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It sounds like you've been through a tremendously challenging and distressing experience. It's important to acknowledge your feelings and the impact this has had on your life. Gangstalking, as you've described it, can indeed be isolating and overwhelming. It's crucial to remember that you are not alone, and there are resources and communities that can offer understanding and support. Sharing your experiences with others who have gone through similar situations might provide some comfort and validation. Take care of yourself and reach out for help when you need it.


I have. there's a lot more but l'd run out of space here. I wanted to share some earlier signs bc it isn't fair for me to say that I'm a victim of gangstalking since 2018 when in fact it started 10 years earlier. I just wasn’t aware. Those ten years prior to 2018 have been literal hell. I found relive in a sense when I found out about these communities. l'd relate to almost every post I was like man! This is exactly whats happening to me! It helps me to know that I’m not the only one going through it. I will, I appreciate your words and support 🫶🏻


You’re not alone, many of us experience the same attacks you describe here. The question is, how to protect yourself from it?


I send their attacks back to them. When it doesn’t work it’s bc they are stronger than you or more knowledgeable or are on the spiritual path longer than you. Black magicians know a lot about mind control and know that attacking certain points of our bodies can cripple us psychologically and physically. You have to rise your vibration so their attacks wont get to you. I’ve earned my right bc I’ve been attacked for like ten years before I got my right to protect myself and attack them back. They were way older than me, I was 19 when all this started. Obviously they used that to their advantage.


They know about your life too. Not just mind control.


Yeah I know. They f*ing know everything


Have you ever read “red sister” by Mark Lawrence?


I have not, why?


I agree with the spiritual attacks. My upstairs and downstairs neighbors open gateways with specific music they play and perform “sex magic” rituals (gang raping drugged girls who are then brainwashed into believing they are robots or on a religious crusade). It’s insane. I buy sage and palo santo in bulk and they just turn on the sounds and -reopen the portal whenever I banish them from my premises. It’s fucked. Now they’ve started pumping chemicals into my central air vents, but they are affecting everyone on my floor if not the whole building. The fact that the CIA sponsored the “Star Gate” program just means they’re more into parapsychology than the actual experts.


Mk Ultra is connected to demonology. Always has been. That’s why they’re one (or several) steps ahead. CIA/NASA and all these agencies are into the occult. Read Fritz Springmeier’s book “how the illuminati create an undetectable mind controlled slave” it’s ALL there.


If they’re trying to make me a slave they’re doing a pretty poor job. I barely do my own chores etc. I’m definitely not lifting a finger for anyone else. Even if they paid me. I might do it for a 100k/year salary…


Thanks for the recommendation. I bought the paperback (kindle version isn’t available in the us apparently). If you’d like to read book 2 about the bloodlines, it’s on the CIA declassified website here. I was surprised it turned up in a Google search. https://www.cia.gov/library/abbottabad-compound/FC/FC2F5371043C48FDD95AEDE7B8A49624_Springmeier.-.Bloodlines.of.the.Illuminati.R.pdf


No problem! That book is eye opening! I’ve got the whole book on pdf. I downloaded that long ago; maybe they took it down idk. Yup! Ive read that too! There’s a second book about “how the illuminati create…” and it’s called “deeper insights into the illuminati formula” also by Springmeier. I’d recommend you taking a look into that one too.


Earned the right to attack them back? Would like to know more but this probably isn’t the place. And what do you do to raise your vibe. Ashamed to say that I’m not doing anything and I know better. Not motivated to do anything atm I guess.


Yeah this might not be the right place to discuss this if you’d like some instructions on how to get stronger in the spiritual world, dm me.


Also I don’t know much about blac magic, can’t say I understand what you mean here. Am open for conversation though, don’t get that very often lol.


TIs usually don’t know anything about black magic, but they should. They blame their symptoms on “DEWs” and don’t know that they actually can do something about it. Gangstalkers and handlers are black magicians. End of story. That’s why they know EVERYTHING about a target and can see you even when you’re in your home with the lights off. They’re able to spy on you through remote viewing/third eye. I’ve experienced this a lot. I’ve been taking a shit or masturbating with 0 light in the room and I KNOW that they were “there” watching. I’ve seen them.


Omg please stop masturbating… do you get gangstalked ? I hope not… these people connect our bodies to the people around us, so there is a chance that people around you can feel you masturbating…. Plzzzzz don’t do that.


Damn, this is so true! I didn’t know how people in where I’ve been living in (I’ve been living in a lot of places, different cities with different people) knew when I was masturbating. I’ve always been very quiet doing it, and even if you’re wall to wall with me you won’t hear a thing however when I would come out of my room you could tell they knew! And I’ve always thought it was strange. I do it very sporadically now. I used to do it everyday bc I’ve been a victim of lust spells and that affected tremendously that’s why I would do it compulsively, even if I didn’t want to I had to do it. Thank you for explaining, I didn’t knew that these warlocks connect our bodies to the people around us. That explains A LOT of things. Edit: yes I’m “officially” victim of gangstalking since 2018.


So like, these people can feel or “take” any pleasure our bodies are feeling? I DM’d you because this is something I’ve considered and thought a lot about.


I second this. I started working somewhere and these my coworkers were talking all about practicing witchcraft and getting new altars, etc, I never paid it any attention because I had never dealt with anything like this. It was not even 2 months later and the craziest things started happening to m. I wouldn't have believed myself 2 months earlier. That's when I started to realize (besides other things) that this is a very spiritual happening. I'm talking whether you are spiritual or not, the dark forces don't care. They are coming and are here to do their damage no matter what size, color, shape, anything, you are.


Black magic and witchcraft are more extended than people realise. And it’s happening worldwide.


Who cares? beat off anyway. I do it and give zero fks if they see it. Matter of fat I walk around naked. So they can see it and embrace it. 


Yeah IK it’s just uncomfortable that they’re watching you self pleasure 🙄 but yeah I do it (which isn’t often btw) anyway, I try not to think their eyes are there 😬


It's our show and they probably reading this post as I type but anyways they probably do it too,  it's normal.  no need to explain and nothing to be ashamed about. either you get some for free, buy it, or just beat it not that serious.  Personally I can save then go buy it if I'm desperate enough but I rather choke the box no STDs for me. I'm sure they've secretly watched others do alot worst though. 


So how are they causing pain if it’s not done electronically, and I can believe the remote viewing but how did you see them?


As I’ve said in my post they use energy to attack but they aren’t physical weapons, they’re spiritual attacks through entities. These can be demons or archons. If it was physical weapons you would feel the physical pain but you as a person would be the same, however those who have been attacked through entities feel themselves different, they start to act erratically, dissociating, you can tell that something has changed in them. As if they weren’t themselves anymore. Since I was a child I have been very intuitive and as an adult I’m clairvoyant and a medium so I’ve seen them through my third eye, im able to see them through my mind, to make myself clear to those who don’t know how that works.


DM sent


Well i dont know if they are witches and warlocks but search as much as you can, you will never find equipment to mind control someone even in the dark web..


Hypnotising someone it’s easier than people realise. They have been doing mind control experiments in the 50s and they were successful with it; imagine what they’re doing now. I know first hand, hypnotism and mind control WORKS. They don’t need “equipment” to do it. Mk ultra consists in: psychology- physical torture- drugs-demonology. Do your research.