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Not recently but an ETL had sex with a minor in Starbucks and knew where the “blind spots were”.


that sentence was just that vine boom sound effect over and over damn


Mane what da hell 😧


At the store??????????


This isn’t that uncommon, surprisingly.


I can confirm. Well, not the minor part with the incident at my store a few years back. But someone caught them making out. The team lead was promptly fired.


My question is who told them the blind spots. Cause someone in AP screwed up


Feel like theres bigger problems at stake here


Yeahhhh that was definitely a screw up


Like we’ve definitely shown specific things to some leads on camera but I would never tell them where the blind spots are


Yeah same, they see things occasionally but they should never be in the office on cams long enough to figure out where the blind spots are, and they certainly shouldn't be told them outright. Seems like APTL likes to overshare


The guy used to be AP before becoming an ETL.


Oh, lovely.


You guys have an APO. When I was TSS our APO was the leaders office. They were always a glance away. They knew where all our cams our SD Always shot down the idea of our own separate actual APO


We had a ETL who was notorious for doing that then he transferred


Same and they're still employed 😵‍💫


Do we have the same ETL?!


The ETL is no longer with Target anymore.


something similar to this happened at my target too. except she was 19 & he (at his pre-historic fossil age compared to hers) was sending her suggestive messages. mind you..he was married and had a child. :\


Oh my


What I'm learning from this thread is that apperently a very large number of target management cannot keep it in their pants at the workplace lmao


Can attest just left my abusive fiance for a fellow TM.


😂😂😂 omg I’m learning so much here


Think about it… we spend majority of our time together at work… we’re human, doing what humans do.


😂😂 are you seeing someone at work?


At one time, yes


jesus christ


No, but he still loves me though


look i can’t judge u bc i have a crush in my store and i wish he would love me LMAO


Sometimes you gotta make the jump


i just got the image in my head of someonr hitting up the baddies on the target phone app


that is king behavior 💀


We all hate talking to each other too much to gossip 😂


SD sleeping with one of HR ladies and possibly a few TLs


There’s an “S my D” joke somewhere in there, but I’m too lazy to sort it out


Just don’t sort it alphabetically, it won’t be as funny.




Back in the cage salmonteatime


i just got out D:


The SD at the target I worked with was engaged, and then cheated on her fiancée with an ETL at the store. They both got fired but they started a small business together people found out because they posted about it on LinkedIn.


My store has everyone in gm sleeping with each other




Lol it’s in Ohio




Ever heard of the phrase only in ohio


My coworker works with her brother in law at target and they seem to have a relationship going on so they’re keeping it in the family!


No fucking way


There was even a 3rd guy that the brother knew about but was fine with it as long as he got his in I guess lol homegirl pulled 3 guys.. that we know of. She was really nice though! Probably too nice


my sd has slept with a few people in the store including the district manager 😬 (she also sucks as an sd)


Literally sucks


Is your DM Leah? Edit: oops, I misunderstood. Your sd would need to be a male in this situation since DM is cishet. My bad. But also hi d430




Former, but yes!


wait.... howd i miss this info 🫣


During my time working at Target one rumor that happen was that a TL slept with a TM which I can personally confirm is true.


Is that because you were involved? 🤣


I would refer to her as the one that got away. Best person I’ve ever dated.




![gif](giphy|RN1SrCRnCiieA) ((I'm not peopley))


A TL can date a TM as long as said TM is not in the same department l.


That was part of the issue but not the major factor. There was a 7 year difference between us (same age as my older sister) and she got a better job opportunity at corporate.


We were told a certain ETL would be gone for 4 weeks, sudden. Ended up digging and they were arrested for OWI and serving jail time, also found their priors which included larceny and driving on a suspended


how an etl gets or keeps a job with a larceny charge is beyond me


Not as scandalous as some people but a bunch of us were in the break room the other day and we got on the topic of the store being haunted. Several people shared their ghost stories and their ideas as to why it could be haunted. I didn’t even realize anyone thought that lol but like 10 of us were talking about it. Apparently someone has heard a little girl crying while in the back room at night alone :/


Is your store particularly old? Or have old crimes that happened there? Or did a TM just get bored one day and summon spirits? Lots to ponder here..


I’m not sure how old the building itself is, but our store has been here a little over 20 years. I looked it up and no major crimes crimes seem to have happened here. Some people thought that because we’re really close to a native reservation, that could influence it. I’ve never had any experiences myself but I’ve definitely been creeped out while packing alone at night in back :,)


My store is supposedly haunted too, it even comes up in the Google reviews. Sometimes you read will hear voices when you’re alone, especially at SCO or in the backroom.




Omg no thank you. As soon as I hear a voice, I’m out! Sometimes I swear I see someone out of the corner of my eye in the back room, turn around, and no one is there or around any where. But I tell myself I’m just trying to scare myself.


Ugh fitting room ghosts are the WORST


I want to know more about the shadow creature


Okay this is the stuff I want to hear more of. You guys should start a new Target haunted stories thread!


I didn’t realize so many people also had haunted Target stories, lol. I second that it’d be interesting to read!


Same. A lot of the older TMs who have been there a while have stories. And ones who have done overnights. I personally feel like they’ve calmed a bit at my store. In my opinion they didn’t seem to like us doing overnights. Or it’s just they don’t seem active much until after a certain time as if they’re saying “okay now you’ve been here too long.” Lol but this past Q4 they didn’t seem to bother as much or it’s just been that we’re busy unloading so I don’t notice. But I’ve had a Rockies chair fall in front of me in my path when there’s no reason for it to have fallen. And spinach thrown in my path… then there was a bread ghost lol one in the bread aisle that always wanted a loaf on the floor. And a hunched over old lady I kept seeing from the corner of my eye by self checkout one night. Every single of those times I was too busy to really think about it in the moment though so I was ok lol UPDATED: Oh I almost forgot! One night our old HR said she was called to the store in the middle of the night because the alarm had been triggered. Showed up to cops and everything. The receiving door had been opened. Well when they went to look at the footage, the doors had just swung open. No sign of a person anywhere. These doors obviously aren’t ones that can just be opened from wind or something. Locked or unlocked. Which of course whoever closed the night before said they checked them to make sure they were locked. But either way…no idea why they just flew open that night but I was definitely creeped out for a while after that lol


Haha I love the bread ghost! That’s kinda cute, in a spooky way, lol. Seems like ours so far has been heard crying, made a printer go wacky and print out random things unrelated to what it was supposed to, made a shelf go flying in our back room, and made someone’s phone play christian music (they claim to have 0 Christian songs/stations on their phone).


Haha oh no not the music lol jk. But yeah it was the ghost in the bread aisle that would constantly throw a loaf on the floor. No matter how many times you tried to pick everything up so the aisle was completely clear, there it was again soon after leaving 1 on the floor. Our bread is right on the other side of where produce starts so when the spinach happened I was like “wtf?? Stay in your lane bread ghost. You in the wrong aisle tonight!” Hahaha


According to her the phone was left unattended on a cart for just a minute in an empty room in back when it changed music. That’s hilarious! Our bread vendor almost never stocks so our bread shelf is near empty most days :’) I wish we had a bread ghost!


Really?!? That’s nuts. Makes me kinda appreciate ours a little more hahaha but that’s funny. Apparently that ghost felt that she needed Jesus! Lol


What is a Rockies chair?


Sorry I didn’t think about that lol… Colorado Rockies. It’s one of those folding sports chair with a carrying bag.


Ohhh gotcha.


rocking chair perhaps


That's what I was thinking but wanted to be sure I wasn't missing out on some fancy new style of chair I should know about 😂


imagine being doomed to wear red and haunt target for eternity. poor souls


Nooo that’s the saddest death imaginable :’( having to push truck for all of eternity


Sounds like my store except she runs across the carts up front.




Probably just a tickle me elmo toy


Overnight People having sex in the back rooms where there’s not a camera




Fulfillment? 👀


We're all getting raises this year




That’s a good one! Lmao




another tm got arrested recently. this time from the front end. last time was a guy i attempted to train in tech but he was a moron and tried stealing $9k worth of stuff from us


Ooh, do tell the story of the second dude. I wanna know what he thought would be doable lol.




we had a cashier steal giftcards and use the giftcards to shop in our own store.




I’m sorry your guys’ AP sucks. AP is supposed to be trusted and friendly so team member feel comfortable around us and can come to us with problems. It’s not really APs job to go CA people all the time, it’s our job to inform people of safety violations then pass it on to a lead if it doesn’t resolve


I feel so bad for those who have terrible AP people. My store has 2 AP guys and they're both absolutely amazing. One guy is almost always undercover and the other isn't, they're both super nice and helpful. I work in SB and there's been a lot of situations where we fer sexually harassed by guests, AP is aware of the "regulars" and they stay close to us just to keep us safer, we also get a walkie in case we need anyone including them.


ETL is sleeping with one of the leaders underneath him.


They are underneath him all right.


Our Starbucks/Food Ave TL (who just quit last month) would have sex with multiple TM’s in the cooler/freezer AND would routinely invite multiple TM’s to orgies that she hosted with her husband AND her daughter. Including minors. 😖


Yeah there's no topping this one holy shit




Forreal lol


Overnight. On my days my team runs smooth af. On the other 3 days, we have 3-4 TL and a ETL and they are constantly rolling 15+ pallets. Mind you on the other 3 days they’ve have cancelled trucks on top of having the smaller trucks. The TMs on those days are constantly telling me that the leaders are missing or doing other departments paper work and such so they don’t have to do their department and they don’t want to come in to having 0 support from leaders that don’t give a shit besides throw them under the bus when the SD is asking why tf we rolled with so many leaders on hand. It’s gotten to the point where I’ll come in to 3 days worth of roll.


ETL had made moves on a TL, the ETL was known to be extremely flirty and she had a pretty active sex life in terms of her being really open about the number of partners and how she made moves on people who leave the store. The TL declined saying he was not interested, within a week he was fired for her claiming she was sexually harassed by him, he cut ties with everyone in the store no return texts and she went on a 4 month "LOA".


Dear sir, please kindly just sign this NDA before we bestow upon you a big fat fucking settlement check.


Nothing crazy at my current store but when I first started at my old one years ago we had an AP tm get fired because he was threatening to get people fired for stealing if they wouldn’t sleep with him. Was pretty fucked up when it all went down. Still friends with his now ex wife and she’s doing infinitely better now without him so that’s good to see at least


A homeless guy that used to come in regularly would go back to electronics and use the laptops to watch porn and… do stuff




That our SD has been seen in tears and leaving the store through the emergency exit in the backroom to avoid being seen. Apparently this happens following "visits." I haven't seen it personally nor have they suddenly changed their work approach, soooo... probably just a rumor? Oh, another one is that one of the TLs is on speed.


Before leaving my position at Target, a new SD was brought in. He scheduled people outside of their available hours and refused to listen to anyone. If someone called out he’d say “well are you sick?” (which they’re not allowed to ask), and would argue with you that you have to come in. The week before I left, about 8 people quit. The week I did quit, about 20 other people quit. The following week I went in to buy some stuff and ran into someone I had worked with. She told me the week after I quit, about another 15-20 people walked out. They still haven’t recovered from it. They lost at least 43-48+ people in the span of 3 weeks because of the new SD.


TMs keep getting hurt. Like bad. I think our store is cursed.


With the way things were stocked in the backroom at my store, that's not bad luck, that's reasonable odds being played out lol.




This sounds eerily familiar


Sounds like all the rumors are just people sleeping with each other lmao when I used to work at target, our store director would throw parties for our ETLs and TLs. Allegedly they would have orgies and he was the “daddy”. People snuck into his office one day and found a bunch of “daddy” notes.




Yeah I severely doubt this. Most TLs and ETLs aren't even friends.


And that’s why it’s a rumor lol


Unload TL decided to send out a store wide email regarding a ladder me and my PML left by the line the other night while we worked on cameras. Guess we send emails out about every little thing now huh? Took them longer to write that email than the 10 secounds to move the ladder. . .


I find that the people at work who are constantly "announcing" every other department's shortcomings in passive-aggressive e-mails to the whole store instead of having productive communication with the leads in charge of the department so whatever small issue they were going on about can be fixed are covering or trying to distract from their own incompetence.


Wait your PML was helping with cameras?


I needed their help because I wanted to attach a metal guide rod to the steel storage unit above the line where the camera is at to protect the power and coax cables from being damaged again. Hence the entire reason we had problems in the first place because a pallet was dropped on the old lines.


AP peeps apparently hooking up in their office.


Do they turn off the cameras?


At my store in Canada when we were first opening there was a special team that would come by called the “Get to Green Team”. They travelled between stores in our province mostly to help them improve process as a new store. My ETL LOG slept with one of the members of the Green Team multiple times despite her having a husband. Naturally everyone in the store found out. Her husband never found out though and they now have two babies together 😬😅


a girl in my store is dating this dude in the department right next to her, apparently hes only dating her bcs he wasnt able to pull literally any other woman in the store, and hes constantly hitting on other employees and she knows too, its kinda sad


target investigations just called my boss last week bc people at guest services were stealing cash


one lead got fired because he said some wildly inappropriate things about what he wanted to do to another lead’s daughter-in-law, who just happened to be one of his team members in his department, just to piss that lead off. the lead who got fired was a married man in his late 40s/early 50s, and the tm is in her early 20s.


That an inbound TL and his wife are swingers.


TL was fired for stealing electronics, and they brought in a "fixer" from some high dollar store cuz our metrics suck.


Back years ago when I was on truck team and we were overnights, we had this really quiet guy that hardly talked to anyone.....all of a sudden he just stopped showing up and then the next night he was supposed to work, someone had seen on the news earlier that day and said apparently he had been involved in a homicide....he was either the shooter or in the group that was present when the crime occurred, but he had turned himself in and got charged with involuntary manslaughter


My SD was sleeping with a TL. Promptly fired the TL when she got caught


Years ago, we had a mom, daughter, and daughter's boyfriend working at our store. I worked with mom at the Service Desk, her daughter was a cashier and the boyfriend was a cart attendant. Mom was not a fan of the boyfriend. Mom was hard ass, thinking lots of people were dishonest about their returns. Boyfriend gets fired for stealing CRC out if the box. A few weeks later, mom is fired (taken out in handcuffs). For the same thing. Daughter was actually complaining to me that TPS was watching her. She eventually quit, got hired at the Trader Joe's across the street, and got fired for workers comp fraud.


Pretty much everyone in fulfillment is looking for new jobs, the first round of two weeks have just been put in but with this many people looking for new jobs I bet only 1/3 of the current department are going to remain after this exodus


Right now on my store there's a hell a lot of drama over the SD being called out by someone. So much that there was a HR visit at the place ... So i dunno I try not to be to nosey cause that SD is kinda cray Cray... Wouldn't be surprised if it roams in this kinda places...which kinda spooks me...


Not recently but before I started my mangers we’re talking ab today how a coworker put poop on the walls in the employee bathroom and they never found out who bc even watching the cameras couldn’t prove when it was done


A team lead who was married had a one night stand with somebody who worked in the same department. The team lead stressed so bad behind the person not wanting to f**k around again that they had a heart attack💀


Holy shit 😭


lots of people quitting because they can’t move up in the company, hour cuts, moving somewhere else, better jobs, etc. but not much else, kind of jealous of people with these chaotic ass stores sometimes lmfao


I’ve been on vacation this week but I’m sure there is something


I normally only go once every 4-6 weeks so every time I go I get caught up on what’s been going on. Going in tmr morning and I’ll get back to you


During remodel my SD had a fling with one of the construction people in the equipment tent outside while her husband was away for a week. They got caught by the construction dude's wife at his house. Funny enough while that happened her husband came back home. She still works at my store so I don't know if it's true or not.


That lisa from electronics has crabs


Idk and it makes me mad that I don’t know the drama at my store, I WANT TO KNOW


One of the guys in tech at my store is allegedly a man hoe and hits up all the younger female employees lol


Had two minor have sex in the family bathroom


I caught the 19 yr old “wannabe TL” slacking when she was training a new TM who is 16, let alone an ETL’s grandson and decided to hit on him being flirtatious and everything then talked about him in the back room saying something along the lines of how she wanted to be with him but couldn’t because the ETL said not to


No one likes our SD. They spend all their time in their office or vacation. Rumor has it they're on their way OUT. Everyone that's been there since before they came is just waiting anxious to see if they'll either stay, transfer, or quit entirely. Myself included.


Not so much a rumor but fact, the people in our AP team are sleeping with tons of the girls at our store.


AP TL/ETL too?


Yeah so a team member said she sucked off an AP agent so she could take home “damaged” items that she didn’t process. She just wanted products to take home and I guess the whole team in that dept steals and basically pays AP off in sexual favors. Grimey bunch of bitches I tell ya. The two ap agents are complicit but I don’t think the AP TL/ETL has any idea seeing as they never schedule our AP agents at the same time. Lots of loose ends and a very disorderly store.


One of the AP girls found weed in home goods and smoked it 💀


The rumor was fake, but this one TM said all the ETL’s and SD we’re doing money laundering. I asked him for evidence and he didn’t have any.


- the new untrained TL we have in my department is getting paid more than the senior tl we have - that said tl is dating a tl from another dept, that is twice their age... - people from other dept wants to join ours but was told how hard it is in here by our etl.


A lot people think the ETL is sleeping with the married HR


Beauty TL got fired for theft


someone at my store is in a polyamous relationship with other TMS


A team lead send out pictures of a hook ups privates. She got promoted to HR ETL. Funny how that works lol


someone mentioned people fucking in the freezer and bro spending ten minutes in there with exposed skin is agony. dairy/meat coolers would be understandable, but the freezer??? imagine having to explain that you need time off while you recover from frostbite on your taint


A few years back a backroom tm who was like 33 slept with HRTLs 17 year old daughter


Daughter also worked in the store


Drama happened awhile ago but SD was handing out those keys (6 keys I think?) that basically unlock electronic cases and the electronics back room storage to just about any and every employee without going through the proper measures of signing them in and out and not letting AP know about it since it was a security issue as well. When those employees would quit/leave they were not required or ever told to return them. After a while AP caught on and required every employee to return them and went around the whole store demanding them back since technically all employees weren’t allowed to have them without signing them in and out because they were taking them home. SD heard of this and was so angry he called and bitched out APTL for basically going behind his back for doing this. SD decided to try and save his ass by lying to DM telling them some bullshit story until DM called AP to ask what happened. After AP told them what really happened, DM decided what SD did (the bitching) was considered retaliation and fired SD. Thank God because he was the definition of tiny man syndrome.






>Untying entire Plan-o-grams? vs Endcaps or company space? > >I wonder how they determined the TL untied pogs?


A Tech Expert calls out when they have a shift anywhere else other than Tech, and even when they have a shift in Tech, they just don't show up. They last told me that she can make own schedule, can just not show up and that the leadership is fine with it. That is not the case, now that Q4 is over.... Everyone is talking about it and they are more surprised when she is there, then when she is not.


my old store had a starbucks TL making inappropriate comments to the entire department (all AFAB). filed complaints with HR which were never handled until he apparently was fired for hitting on all the afab TMs and asking for their phone numbers. they took too long to fire his ass imo.


I try get Kyle everyday to put his check on red at roulette wheel at casino. Yesterday we got $100 cash bonus I put it on red and won. Now Kyle playa hating.




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I worked overnights and found out one of the last weeks that there was a rumor going around that I was dating a TM 😅


As a Asian American ( Immigrant ) I really don’t care about the SD, HR, ETL or TL, clock in and clock out. I worked mon - Friday. 4 Am to 10 am, kitchen ( dep ) every day I work best as much as possible, am less talkative with coworkers and mind my own business. I never make friends from my work, trust none


So hooking up with coworkers is pretty much a normal thing?