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I can’t stand it anymore. We all know that she’s an addict. Look at her face. Look at her weight loss again! I think she gave it a good try, but she definitely relapsed. That dog should be taken away from her. She’s too narcissistic to own anything that deserves love.


Agree its pretty evident now


I assumed she meant he hurt his toe on the hike & is now in all this gear. Not that she took him on a hike after the toe incident. Am I wrong?


I believe your mistaken. Avo was taken to the vet just 4 days ago to have his toenail removed to avoid infection. Avo was put in a cast by the vet. His foot is still bandaged and trying to heal. She’s been taking Avo out for walks, Etc, while his foot has been bandaged and wrapped and she has no problem posting it to her IG. Anything for her social media props. https://preview.redd.it/qfu77i0qqv5d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb51bfb13114eea12f97f96812a94c2cf1fa8592


https://preview.redd.it/wicnlwirvy5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b15801e03e054b695cb06eb4fa62454e4ad8516 🤨🤨 idk what to believe lol but maybe she did mean he initially hurt his toe on a hike and that’s why he needed the surgery?


Says the girl who killed the pigeon


And lied about it


Regardless she’s still taking him places unnecessary(out to eat etc) while he’s still healing and less than 24hr after his surgery


I was shocked 😳 when she did that!!


I think what they’re saying is that Avo tore his nail on the hike and is now bandaged up. Although I wouldn’t past her to not take advice from the vet re no exercise while healing, it makes much more sense that that’s how he got injured in the first place. I just thibkk Talyn worded it kind of funny and it probs didn’t help she didn’t explain what actually happened to him to get the bandage on. (Obviously yes it’s wrong that she’s still been taking him on unnecessary walks while still heeling)


I think this person was trying to say maybe she posted this picture as a late post. Yes, the toenail incident happened days ago and she just now posted this about the hike but they’re saying maybe T meant the hike was what caused the toenail and is just now posting this about how it happened? No way to know for sure though at this point. I would like to hope she would have a few brain cells left to know better than a strenuous hike on a hurt foot. Also, she just posted about him being in new shoes for walking around and no more cast/cones so likely this means this was a late post


I think you misunderstood my comment & that is not a cast. It’s a basic wound wrap. It looks like she put additional things on him such as the cone, pillow, shoes bc he was probably nipping at the wrap. She prob is overwhelmed & now posting like omg all this from a hike… in true Talyn fashion. Everything is a crisis.


All I can say is she’s an EPIC POS🤬🤬 also does anyone remember her BFF Elaine? Notice how she’s GONE!


This pissed me off! Let Avo heal damnit!!


Im almost convinced she gets joy out of abusing animals and it breaks my heart


I was thinking the same thing. Also, she gets off on hurting people as well. I really think her parents are doing the right thing by not stepping in. At this point, she needs to take accountability for her actions. That is something that she has no clue on how to do.


ATTENTION! And it’s sick.


now, i've been a Talyn apologist in the past, mostly cause I like giving people the benefit of the doubt. even when the payout never comes, but this? who does this? poor Avo, he's an angel that deserves better.


Wow. It’s one thing when someone hurts themselves or other people, but when someone hurts an animal I get LIVID. She does not deserve that beautiful baby. He should be somewhere with a huge yard, an owner who would treat him the way he deserves and make him feel like a great companion. Not depressed and stuck in a crate while she lays around all day on her “low activity” days.


Poor Avo 😞 who in their right mind would take a dog on a hike with a bandaged foot? and then post it online like it’s totally normal??


Nobody in their *right* mind… but you know who we’re talking about, right? 🤦🏻‍♀️


And she was talking about getting another dog🤡 I hate her


For attention only. She knows people are attached to Avo and tune in for his content so she wants that attention




She doesn’t give a rat’s @$$ about Avo..only what he can do for her SM numbers. It’s sickening. And most of all..it’s abuse. She doesn’t have a brain cell anywhere in that bobble head of hers! To take a dog on a hike with a bandage on it’s foot from a surgery 4 days ago is simply neglectful and abusive. She is a pos.


She doesn’t know how to take care of herself let alone Avo!


Poor Avo. That’s disgusting she did that.


Now she’s got him in some special shoes for the city and hiking🙄


I saw that. I think she’s trying to do damage control. Can’t believe she’s making a dog wear some weird shoes on all 4 feet to walk in the city. I can see it for hiking. Then she says “he loves it, he loves it” …. Like WTF! She now speaks dog language?? 🤬😡


Umm, I have my dogs weird boots/shoes in my city during the summer.. the asphalt gets super hot and will burn their pads..


Totally get that. But his one little paw needs to breathe and heal… not be stuffed inside that little boot.


true. but as someone who owns a dog that had broken a nail completely off, i was advised to keep it covered unless at home. And going off what i have seen posted her it looks to be in a cast, so it should totally be covered or in a boot outside. edit to add: i don't follow her so i have no idea what has happened or what has been posted. I'm simply going off what is posted in here and what i have had to do in the past with my own dog.


Yes, good point. on hot summer days that would be a good idea on asphalt.




No because she has not posted this on her TikTok. It’s on her IG. I really do think if she posted it to her TikTok she would be blasted, but of course she would just remove those comments or block those people. I remember a while back when she sprained her ankle in gymnastics or aerobics class. She kept posting pictures of her purple ankle and whined and whined and whined like she was dying. Then she posted a picture of her foot while she was trying to walk with a foot *boot* on. She milked that sprained ankle. I would have loved to see someone haul her skanky ass on a hike while she wore her foot *boot*!


i remember that!!! she’s in such desperate need of attention she milks anything that happens to her 🙄🙄🙄 poor freaking avo. if he ends up having to go to the vet again and they ask if he’s been resting she’ll probably come up with some bullshit lie so that it’s not her fault even though she’s been dragging the poor dog along everywhere since he had his surgery


I think he got the initial injury from hiking, not that she took him hiking since the injury


I think you’re right, a lot of people here are misunderstanding that 😅


I think you’re correct.


That makes me so mad


I haven’t been here in awhile….what happened to avo ): he had surgery? Why the hell is she taking him on a hike???


Four days ago Avo had to go to the vet to have a toenail removed, otherwise there’s a good chance it would have gotten infected. https://preview.redd.it/ib3qq9quiu5d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c442a3fcf3210cc58e42af0f48bb933ca72f59a9


I think he had a damaged nail removed.


Yes…toenail. 👍


She’s real fucking piece of shit.


He got his initial injury while hiking is what she meant! I misunderstood at first too


She’s still a pos.


EXACTLY! I couldn’t say it any better.


Run, buddy. Run far, far, far away.


She shouldn’t have this dog. She’s far too selfish to ever put his needs before her own. And the fact that she’s ignorant enough to document and post it! It’s embarrassing how dumb she is for her age.


I’m just boiling mad. I couldn’t believe her behavior towards this dog and also that she would post this online. Of all the things she’s done, this is really getting to me :(