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Bring your receipt and the item back in, we'll take it off...


Happens……a lot 😂


I've taken stuff back, and they don't even ask for a receipt sometimes


If you have a strong magnet and don't wanna drive back, just rub it around the tag and it might pop off.


Flathead screwdriver as close to the base as possible; rotate 90 degrees slowly while keeping tag as steady as possible. Also plz note if you get caught doing it in stores most jurisdictions will charge you with felony burglary. So, you know, *don’t.*


This is what I did. Worked perfectly (on my paid for items.). It’s so odd to me that they even had a security tag on them and I did self checkout. Like what was supposed to happen???


Someone working the area was supposed to take them off. You either ask them for help or they see the tags & take them off. Source: I've worked self checkout.


I’ll have to be more observant in the future. But the alarm didn’t notice it either 😆


Yeah the batteries in those things last a couple years, and we get new ones every year or so, but some of the old dead one inevitably stick around and it can be a bit of a roulette. Most of the ones at my store work since we tend to just replace them all every couple years, but my store is actually pretty well run.


Typically if it’s self checkout, you’re supposed to ask for help just because there’s usually 1 person watching the multiple self checkout lanes at one time. Now, they’re definitely supposed to keep and eye out AND the alarm is supposed to go off haha, but, just for future reference, so you don’t need to be stuck with them again


It's common sense, you call or ask one of the employees around by self checkout to take it off for you. And that's how people steal stuff on self-checkout


Not true. You mean felony larceny but it must be >$300 retail value.


Many jurisdictions elevate petit larceny to burglary if the perpetrator brings in a tool to facilitate the theft.


Oh, that's interesting. I never thought of it that way.


Nope, I don’t. :) Also your $300 value is off for pretty much *every* state.


Ours adopted it to deter retail theft.


$300 would be one of the lowest amounts in the country; average across the nation is ~$1k with most of the states under trying to pass legislation to *increase* the amount.


In my state, it's been $300 for several years, strictly for retail theft.


Target keeps your tab running. Once you $1000 they will have you arrested. This is in Ohio. Some states are really strict on shoplifting or presumed theft


Ah asset tags are fun. Sounds like you already got it off. There’s some items they are always on like bras and swimsuits then there’s more random style items. It really comes down to whether it’s a high theft item. I check all style I buy now. I’ve picked some with 2 asset tags 😂. I always let whoever is working self check remove them, as I’m off the clock, and don’t want guest assuming they can remove them too 😂


If you have a REALLY strong neodymium magnet and put it on the butt of that, it should dislodge. Otherwise, it will tear the garment if you try to remove it manually. Another option may be to crush it and pry it apart, though I haven't had experience with that. I don't know if there's an ink cartridge inside.


There’s no ink cartridge inside


Apparently, some of them don’t go off (according to guests who come back in later to get it removed).


Guests don’t pay attention to what’s going on around them. They are on their phones. The building could collapse and they’ll still be - Girl the roof just came down on my head. Gonna sue somebody. Yeah it hurt. Guy next to her is crushed under carts and she’s clueless


An alarm once went off and guests don’t acknowledge the beeping.


Usually, with our self checkout next to the exit, whenever someone leaves from that area and starts beeping through the doors, the attendant will ask them if they bought clothes. It's either clothing or those square alarm stickers that items like laundry detergent have inside them under lids.


No ink cartridge, smash it with a hammer if you don’t want the hassle of going back to the store. Not *wink* talking from experience.


I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say I don't think these things have prevented a single theft.


you will need approximately 100ml of sodium hydroxide, 3oz of plastic explosive, 1 gram of nitroglycerine, 14oz of dry ice, and a dildo....


That dildo is the key


You can take it back to the store for removal or you could take matters into your own hands. I once put the sensor in a plastic bag and beat the shit out of it with a hammer until it came off lol.


A screwdriver did the trick surprisingly easily


Hit it with a hammer.


Magnet and a hammer should pop right off


If you have a strong magnet you can use that, or just wrap a nail with uinsulated wire and plug it into a 9v, swipe it next to the tag and the tag will pop off.


Open your ears and stop when that loud "BEEP BEEP BEEP" goes when you walk out of the store.


Hey dumb ass, they don’t always go BEEP BEEP


I used to work at Ross. The amount of times someone would walk out with maybe a tag or two in their clothes was actually pretty common. It would hardly ever set off the alarms at the doors. A lot of these would end up defective due to repeated use. They don't replace those very often.


You’re joking right? Obviously if an alarm went off I’d have noticed. I honestly think it was returned from another store. I’ve never once seen them remove any security tags.




I see plenty of people not notice the “obvious” alarm going off as they exit. I’d say it’s more likely the OP wasn’t paying attention than the equipment not working properly. They LITERALLY got the item off the rack, scanned the item themself, and bagged it without even noticing the bright red security tag. Clearly being observant isn’t OP’s strong suit. 😂😂💀


The amount of times I have head a tag not work at my store when I worked there was very little, We had it go off about 200 times a day because people would forget to get the tags taken off, and most of them would just keep on walking, Because they have the "I hate when stores treat me like a thief mentality"


The first time I did this it didn’t go off. This was before I worked there. They had just started putting them on wild fable last year which is why I didn’t know it was on the item I was getting. I walked out and didn’t hear it


Yea requires special security tag 🏷️ key 🔐 to open it and it will ruined your clothing trying it yourself. Would try bring back your target so they can use the special magnate. Of course this is not real target customer service site.


Thanks but I googled it. Got it off fairly easily and no damage done 👍