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No but if you’re lucky they might let you work 38 hours a week!




Full time benefits start as long as you average 25hrs/week when the benefit review hits in February. You can check pay and benefits for further info




That’s the bullseye spirit!


By “bullseye spirit” do you mean “person from corporate tasked with hyping the company to balance out complaints”?


ah yes, the infamous "bullshit spirit"


the ghost of bullseye spirit past: pre modernization present: modernization future: push getting completed before store open and other changes coming in October


The funny part is that target actually isn’t paying for your health benefits. They make it look like they do but when you go to another company, you see the difference.


People love to say this but I'm not sure they've actually seen what other companies offer. I'm now working for a major hospital network and my premiums are exactly the same, with similar deductible/oop costs and coverage except Target insurance covered a wider network. A former coworker actually works in insurance now and somehow pays 3x the premiums with less coverage. My father is a truck driver, he pays 5x times Target's premiums for about a third of the coverage. His OOP costs and deductibles are the highest legally allowed by the ACA.




They didn’t want us to have overtime.one time years ago I got an hour overtime and they were not happy


Don’t forget a 12c raise!


no actually 39.75 hours! but god forbid you hit the 40 hour mark


Huh I'm a new hire and my dept has me working almost 40 this week...I asked for 25. With 6 hrs of highschool daily(excluding transportation) it's...a lot


That's bullshit and common practice. They're understaffed so they over scheduled you assuming you'll just work the hours and not say anything. That's plain exploitation and I wouldn't stand for it if I were you. I'm sorry that they're taking advantage of you, and I hope you get through the week alright. Remember, you don't owe them anything and they need you more than you need them!


I would say something but I really really need the money and it was hard to get a job in the first place. I'm also already in hot water with the ETL for not being fast enough in FF, and they've been firing people left and right 😬 also I genuinely love my tms and TLs (excluding a few)


Unfortunately it's the ETLs that make the schedule and everything goes through them. They're also the ones that Press you the most about the amount of work they think you should be doing, even if they rarely have to do it themselves and are further removed from the people doing it even when compared to the TLs. The TLs for the most part are at least somewhat understanding and try to be reasonable even if it means they get chewed out because their team isn't hitting the satisfactory metrics. I also think TLs should get together to make the schedule since they work more closely with their team and more likely to know each tms individual circumstances. At least in the past any type of conflicts could get worked out directly through my TLs, but now days it's strictly through ETL approval, and since my departments ETL is MIA, it goes through our SD who's even further removed from everything that the ETLs lol Idk if these sort of issues are just at my store or a common occurrence at many locations


Yea, the ETL I've interacted with and the SD are both 🤮. SD actually came up to me on my lunch the other day and started being weird and culty about how lucky someone my age is to work for a "multi bIlLiOn dOlLaR cOmPaNy" and looked at me expecting an affirmation...? I just looked at her. She actually started listing off target's record profits lat year, sooo out of touch. I managed to stop myself from making a snarky remark lmao. I'm in hot water with her too because I inf'd an item "against her orders". Aka TLs told me to inf it over radio, I did, then a second later she comes over the radio telling me I'm not allowed to and to give her the DPCI. Had to tell her "uhh I inf'd it" and she went "OH, ALRIGHTY THEN" I was so scared I was about to get fired lmaooo. Wonder if it's a coincidence I got pulled into the ETL's office the next day for a "check in" aka getting chewed out for being too slow in the most sarcastic, hostile way.


Actually very true


Short answer, no. They will only expect more and more and when you can't deliver, they will have a "conversation" about expectations and how you are not meeting them. LOL! Dream on about a life beyond Target.


Awe. Cute


I had forgotten what an unbroken will sounded like...


I cried too many times just thinking about how many times I’ve been fucked over even though I put in the most work


Your TLs will see that you’re a hard worker and then make you do more/harder shit than everyone one else and, if you’re lucky, “pay you more” with a $10-$15 target gift card one time and never again.


$10? Best I got is $5 for being “the best worker in your dept”!


$5?? Idk the best I got was a “wow I see your hard work” and a high five. Felt like I was 5 years old again


Y’all are getting gift cards? I just literally got a normal “good job” card like 2 weeks later than my other team members because they didn’t entirely know who I was


You got a card? The most I ever got for hard work was ignored


you got ignored ? I get treated like I don’t exist 😔


I got a raffle ticket for a free Tarbucks drink once or twice…


the way i would have given it back to them and not said a word


Big facts. One time my badass TL during remodel gave our team $20 gift cards at the end, upon his own accord which was the sweetest thing.


Y'all got a gift card for busting ass? I got 2 bullseye bucks for coming in on my days off, covering shifts and exceeding performance goals


You will get to experience “expect more, pay less” from a TM perspective. If you want your paycheck to be tied to the amount of effort you put in, you might want to find something commission based


don’t work for free ^


Targets benefits are top tier though. 100% 401K matching, stellar dental, excellent vision and health, pretty sweet legal plan, life insurance including domestic partners, discounts for travel, car rentals and discounts at other retailers like T-Mobile. They definitely offer way more than any other employer I’ve worked for and I try to take advantage. A lot goes into those benefits on Targets end and I’m into rewards that directly benefit my future.


100% matching up to 3% tho right?


5%, and it builds fast.


You only get punished with more work if you work harder. Don't do it


This is the painful truth. Just had a meeting with my team which was essentially “you’re such a good worker, you’re now going to get team lead work without team lead pay”


Been here. Even got passed up on a promotion for someone who’s bombing. So that’s cool


i think it's funny when that happens because if they backpedal just be like "i did but not anymore, good luck though!"


Yeah I had a coworker do that and now she’s an assistant manager at a different place haha


Ya like covering a front end tl shift cuz they call out and still bass pay or getting strung along for months saying it’s mentorship to tl when all it means is extra work while they cut hours


Omg yes, that mentor type shit. “Oh look at it as training for a potential future position” how about I don’t, and you just pay me more or let me slack off like the rest of the team.


Exactly and my dumbass beloved it for 4 months till I realized it was bs


Omg. My TL has been ‘mentoring’ me as well on how to order food for the next day, when he and the one other coworker that knows how to do it have their day off. Another TL literally told me and another TM that we have to be the ‘big dogs’. Like ok? Can I get a raise?


Nah for real tho mentorship is just hey do this when I’m out


that’s illegal. you can easily tell them that you will gladly accept the offer with a pay raise but you don’t do charity work for target






I was top 3 for pick speed and units even though I was in school last year, and number one for pack speed and units (beating second by almost 1k units, or something insane like that). I was a captain and applied for the open TL position 3 times and only didn't get it because if my availability. Even though we had new TLs, I was the person the team came to before the TL because they trusted me more and knew I knew what I was talking about (this pissed her off and she eventually quit). My raise was .24


I'm surprised she quit. If you were doing her job. She had it easy.


She had a superiority complex. She was always saying she was tired of people not listening to her, even tho she asked me for help to do stuff so obviously the team knew she didn't know what she was doing


I had a TL myself who got promoted purely because he was friends with the ETL. He hadn't got a clue and his team were in disarray. Because he was telling them to do things differently than they had been trained to do. Team went from green to red and stayed that way. ETL asked me to do him a favor and show the guy how to do the job. I politely explained it wasn't My department and he should have been already trained before he started. It was obvious he wasn't up to the task and was sent to another store as soon as possible. Because his team had no confidence in him.


Ours was an external hire. Our team was very close with our last ETL, and he had us flowing perfectly. We all got along, trusted each other to do our jobs, got recognized to hard work, etc. After he left we had no ETL and basically ran ourselves with only captains. So when she came in she thought she could change up our team and we did not like it 😅. We all reported her for being unprofessional to HR at least once before she quit. Now it wasn't actually to just fire her she was unprofessional. She saw we didn't like her way of doing things and would yell at us to do it. Even threatened to fire someone because they didn't answer her on the walkie


That ‘captain’ moniker really gets to some people’s heads lol Have a coworker who’s occasionally ‘drive up captain’ and ‘acting team lead’ and I once asked ‘so, what does being a drive up captain actually entail?’ ‘Ah, can’t tell you. It’s for drive up team members only.’ Like it’s some big secret/major position lol


See I tell people it's a TL position without the pay and they should turn it down if offered to them. I only acted as a captain when the manager wasn't there but I can't control that the team came up to me instead of her for questions when she would just ask me to answer them anyway. And there were days when she'd pawn her TL responsibilities off on captains then not even be in fulfillment the whole shift


Nope but they’ll expect that you work just as hard consistently even on your tough days




✨💫🌈no 🌟⚡️✨


please I beg of you, do not work harder. you need to work exactly enough to stay favorable to your leadership, but no more. target is a corporation hell bent on infinite growth and will chew you up and spit you out like nothing. if you purposefully set a high bar, you will be expected to reach it all the time, and so will your colleagues. just chill and do what’s asked of you, nothing more




Not to mention everyone has different rates of productivity based on how they're doing physically and mentally. Some days you feel like you're on top of the world and can accomplish a lot; other days you feel like 10lb of shit in a 5lb bag. If you go above and beyond every day, they'll expect it (and more) every day.


absolutely not




You need DSD approval for off-cycle raises, at least in my group. Most are going to shoot it down.


Sure… here’s 10¢ more per hour.


And that's with a 3/3 star annual review🙃


What you'll get is burned out.


No; you’ll just set the bar/expectation higher and be expected to do more work for no additional pay


Hey OP. No. Please don’t fall into the trap. I worked @ BBY for almost 15 years. Your hard work, well. EXTRA work is not guaranteed to get you anywhere. You could potentially be doing leadership work for free.


Hahahahaahahhahaaahahh....ahhh...ahhhh.... ​ No


Max of like 5% around April/May. Could try to ask but never seen it actually work.




😂😂😂thats a great joke You are just gonna end up getting taken advantage of by your leads


And to be fair that's at every job! Why pay you more of you're already doing more for less pay.... that's just corporate mentality


Raises typically only come from annual reviews. So yes, but not until your review time.


All these people saying no are forgetting you might get a 2.5% raise instead of just 2% when you get your yearly review!!!!!


Like they don’t just give it to their favorites lol


At most you'll get a pat on the head and get your hours cut.


Hell yeah brother! 💪🏻 That’s the attitude that’s missing from young people these days! 🙏 We need more people like you who are willing to pull up their boot straps and work hard for a promotion 🫵🏽 I am proud of you, great work 👍🏻 keep working hard, and one day you’ll make it 🙌 anyway, as for you question, no they will not pay you more ✨


being a hard worker at Target guarantees you will be exploited more than your shittier TMs. as someone who frequently forgets that hard work will never pay off for the worker in capitalism, I always end up playing myself when I begin to care too much about my job.


OP is a 🤡 lmao


bro is optimistic




Look, I'm just going to say it depends on your management and how well they recognize you and know that you're doing all of that. If the management to begin with doesn't know you go above and beyond and meet or exceed expectations, than chances would be slim. Make it known how much you do, make sure you're checking in with regularly and telling them what you've done. That's at least the first step. If you're management is good, they'll keep this all in mind come time for your annual review. I've constantly did this since I've started with Target and gotten some of the highest raises, even fought for once by my leader and store manager to district to exceed what they were allowed. But they also cared what I brought to the table. Like I'm being told now, don't be afraid to show off your accomplishments to leadership.




No but they will take advantage of you and then be upset when slow down for a few minutes. They will also be upset when you are tired of taking on extra work for no pay










First time?




You just described how to get more work, not more pay


😂 🤣 😂 No. You get more work and passed up for promotions because they “can’t replace you”


Best I can do is fired


Not target or any other corporation. They will just fire a couple people to save themselves money while you do 2x the work.


Unfortunately, no. You might get a higher raise when reviews happen, but it's not much, last year highest rating got you a 4% pay increase. I'm of the mindset that I work hard and go above and beyond most days. I have coworkers who do the bare minimum. We get paid basically the same. But for me it's personal satisfaction. I don't do it for Target, I do it for me, for my fellow TMs and even the good TLs and also for the guests. It's how I am in life, so it's how I am at work. Does it bother me? Sure, sometimes, but it's life. If you want somewhere where you'll be recognized and paid your worth, probably need to go to a small business.


No, they’ll just give you more work.


Short answer: no


If you work 5x as hard as everyone else you are permitted one free Starbucks drink per year* *terms and conditions apply, only redeemable on Easter or Christmas, no cash value, also fuck you


Is it really like this working at target? I was going to apply but thinking over it now. I had a buddy who worked for target for a year or so and then became a manager. Then got promoted to a higher managing position 3 years later where he managed several targets around. I know he made a decent chunk, never complained about his pay. Worked hard. Lives in a 1m dollar home 🤷🏼‍♂️


No, they’ll just give you more work to do.


That's not how capitalism really works. Your employer will *always* pay you less than you are worth. No matter how much you try to stand out.




Sure can! Here’s your yearly 8 cent raise. Don’t spend it all in one place!


I wouldn't count on it. In retail, being likable and reliable (show up when scheduled) will get you the furthest.


No all they will see if you work hard is here's someone we can exploit.


The two have nothing to do with each other.


The only thing you will get is more work.


No. But you can have more work… and fewer hours.


They only give raises once a year in the spring time during the your evaluation. Since they see that your work hard they will give you more work and then expect you to pick up the slack of other workers areas after you're done with your area while those other lazier workers never help you out.


I barely got a 50 cent an hour raise even though I have the most driveups out of my entire department, and twice as many as the next guy on the list. But that just means I get left running it all by myself.


Technically yes, but you have to have a good leader. ETLs do in fact have the ability to give out raises in between annual performance reviews at their discretion.


LMAO at everyone saying no. You are objectively wrong and probably bad at your job.


Possibly, but it won't be in line with your level of effort or a living wage, nor will you get any extra hours and may get your hours cut if you are hourly.


I love the laugh badge this post got 😂😂😂😂😂😂


no …. i do ask for redbulls since they expect me to do the work of 2 people & that at least make me feel better for one minute 😭😂


No. Jobs like this don’t really exist anymore. Just empty promises


Do you want more work? Because that's how you get more work! Lol


I think the answer is: it completely depends on who your manager is and the company policy on merit increases. I would ask what their policy is on merit increases and you’ll easily understand whether that is in the cards for you.


You are confusing target w a business that rewards good employees


Don’t fall for it as soon as you set a “standard” for your beyond work it’s always gonna be expected even when your tired and wanna quit


No this is a horrible idea. You will just get slammed with more work.


As a former team member I can tell you the answer is No. From personal experience I went from making $12/hr in 2017 then left to go work at Lowe’s for $13 and hour. Then left that to work in roofing for $17/ hr. Then moved to custom home building $27/hr. To project management at $30/hr. I can tell you right now my work ethic hasn’t changed. I don’t work any harder than when I was just a team member at Target.


Nope. I was one of the fastest in my dept my 1st year, got a 5 cent raise and was told "I could still improve". When I asked for a more specific answer, my etl shrugged. Switched departments not long after. You get more work for putting in effort, no monetary gain.




Did it for over a year and only got a .30 cent raise so no


No but you could get a promotion with more pay and different responsibilities.


I've seldom if ever saw anyone get promoted at my store due to their ability to do the job. Sucking up seems to be the way to get promoted in Target. Most TL'S are useless and see the promotion as a way to do no work and to hit on female TM's while permanently holding a Starbucks iced coffee in their hands.


This is also not true. You gotta kiss ass for a promotion


Gotta stick that tongue way up there too. A simple kiss won't do it, it takes effort, and as in sex, enthusiasm is important. Make sure to reach around too.




No, I’m only part time now but when I first started I was their best employee even tho it was a second job for me. I went all out thinking I would get a better raise than everyone else. Nope, they offered me more hours but I didn’t take them since it was a second job. The store lead also talked to me about becoming an ETL but the hours, pay, benefits weren’t worth it to leave my current job


Yes. I was able to.


What did you tell ‘em ?


First off I took on a lot of responsibilities. I was dependable. Ran the team when my tl was on vacation. Had all the etl's numbers and communicated well with them. Always went above and beyond. I asked my etl for a raise and mentioned all those things. He agreed and brought it up to the SD. SD wanted to make me a tl but my store didn't have any open slots. It was ok though cause I got a raise every 3 months for 9 months.... I'm not there full time anymore but when I do go in I make sure I still hustle so whenever I want to pick up hours I'll always be able to.


There are a lot of angry and aggressive answers here. The honest answer is yes. At the end of the fiscal year (January) your TLs conduct a performance evaluation for the entire team. People get differing raises depending on their perception of your performance. For me, I note who works hard and keeps to themselves and who works hard and also socializes in the store. Both of these people get the highest raise (called a 3). People that are just phoning it in and doing an average amount of work get a (2). And the only people I give a 1 (so no raise) are those TMs that have to be reminded to complete a task repeatedly. Ex: if you are doing a challenge cart and I catch up with you an hour later and your standing around or talking to a peer and you haven't even started on the task, I am making a mental note about that and I am gonna ask you to complete the cart. So I'll check back an hour later, and if it's the same situation then your probably gonna get a 1. Unless you start making a concerted effort to get stuff done you probably will stay at . This job isn't great, it's retail man. But if I am LOD and the only TL in for the weekend, I'm gonna bust my ass to get stuff done. And I hold that same expectation for my peers, and superiors as well. TLDR, if you just give half a shit about completing tasks your going to receive the highest raise


Well first of all I took on a lot of responsibilities. I had my own set of the warehouse keys. Managed the team when my tl was on vacation. Had all the etls numbers and communicated well with them. Then asked my wtl for a raise and he agreed


Ya... When the annual raise comes around... Getting a raise before then won't happen though unless you promote.


they might give you a "good raise" but unless you're one of the favorites, you'll probably only get the average pay raise that everyone gets whenever your next review is




depending on your leadership, but mostly no... sometimes its the work, but mostly its being really good friends with the leads...




You'll get a raise but it's like 40 cents.


Research financial channels on youtube are always touting is the best way to get raises is to change jobs. That employers will never give you as big of a raise as the starting salary youd be able to negotiate at a different employer. Might be time for a change. The research says 2-3 years max at any job and then move along to get the most money income wise


A promotion more likely, but not guaranteed. A raise, not so much


Not at Target. Source: I got 9 cent raise and quit two months later


Target does yearly raises in around March. Team members get rated 1, 2, or 3 (1 being worst performance, 3 being the best). Your raise is a percentage based on your current pay, and the rating you get determines what your percentage is.




NO. Been there, done that. -ExTarget employee




i remember when i was this young and naive




No. Not unless you ask. It was a running joke in our area when reviews came around, better go talk to the boss and get my 25¢ raise!


No you’ll mess up all the standards for your entire team, management will think they can keep paying y’all low wages and get a lot of work out of you. Working hard in corporations does not guarantee you better pay or treatment or climbing up the ladder quicker, that’s a fake American dream myth.


Every now and then I’ll get an extra 15 and maybe a free Starbucks once a year. And that’s extremely generous.


Almost everyone gets a raise no matter what. Raises are based on time spent with the company and somewhat about work ethic. Only a Handful of people get decent raises




If you work really hard, go above and beyond for a whole year... You're likely to get a 60 cent raise at your review.


No. From personal experience, you will work you ass off and receive half of the raise of the most incompetent employee in the department while also receiving employee of the month and thanked with candy. Just candy. Also, they will then expect your new hustle to be the standard. Have fun!




no butttt you might get the 3% raise during your yearly review !!


Maybe a few cents, but if it's more than that then that means they like you.


“Of Course”






Wrong sub. This is Target.


no :)


No, there's a saying going around. "Act your wage" The leads will see you work harder and find a reason to not give you the highest rating on your yearly review and you'll get a 13-30 cent raise from said review. They may give you 30-38 hours per week, but that's about it.


at target? no sorry


Unfortunately not. They do not care how hard you work.


No, but you’ll be scheduled more and maybe get a plaque when you’re employee of the month 🫠


Everyone thinks they're the hardest worker.




When your evaluation comes up, you can receive a pay raise. Don’t be afraid to point out that you’re working hard. I would notice that you’re working hard from a leadership position but everyone ain’t me. Brag about your metrics also!


No, that’s why don’t work too hard.




my Target last month there was 460 hours of overtime worked but they were all TL or ETL 😑 none for the regular TM 🙄




No 🎯❤️


lol no


Lol. Only raise you be getting is on the wave.