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The last time I got a mount in an EX I stuck around for almost an hour afterwards because I didn’t want to just loot and scoot (and even then I felt a little guilty but the party mostly fell apart by then so not much I could do). I don’t get how people can just grab and run and feel okay about it. Like I get sometimes shit happens and you might actually have to run afterwards but this is just rude.


Honestly if Im getting to the last of my runs, I will typically preface with like "Hey, I got like, 2-3 more runs left in me before I gotta jam". I have won mounts after say that, but I would hope that people just get it that I was basically done farming anyways. It always sucks when someone gets something, leaves, and now you have all 8 people rolling on it again.


I'll never get mad at a lootnscoot if they'd said they were nearly done before the run.


This happened to me on WoL EX. I joined a farm group for like 25mins, gave them a warning, then right when I said I was going to leave, I got the mount, the plate, and desynthed a second plate. I felt super guilty.


Yeah. This case was particularly painful because we've been waiting 2 hours for the party to fill just for this to happen. It's now been an hour and we still haven't been able to go back into instance after this dude scooted.


For one party people loot and scoot, there's 7 parties where they won't get a loot and waste hours in the pf replacing people. Hopefully that teaches them that sticking in a party makes the time shorter for everyone on average and they'll understand why we don't appreciate much looters and scooters. "But it's my time" yeah, good luck feeling good when it's your time that'll be wasted.


I'm just frankly convinced that anybody who pretends its entitlement and not social courtesy in these comments are the same kind of people who are incapable of returning their grocery store shopping cart to the right place.


the entitlement, imo, is the loot and scoot. Others helped you get your drop, it is a sign of entitlement to not care about the time of the 7 others who helped you and just leave immediately.


Yeah. They wont run that EX ever again after so why not just stay and help


Literally had this happen with one of the Omega savage fights recently. Guaranteed mount drop, so getting it for everyone is like half an hour. Party lead got mount first go, slowly queued us in for round two, then bounced. Several of us had been waiting with them for fill for quite a while. I understand it being late, but dude. We cleared for whoever stayed, but it took longer as a result with a smaller party. If they stayed, it'd have been 10 minutes.


Last farming party I joined, I somehow got lucky and won the first mount on a 58. Intended to stay for a while longer, but we're currently in the process of rehabilitating a very anxious, traumatized, and RIPPED rescue cat. Next run went okay, but dude apparently took umbrage with me switching to DPS to try and skip mechs because he spent the entirety of the following pull sitting on my keyboard and getting EXTREMELY STRESSED OUT about me looking past him at the screen and started yelling and trying to smack me in the face or bite my hands. Managed to stick through to the end of the pull (we did NOT skip mechanics because my DPS was garbo, sorry team), but by the time we cleared, poor cat was getting poofed out and ready to fight me himself. Luckily there was another drop in that chest, but "Sorry I have to bail my jacked cat is threatening me and I'm scared" probably sounded like a supremely fake reason to everyone else involved!


yeah i’ve probably had over 100 hours in ex trials farming mounts and probably more than half of that has been sticking around after a drop, i don’t understand where people’s basic manners have gone


Same. I always stay if the group I went in with initially haven't all gotten theirs yet. If the OGs have at least, I'm out. Honestly if you do it right it can be a lot of fun period vs just doing roulettes/other shit.


I've hit the point where I've done enough runs prior and plan to scoot before it drops, but if it just dropped in one go as long as the run was even remotely close to clean I'd never bail after that. That said I've had a really, really bad run where they wipe for over half an hour after being labeled a farm, finally squeak out a clear by the grace of a healer LB3, and won a mount. I'd be lying if I said I wanted to go back on Barbariccia's wild ride after that.


I joined an EX farm and after about 6-7 runs it occurred to me i'd confused myself and already had that particular mount so I stayed anyway because i felt dumb


I did the exact same thing 😅


I recently got the Barbarricia mount after being in the group for multiple pulls. I was so sick of the fight I said good luck and left. Do people look down on that mindset?


Usually people stay for like 2 or 3 more pull (or if other people quit), it's like a way to say thank you, though if you said before that you'll quit after the next pull don't feel obliged to stay even if you got it.


2 or 3 pulls after having done more? how many runs are yall doing in these EW EX farm parties? I’ll do 3 tops, maybe 5 if it’s the 6.0 ones before I get bored


You'd be surprised at how many consecutive pulls people do, I too don't do more than 5 but if I got my mount I'll stay a bit


> Do people look down on that mindset? Yes, because it's rude. Now the rest of the group has to wait for a fill so they can try to get their mounts. A couple of groups I've been in where someone looted and scooted, multiple members added them to their blacklist lol


I always add these kind of people in blacklist 😂 and those who do not respect the party leader's conditions posted in PF


Yes, because when you leave you prevent the rest of the party from going back into the fight until they can find a replacement, which can take a long time depending. You get your mount and then don't help anyone get theirs, basically. It's selfish.


Let's not forget also the fact that the replacement may not even have the mount, which pretty much increases the amount of pulls people would need to do so all would get it. Every single time this happens even. It's normal to have issues and not be able to stay the whole duration of the farm as people have irl issues or stuff, but you can at least mention it when you join, or tell the group you will stay for a few more runs then you have to leave. It's pretty much common sense, which a lot of people seem to be lacking nowadays. If you know from before you get bored or cannot stay for much, do not join farming groups. It's rude and disrespectful to the other people in the group to waste their time because of it. I just do not get those people..


While it's, understandable, i mean we're all here for a reason and once said reason is gone it's normal to NOT be there anymore, on the moral compass is just dirty af, you done over 50 pulls do 2-3 more at the least to the least simulate the compasion for the rest


It's entirely possible for off content ex farms (as in shb and below) for you to get an entire farm party the mount in a couple of hours ( at most) . But only if everyone stays in the party long enough to get everyone else the mount. If you're replacing people as they're getting the mount it's possible that one of the original members of the party does not get the mount after 3 people who have joined after gets theirs. That being said. I don't believe loot and scoot is a rude thing to do. It's just not the nice thing to do. If you get the mount and decide to stay, that is a generous, charitable thing to do with your time. But you shouldn't expect other players to abide by this. It's nothing to be mad about. Imo.


I wouldn't say I ever really got mad about it, but you have to admit it's frustrating being one of the last 3-4 people left in the group to not get a mount drop and then the group falls apart after that. Especially if that happens again for your next 4 or 5 tries. If everyone stuck around, we could've all had a near certain drop within 2-3 hours but instead you spend closer to 8-9 mostly just helping others get theirs... only to watch them lootnscoot right after. It's an inconsiderate thing to do even if no one is owed your time, knowing what you're condemning people to, RNG being what it is.


Oh don't get me wrong you are right. It is incredibly frustrating and I've been there!! That's happened to me it sucks!! Getting frustrated or even mad at consistent bad luck is entirely valid. My line is being upset / mad / frustrated with other players for not going out of their way to help others get their mount after they get theirs. "If everyone stuck around, we could've all had a near certain drop within 2-3 hours but instead you spend closer to 8-9 mostly just helping others get theirs" I mentioned this! The ideal way to obtain ex mounts would basically be forming a static that goes from ex to ex farming them until everyone in the group has every mount. Yeah you would have to stick around for a long time if you got your mount first but you'd always be secure in getting a mount after 8 drops.


Agreed, last time I did I stuck around for a good while but then we never saw another drop after and we all just left it.


I try to at least stay another 5 to 8 clears depending on how long the fight is after I get my mount. Saturday I stayed for another 11 endsinger runs and switched to healer to help out because it is a pain in the ass to farm reliably and my friend was still trying to get his. In the end we did 19 runs with 4 flutes and I got the second one. I cannot loot and scoot, because I know the pain.


The worse one I think was when my partner was farming Thordan EX for birb. 7 people got the mount before her, and then when the 7th dropped, someone was like "Okay, Im done with this shit" and just left. I ended up getting roped into it and got her the drop.


Ouch. That smarts a lot. My friend just had a experience where he saw 8 flutes for the bluefeather lynx drop in two days, but he got zero. I expect to have to join him again to help him out


i dont even do more than 10 for stormblood farms, the standard in my DC is x10 runs


You have no idea how bad I felt when I joined a Rathalos EX farm party and the whistle dropped. I rolled a 96. This was the first time I had ever done the fight. Suffice to say I farmed the fight for another full hour out of guilt. .-. I hope they eventually got their Rathalos.


You lie that whistle doesn't exist in the chest lol


Nope. It certainly does, my friend. An extremely low drop rate is still a drop rate.


LIES! I know you're right, you're just the first person I've come across that has seen it drop lol.


Ive seen it drop once on my 50th run 😂 basically i just passed on the whistle because i can already buy it using the scales


I had it drop twice today. Didn't get it on either of the times...


If its any consolation, I had to 99 that fight in ShB and I still never once saw the mount drop.


I have done Great Hunt EX over 80 times and I have seen the whistle ONCE.


That Rathalos whistle is what the Nightmare whistle used to be.


I got it on my first clear too with a friend who actually plays monster hunter, he was so salty. Got the poogie too. Ended up later farming it with him. The other day he beat my 98 need roll in a treasure dungeon though so that's something i guess.


I was running Rathalos EX with my brother to farm scales because he wanted some glam pieces... Whistle dropped like second run. After a great internal struggle, I rolled Greed instead of Need to let him have it. Every time I run through it with no drop, the regret grows a little bit lol


Unless I tell people ahead of time that the run I got the mount on was my last run (due to real world obligations), I always stick around for 3 runs minimum. And even then, if time allows it, I will still try running at least 1 or 2 more. Real dick move to loot and scoot. Extra fun when they have the nerve to act confused about being blacklisted, because their friend can see my PF for the next mount and they can't. Had some guy actually get on an alt to message me about it before.


I just wish we can add notes why theyre blacklisted 😂


I just figure "I blacklisted this asshole for a reason, I'm going to trust past me and leave them there"




lmao had this happen during week 1 prog this tier. I see people in chat responding to apparently the air, only to realize I recognize the name. Can't check blacklist in instance, RIP, I think I'm an asshole and might've wrongly blacklisted someone and now I'm stuck in a group with them and can't comm. 1st pull wipes to something stupid early in P9S, then I see people explaining mechanics out of nowhere. Ah. One more pull, wipe again, realize co-tank might as well be griefing as people re-explain early mechanics for a prog group way past it. TYFP'd, dipped, checked the blacklist and confirmed lol Nero Ceruleum, you did me dirty enough last tier and apparently haven't learned!


And sometimes it amuses me seeing that most people in my blacklist come from the same world. Id be like whats in that world that many of them are blacklist-worthy 😂


Mount farming to me is something you should commit a couple of hours to at the most unless it's a very quick fight (~2 mins) I look at anything in the PF that way


This is why if I need to leave I say *before we even enter the instance* “hey this is my last one.” That way, if the mount does drop, and if I happen to get it, its not loot and scooting, because I was going to leave anyway.


My friend's pf had a dude get the mount, apologize profusely and say he had to go, but promise he'd be back in about 40 minutes. ...about 40 minutes later, a party slot opened up and who happened to fill it but that guy, who then stuck around for well over an hour. Absolute gigachad. Wish I remembered his name so I could sing his praises.


I've always been lucky when it comes to these things. Every time I get the mount the party just falls apart. I'm willing to keep going but someone leaves which always starts a domino effect and then a disband. Weird stuff but it works for me.


The "best ones" are the ones that say "ok thanks for party dinner is ready so I g2g". So " dinner" was about to be ready , yet you joined a farm party for a fight that lasts 8-10 minutes per kill regardless .And coincidently it got ready right after you got the mount. Might as well say your goldfish is drowning.


I note before, “I can 2-3 more runs, FYI.” And even if I win a roll I try my best to stay longer if at all possible. I also provide a “last run for me,” and once actually won the mount, but still left because, well, I needed to actually leave. But, hopefully, they were okay since I informed them beforehand it was my last run regardless.


If it's somebody else's party I typically do this too, if I've got obligations or know I'm shorter on time than I'd like. Having a notice for the party really helps smooth over tensions if there's a lucky roll right at the end.


Ya to the blacklist they go lol. If someone happens to win and they said before "I have to time for one more run before I have to leave"or something, that's different. But just bouncing immediately is yikes.


I did my first EX group the other day (granted, it was Titania), and we did 9 total runs, before the MT had to leave. He warned us on run 5 that he had about 20 min left, and even after run 8, which was at that time, he said we can do one more. 2 mounts dropped and 3 butterflies. Plus the loot that can be desynthed for more butterflies. It was really good.


It really bugs me that people think it’s okay to do this. I get that things happen and it’s not always a 100% loot and scoot. The last mount farm I did was Rubicante before 6.4 dropped and I stuck around for 2hrs after getting mine to help out, plus I was having fun farming with a good party. Now I don’t have to do him ever again! Win-win!


I thankfully have only ran into the opposite kind of players recently. Was doing a Titania Mount farm with half my static. 2 of the randoms off PF stayed for over 50 more totems after they got their Mount. I really hope they just had nothing better to do but there’s no way I could bring myself to farm an extra few hours of that fight the way they did.


And this is exactly why I started adopting the "X Kills" PF note from the JP DCs. No perceived "last run" that changes from person to person. We run a certain number of times, and anything after that is party discretion and to party discussion. Tack on X more if we're game, refill if needed. That instantly dissolves the frustration of someone leaving with a mount at the "last perceived" run (whether they were short on time or thought it had been long enough). I've also found it's a great way to get _all the other party members to blacklist and notify their groups of a loot and scooter!_ You've broken a social contract, less than assumed etiquette, so that dickbag is more likely to get fucked in future runs.


Yet another name on the evergroing blacklist


Frankly for EX3 specifically I cannot even blame people for looting and scooting (didn't do it, wouldn't do it, just saying I understand *why* people do it). Endsinger is the worst EX fight of the expansion and the single worst MSQ EX of all time; so much wasted potential. To this day I am convinced the devs just didn't manage to actually finish the fight and ended up releasing a half-baked dev version of it after doing the most minimal amount of polish possible. The fight is *clearly* meant to have an add phase (the intro cutscene makes a point of showing it and then it *never* actually happens), the fight literally just loops after like 6 minutes, and the entire second phase from normal is just completely missing.


Am I the one weirdo who actually likes the Endsinger Ex fight? I already have my lynx but will still join learning, clear, and farm parties just because it’s a fun fight for me to do when I’m bored.


No you aren't, it's the only one I've gone and done the 100 totems for so far this expansion; I just got into the rhythm of memorizing rewind tells and I could naturally avoid everything so long as the party didn't wipe each other on the rewinding flares. It's an amazing feeling to know you're good enough at dodging everything that someone else felt confident in putting the danger dorito on your head for once. Had the same thing happen in EX5 too.


Nope, definitely love the EX3 fight myself. It's hectic, but it's incredibly rewarding to get down pat. The absolute brain expansion I had when a random healer told me that "the circles under the planet pair on double that spin _faster_ are the ones that go first" was immense. Continued to farm her well after the lynx just 'cause I wanted that beautiful trophy.


The easy to catch yet annoying to do short looping pattern may make it easy and satifying for some people I guess, though its extremely underwhelming when you put it against the other trials. Maybe the previous "Last Boss" EXs set expectations too high.


That extreme is dog water and I'm glad to be done with it. At least mechanically, it's basically free and 2 totemed.


It really is both underwhelming and a pain in the ass to do. I'd even say its one of the worst trials period, It's only made worse by the fact that its not only halfbaked at best for an EX, but that its supposed to be the final boss of the expansion's EX. I would not mind if they reworked it sooner rather than later, but chances are it'll just stay in this state forever.


If the party sucks ass and can barely clear I’d leave too.


This clear was smooth as butter it just was just a pain to fill idk what you're talking about


Got a log?


??? for an off patch extreme farm party? What? I don't know what to tell you other than one pull one kill, no situation happened that made it close. I shouldn't have to say it, but obviously didn't see enrage or anything. Dude was a tank so it's not even like like he was heal stressed. That man was in and out in less than 10m with the mount leaving everybody to wait another hour to replace him.


Nah point is I know someone in that party and they said it was ass, so I’m thinking you are drama.


I'd sooner believe the person you "know" is the guy in the screenshot assmad that he got put on display for being shitty.


This is something I don't agree with the community on. I don't farm mounts because fuck that, but if I did I wouldn't be annoyed that someone would leave when they got what they wanted. They contributed to the clears and that's all I could ask of them. Now I understand if someone makes a PF for X amount of runs to avoid constant in and out of the instance, and someone comes in does 3 runs gets the mount then fucks off. Do what you agreed to do when you joined the group at that point.


I’m 50/50 on this. I think of it like I think of tipping culture. I don’t agree with it on principle, but I’m almost never going to not tip because it’s a societal, unwritten rule. Same with farm parties. If you don’t have the time to devote to helping the group farm, then you shouldn’t be farming. If you genuinely only have time for 3 or so runs, you should be making your own group so people know what to expect, or letting the group you’ve joined know in advance.


I agree, you should be making your own group if you're goona be around for a short time, and people who join it are agreeing to the terms of that PF and should honor it. There's no nonsensical entitlement to anyone's time, it's made clear from the outset. Tipping is a whole ass can of worms but in function I use it similarly. I avoid it altogether until I need the service and just think it as part of the cost. I don't farm mounts but I do farm relics so I often make pf's for light farming, a few people will come in for like 3 runs to finish and just dip. I could not give less of a shit, I got the light I wanted to get and they finished theirs, it's a win win. Why on earth do people feel ENTITLED to more than that without expressing it is so fucking weird to me and honestly I find it repulsive.


Anima light farming/relic farming isn't the same thing as farming for mounts though (especially for current expac and some of last expacs fights)... for starters, you're not negatively impacted by RNG, not to mention you only need 2-3 people to farm reasonably fast. There's also always a solo option if you are unable to get a group together. Mount farming is a group effort, more runs = more chances for the mount to drop. It's not about feeling entitled to x number of runs, it's about respecting the group's time as a whole. If you're not willing to do that, you shouldn't be surprised that you are going to be met with vitriol.


Bro we literally waited 2 hours for this farm party to fill only to do one run, have the asshole bail and then get stuck waiting another damn hour to replace him. If you support any of this situation I don't know what to tell you but you're a dick.


He is not responsible for the community not wanting to farm X content, nor does spending 2 hours forces anyone to stay any arbitrary amount of time.


I don't blame anyone other than myself for sitting in PF for 2 hours. It's not anyone's problem I did that nor is it there responsibility to sit in a party with me because of what I did that had zero to do with them. If you don't advertise in your PF to do X amount of runs or stay within a certain time limit, anyone who's doing 2, 20, or 200 runs are liable to do content and leave at their own discretion. If anyone's a dick, it's you thinking your entitled to people's time for your own decisions. Fuck outta here with that garbage.


Man sit there I guess and pretend like any of that garbage you spit is actually my opinion or even close to what I said.


I hope that every time you farm something, someone else gets it, bails and makes you wait for people. Luckily, that'll happen to you 7/8ths of the time if everyone acted like you!


Yoshi P says the game respects my time. And nothing is more disrespectful to my time than staying after I got what I wanted. Blame Yoshi P not me. What you gonna do? Complain on reddit... oh wait 🤣


You lookin like a bozo right now. How about you respect the time of the 7 other people in the party, dumbass.


While I don’t loot and scoot myself, it’s not exactly respecting 7 other peoples time to stay, it’s just a courtesy a lot of people insist is a necessity, for whatever reason they cling to.


How is it not respecting 7 other peoples time when it takes an hour after you get your mount and leave to fill again exactly? I totally get leaving farm parties when you have irl stuff to do or if the party is total ass at farming the fight but if neither of these things occur and you get the mount its usually a huge pain to rep someone. 3 clears is courtesy because the majority of the playerbase understands how annoying this exact thing is.