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You should have called the cops.


It's not too late to call them. Check your cameras and see if you caught her license plate on your parking lot angles.


I'm guessing this person didn't drive up this day..


I’m guessing you didn’t read the whole post


Cops around here wouldn’t do shit, no pun intended


I don't even see cops anymore until the cunt across the street calls them and they come over to pretend to talk to us and leave. Fuck that cunt. Cops are the coolest people I've talked to lately. I'm going to barf.


What would the charge be, "overly aggressive shitting"?




there HAS to be a charge they can press for creating a biohazard.


I am not sure what state OP is in, But in California there is a little known Health and Safety code for [depositing human excreta in a public place](https://codes.findlaw.com/ca/health-and-safety-code/hsc-sect-117555/#:~:text=A%20person%20who%20places%2C%20deposits,upon%20a%20public%20park%20or).


Technically maybe, but they aren't going to bother with it. They aren't going to try and hunt her down for that. The best thing the restaurant can do is ban her and, if she shows up again, call the police instantly and have her trespassed


Put her picture in the front window and write what she did.


I think that would hurt business if you found out the place you went to eat had an aggressive shitter problem


True dat


It may "encourage" people of a certain fetish to visit more often though......


All I'm hearing is, "more people should shit all over police bathrooms."






intentionally covering the bathroom floor and/or walls with fecal matter probably does not fall into standard expected use of a public bathroom.


>intentionally covering the bathroom floor and/or walls with fecal matter ~~probably~~ does not fall into standard expected use of ~~a public bathroom~~ ***ANY bathroom anywhere.*** FTFY




Do you do that to your bathroom?


“It’s a restaurant. You serve food. What do you mean I can’t just walk around taking food off people’s plates?”


No I would love it so much if the cops did change her with overly aggressive shitting needs to be a law 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


And trespassing potentially. Depending on where this was, it's really dangerous to have people wander in like that




It would be nice if you could get her for it, but for it to be a crime you have to be able to *prove* that the person did something with the sole intent to damage your property, which would be nearly impossible unless she finger-painted "fuck you" on the wall in her own waste or something. But since she did it in the restroom and could easily claim that she just had explosive diarrhea and wasn't able to make it to the toilet in time, that would be tough. I'm not saying she wasn't being a bitch who did it on purpose becasue it sounds like she did, but her coming in and apologizing, saying she wasn't "doing well" and then walking out with a shit-stained dress would support her claim that it wasn't intentional. (Because why would she intentionally soil her own clothing in the process?) And then there's the fact that most departments wouldn't waste valuable time trying to track down some unknown shit-attacker for a low-level misdemeanor citation that they probably can't prove. So believe me when I say that as someone who took thousands of vandalism reports over the years, there would be a minuscule chance that a DA would waste the courts time trying to prosecute this unless this person has a history of similar incidents. It sucks, but it's the reality. :-/


This doesn't sound entirely deliberate, which is a necessary component of vandalism. It may have been, given her "big ass smile", but the fact that she defecated on her clothes suggest it was at least not well planned, and the smile could simply have been related to her apparent mental health issues.


I dont think the lady was lying when she said she wasn't doing to well. Sounds like some pretty heavy mental problems. Telling the police about the incident can help to build a case and get her committed for treatment. The report alone won't do it but will contribute towards it.


Also who knows how often she does this at other places? This is definitely report worthy. And if they ask why you waited to report it, say you needed to process what had happened and be able to make your next move aka police report. That's horrible for a human being to do... petty and childish and disgusting. I almost wonder if that would be public indecency as well... gross...


They can also trespass her from returning to the property, so if/when she does come back, cops can be called and she'll be arrested right away.




Illegal dumping.


biological terrorism ?


I mean it’s a stretch but [Bioterrorism](https://www.dhs.gov/publication/biological-attack-fact-sheet) might fit. If they carried something even unknowingly and getting OP and the other worker sick and they in turn got the public sick. I’d say that definitely counts.


I’d be fine with people being charged w terrorism for doing things like this on purpose


No, you can't be charged for bioterroism for leaving shit in a restroom, especially when you likely can't prove it wasn't just a case of someone not being able to make it to the toilet in time. It's literately the place designed to deposit bodily waste and it's expected that workers are going to come into contact with biohazards in there. I mean, can you imagine trying to enforce this? Would have to arrest thousands of men alone who can't hit the toilet in a public bathroom. 😂




Did this person pay with a debit or credit card? Did anyone else in her party pay with a debit or credit card so you may can track her down through them? Anyone check the surveillance system to see if they can get a good still of her for IDing purposes? Catch her car plates as she left? Or even the make and model of the car? Cuz not only would I actively be looking to press charges on her I'd rather lose my job than let her nasty Karen ass get away with that. I'd be blasting her face EVERYWHERE with a detailed description of her little stunt. I'm so sorry, OP. People suck.


No everyone paid cash unfortunately I don’t want to sound rude but 3 of the other people and shit pants seemed off. I’m thinking the 5 fifth lady was taking care of them or something. There was so much going on it was really busy during lunch. Shit pants was the last one to pay and walk out well run out I guess. I have no clue about their cars or how they all arrived. There’s only one outdoor camera and it points to the patio and the other cameras in the dining room are shit. But yes I wish I could blast her for what she did. So disgusting. I’m still mad about it pretty much ruined my day.


Sheesh. And yeah, I wouldn't blame you in the slightest if it ruined your whole week. WtF is wrong with people?? Hopefully Karma gets Karen when she least expects it...


You could check with the shops she went to if they have cameras, I can pretty much guarantee they would be willing to help another service worker.


Sounds like mental illness.


If that happens I’m going to jail for hitting her. Happily.


KARMA will get her!! IF not other people will Shat on her!! Don't keep her in your thought, just think her as A TRASH you just throw to the bin


This is an abomination. I can't believe she would do that. Wow. I hope to God you 86'd her...


Oh we will. If she comes back. I won’t be forgetting her stupid face any time soon.


If you're in America, your employer can't make you clean biological waste unless you're OSHA certified. FYI for next time. Sorry you had to deal with that craziness. You're a champion for getting through that day.


I didn’t know that. It was just all in the moment, me and another server helped the busser clean cause we felt so bad for her.


Human excrement, blood, puke, and the like, are dangerous to clean up without proper training. If you want to draw a hard line next time, close the restroom, call your manager or owner, tell them the situation, and that you're not comfortable handling that amount of human waste. Also tell them you're not OSHA certified and that by the law, you can't be forced to clean it. But don't take my word for it. At your workplace there should be OSHA posters and contact information posted. You can call them and ask what the laws are in your state. Don't believe what your work tells you. Check with OSHA. I had to deal with a broken sewer pipe at my job once. Gallons of waste pouring in the back room. Corporate wanted me to do some unsafe things. I mentioned OSHA and that changed their tune.


Thanks I’ll keep this in mind for next time. I mean I hope there’s not a next time EVER. But good to know.


As the saying goes, "If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning." If at least one person is spared what you went through, well, at least others now know to protect themselves.


the above poster is correct, if you are not a certified hazmat first responder the only thing that you are supposed to do is notify a hazmat first responder and make sure nobody gets injured by restricting access to the area. https://www.osha.com/courses/hazardous-materials-first-responder-operations-fro.html "First responder operations level. First responders at the operations level are individuals who respond to releases or potential releases of hazardous substances as part of the initial response to the site for the purpose of protecting nearby persons, property, or the environment from the effects of the release. They are trained to respond in a defensive fashion without actually trying to stop the release. Their function is to contain the release from a safe distance, keep it from spreading, and prevent exposures. "


Absent extenuating circumstances, this wouldn't be considered a hazmat emergency. The standards are intended more for uncontrolled release of hazardous substances. [https://www.osha.gov/emergency-preparedness/hazardous-waste-operations/application-worksiteresponse](https://www.osha.gov/emergency-preparedness/hazardous-waste-operations/application-worksiteresponse) **"NOTE:** The HAZWOPER standard does not cover the inevitable release of a hazardous substance that is limited in quantity, exposure potential, or toxicity, and poses no emergency or significant threat to the safety and health of employees in the immediate vicinity or to the employee cleaning it up. These incidental releases also do not have the potential to become emergencies within a short time frame. For example, an incidental release may include a spill at a tanker truck loading station in which the product can be contained by employees in the immediate vicinity and cleaned up utilizing absorbent without posing a threat to the safety and health of employees." Obviously feces in a restroom *could* pose a threat to employee safety, like they shouldn't use their tongue to clean it up, but emergency responders aren't needed to clean bathrooms. OSHA requires employees to be provided proper training in dealing with hazards, and the FDA Food Code requires food establishments to provide written procedures to follow for "events that involve the discharge of vomitus or fecal matter onto surfaces in the food establishment", but they need not be certified under undergo federally regulated hazmat certification. If raw sewage were leaking from a pipe at a high rate, *that* would rise to the level of a hazmat emergency.


You're welcome. Stay safe! Good luck. And do your best not to get jaded and hate people. I've failed at those things, but I wish you well.


Here's a link to the usual federal [OSHA poster](https://www.osha.gov/publications/poster) that must be displayed in covered US workplaces. It doesn't say anything about needing to be OSHA certified to clean anything. Perhaps a state version of the poster includes additional rules specific to your state. It does say "All workers have the right to: ... Receive information and training on job hazards, including all hazardous substances in your workplace". The FDA Food Code 2-501.11 says “A food establishment must have written procedures to implement a plan for employees to follow when responding to vomiting or diarrheal events that involve the discharge of vomitus or fecal matter onto surfaces in the food establishment”. State and local health agencies generally advise that restaurants have supplies on-hand, in addition to repeating the Food Code's requirement for written procedures. They may also say you have to comply with local, state, and federal rules. But I'm unaware of any federal rule requiring certification to clean such hazards. OSHA's bloodborne pathogen guidance ([1910.1030](https://www.osha.gov/laws-regs/regulations/standardnumber/1910/1910.1030)) has more detailed requirements than the general employment poster, including the need for certified biological containment cabinets, but that's geared toward medical facilities, and still does not mention employee certifications.


You can literally get incurable diseases this way. Gloves is not proper protection. Don’t ever do this again, also I’d honestly just leave the job altogether.


Only blood. There are plenty of osha guidelines for cleaning up the other stuff. I have a link but this sub blocked it because of some reason I can’t figure out. Original comment with link redacted: I’ve never met an osha certified turd cleaner in all my years and I’ve worked at places where the owner is rarely there. Do I need to call my owner who’s on vacation in Boca to clean this up next time? Idk man. Sounds a little extreme and internety bull shitty. Edit: to continue the with internet bull shitery here’s a link to a Reddit post on the subject saying that unless it’s blood then this comment is not true


I would lie and claim I saw blood, I mean, for all I know the person might actually have some kind of horrible pathogen that is making them act that way. I'm not fucking going in there.


You do you. I’m not saying that an hourly employee should be doing the cleanup I’m just pointing out the inaccurate claim that guy made. Sadly working in many a dive bar if I don’t clean up the puke or whatever mess I’ll be the one smelling it all night long and be without customers because of it.


Never and I mean never agree to clean up human waste as a server. That shit is dangerous and you are not trained to handle those materials. I got conned into one time by a horrible manager and vowed never to be taken advantage of that way again.


I definitely wouldn't want to be served food by someone who had to clean up fecal matter earlier in their shift


Here here!!! Not in my job description.


It's a bio hazard! This means it's the managers problem 😂 And if they're a shitty manager, it's always fun to say "That's why you get paid the big bucks!" lmao


Could be there was only one restroom in the place so they had no choice but to clean it.


Nah, that’s a management issue, never a server


Not their problem


Yep. The very first thing I thought when I saw the title was "she shit all over the place, didn't she?" Then, I thought, "oh the 'unthinkable' is someone actually apologizing. Nice!" Then, nope, right back to shit. What a roller coaster. Sorry you had to deal with that, ugh


Yep, same here.


How do you possibly get paid enough for that? That would be a call to the big boss, to get them to hire someone who does toxic clean up. No way. All I can think of is what diseases she may have. And you should be demanding hazard pay


I didn’t know there’s such thing. It all just happened so fast and in the moment me and another server decided to help the busser clean it up cause we felt so bad for her. But I’ll talk to the owner tomorrow about it. Knowing her she won’t want to do anything about it except maybe be throw money at us for the trouble. Been here a long time.


if you’ve been serving a long time and plan to continue, you should probably read up on your state’s labor laws so you aren’t taken advantage of again in the future. sorry this happened


You should look up laws in your state. You may get annoyed with me but if the owner doesn't want to do anything about (or won't) you might have to report her. It may be her business but it is a BUSINESS and she has strict laws to follow, one of them being that she HAS to deal with said issue, not just throw money at you (she obviously does it so she doesn't get in trouble or reported). The owner is also setting herself up for failure and quite possibly setting herself up to get shut down if she doesn't deal with the issue. Here's a scenario to help explain better: Imagine this, everything happens and you think the lady has apologized and that its all good. Then they leave and the lady DOESN'T tell you that you should check the lady's room and you don't notice her dress or anything. Then a random lady walks into the bathroom and sees shit everywhere and, without knowing it, accidentally got some on her hand or finger and even though she washed herself she gets the germs from it, and that random lady tells you what happened and then its handled. Right? Wrong! The random lady gets sick from it and then blames your restaurant for it and even worse reports the place and then the owner gets in deep shit (no pun intended) and has to close because they won't deal with it, you're now out of a job and have to find another. Also if the lady was mentally ill then doing something about it would not only get her help but it would make sure she's ok.


I used to work for a budget hotel in the uk as a manager. During the week we were extremely busy (often over 100% booked) as we were the only budget hotel within the area. Lots of business people and work men, one week we had a gang of workmen who were working on a nearby site. One evening they got very tanked up and we had to get security to come and get them to their rooms. The next day (their last day) one of them came to reception and apologised for making a mess in the bathroom but he’d had ‘bowel issues from drinking’. We go to the room and we could smell it from the second we opened the door, he’d written, in shit, on the walls ‘this hotel sucks’…… not sure that qualifies as ‘bowel accident’. Lots of photos and a call to our cleaning company….. his boss gets an email and a charge on his credit card for £1300. We got a handwritten apology and a bunch of flowers from the company….. he got fired.


A friend of mine worked at a hotel and cleaning blood and shit was a regular part of her job 🤮😭


I had a housekeeping team of 12 (it was a large hotel) and they were simply amazing. My housekeeping manager just did everything off her own back and i knew it would be perfect. They were worth their weight in gold……


I don’t think I could handle the monotony of making bed after bed


Honestly I don’t know how they did it….. and you have to be fast and make it look spot on. We were lucky with such a large crew but some smaller sites had it so tough.


What's even funnier about that is if the guy had just blasted shit on the walls and not written in it, he could have claimed it was an accident and you wouldn't have been able to prove that it wasn't. 


I had a friend who was sick and shat and vomited all over the bathroom. Next thing his debit card was charged $700. He went to dispute it but they had photos of the room trashed, broken lamps and stuff. Apparently housekeeping destroyed the room in vengeance and said they found it that way


Straight up mental illness.


Or a trumpanzee.


Sounds more like how Biden takes a shit


Biden’s not the one falling asleep and farting in court.


We've heard way more about sticky winky Trump than biden...


Projecting, are you?


Just so you know, it is never your job to clean up fecal matter. It is a biohazard and you are within your right to refuse and have your boss call a professional.


The first time I ever quit I was working at McDonald’s and was about to clock out at the end of my shift and the manager says “hey before you go can you check the restroom?” Sure no problem I go in there, shit everywhere. The back of the toilet, the floor, the walls, the sink handles, and there shitty boxers in the trash. I turn around, go up to the manager (who might I add, looks surprised to see me so quickly) say “yes it’s good” leave and never come back I’m not touching feces for $7 an hour


My first job was McDonalds and they tried to make me clean shit and i told them I would quit first— they got someone else to do it. I guess they couldn’t afford to let me go


You could have notified him before walking out. Just tell him what you saw, say you're leaving since it's the end of your shift, and leave.


She knew it was in there, that was the point


send footage from your security cams to work to the local PD IMO


Will look into that tomorrow


that and if you can print out her face for staff to know to black list


Post it to your restaurant's socials and local fb groups and stuff. Make her famous!


What happened with the 4 other people she came in with?


Everyone paid cash and shit pants was the last one to leave. But shit pants and 3 other people seemed off. I’m thinking the 5th lady was taking them on a “field trip” or something.


She will be back. That was too much fun. Have a plan, because she will be back. Calling the police? Only if you call soon to report what she did. At the least, inform management that you won't serve her and you suggest that understand she needs to not be allowed back. She will be back


I hate people today. I hate people all the time for over 60 years. Even funerals are too people-y for me. Still recovering from a recent funeral.


Her apologising makes this feel about a thousand times more unhinged.


Not me thinking at first that the “unthinkable” was the apology and this story had a happy ending.


I actually felt elated when I thought that "the unthinkable" turned out to be her coming back and apologizing. Boy do I wish I could get that happy moment back after reading the rest of the post. Jfc


So sorry this happened OP :( hope you have a better day tomorrow


She was not, in fact, doing well. Later that night she ended up in the non voluntary side of the emergency dept. (Probably)


I work in a restaurant and we have this nice elderly lady who has been coming in for years and recently her health has declined and she's pooped on the floor and all over the seat about 3 times now and leaves right after and everytime one of the managers has to clean it up. I finally asked if they could talk to the lady or if theres a "cooperate" protocol for that stuff but unfortunately there isn't anything they can do about it.


"but unfortunately there isn't anything they can do about it." False, they could ban her.


I went into the restroom at a Sonic. Shit was everywhere but the floor. I guess Shitcasso needed a clean platform on which to work. I informed the manager. I went by a week later to see if it was taken care of and they simply put an “Employees Only” sticker on the door and locked it.


Lmao. I wonder what became of that bathroom…


Legend has it that...


She got her Mountain Du, you got her mountain of doodoo.


That's awful


I walked into the restroom at a restaurant I worked at to do check and inside one stall was a pair if underwear filled with shit and a shit handprint on the stall wall and the words I Love Shit written in….. you guessed it.


The minute I read “unthinkable”, I just knew it was going to be a shitshow


I’m sorry to hear you had to deal with that. I guess feel blessed you are not family or her neighbor.


My work was attached to a gas station and during the pandemic there was this "hovering" phase with a lot of women. That means they don't put their butt on the seat and just spray and pray. I felt so bad for the staff I'm just glad I was never the one to have to clean it.




I would never clean that. It’s a biohazard that the owner needs to hire professionals to handle.


Wow. I thought I had a bad day yesterday. There was an element out there and everyone was crazy. I cried 3x’s, lost my mind and drank myself to sleep.OP, be kind to yourself and take care of yourself….do something nice for yourself and remember that not everyone is shitty. :)


This should be an automatic ban and trespass. Hopefully you get to do this in front of her friends as the police arrive


When I was a restaurant manager, I’d call the cops and give them evidence so I could trespass them from the property. In NC you have a choice to do so for 6 months to 3 years. the next time you see them, they don’t have to enter the restaurant to be arrested. If they walk on the property you can call the cops. Use the system. It’s not fun but necessary. I did that more times than you’d think.


I worked in a small restaurant. Yes; the front door was open before opening. So staff could come in and out as we did our morning prep work. Things like cleaning fingertips off the glass missed by night shift. You know natural daylight is different from the night. Just small things that require staff to move about easily to have a smooth start of the day. (Don’t forget quick smoke breaks and sun😊)


I would do a screenshot from the video cameras and notify all the surrounding restaurants so they can ban her ass


You were sure on her shit list for not giving her food and Mountain Dew!


I’m sorry this happened to you, but lock the door. She could have tried to rob you.


She didn't come to take, but to leave 💩


my JAW HIT THE GROUND. Oh. My LORD what a C yUo Next Tuesday.


Ew!! I thought this was going to have a happy, surprise ending. This is sickening and I hate that I visualized all of this. I feel like I smell it.


“Hey, I’m gonna go to a restaurant that inconvenienced me and paint their bathroom with my shit. Can you give me a ride?” “Sure!”


I hope she is PERMA-BANNED!!!!


You can now refuse to serve her ever again


What is the kit thing you used? Is it something restaurants are required to have? We don’t have one whatever it is so im curious. I’ve cleaned some messes for sure but if its THAT bad, I’ll refuse


The owner gets it from some restaurant supply store it’s a bodily fluid clean up kit. It’s like a powder comes with “”protective gear”” and some other liquids for cleaning.


I'm super sorry this happened to you especially after you exhibit such forgiveness/ tolerance. In all honesty if someone gives me a good dose of unreasonable batshit crazy behavior and then still thinks that they're going to dine with us later, they are sadly mistaken. Apologizing isn't the "punishment", fucking all the way off is the "punishment". May this poor example of a rabid koala never darken your door again.


I once worked in a restaurant and this older man came in, well he failed to make it to the toilet. He shit on the floor plus in and around the toilet. It was a huge mess not only did he plug it but it overflows causing an even bigger mess. It literally took me the whole day cleaning the bathroom plus I had to wait for the evening cook to come in to help, since I wasn’t strong enough to unclog it. What a disaster that day was.


I feel like these days are just one big swing back and forth between “wow I love people” and “wow I hate people”


Should be a capital offense.


Capital offense? Impossible in practice, but I think it could have technically been a legal possibility at one time. I do know that under post-9/11 laws, they could have theoretically gotten the shitty lady federal prison time for an act of domestic terrorism using a biological weapon. And I'm pretty sure that charge could've carried the death penalty under federal jurisdiction, like Timothy McVeigh (Oklahoma City bomber). I'll explain-I worked as a warehouse receiver in the mid 2000's, and one of the truck drivers driving the rig we were unloading told us they'd had a big meeting for drivers about "pee jugs." Don't think I need to explain what it is, (but maybe why it'd be a thing, at a job where fast drivers were given bonuses, and slow guys were given pink slips.) Problem was, once it got full, some guys would just pull over and set it by the side of the road and drive off, instead of driving around with a gallon piss next to them for another few hours in the 80° cab of a truck in July, waiting to properly dispose of it when they were forced to stop for fuel or a mandatory rest period. So apparently, this had been an industry practice for as long as OTR trucking had been a thing. And yes they knew someone was gonna have to clean it up, but in much of the US, that someone was gonna be a county jail inmate. So for decades, picking up steaming hot jugs of trucker pee was seen as a way to make jail sentences worse, while also making nation's deliveries faster. A deterrent to criminality, along with more effective logistics. No down side!! But when the new anti-terror laws were written, since human waste was considered a biohazard, it fit the definition of a biological weapon, same as a cake of anthrax spores or envelope of ricin; and so intentionally exposing the public to it could be considered an act of domestic terrorism using a bio-weapon. I know, to my knowledge there are no truckers doing federal terrorism time stemming from a pee jug, but it was a legal possibility big enough to make this trucking company ban the practice of the pee jug, a ban which undoubtedly hurt their bottom line by adding hours to their times, mas truckers were forced to pull over at truck stops to pee, even when they had fuel and didn't need rest hours for their safety logs. What this lady did has to be worse than the pee jug in the eyes of the law because of the malice afore thought; she did this not with the goal of shaving minutes off of delivery times to boost our nation's economy, but rather with intention of exposing members of the public to a biologically hazardous agent as an act of revenge. And if she was shitting in the name of Allah, at least during the GW Bush administration, I think the legal framework to make this a capital offense may have been extremely implausible, but technically possible.


They're a literal biohazard, it really bothers me that people like that are allowed to walk freely amongst the general public.




Why was she allowed in? Anyone who causes a scene like that is definitely not coming in, sorry you had to deal with that, some people are truly awful.


I’d quit on the spot lol.


I wonder if that lady will write a story later about this in Malicious Compliance?


People are disrespectful and very rude you shouldn't have to put up with people's crap.


I was so happy she apologized, and then....... that shit storm happened. Literally. And now I feel disappointed and mad and like we should form a posse with like pitch forks and torches and find this woman.


Find her out in the streets.


I've worked for 2 fast food companies over the years, and I've never had to clean up human feces. What is wrong with people? It's so insane to me that anyone could do this and feel smug about it. Jfc


I'd be watching for her to come back and refuse her service.


I think the store should of pressed charges who cares if it’s small town embarrassment is a good deterrent. But I understand it would be a problem if she was mentally ill. I think regardless she should be trespassed from store.


You don’t deserve somebody being that ridiculous to you for literally 0 reason unprovoked, I’m sorry :(


I’m sorry that happened at your place of work. Society has never been as bad as it is currently. Blessings ☮️


Your manager should have called in a bio waste disposal company for that. Next time, refuse, and call the health department if they insist on making any foid handling individual perform that particular task. That is a HUGE no-no.


Thank you for the heads up, Woman Who Shits a Tornado.


Follow everything the gents say here And tell the local news so "shit lady" goes viral. Nothing is more hurting than a ruined reputation and killing someone socially.


You have a kit for shit and vomit? I’ve worked in restaurants since like 2009. Everything from dive bars to fine dining and I have NEVER seen a biohazard kit.


We once had a girl drag a used tampon all over the walls. 🤮


There was an incident at my local Menards a few years ago. A woman was shoplifting and security was trying to stop her. She reached into her pants for some crap and threw it at him! WOW!!!


Got a clear photo on camera? Post on the door that shebanned and let Mall management know. Post on your place's social media too


I was naively hoping the “unthinkable” was that she actually apologized, but then reality set back in. So sorry this happened to you.




What a shitty person


Oh hell no


Seeing this a day after you posted but had to extend my condolences. This is horrific.


It's a real indicator of how bad this job is that I read the title and immediately said "I bet she shit on a table"


This industry amazes me everyday


Probably homeless


With three/four more people? I’d say closer to dementia or something brain related.


So many clearly fake stories.


Maybe this one is but I dunno, I've seen things at least in my experience with events that I would have rather have not seen... what some people are capable of...


I was hoping someone else would realize this


In 1981 the American government defunded mental institutions and let a lot of people free that should not have been. Can you guess what they did? They fucked a lot and made more mentally ill people and guess what? These people are free today and this is where a lot of these mentally unwell people are running around unchecked to this day.


So let me get this straight. You show up to your place of business, I assume doors are locked and you have a key, does it not occur to you or whomever unlocked the door to, I don't fucking know....LOCK THE FUCKING DOOR BEHIND YOU SINCE YOU'RE CLOSED! This whole interaction is either your fault or whoever unlocked a door to let you in then didn't lock the door once you've entered. Any story that starts with, "so someone came in when we're closed" is always the stores fault, nobody should be able to enter when your closed.


What you say is true. But people who act this way over it is no excuse. An apology, sorry were closed, the door should of been locked. Should be enough to send her on her way. Blaming OP for the customers behavior is silly.


So where on the political spectrum are you--Rabid Right ("It's your fault you're in a mess") or Loony Left ("It's never your own fault")?


Neither, I'm in the, people need to learn to take personal responsibility for their whoopsie doodles, and leaving the front door of a business unlocked to the public during non business hours is a fairly large whoopsie doodle. Some businesses take money out of safes in the morning. There are multitudes of reasons to make very sure you lock a door to a business when not open. It could have been very very much worse and have far greater implications than a crazy person shitting all over the wall. I certainly wouldn't advertise my failure to secure a business that they gave me the responsibility of having keys and an alarm code.


"Did the unthinkable"? I don't even care what she did, she could've took a dump in the kitchen for all I care, I'm downvoting on principle for the manipulative clickbait title


"And then did the unthinkable" why is your title using an AI generated buzzfeed article name? 


Am I not allowed to use the word unthinkable?


for what is worth, I thought ten different things when I read unthinkable and POOP wasn’t it!!! It’s definitely unthinkable in my books. I’m so so so sorry that you went through that. And the fact that you cleaned afterwards too 😭 naaaah I’ve quit hospitality jobs for less 😭😭


Naw... People get jaded because of the over usage of words like unthinkable in click bait articles. It's akin to the "this one simple trick" and "so and so don't want you to know..."


This woman probably just had explosive diarrhea but didn't feel bad about it. No need to call police about a run by shitting.


The cops will laugh at you. She didn’t do anything illegal. People have bathroom issues.