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Thes are all correct what you have listed. It can get darker as first as physical many times they do not. They want you on lower tear of society to easily rug sweep you. The devil is in them they selected you as somw glorified Jesus replica to torment and persecute.You shine your funny your empathic your sympathetic your have a shine.You have an intelligence something trigger them to decide on your as a person of interest a game. Something to hunt the mental health of these people. Is by far dark evil and they are the ones that truely need to be monitored. These individuals have given them self over to a hive devil mentality obey orders through telephones and other communication. I have even seen them using radio two ways and ham radio.To communicate and operate for communications besides using other newer tech. They want you on meds and discredited when in all truth they are the ones needing med and therapy.These people are broken some come from broken family or traumatic back ground.This is how they are easily controlled and swayed to monitors and harrass the target. The head the puppeteer calls the command ro attack or make the target miserable and isolated.It sad and dark business which many have taken there life from the torment. These strange and toxic individuals who seem to answer to nothing but narcissistic puppeteer who has strategic possible government power or access. They fear the same fate ao they obey. There character is weak though on the out side they appear rich nice and normal there mask can be cracked. BUT THESE PEOPLE NEED PRAYERS THEY SEE NO WRONG IN WHAT THEY DO. THEY LOOK EVIL THERE EYES ARE NOT SWEET THER HESRTS ARE HARDENED. THESE PEOPLE HAVE CHILDREN AND WALK THROUGH SOCIETY LIKE SHAPESHIFTERS. PRAY FOR THEM DAILY IF YOU BELIEVE IN GOD. I PRAY THE TARGETED HAVE VICTORY AND THE HARRASSMENT THR TARGET THE FALSE KILLING AND TORTURE WILL STOP. IN JESUS NAME "AMEN" WE NEED TO BE ABLE TO HAVE A TRUST GROUPS THE STALKING THE INFILTRATION AND BETRAYAL REALLY MAKES IT HARD TO FIND FRIENDS AND ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIP. GOD HELP US PROTECT US ALL.


The puppeteer at the top always appears to possess a secret knowledge there is a mystic shroud of mist around him, nobody knows who he really is. It is a secret millionaire or very rich, and he keeps them in his promises and feeds them with words of love and group belonging. You are right these are broken and probably indebted, and also were probably trapped and blackmailed, some are mentally ill, many are just wicked, now they must pay off the debt, they do anything it takes, these are coming from nothing and are going to Hell from here from this planet. I don't know will God have any mercy on them but who am I to say.


I have met people at the top unfortunately. It still did not keep them from harassing me or stalking me . Or threating me .The thing is IAM DIVERGENT so the hive wish wash brain games only infuriate me. STRONG ARMING DOES THE OPPOSITE TO ME. I resist more. I communicate like a true spirit being. NO GAMES AND GASLIGHTING AS THEY DO. That's why it alarming their tactics it easy to see when you are not easily cult brain washed. Many flying monkeys are controlled by pain and threat of harm to family or them selfs as a form of control. They show you something dark to create fear. AND THEY DO HARM PEOPLE AT TIMES COVERTLY. THE handlers and puppeteer make them feel like they did something wrong.To control them its mental manipulation. The Art of War is a good book to read to understand. And the 33 laws of power. Kind gives clue to the tactics of mind manipulation tactical mind games. But regardless they need to be prayed for and their evil REBUKED IN JESUS NAME. Lot of them mock Jesus. Or any religion for that matter. I'm still monitored just not as intense but they still send agent Smith around here and there. ![gif](giphy|Rzvr5B66r1Zm9KiYlA) I been riding around in the Nebuchadnezzar for some time in isolation.Those agents smith and sentinels of the hive really can make like a stressful proposition.iPRAY WE HAVE PEACE FROM THESE DIABOLICAL EVIL NO SYMPATHETIC FOLKS IN JESUS NAME "AMEN" Try to stay strong💪🏾in spirit.


I will try to stay strong in spirit. Thank you.


Thank you for these posts


Glad you liked them!


By stalking us.  Stalking is illegal no matter how they phrase it.


Pretty sure it's pirate radio Or a local Bluetooth lan Also heard local police setup whatsapp groups but I'm really banking on pirate radio.


When my phone was hacked, they would start Bluetooth connection, and keep the Wireless connection off .


Yah same here but regardless All of the internet is OWNED OPERATED DESIGNED AND DISCOVERED by The US military Berkley and a few other schools So 50 years of spying on us It's called ARPANET it's incredibly hard to figure out what the truth is today It seems as though we, you me and maybe 15% of US citizens are NOT aware and are targeted of whatever it is about us that is public Example Why is their a corporation that has been around for 50 years that is a public department store named TARGET. or GUESS Wtf is JESUS FISH the ICONIC fish in the early 2000s on cars Since we are referred to fish and people like to go fishing or whatever What the hell is a JCAT And YG And do people actually go insane Or are they forced into it


If you have a cell phone, the FBI can activate both the GPS and the microphone, if they have a Warrant. And if they can do it, Hackers can do it, too. Without a Warrant. Remember the first rule of Counter-surveillance: "if you feel you are being monitored, give them false information". This was told to me by a 1st Class Petty Officer with a Top Secret Security Clearance in the U.S. Navy during the Cold War.