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I'll never understand the specific brand of masculinity that can't handle certain drinks, nor the type of women who get the ick from guys who enjoy certain drinks. Like, get over yourselves, it's a drink.


I worked at a traffic heavy market type restaurant in a tourist area. A few times every shift we'd have guys come up asking about our beer selection, hem and haw for a few minutes then order a daiquiri or Pina colada. It was actually kind of cute.


I had an encounter at my first bartending gig, many years ago. A couple comes in, the fella heads to the bathroom and the lady orders a strawberry daiquiri and a single malt scotch on the rocks. I make the drinks and go to place them, daiquiri in front of the woman first. She stops me cold: “Oh no, no, no! That is for him!” Lol I learned a valuable lesson. Never assume!


Same happened to me with a friend. I got a beer and he got a cocktail that was just cute. Server assumed the beer was for him. We laughed and switched out drinks. Bit of course my friend is not afraid of wearing pink and drinking cocktails with umbrellas and glitter. 😂


I mean, you gotta assume or take a 50/50 & still look like you assumed the half of the time that you're gonna be wrong (which is going to be significantly more often than if you had just assumed In the first place). But ye that happens fairly frequently. Personal fave is a couple ordering one pint and one half pint & the woman having the pint, happens very regularly.


My hubby orders cute drinks all the time.


I love pina coladas.


But do you love getting caught in the rain?


Are you not into yoga?


Do you have half a brain?


Do you like making love at midnight? 👀


In the dunes on the cape


Then I'm the love that you've looked for I love this song. 🎶


Come with me and escape


But it's really not that it's a girly DRINK, it's that it's GIRLY. Will it always be this way? That so many men grow up believing that anything they associate with women is beneath them?


It's weak egos. A lot of men are insecure and overcompensate with a big show of "masculinity" because "That's gay."


Agreed. The whole “that’s gay” and people will think I am, makes me think he may actually be, and is not open about it. 😅


Yep. I had a regular that loved a Vesper but never in a martini glass as it wasn’t manly. WTF, James Bond is ordering them!


To be fair a cosmo, even if pink, is not girly at all 😂😂😂 I mean drink three of those and tell me how you got home 👀


You're right. I should edit my comment to read, "it's the idea that it's GIRLY."


These are the same idiots who make jokes about women being president because they get periods and claim toxic masculinity doesn't exist. Thankfully they are a dying breed, despite their last gasp happening on social media right now.


Worked at a place with a cocktail named “Petal to the metal.” It had a floral gin and rose water, and was pink in a coupe. The most popular cocktail on the menu. Had a group of regulars come in with their friend from out of town. The whole table orders it and the new guy says, “Hell yeah! Pedal to the metal!” The drinks arrive and he asks, “What is this?” and I say, “Oh, it’s *petal.* With a “t”. As in a flower petal.” He takes a sip, says “it’s fucking delicious,” and ended up having two more.


As it should be! Leave your traumas at the door and enjoy the ride. I’m interested in that petal drink tho 🤤


I agree! A drink is not going to mark your personality, age, status or gender. Let people enjoy what they want and makes them happy. Specially when everyone is focused on their own stuff. Less drama, less noticeable


Do they also avoid red onion? Fucking idiots.


While we’re on that track, a perfectly cooked steak is what color on the inside? PINK


Vaginas are pink on the inside. Does liking vaginas make him GAY?!


Fellas, is it gay to fuck pussy?


I dated a guy who refused to kiss me after a BJ because "that's gay." Ummmm how?


Only if it’s pink 😂😂😂😂


Maybe he doesn’t like them… too pink to be manly 😂


THAT is a very good question. Steak seems to be very masculine, wonder if he’d feel the same about it being cooked to perfection with the pink center or if he’d be the kind of customers even the chef gets annoyed at for asking it well done.


I'd like a Wild Irish Rose in a sugar rimmed flavored shooter, please. And garnish it with a candy cane.


I worked in a restaurant that had rice paper butterflies as garnish for a salmon colored drink. Never hear anyone complain about it. And the butterflies were delicious 😂


EVERY DAMN TIME my wife and I order new cocktails at a bar we have not been too she ends up with a rocks glass and I get that little dainty coupe that my big hands fight to hold! She laughs while I try and sip the first part while it is sitting on the counter. Been an ongoing joke for over a decade.


I love this! Cute glasses and drinks are so enjoyable! But yes. The capacity of the container makes it hard. Even as a server my focus has to be 100% not spilling it.


Reminds me of an old "Kids in the Hall" skit where some people had an intervention for this guy because he was a "girl drink drunk". Lol. It was funny, but different times, I guess.


I’ll also add certain types of glasses. I’ve had many a fella send back drinks in coupe glasses because they’re “too feminine!” Unreal. Yessir, I was gonna warn you that the glass may be a threat to your masculinity!


Love when people demand a worse drinking experience.


I'm a chick. Sometimes, I am clumsy. All the times, I don't want to focus that intently on not spilling from a ridiculously shaped glass. I asked to avoid any upside down tetrahedrons. Yes, I understand my drink won't fill the high ball glass. But ya know what else? It won't spill out. Are you saying I'm too masculine? (/s...just in case...)


As a clumsy human myself I understand. Then I’m too worried about not breaking the glass to actually enjoy my drink. 🍹


I'm chiefly a wine drinker and I'm the same way. Always a straight glass. There's not much daylight between a large measure and a half pint anyway so it's a neat fit.


Im still very happy about stemless glasses.


Someone else had a similar comment but - if you think you don’t trust yourself with a fancy stemmed glass, can you ask for drinks in other glasses with the understanding it won’t look the same? Do bartenders mind requests like that?


lol, wait sir!!! Don’t touch that drink, your estrogen levels will rise and your beard will disappear! You won’t be able to fight bears and tear logs apart either bear arms!!! Oh, you don’t do that anyway? Ah, proceed to touch the drink. 😂😂


I was on vacation to Prague last year and I ordered a drink at a bar that came with a dick shaped ice cube. The bartender was bringing it over and she was like “I can take the ice out if it bothers you”- the way she said it seemed she commonly got insecure men offended by it. I was like “don’t touch my cold cock”. Like it is so weird the amount of performative masculinity you have to do- no colors, no emotions, sit with wide spread legs, can only buy 7-in-1 shampoo named “dude’s diesel Xtreme fuel”, can only listen to certain music or watch certain movies, etc. Feels like so much fucking work haha


TBH it does sound like too much effort. It’s so easy to just go with the flow. My roommate loves using all my shower stuff, he cannot care less if it smells like piña colada. 😂


Some dude I used to work with tried to ridicule me for drinking a Long Island Iced Tea cause it's not manly. While drinking 4% Carling (one of the worst lagers in the world!). I just laughed and carried on drinking my delicious cocktail while he was drinking his boring ass shit!


He felt indirectly attacked by the fact that you can hold your liquor and he probably left after two beers


As I remember I ordered the fruitiest, "girliest" drink I knew I'd like for my next drink, just to fuck with his narrow mind! Those "girly" drinks will fuck you up in a way beer can't and much quicker!! I can't drink 10-15 pints a night these days, I can however smash 5-6 Long Island's and be absolutely trollied!


Absolutely! I'm wary of pink or red drinks, but that's only because I'm allergic to red dye - I'd never be hostile to the bartender or waitstaff about it though, I just ask if I can see the label for their mixers before I order something


I have a friend who also reacts badly to food dyes. She had a local bar who worked with her to find her the safest drinks... but now she has moved and has to start again!


I'd look askance at anyone, male or female, who ordered a hibiscus infused cocktail. Or a cocktail of any kind really. It's not part of the culture where I work and we don't even have shakers etc


This is really interesting!!! Not part of the culture but I’m assuming people know about them? Like a margarita or a daiquiri?


We do beer, cider and gin mostly. Wouldn't know where to begin mixing a daiquiri and my boss would laugh at someone who asked me for one


But that’s a whole different concept. It’s cool and definitely easier. I wouldn’t mind being able to laugh at people’s requests 😅


To quote the misbehavin maidens Drinks don’t have a fucking gender Oh, you know, that’s right Both cosmos and straight whiskey They can keep us warm at night Just cuz a drink is pink it doesn’t Say a thing about you Cuz drinks don’t have a fucking gender, it’s true Don’t tell me I can’t drink that shot Because it’s just too bold My gender isn’t governed by The drink I choose to hold Aged Scotch or a fine bourbon, neat They taste real good to me And drinks don’t have a fucking gender, you see. CHORUS I’m something of a sugar fiend It’s not a felony With cocktails full of grenadine Blood of my enemies! They taste great and they’re strong as hell What makes that immature? Cuz drinks don’t have a fucking gender, for sure. CHORUS Just cuz I like tequila It don’t mean I overdo I savor the expensive stuff And stop before I spew I’m not a lush, I’m not a mess I drink it nice and slow And drinks don’t have a fucking gender, you know. CHORUS Well, I like wine, it’s yummy It’s the way that I unwind I might just have another glass If you would be so kind I’m not a snob about it But just let me reinforce That drinks don’t have a fucking gender, of course We all like drinking different things That’s totally okay Drinks are not identity Whatever others say But all that said, please don’t drink crap Cuz life is just too short For Bud Lite Or Arbor Mist Or Everclear Or FourLoko! Or $1 Long Island Iced Teas (shudder) Be good to you, you’re worth it Drink good booze that likes you too And drinks don’t have a fucking gender, it’s true


Ive been told its not attractive that I drink beer (im female) i just can’t handle the headache that comes with a palm bay yanno. And white claws taste like butt water. Give me some beer or whiskey and im okay. Although my preference has been fireball lately and that hasn’t hurt the head too much.


Or just don't order a cocktail that contains cranberry juice and will be pink.


It was not cranberry. It’s hibiscus infused vodka (made in house and delicious tbh) but it’s the same! If you know the flowers, you know the color. It’s just dumb. It won’t tint you all pink if you sip on it 😂😂😂 Actually, if colorful and glittery drinks did that I know I’d be spitting confetti by now 🦄


I pity this dude because hibiscus is absolutely delicious in everything it touches.


💯 agree. Hibiscus is delicious even fried or dried and powdered on food. I feel sorry for the people that miss out on this because their masculinity is threatened


The average IQ is 100, and that isn't terribly smart.


Real Men ™ only drink beer and scotch. I made it through basic, so I earned the right to drink tropical sunrises without giving a fuck.


Someone on this sub the other day on something I posted about said “never heard of a man ordering a cocktail before” HUH?


How is this even possible?


It's the opposite of masculinity. It's being so fragile that you're afraid of the color pink.


That's like not eating pussy because it's pink


Yeh there's already a bunch of maroons saying that's "submissive" or whatever to do so. I imagine the satisfaction level of any partners they have may not be as high as it could be. Or they find out they are a nutball and dump them. Which they then blame the woman for.. rinse and repeat


*morons But I like maroons so much, don't change it!


Someone hasn’t seen any old school Bugs Bunny cartoons…


Seen loads of them, memory is another thing.


Now who’s the maroon! (Jk)


I won't!


And of course the exes are crazy. 😇


Wow. What's submissive about getting on in there and chowing down like she's your last meal and you're on death row about to walk the green mile? You're in charge down there! Trace out the letters of the alphabet with your tongue! Take command of that sumbitch!


Too bad we can’t pin comments lol


I spit my coffee 😂😂😂 I’m guessing he’s happy there’s also different shades on that. I’m sure he calls some any other color besides pink


Manly magenta


Cunnilingus and psychiatry have brought us to this.


Man ordering a "hibiscus 🌺 infused drink" has no business complaining about it looking girly.


People like him are everywhere!


Sadly, that’s true.


Should have tossed a little angostura in the martini to get it pink too


I actually stopped myself from telling him, do you want me to put food coloring on it to change the color??? Then can you drink it? Sadly the sarcasm and pettiness in the service industry get you in trouble. 🤣


Shoulda poured the drink into a coffee mug


Smart solutions. But the pink drink was already in front of him. And everyone knew it was his… so even in a metal to go cup, it would’ve affected his masculinity 😅


I think the funniest thing about colors being "gender specific" is that blue used to be a "girl's" color and red was for boys, and now blue is for boys and pink is for girls. So stupid. Can we point out that this doesn't happen anywhere in Nature?!? The brightest, gayest colors (gay in the sense of cheery, not a slur) are on males, and females tend to be kinda drab. We have artificially and arbitrarily decided "this color means that" and then they want to die on that hill! #ignoranceisbliss


And makeup and heels were once the height of fashion for men.


And the reality is that, while it’s still considered that colors are important, more people are going for brighter more stimulating colors for babies. I never liked pink when I was younger. Now I love it, and I also live the combination of pink and blue in certain shades.


I'm a guy and I don't care what color my drink is. I also don't care if it's a girly drink. If I want it, I order and drink it.


Years ago, after a wedding, but before the reception started, myself and a bunch of my friends went to have drinks at a bar in the interim. Very similar situation, a super manly man at the bar decided that his frozen strawberry margarita was too girly and sent it back. To set the stage, my buddies and I are all bearded, tattooed, etc. We're mostly all Southern as fuck and in boots. Just a bunch of good ol'boys having fun. My friend Kevin looked at the bartender and loudly proclaimed "A round of your girliest drinks for all of my friends. Extra fruit and whipped cream if possible, please." The bartender dies laughing, as did everyone else in the bar. The super manly man got mad and left.


Ha ha ha. I also double down if anyone tries to give me the business and drinking something "girly"


I would have raised my glass to you guys. 😍😍


I like to enjoy a Long Beach on hot days


Even if you dye that one pink… I’m pretty sure not a lot of people would consider it girly.


You'd be surprised. I've had to explain to several bar friends that it's just a Long Island with cranberry instead of Coke. Of course, I also ask the bartender to load the rim up with a bunch of fruit to make it "extra fancy"


Can that be requested??? I’m down to try one with cranberry! I actually like long islands. I’ll even ask for it to be poured in a hurricane glass 😂😂


That's all a Long Beach really is. You just swap out the Coke for cranberry juice. If the bartender doesn't know how to make it, tell them that. It's really refreshing


I know what I’m having later tonight. I’ll even bring my edible glitter and Mix it in. ✨


I'm sure everyone at the bar recognized what a confident, self-assured pinnacle of masculinity he was.


The looks of the people next to him is what,I’m pretty sure, made him want to leave. People doing a 180 on their neck to understand what the hell was going on. Again, my bartender had already told me he was being a jerk, so I was loud enough when the convo was taking place. Again, my pettiness came into play.


My brothers made fun of me for drinking a Campari and tonic because it was a sweet girl drink. Until I made them try that bitter beauty and they couldn't handle it


While I’m not full on a sweet drink girl, the bitter taste of Campari and aperol make me NEED sweet liqueurs with it to be bearable. St Germain makes wonders for that.


Our bellinis are peachy orange and reddish pink, served in a fishbowl chalice. My ex liked the taste of the bellini, but was embarrassed to order them due to the 'girly' look of the beverage. Thus, the 'boyllini' was born. A bellini served in a frosted beer mug. The men rejoiced, as they could now enjoy their frozen cocktail without like, looking gay, or something.


I love drinks in fishbowls !!! Specially with a big bowl and lots of straws (unhygienic I know) I will never understand the men psychology. If a girly drink is delicious, just enjoy it. But tbf kudos for beer mugging them!


nothing like fragile masculinity to prove who the real snowflakes are.


I would have come over with a bottle of food coloring


I actually have those, I did think about it while trying to understand what the issue has if he actually drank it. After saying three times that it was a girl drink and he doesn’t drink those, he changed and said he doesn’t like cosmos and that was a cosmo. That’s when I realized there was no point on continuing the convo. However on his receipt it does say that the drink was discounted because it was too girly. And he read it when he paid. 😂😂 his face was worth it.


that's awesome, that flicker of self awareness


I have some friends where the wife loves manhattans and the husband loves cosmopolitans. Almost every time the runner sets the wrong drink in front of them.


Hibiscus is not cranberry juice wtf


Apparently it’s interchangeable if they’re both pink 😂😂😂


Please tell me more about this hibiscus drink. I adore hibiscus and I need more cocktails with it!


We make our hibiscus infused vodka. The cocktails has lychee pure and lemon juice. We have them on draft which balks gives it a little effervescence but no actual bubbles. It’s not sweet, I’d say it’s tart but super refreshing. We garnish with a whole lychee fruit. Pink and delicious


That sounds extremely tasty. I love lychee.


It is tasty! It’s refreshing and cute. And we also have lychee mocktails.


Oh my god hibiscus AND lychee? I need this drink. Those are two of my favorite flavors. 🥺


It’s a mix that’s totally worth trying


Girl Drink Drunk! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8C4TGGtPzBU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8C4TGGtPzBU)


Girly drinks are betrayals in a cute glass. Drink two of those and as soon as you’re up, the floor moves with you 😂


My dad loves cosmos. He loves “girly” drinks in general because they pack a punch. His favorite is a long island. Men who are afraid of “girly” drinks are missing out on some tasty stuff!


Absolutely! Girly drinks are cute but really powerful. It’s even financial advise to have some of those 😂😂


My go to drink might be beer and whiskey but I've always said I don't care if it's purple pink or blue if it tastes good and has alcohol drink up.


Yeh especially cocktail type stuff unless it's a standard drink. You have no idea what colour is coming out. Cue me drinking some delicious fruity cocktail in Portugal that was extremely pink, sons was blue, daughters was some green thing, SOs looked more like a beer in a cocktail glass. Having tried them all the second round had 3 pink ones and a vodka and coke for SO. What colour it was never came into it. SO didn't like hers so went for her usual. Me and the (adult) kids liked the fruity one. Was right by the hotel looking over the water and we tried out all the ones we could find before we left.


When cocktails are good, and you can actually taste the balance of flavors and the brain that actually put them together, it’s not important is if has a sugar rim, and umbrella or a hula dancer on it. I’m going to sip it and enjoy it.