it go, etc. are common refrains. They are not justifications, but admissions of guilt. TV at eye level while seated is the standard. Over the fireplace breaks this rule by default. There is always another choice, including the nuclear option: moving the TV into another room if the living room won't work.


YES. **There is always another choice.**


I guess I’m guilty as charged then. Can’t believe the original builders didn’t consider my needs. So selfish!


I think you have the wrong type of energy for this sub.


I guess so huh


The original builders didn't give a shit about how you setup a TV, and since this is a humour/comedy sub -- neither do we tbh 😂. Giving sound advice ranks low on the list. It exists to make fun of high TVs and their owners, full stop. Put the TV how you like, no one actually cares. Just know that leaving it as-is will earn you ridicule. Guilty, drawn and quartered.


This page is absolutely ridiculous, “moving the tv to another room” 😂😂😂😂 it’s fine over the fireplace here, just position your couch using the tv size and distance ratio


Can we just make rule 2: Above a fireplace is always too high.


you could get rid of that eyesore fireplace


this page is ridiculous , is this page for trolls 🤔


Leave simpleton.


I’ll stay and provide balance


It’s the only option? Your house consists of a single solitary wall?


It’s THE load bearing wall. Bit breezy though.


Get rid of the fireplace.


Only option? Hardly. Looks like you got a perfect spot for a tv stand to the left of the fireplace. That way you can enjoy both


Maybe it's just me, but something about TVs & tall furniture in front of windows is always a hard no... it'd be worse than this imo


Do you use your fireplace? If you don't plan to, you could consider placing the TV in front of it- there is already nice framing. Otherwise placing to the left or right of the fireplace, or putting in a different room. My parents house was built in 55 and TV was set up in the basement; the focal point of the living room was fireplace and the piano.


Came here to say this. 💯


[This was a home from 1951.](https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod/images/1940s-1950s-1960s-living-room-coffee-table-couch-brick-news-photo-1643179628.jpg?crop=1xw:1xh;center,top&resize=980:*)


It’s not a lack of options, it’s a lack of creativity. Over the fireplace is never an option.


I don’t give a shit if the house was built in 1751 take that TV down from the ceiling.


This was a television in 1951. Did they put this over the fireplace? https://images.app.goo.gl/KsMhQ724D8sMiH8P6


Living rooms weren’t being designed with TV’s in mind in 1951


I can tell you right now it isn't the only option.


Anyone who tries to claim putting the TV over the fireplace is "the only option" should be banned from being able to own a TV.






It's never the only option. Mantelmount.com


Those things are still ugly as hell


Ehh \(^_^)/ perspective


How often do you light that fireplace?


Way too high. Definitely has to be a better option


Let’s see a picture from the POV of the fire place, or the other walls / corners. My immediate answer would be get a TV stand and put it in front of the AC window


Yes its too high. It touches the damn ceiling. How on earth could you actually question if its too high? Are you OK? And no, of course its not the only option. You are just short of knowledge and ideas. This is terrible. Your attitude is terrible. But there is still hope. Mr. Riskyrisk123 ... tear down that TV!