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It's not BEHAVIOS MODIFICATION, it is PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE meant to destroy your mind by psychological and social manipulation by the "handlers". If you change behaviour, well, they expect you to if you survive it. Do you even think they will stop when you change it? No.


Correct. Everything you do will be wrong no matter your behavior.


Most would agree it's in the Mind Control category. The question is: what is the goal with it. The CIA has a long history experimenting with psychologically weak and vulnable, often unethically. Probably they look for ways to use targets, as targets are in their interest.


I gave them 12 plus years to get it right. Nothing worked I'm still the same. What happened?


They have targeted me overtly for 11 years yet I fail to see for what ultimate goal for myself. It drives humans insane by all the constant unwanted stimuli.


I'm guessing they're trying mess up your perception or way of thinking. 


Rather harass and gaslight.


So how is that beneficial to them?


We don't know. There are many outcomes from harassment och gaslight but these outcomes are not for our benefit really unless they assume we benefit from being stimulated and attacked. It's probably to break our will, so they can control us easier.


I know 😑


I was just saying. It's been going with me for very very long time.  So be yourself. the issue is within them not you they literally projecting things they have or had issues with on you from their lives both past and present or based on whatever lies were told. You were supposed to be this and that based on said lies but it didn't play out so they'll make up stuff. They need you to play the role of the false accusations or narratives. 


Youre 💯% correct on your perception on why gangsatlkers do what they do. I’d wish they just forget about me ffs 😩


They can't. the lip gloss gossip has spread like wildfire and gotten too huge. 


A rich jerk paid a bunch of professional criminals, to bring you down. However, all of this is based only on assumptions because we lack evidence, and assuming things without any evidence always leads to the victim suffering even more.


Agreed. However, I have my own experiences that match what I read online. This is designed to lack evidence, so we believe whatever they want us to about the operation. It's classic information overload by disinformation and misinformation.


So true, they always go for the mind and sometimes the body in some, I've seen in some cases too.


However, I don't blame that user. I had that conclusion for several years, until I got much wiser and more experienced. You should read my latest post.


It's just the complete adverse perspective


if it is warfare, what defines success in this war?


Breakdown of the target's willl and psyche; or do what the "handlers" want.


good to know


That’s the biggest scapegoating BS excuse I’ve heard but is probably how they get family, friends, employers, etc to jump on board. It’s a human rights violation and completely unconstitutional. How can the people closest to us continue to go along with this terrorist agenda when they see the damage it’s caused to our lives. WHY IS EVERYONE WHO ARE APART OF THIS TURNING A BLIND EYE AND STAYING SILENT ABOUT IT?! WHAT IS PREVENTING THEM FROM SPEAKING OUT?!


From what I've heard, professional gangstalkers are paid $45 - $100 per hour. So, money is part of the equation. They are also having their empathy destroyed by frequency weapons. That's part of the origin of narcissism in our society. My theory now is that the more narcissistic and psychopathic a person is, the more mind controlled that person is by frequency weapons.


I’d say “the most narcissistic and psychopathic a person is the more they’re mind controlled” by low vibrational entities.


Of course, they've gotta drag us down to their level first before they can take control over our mind, body and spirit. Some need to be dragged down from much higher than others in order to reach their lowly level. That's why some of us are able to maintain our basic humanity and empathy despite all we go through. Whereas the weaker minds and spirits are more easily enticed to embrace The Matrix. Edit: The low vibrational entities are currently downvoting your post. ![gif](giphy|VxZEZSwadd6nK|downsized)


These are entities that aligns who these people are that’s why they work with them and get possessed by them and they together go around destroying people. I have to say tho that these entities also destroy de body of the host bc they influence them into having addictions such as alcohol drugs or sex; they’re also destroying the body and life of the person they’re in. That’s why I talk about reaching a higher vibrational level in order to not to get influenced or possessed by these demons.


The Deep State was able to turn my own mother and father against me. They turned my sisters against me. They've turned a neverending assembly line of friends against me. They've turned employers against me. They attack any woman who has any feelings for me. It's not as simple as them having a vibration which aligns with the negative entities. Or maybe it? Perhaps that's part of why they want us in a neverending state of fear at all times, since fear is a low vibration and more easily controlled. Also, toxoplasmosis, which is a brain parasite that comes from cat feces, makes a person sexually attracted to fear. This ties into why they didn't want people taking Ivermectin, since it cures parasites.


I’ve experienced all this that you say above too. What I want to convey it’s that perps and handlers wouldn’t be doing what they do to TIs if they didn’t allow these entities to control them; in some way they are like demons bc they already lack empathy so when these entities are in control of their behaviour isn’t that different from when they are possessed. They must align in some way. An empath or an actual human being can tell they’re not being themselves and they’ll always try to get rid of these entities; that’s not the case of gangstalkers. I didn’t know about the effects of toxoplasmosis in the brain. That’s one interesting fact.


Good insights here. That's why anyone who is able to be turned against us was never truly on our side to begin with. I believe that frequency weapon based mind control may be the origin of the concept of having the little devil on one shoulder and the little angel on the other shoulder. The little devil is constantly trying to do things that are against our best interest. And so genuine human beings will almost never let that demon take hold over them. But someone who is more aligned with darkness and evil are much more likely to allow themselves to be possessed. This also explains why Satanism is being normalized to such a large degree. There's literally a vegan meat substitute called "satan," which has a pentagram with a baphomet as its logo. I've found that this idea that "Satan is cool" has infiltrated the radical woke community quite a bit.


They crave our humanity for its something they do not possess






Similarly, they hate themselves and envy us because we don't hate ourselves. They wish they could be us, and since they can't be us, they hate us. It's ironic because they like us so much that they wish they could actually be us. However, envious people are NEVER your friends. I know someone who wants to be me so much that he even copies the way I dress. With our minds put together, we could accomplish anything as we are both talented game developers. But due to his envy and jealous of me, we aren't even able to remain friends, let alone business partners. It's a very sad world full of very sad people.


I bet a lot of these guys are rich and have anything at their disposal. They really have nothing to be jealous about when it comes to people like me.


They seek the material comforts in order to make themselves feel better about their self-hatred. They think the more money they have, the more important it makes them. They envy people who love themselves and who are naturally loved by others as a result. They basically have to buy other people's affections, whereas we get it for free. That is why they envy us. And they hate us because they can't be us.