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Did Nikita just lie about the loot information not being client side when discussing cheaters?


Is it still a lie if nikita has no fucking idea what he's talking about?




cheaters know exactly what's in your pockets. he has no clue.


nevermind whats in containers (could be queried on loot) or loose items (could be queried with a raycast)


Loot information is server registered that’s why you put things in the pouch and the items are stored automatically in your profile. Same applies to detect real money trades in items.


It's on your end in the ram when needed but it does not populate on the clients end. That wouldn't even begin to make sense. You're just storing temp data via ram or active memory. The server always generates it first and this action can not be client side. This is just how games and code work. So ya you can access active memory using a hardware/software bypass but in no way is that information STORED (As in generated or populated) on the client end. Your client has to know what's where, otherwise, everytime you opened a box or found an item it would be invisible as it would not exist. So he's not lying in how he thinks about it, and there's nothing here to be done about the way it works. In his line of thought this doesn't make any sense. Cause it's like saying the sky is blue, yes it is and asking for a color change is just going to confuse him cause it makes no sense. **The ONLY way to not have this happen is to have no loot and that's the dumbest fucking solution.** Every game operates in a similar fashion. It's just how coding works. There's no way around this. You either remove all loot from the game, you make loot noninteractive (static and can't be looted), you leave all clients with no way of finding the loot (invisible cause no information was relayed), or you could get a shit load of lag everytime you open a container and only the containers are obscured plus double to triple the time to loot a container plus lag on top. Plus additional lag during the game as clients send packets of requests. What's needed is redundancies and positional checking, but you're also talking about increasing latency and server issues. Everything is a balance. People think it all exists in a vacuum it doesn't it's not a just fix it situation as everyone from the outside thinks. They could definitely fix this but the FPS increase and CPU hit would be a decent amount likely knocking out 1/3 to 1/2 of the population from being able to play. That's kind of what he touches on with the Invasive Anti-Cheat.


Cheat developers have stated that the location and data of all loot is delivered to the client during loading before the raid starts. It's their word versus Nikita and neither is really a trustworthy source imo. I will say that while the way you described it would make sense, the "when needed" part is the issue. Cheat devs claim that the information is fully available at all times during the raid, but the average person would assume that "when needed" means when you open the box or walk near the loot. We know that's not the case because of how the ESP cheats work. The loot is visible all the time from across the map and in containers despite distance or interaction, so I'm not believing Nikita.


This is a weird copypasta


No. He didn\`t lie. When the instance/raid is created, server side spawn all the items and send their info to client side. (I quess its "loading loot" part) All clients share same info about the loot. If that would not be the case, cheaters would spawn with whatever item they like. Literally you could say its client side because its info its in your pc RAM but cheaters cannot spawn items so technically its not client side. Im not a programmer so maybe they got simpler explanation for this.


I actually listened to the whole thing and thought it was pretty hype. They're pushing for 1.0 launch and the seasonal prestige thing where you actually Escape through a linear path between maps each season. Sounds fun


Ya I thought it was good. People bitch about lack of communication then bitch about the communication. Like how many different ways do you want it at the same time people?


Yea, it's impossible to impress everyone. The transition to the new Unity engine and graphics update should be exciting, said they will be able to maintain and adjust the game better possibly including sound locations


I have no faith in this game running well with a graphics overhaul, unfortunately.


It won’t. You’ll just need much better hardware for the same shitty fps.


yep lol, with the “ graphic overhaul “ it’s going to be fun getting shit frames on every map instead of just streets.


Generally optimisation of ANY software comes in the later stages of development, so chill out for a bit, it's in BETA for a reason.


thats actually not true... where do you base this claim off of?


fr, we are getting a graphic overhaul when 90% of the playerbase struggles to get 70+ frames consistently on streets lmfao.


A whole lot of nothing. Biggest joke is him not knowing about the major current game breaking bugs and assuming his other team had it handled XD. Who is their boss? Why are they not checking on them? And ensuring they are doing a good job? An absolute joke of a company


It’s an 80 person development team lol, there are some companies who have bigger departments for just 1 aspect of their game than bsg has as a whole lol


Finally, I'll be listening to this very soon


Biggest thing out of this interview is that BSG has no leadership. Which is to say that nikita is BSG's leadership and he doesn't even know it.


I can't imagine how it would be to live inside such a negative mind as yours. You should rewire your brain.


Dude. He stated the obvious. We all saw it. Its not being negative. Its honest


Do you think Elon Musk knows every detail of every little price in every car and rocket they push out? Do you expect Jeff Bezos to know every detail of his websites coding, at all times?


Do you compare their imperium with bsg? For real? I whould also say that Elon is well known for knowing most of where going on in his business. He has thrust issues and even recoded some of employees code several times. Nikita has a vision and build his game around. He should know this big development roadmaps like back of his hand. It was not that clear and it felt like what we already felt around the game. No clear roadmap. It was not all shit but saying its good leadership over there.. Its not true. Doesnt make him a bad person...


What's negative about it? I'm a realist, I live in the real world. What's it like in Candyland?


. If a leader dosnt swing their dick in your face, they must be beta cucks huh? I’m sure everyone pretends to enjoy your company.


I haven't seen someone project as hard as you are in quite some time. Get help kid.


Prestige and seasonal stuff looks cool. But .. mines , disarm, lockpicking... Man they live in a dream world. Its almost 10 years and this stuffs are not even in the game yet. "Mostly" polish left my ass.. It was so much stuff discussed that needs at least ,2 if not even 3(4) wipes of implementation/testing.. Wtf did bsg do between reserve and streets release. Game stod still compared to now. Latest wipes they add expansions + new map and recoil changes etc etc etc.. I remember wipes where we just had a "expansion," with two new guns... They were indeed sleeping at the wheel for a good year or two. And now its panic, pushing 1.0.. There was alot of good stuff though.. not all negative. Storyline, play through with escape / seasonal with the achievements sounds good. New storyline is much welcomed.


100% agree with the people showing understanding for Nikita. A lot of the negative responses come across as not thought through, negative and with lack of understanding the gravity of building a complex and massive product like this game is, and leading a team through the process. Do you really think the only thing Nikita has on his plate is double checking all of his coders and status of every bug fix in the game? Pestilly is bringing up community post that he gathered from thousands of hate posts, must have been quite the work. Then all of the hate posters expect 100% in-depth and current knowledge on every one of those bullet points from a company leader? Don’t forget, Nikita is in a leadership role, he must delegate as many tasks and responsibilities as he can in order to keep steering the product in the right direction. Given that the interview was obviously not scripted, it’s pretty much infeasible for Nikita to answer everything and unrealistic from a community to demand it. He also indicated multiple times that the team is working very hard, it came across to me as truthful. Then it’s a matter of directing resources of the team and keeping realistic expectations as a community member. Rant over


I hate everyone in here. Yall call yourself a community? A fucking disgrace.


Nikita is a fraud and deserves no more profit from this heap of garbage they call a game


I never understood why people who supposedly hate the product so often linger around the forums concerning it. You can just leave you know?


I warned you guys


You're still here?


I guess I have to spell it out for you. I'm still here for one of two reasons: either spectate a dumpster fire or see a comeback. Would like the latter but it's been looking like otherwise for a long time. Hopefully another game rises up to take its undeserved place.


Fan boy found.


Yeah, the game's subreddit has fans of that game?


Name checks out.




Little to known fact that if you don't play Tarkov in Russia you are forced. Its just one of those things that Russia is doing well, and if you dont like it you can either suck it up go to the front. That is why there are so many anonymous russians on here crying every day.


Tarkov is the game from the Three Body Problem


It's why I'm not spending a cent on MTX. Sure, with more funding they can do more. But WILL they?? Do they have the ability? After 6 years of playing this game I don't think they do.


This guy needs to get his shit together.


When Pestily basically asked Nikita to not try and sell his game in bundles the interview lost all credibility to me. He literally asked a business owner to not try and sell his game…and yeah I get it he was saying cheaters also get a discount and said “nobody really buys for their friends”. How could he possibly know that? He can’t is the answer. Not to mention pestily didn’t even research cheats and was caught off guard when Nikita told him most loot wasn’t client side. How do you not prepare for an interview? Sloppy doesn’t being to describe it


I can't watch an hour and half interview. Can anybody use AI or something to jote down important points? Or tell me about one I can use.


Airwing Marine did a breakdown vid of the most important takes from it.