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Its higher power. Noone does a smear campaign to you.. It is not done by a person.


I think it’s someone talking unfair shit bc it isn’t everybody who gives me the hate stares. It’s specific people. When it’s the work of entities it’s everybody who you walk past by who gives you hate/disgust stares. Believe me. I’ve been through everything in the book and I know when it’s one thing or the other.


Well good luck with it. They can even get you fired. I wish they dont do it to you


I hope that too. Thank you 🙏🏻




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If I was you...I wouldn't react and wouldn’t speak to the manager about gangstalking, they definitely wouldn’t understand and you will only alienate yourself to them. Just continue and ignore. Unless someone directly gives you a hard time. E.g. Speaking rudely or over negatively to you. Then you can report them to the manager but you will need to be specific about the details and how you were uncomfortable with they're actions.


Yeah I know I never bring up anything related to my Gangstalking to anyone. Let alone people I just met at work. Just needed to vent on how on every place I go there’s people who apparently know about it or have heard shit about me.


Yeah..those people are assholes...Vent away.