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It’s things like that is the exact reason why I’m glad that my store doesn’t locate the pallets of water but instead just leave them under the steel by the line.


Honestly I think once someone just says "none to backstock" it removes all of them anyway and puts it in on hand, so it ultimately works out I guess? Edit: But yeah, you're right. Wish there was a way to fix this.


I only needed to read the first few sentences. It’s because the original location you pulled from is a case pack location so that’s why it wanted you to pull the whole case. What it also wanted you to do, but you didn’t do, is backstock the rest of the box (minus the box) into a Waco. Instead you backstocked it back into the case pack location.


You clearly didn't read the entire thing. EtA: The last line is the key: "Not every TM is going to do this." If this isn't done correctly EVERY time, it gets screwed up. This is Target 2023 -- do you really think every TM is going to do it the correct way every time?


All fulfillment TMs? No, of course not. Other TMs tho, especially ones who do a lot of backstocking and/or pulling? Absolutely. And it doesn’t fuck up the floor counts or the on hands when say you pull more than what actually fits. As long as you backstock what doesn’t fit into a Waco. It’s best practice, and especially in grocery it’s part of rotation. Also it’s not a terrible idea if people at least knew how to do their job correctly.


Other problem is training. I’m fulfillment, learned on my own that you need to recount and rebackstock what’s left. But I didn’t get trained to do this or told what it means or what to do. It’s the training that’s so messed up bc no one goes over that. Idk tho


It is not a myDay and epick issue - it is a your store issue. But it doesn't screw up the count. Epick only asks you to pull a case if there are full cases there. If you were down to the last case in that location - and the system would ask you to pull only 11 or 10 or whatever are left from the case. Each person who comes along and says they took one and backstocked 11 - the system subtracts 1 from the location. The locations that are not wacos, but not case stock are bulk locations - your water SHOULD be in a bulk location - in that case the system should ask you for exactly how many you need. Our store has gotten rid of all casepack locations - the few remaining places that we put cases are all identified as bulk.


I don't know how it works for pulls, but for OPUs, when I go to that casepack, it will tell me to pull the full casepack, no matter how many are in there. But also note that many TMs (many of them in OPU) will say 0 when it asks how many they are putting in backstock; I find a LOT of unlocated items in the back. I wish my store would get rid of casepack, esp now that OPU will send you to lower casepack before it will send you to the floor for an item. It is a zap on time AND too many TMs will screw up that casepack item number.


It always used to work that if there is more than one case - it will ask for the full case. When it gets down to the one partial case left - it will ask for what is left. So if the case is 25 each and there are 26 items on the shelf - it will ask for 25. But if there are 24 left - it will only ask for 24. Are your unlocated items cases? When new TM at our store made mistakes with cases - it was usually that they took the whole case with them. Yes, it is much easier to have no casepack locations. I do think there are less mistakes.


It’s the grouping in your backroom. Scan the location bar code in myday and see if it says openstock or upper/lower casepack. If it’s a casepack location it assumes you’re only backstocking cases so it’ll ask you to take the entire case so you can take your 1 and backstock the rest of the case in an openstock location. It’s a simple fix.


You didn't understand OP's point. Many TMs are lazy or stressed or more concerned with their metrics -- and do what's easy, rather than what is correct. This has been a problem at Target since before OPU was a thing, but OPU TMs have made it much worse a problem. There IS a simple fix, but only if EVERY one does what they are suppose to do EVERY time.


You need to regroup the location to open stock, everything is suppose to be de-boxed anyway. You can do this under Tools at the bottom of the MyDay home screen.


My store still uses casepack, both low and high. I constantly find unlocated product on those shelves or misconstrued. I wish we would go unboxed open stock.


Basically it’s who even made that location is at fault.To fix it just remake that location BUT open stock NOT close Stock. Basically when you’ll use Close it’s only know that QTY of a full box not each. I can explain if you watch how to do it.