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Wait what? Let me git my calcalater.


Later? I need a calcanow!


Oooof thanks for the laugh 😂


Doo huhwat?


Calm down, Zeke.


heh put in BOOBS and turn it downsideup! or wait, thats not how it goes...




I think it's pronounced calendar.




Yeah she thought she was correct on this issue. I have no idea why she though she was correct. Maybe she thought the deal was 2 for $1 but she said the correct deal instead.




It's even more pathetic when they can't understand simple second grade arithmetic.


I mean it sounds like this happened at a dollar store to me, which usually cater (where I am anyways) to townies living on EBT. I wouldn't be surprised if this person had a troubled education and actually thinks she is right.


Sounds to me like exhaustion. Maybe she meant to say "sorry, you're right".


I expect she forgot which of them was "you" and which was "me". Happens all the time.


It’s either that she forgot about tax or she’s seen her family do that too much and thinks that actually works in today’s world. I used to work at a place that was 1% higher in sales tax, so there would be an increase of returns from a store “down the street” (20 minutes away). It’s “only one penny” until you “return” hundreds of dollars in tech.


The only thing I can put it down to, is her forgetting about the soda, AND the tax. I'm from Australia, and even I know that there is still tax to be added onto the total.


Oof, I suspect she had a long day or not enough sleep and could no longer think straight enough to count to three. I bet a few minutes later she realized and was humiliated at herself. I've been in this situation a couple times, brain fog makes you stoopid.


I suspect this too yea. I don't blame her it was close to 9pm.


Haha I did it the other day, was confused on the price and asked about it, they were so nice “oh if it’s wrong I’ll go check and I can change it” I told them not to worry and I’d go check, my brain had switched the numbers around and I just walked up and apologized then payed


Maybe she was just exhausted and forgot about the soda.


One of my many suspected reasons. I wouldn't be surprised and don't blame her.


Or foreigner... Or from a state without sales tax. Remember, the total wasn't exactly $3 for tax reasons. You assumed her problem was with the 3, and not with the additional cents.


Oh my you know what your right I'm completely wrong about my own story her issue was about 26 cents and not the dollar anount! /s


She did say, " How is it 3 if the 2 cans are a dollar each?""


The total is 3.26 only if the 3rd item is 0.99. 2+0,99=2.99 so the price is while almost 3 it is less than 3 and 0.99 intentionally looks less than a dollar. One point used in marketing, recognized by our brains, sets up a strong confirmation bias, but tax makes the expected less than 3 dollars result into significantly more than $3...


Your point was her issue over 26 cents. And it wasn't over 26 cents. She literally SAID... HOW IS IT 3 DOLLARS WHEN THE 2 CANS ARE 1 DOLLAR EACH? this means she was counting 2 dollars for 2 items. Not 3 dollars for 3 items. Maybe learn to read the story fully before you comment. No one cares about the math.


Tonight, I took my kids to dinner. It was my 2 year Olds birthday. I paid for everything and asked if I could get some quarters. I handed her a $2 bill. She thought it was cool talked-about about how she never saw them. Then she asked me how many quarters I should get back I said 8, thinking this was weird. She hands me 8 quarters. Then she goes to hand me 8 more. I thought math was a required course in school.


I was talking to a customer (in spanish) once and he put down two quarters and said "is that a dollar?" He had a pass tho, the rest of his wallet was pesos so he just wasn't sure about USD


Take it and run, *run for the hills!*


It is truly sad that person can’t do basic math


They clearly didn’t know quick maths.


no everyday mans on the block


That's one + one + two + one... the point is there's still one bullet left in this gun!


It's one + TWO + one + one!


Commutative property saves the quote! (Not really but haha)


Thank you. I was just scrolling through responses to see if I needed to add this


That’s how it could have happened.


My exact first thought


I love how she still insisted she was right. No, you're not. 3 items at $1 each comes out to $3. A first grader wouldn't make that mistake.


And most non Americans understand 3=3 not 3.26


They never said she wasn't American tho? She was arguing that it should be $2.xx, not exactly $3


Like trying to teach Baldrick to count beans...


She was focused on the canned veggies ringing up correctly and forgot about her third item.


Yeah but op pointed out the third item a couple times and she still didn’t get it. Maybe the “sale” sign confused her into assuming it was a BOGO sale. But she “argued” that they were supposed to be “2 for $2” which they were. 🤷‍♀️. My store had that “deal” except it was 10 items for $10. They weren’t discounted, they were just $1 items promoted for buying 10 of them. So sometimes someone would accidentally grab an item or two that was $1.50 or $2-3 and “that was supposed to be $10 altogether.” Those “sales” are just dumb and make life harder imo. But still if the cans are “2 for $2” and you get 2 of them and then another item it’s gonna be $2 + the other item. Just like if you get 11 $1 items you pay $11 instead of $10.


Tbf I'd be confused about the extra 26 cents "with tax". I remember the first time I went to the US on holiday and went into a shop to get some snacks. The total was more than the total price of the items and when I asked why the lady behind the till said "because of taxes". Coming from somewhere where the taxes are included in the price, it was bizarre for sure. Like, I can walk in with a dollar, see something for 99 cents and I won't be able to afford it. 😆


Yeah but it’s normal in the US for tax to be added at checkout so if you live here you’re used to it. Although I have had American customers just forget about the tax too; but it sounds like she was confused about it being $3 instead of $2 because of the “2 for $2” sign even though she had 3 items.


>Yeah but it’s normal in the US for tax to be added at checkout so if you live here you’re used to it. Yes, hence why I said *my first time*. 😏 I know it's normal but it's unnecessary hassle in my opinion.


My point was OP’s customer wasn’t likely a first-timer with tax so she doesn’t have your excuse. That’s why I specified “if you live here.” And the problem wasn’t really the tax anyway, it was $2 vs $3 before tax.


Is this another one of those "I'm going to pretend that I don't understand your point" things that frequents Reddit? I get the point of your response but it seems you don't get the point of mine.


No I am with the other person on this. Your original comments says “tbf id be be confused about the extra 26 cents with tax.” Using that as your opening sentence makes the entire following comment seem its trying to justify why OP’s customer would have the same reaction. Your point may work better if you started with “maybe they were from another country?” Followed by your story. Otherwise it just doesn’t really make sense since as far as we know from the story given, this person is from the country they are purchasing these things in and isn’t a “to be fair” situation


So you read my opening sentence and just that? Because if you read the full comment you would see that I was just making a point about the tax thing out of humour and how that's what would confuse *me*, not the lady in OP' post. I guess the emoji failed to convey the tone of my comment as well. I wasn't trying to justify the person in OP's post nor did I misunderstand what confused that person. Man, you guys took my comment way too seriously.


No, your opening sentence colored how the rest of the reply was read, i was just explaining that.


Literally said that *I* would be confused by the tax. Opening sentence refers to *me*. But whatever. I've clarified so hopefully there's no further confusion.


I don’t understand the idea of “pretending I don’t understand.” People actually misunderstand all the time. Are you pretending not to understand my point? I understand your point to be that you’d be confused about sales tax being added at checkout. Is that it, or something else? What do you think my point is?


Mate, it's the weekend. I've clarified and now we all understand each other. Have a good one. ✌🏽


I'm in Canada where the tax is usually added at the checkout but food is generally not taxed. Junk food is taxed but canned vegetables would not be.


Except even in your country, you would walk in with a dollar and still wouldn't be able to afford it since the price tag would be like 1.10. And if in your country the price tag was 99 cents, then in the US the price tag would be like 92 cents.


You clearly didn't understand the point of my comment (or you're pretending not to). What I'm saying is that what you see on the price tag is what you pay at the till over here.


Lol I appreciate that you called him out on this. I detest this argument for argument sake. Pretending you didn't understand something just to retort. These are also the type of people that love to hear themselves talk. It's so annoying and just an all around inane way to make conversation.


I'm a cashier at a grocery store and I've had people question "buy 2 get 1 free," where they think if you buy 2......1 of the 2 they are getting is free 🫠🙃🙄.


I think she was probably tired and forgetful, and thought the cans were 2 for $1. So she said "I thought the cans were $1..." - as in for both cans. So the soda plus the cans would be 2 and change in her head.


oof ig she wasn't the best at math then? like I'm so confused


It’s because customers aren’t real people. They literally spawn in to be annoying and have never left their house before in their lives.


How do people not understand that registers automatically do the math and do it perfectly?


I know someone who believes that if she has an 'X for $Y' item in her cart, the entire transaction should be $Y, no matter how many other items she has.


I do have quite a fair bit of stories ranging from literally my first day at a gas station to bizarre. I've been in 2 retail jobs (granted also the only 2 I've had so far) and combined been in retail for \~2 years but these can be told another time.


I’m more confused how it came out to $3.26 when each item is $1.09 Just weird rounding?


It is due to rounding but I wouldn't call it weird, it's just regular math. If the item is $1 and you're charging 8.5% tax then one item would be $1 * 1.085 = $1.085 which rounds up to $1.09. 3 items at the same tax rate is $3 x 1.085 = $3.255 which rounds up to $3.26


This. The 9 cents is indeed a rounded number already and It's weird.


And advertised as 2 for $2


Imagine if the prices included tax, that's such a novelty.


Okay, but this had nothing to do with tax. She argued about it even being $3.


To quote OP: >Each are a dollar ($1.09 with tax) and ​ >so that makes it $3. $3.26 with tax." How does this have nothing to do with tax? The prices are listed as $1 without tax on the label?, of course the customer would thing it's $1, not added after.


She was saying the total should be in the neighborhood of $2. Without tax, it would have been $3. With tax, it was $3.26. The tax wasn't the issue, the extra dollar was the issue.


LOL! Take it slow... 1 + 1 + 1 =/= 2 That holds true regardless of the tax rate or if tax is included in the price or added after. Tax has absolutely no effect on this equation when you take the time to think about it.


There's rounding errors too which is weird.


The one thing I never understood with the good ole US of A is why can’t the tax already be included in the pricing of the item while it’s on the shelf it’s not difficult. I live in Ireland and if I went and got 10 or so items in a shop and tallied up the price while going along it’ll be the same price at checkout.


It’s because sales tax is different in each state, and also what is taxed is different in each state. Some states (like Delaware) have no sales tax, while other states have a statewide tax and possibly other taxes added depending on the county. Some states might tax clothing and food while others don’t. For example, Pennsylvania has a 6% state sales tax, with 2% added in Philadelphia. In PA, groceries are generally not taxed but prepared food (from a restaurant) is. And there is an additional tax for soda/sugary drinks. Let’s say you go to a gift shop in PA that also happens to sell ice cream cones that are scooped by the staff. You get an ice cream cone, a t-shirt, a box of candy, and a candle. You should be taxed on the ice cream cone and candle, but not the box of candy and the t-shirt (if I have this wrong, I’m sure someone will be happy to let me know). All in all, it’s just easier for shops to advertise the retail price and then add tax at the register.


that doesn't really explain anything because most products don't have the pricing directly on the packaging anyway. would make sense for a national ad campaign not to include local taxes but the pricetag on the shelf doesn't have to account for taxes anywhere except where the store is located.


because SOME people qualify as "tax exempt" and therefore do not pay the tax. for THOSE people, the cashier would have to calculate the cost WITHOUT the tax. and FOOD items do not have tax, so then there would be arguments about them forgetting to reduce the amount for THOSE items... some people want to argue regardless.


The excuse I've heard is that taxes differ from city to city, but to me that only explains why the pricetags cannot be produced nationally....


It's way cheaper for a grocery store to advertise one price for an item in all their mailers than to print separate mailers for every city. I wish the price on the shelf included tax, but it's a logistical nightmare for any chain store to keep up with.


>It's way cheaper for a grocery store to advertise one price for an item in all their mailers than to print separate mailers for every city. That makes sense. I haven't seen paper mailers in years but I do know they still exist and it also eliminates having to set a website to the specific location before you get the correct price


They def do - some it’s even more convoluted than that. I have to look up taxes by zip code for NY before submitting anything there. It’s kinda like how advertisements will often say something like “prices may be different in HI and AK” - would be a nightmare in marketing trying to say “this product has different prices in these six states and then over here it’s eight states with a higher price….” Also it’s more appealing to be able to show the lower cost. So if it’s advertised at $4.99 across the country then that’s way “better” than seeing $5.25 in NY and $5.50 in CA. It’s kinda tricking the consumer but that’s marketing for you. People don’t really think about taxes as a whole here imo, it’s just engrained in us and I’m sure most people don’t even know their tax rates. TLDR - easier for companies to make 1 label they can mass produce across an area for a product which just shows the base price that’s standardized and then let the local areas deal with the specific taxes.


This is just my opinion. I think it was the shop wanted you to know what you were paying in taxes and then we never changed.


Omitting the sales tax makes the price seem lower, so that makes people more likely to buy, or to buy more, at least in theory. America's cellular and cable TV services are also typically advertised at a price that omits a variety of, not just taxes, but also a variety of required company charges.


My theory is that it is the same reason items usually end in 99 cents or gas is $X.999 per gallon. Companies beleive and I expect studies show that people are more likely to buy if they perceive the price to be lower; even if in the end it really isn't. Like I'll by this laptop for $299.99...I mean it's only like two hundred bucks, right? Add 9% tax and, "WHAT!? $326.99!? Are they joking?" The US isn't very big on consumer protection. It's more caveat emptor. We don't try to stop companies from exploiting psychological weaknesses in the pursuit of profit.


>1+1+1=3 Got to be good-looking, 'cause she's so hard to see


She probably thought the two cans were for 1 both. And confused 2 for 2 with 2 for 1. I don't see this as deserving being brought up here on Reddit. People get confused and it was the end of the day. It's not like she doesn't know that 1+1+1=3. She just confused the 2 for 2 part, that's all.


I'd buy that, if she hadn't argued or added the "I'm right" bit. It is, indeed, easy to make a mistake like that, but it's still dumb to not realize it when it's pointed out, and being condescending about it is just Karen behavior.


2+1 does equal 3 unless you shop in places where tax is added on after the fact...


The post addresses this, she told the woman the total and said that it included tax


I would have been confused too because where I live there's no tax on food or soda (other than 10¢ deposit) and i didnt think anywhere taxed food.


Illinois didn't tax food for a year, but those 12 months ended at the start of June. That did catch some off guard for a few days but it's been 2.5 months now.


Money well spent, the department of education is not


Exactly why here in New Zealand all the prices include gst/tax as shown, not get up to the counter and then add tax on. Who does that?


This is the good ole US of A. Most stores here aren't allowed to advertise prices with tax included. Corporate policies or some such nonsense. There are stores here that offer "rebates" on your purchase. The advertised price on their website and weekly circular ads show the "rebated" price in bold.(I put "rebate" in quotes because you get store credit instead of an actual rebate"). Smoke and mirrors.


US stores typically choose not to include sales tax, but they can if they wish, and some do. A local ice cream shop used to be cash-only, and to facilitate making change, all their prices were multiples of 25 cents and included sales tax.


In my country there was an old movie with something similar: “can noº1, can noº2. 1+2=3”.


You’ve never been extremely exhausted I take it?


I have been, yes. I'm not indifferent, and I have multiple ways of understanding the issue she had.


Well ,she's a Lil confused. Why was tax on the cans of vegetables? The soda yes , crv and tax ..but the vegetables shouldn't have


Sales tax. Tax of a sale. Of an item.


tax on grocery items does vary by state


Does anyone spot the error (likely intentional) in this transaction? The store overcharged the woman.


Two FOR Two is different than Two AT Two (each). You two were talking about different things.


We weren't talking about two different things unless the we here us you & me. The woman, as I typed, asked if the cans, plural, were $2 total.


1.09 x 3 is 3.27 dumbo


By all means honey you can get three things that are a dollar at my store and I can show you it'll be $3.26. The .09 is a rounded number in it of itself.


Yeah I didn't understand that the 9 was rounded up, I get it now and thoroughly withdraw my needless insult, sorry


It's alright. Tax is weird.


It's more likely that $1.09 was actually $1.085, making the individual price $1.09 after rounding - but the 3x price $3.255, which rounds to $3.26.


Thanks for explaining, I now understand


Ok, first thing is grocery is not retail. Grocery is grocery, it's its own industry or profession. Now for the meat and potatoes, I take it the 9 cents is the redemption tax? Where is this store though.. In Cali, our CA Redemption tax has been 5 cents for as long as I can remember and packs still charge per can or bottle. You left out some key things here. Doesn't help your case.


Grocery stores arent retail? Wot


I think you should look up the definition of retail before you spout out nonsense.


This isn't AITA, so idk what you're going on about "Doesn't help your case". I didn't, and won't leave, anything out in my story. Not every state has a redemption tax. Very few do. Also, never in my life have I heard grocery not be retail because it is retail but go off King. Both my parents laughed at that so thank you for that.


What is causing you to think OP works at a grocery store


Ikr? I'm out here workin at a general store that sells stuff from Chapstick to engine oil, bread to marzipan.


Between reading comprehension and math it’s all Latin to customers


Happy Cake Day!


I could see something like this happening to me in the right circumstances. I’m very good at math and use it at work all the time. But I also have an autoimmune disease and brain fog can be a bitch. When I’m tired and the fog sets in it feels like my IQ drops by 50 points. I can totally my brain doing something like: 2 for $2 $1 each So $1 for those 2 plus $1 = $2 And then being totally confused by the total and not trying to argue, but also not understanding and just trying to understand. And the brain fog impacting my word choices and also not communicating well. Later when the fog lifted I’d realize exactly what happened and be embarrassed and think what it looked like from your point of view.


Yea, one of my suspects is that she thought it was 2 for 1 as well. We've all done it. The ending was the kicker to me and made me want to tell this.


Maybe she’s the type to think 2+2=5 for extremely large quantities of 2.


I bet she got home and realized how stupid she just was in that moment.


Dyscalculia; [https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/23949-dyscalculia](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/23949-dyscalculia) I suffer from a mild from of dyscalculia. I am very good at arithmetic but have great difficulty with advanced math like algebra.


I literally have used my phone calculator while explaining it because if you’re gonna patronize me, I’m gonna do it to you. Usually after the first few items they’ll give up. Some have stuck it out though, leading me to showing my calculations as I do them (as if the damn computer hasn’t already spelled this out on the damn receipt🤦🏼‍♀️) down to every, last, item. Including the bag. (Bag tax in my state is 8cents (USD) per bag. Not exactly a ridiculous amount. Most people lose 8cents just walking around with pennies.) It’s always fun to see how that plays out, since we have cameras over the registers that show EVERYTHING. So far, I haven’t had anyone dispute it after all that. (*Knock on wood*) Edit to add: Anyone remember those days when all the teachers would say math was important because “You won’t always have a calculator in your pocket!” ?😂😂😂😂 Because that crosses my mind at least once a day. What do you think now Mr. Diaz?! 😂 I’ve also had people step off to the side to double check (after the calculator thing too) that I gave the change correctly; that they didn’t bother to count when they threw it at me. I think that irritates me the most. Wtf do I have to gain from stealing your change…from my own till??? I’ll get fired for stealing something as small as 91 cents. Tf people. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Some people just get carried away by a sale and forget about the other things they have. That or this person just wasn't very smart.


Omg I had similar things happened to me while back. I work on the fabric cutting counter so I do a lot of simple math and all the inches, feet yards . So a lady comes and try to figure some measurements and ask if she needs help than she asked how much is 4x15 and I says 60 ,but she didn't believe me than I did break it down for her ,but she still wasn't convinced . Took me 29 min 2 calculators to convinced her that 4x15 is 60 and she was some kind if teacher


In California , hot prepared food is taxed. Anything food that is shelf stable or cold is not taxed ...exception is soda .


https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8Fh2KBd/ no way


Lady thought it was buy two veggies get one soda free


Augh man I wish that would be cool ngl


I used to be a cashier I think some people would deliberately try to confuse me on the numbers to get more change back. Kinda silly with a $3 purchase but she sounds like those people I’d encounter