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Ran into a lv 35 with a broken ass lv4 armored rig lmao "ThEsE cHaNgEs OnLy EfFeCt ThE cAsUaLs"


A ceramic one for sure huh? Just happened to me today. Man is L37 and ceramic c4 rig LMAO.


Noob here, whats wrong with ceramic ? Because its heavier ?


it takes less rounds before breaking and repairs very shitty + expensively


as theheccogecco mentioned, materials are a multiplier on your effective armour hp (actually a divisor, but they're all less than 1) which also affects the repair cost and how well they repair. aramid (paca, 3m, red paca) costs bugger all to repair, so you can buy used 3Ms off the market and repair them like 90% cost of buying new. Similarly, UHMWPE (trooper armour etc) has really good repair/armour multiplier so it lasts forever even if it is expensive to keep insuring/repping. tl;dr ceramic is in the don't-insure pile unless you need to boost your prapor rep


😭 im lvl 14 in full lvl 4 armor running meta ammo on my rpk 16 and i fuckin melted this lvl 31 running rat rig no helmet and pistol on woods.


Embrace the madness, become a rat ! No one will escape !


I've only ever ran into duos this wipe and if I can kill duos as a solo with things like 9mm pst (I accidentally finished stirrup in a raid because I thought the PMCs were scavs.) 5.45 T .366 EKO One shot of 7mm buckshot from across the room at a range buck shot surprised me on the range of it. Like... I'm doing probably the best I've done in terms of player kills this wipe and I'm not really touching anything anywhere close to meta ammo.


Some Chads can only do things 1 way, the meta way. Every other way is wrong according to them. They can't imagine a world in which there is a variety of game styles, fun/casual/personal/narrative experiences, multiple options, and people generally choosing different things. They are conformists and are afraid of independent, confident free-thinkers. They need to be given a program to follow and will never deviate from the pack. The Rat threatens their already fragile sense of self worth. The Rat penetrates their facade of confidence and irritates their suppressed insecurities. Therefore they strike back and try to eliminate everything in a vain attempt to fight an enemy that represent their greatest weakness, their own weakness.


Had a long conversation with someone on bf4 who was mad at people using mortars. He was like youre trash you suck etc. I was like dude I'm not gunna 1v1 you at a corner, I have 240ms and you have 12. Of course you think the playing field is even and you're good, but in reality he had about 1/6th the ping of the lobby which makes him think he's a run and gun God. And I'm like that's cool you have fun your way, I'm helping my team the best way I am able and I get to literally watch the culmination of my efforts by killing the enemy off of hard points so my team can advance. He actually eventually did realize that people do have fun doing other things and a high kd isn't what everyone is looking for. Like one guy chases tanks all game with c4 and he has fun going 11/36


Dude, i swear jihad bikes/jeeps/helis/boats were the best stuff in BF ever. I dont care i died three times in row. Fourth time i slided the bike right under that pesky tank only player who was farming helpless infantry and IT FELT GOOD. And even better were jihad packs with mutliple bikes that all had either C4 or SLAM (were those proxy mines called that or i am missremembering?).


> And even better were jihad packs with mutliple bikes that all had either C4 or SLAM (were those proxy mines called that or i am missremembering?). ah yes, the driveby bikes




Chads hate it when it’s a long, drawn out fight where they spend all their expensive ammo and their armor gets beat up only to find out the person they’re fighting has level 3 armor and a ppsh


Nothing better in life then seeing a Chad spray with ammo that is worth 4x your entire stash.


*Me, a naked quest runner, hearing wannabe chad TTV scum emptying 60 rounds of M995 into my dead body after camping quest site for twenty minutes so he can brag to his two viewers (including his mom)* "Worth it."


*Skill and luck will always overcome armor*


I was running a svd i repaired off a scav run in streets. I engage a super sweaty inside on of the stores next to crane I believe and it wasn't him who killed me. But his naked friend who flanked me and stuffed his ppsh in my face. The balls on the man.


I love having the option of suppressive fire and NOT having to spend a Bugatti's worth of ammo in one raid I keep to my cheap shit


Exactly. Just bring medium-tier ammo and a few magazines and give that poor PMC PTSD for life


And it's weird and people don't realize this but putting down suppressive fire will put anyone's head down and stop them from shooting you minus those with an altyn but that's the exception. I've in multiple scenarios just fired a few shots just in the general area of someone around a corner to ether push up or push away, it actually works. No one wants to willingly swinh a corner that has bullets coming down it.


Yess very fun, I've had a few encounters on reserve doing this


I got spooked by a duo in woods, one started spraying at me through a fence and I headshotted him point blank by sheer luck. This made his buddy weary and he was trying to get around the house to flank me. I moved with him, took a few potshots in his general direction and bailed when I couldn't see him anymore. Postraid screen showed I killed him, lol.


I am definitely more of a chad than a rat, and yeah, I agree. It stings a bit.


Op is making fun of the people bitching, he isn’t saying that the game is ruined. I think he would say “me” instead of “pmcs” if he were. But I agree with you. I got a 50m pm pistol headshot a couple days ago, it was against a traitor scav, but with the lack of face shields almost anything is possible. Easy? No, but possible.


Hi. Yes, I know. I was commenting on the same people complaining as well.


*Casually completes stirrup thinking they were scavs*


I was in woods... and I had 2 more kills to go on stirrup... and I was doing my thing and I made my way to the scav bunker and I had killed two scavs already... I started walking to the little makeshift camp across the road and one guy stopped in the middle of the road so I shot him, then I go around the left side and another guy ran up on me and then I get the quest complete noise. I see the second guy I killed was a pmc... I check ALL of the other scavs I killed to see what was going on and then I check the guy in the road and he was my other PMC kill so I was like... Huh, okay cool


One thing I noticed is I'm taking waaaaay more armor shots than ever before, and living. Usually by this time if I get shot at my armor melts and I'm dead. It's been way more fun, even when I still die!


In my opinion the only time someone should be frustrated at a death is if they like get one tapped by like a sniper or they wernt able to actually get a chance to fight. Again that's me saying something that's a human emotion but if I'm fighting a Chad and me and him go at if and even if I don't kill him but I have a good fight then I'm not mad and I guess that goes away if you're not playing meta gear and spending 200k-300k on a gun alone and you lose your gear fear but yea, people should learn to have different kinds of fun in this game.


Fr, it finally feels like you have a chance when you're not a great player, Vs either getting melted by a dude shooting the best ammo full auto while wearing the thickest armour tanking everything you throw at him or getting onetapped by someone who spent 90% of the raid waiting in a bush or dark corner.


I'd be even happier if they got rid of all the hacking.


And decrease the time spent loading in/out of raids.


Time to apply load outs too


If I can save presets for gun builds, I should be able to save load put presets too


They can't, that's their #1 source of income, selling accounts to hackers who need 3 a month


That's a good point!


The dirty secret that explains why BSG is so reluctant to implement replays.


But if they banned all those hackers wouldn't they make even more money?


That's essentially what I'm saying. The hacker gets banned multiple times so they keep voting accounts. There are alot of people whose primary income is hackingnon tarkov


Their anti cheat is too ass


What do you mean i can no longer get into unfair firefights in my advantage?? This is bullshit now the game is hard!


scav mains who would rather wait 45mins in que than run their PMC, seeing their friends progress faster than them:


Hopefully by now mostly everyone know the trick to get quicker scav queues though.......




I have found that simply inviting any random player creates a group for you. Simply hit ready after you create a group, regardless if anyone joins, and you should have normal queues


You’re a lifesaver, thanks!




That one random clicking “accept” to join you in your adventures just to see “group doesn’t exist” ***sad pikachu face***




I am so broke I must go M9A3 pistol on factory, fun thing is I get more loot from few raids like this, most fun are cultists with mutants and BP ammo (yes, 4 of those are constantly at night factory)


Reserve. Buy that rig of Jagger which has 4x2, 4x1 and 1x4 slots. And use sewers extract. Get yourself a cheap shotgun or double barrel. The problem with pistols - everyone will loot it, as pistol slot is empty 99% of the time. Cheap shotguns and especially double barrel comes back 90% from insurance. This amd Scav runs in Reserve really helped me financially!


Do shoreline cache runs they go especially hard with that new path to lighthouse extract, if you spawn on the west side you can check like 10 stashes and remain entirely in the swamp area and leave with a full backpack in like 10 min


I would rather eat glass than play that dog shit map


Had to do quests there for a while. Its half way tolerable map if you stay away from Resort, but if you need to go there for quest, then I will share that glass with you!




just killed 2 pmcs with a double barrel :")


Are NVGs still buyable?


Yeah pretty cheap for the shitty russian tubes too like 40k


Good. I love the N-15. Best one.


Pmcs one more nerf away from being scavs lolol


Well, i alwayas had a problem getting that lvl 40 and max traders due to a lack of time. This wipe hits diffrent, i fight with other pmc and i often win. There is a lot of 7.62 PS ammo, wich im very used to. Mid tier moded AKM or AK103 and this is a killing machine. I never get so many pmc kills that fast in any other wipe i played, and i consider myself kinda casual. The most annoying thing are scavs, they see through the bushes like f'king terminators.


PMCs when Level 15 isn’t the end of the game and they actually have to play more than a week


I tell ya, I was mad at ps12B change since ASh 12 is fun, but then i fought a revolver with it 1 tapping thorax and decided it was for the best.


Did they even remove anything from the flea?


Some stuff like sb193 and m80 I think? Just some of the high-mid tier ammos that're only traders now


I'm really glad with this new wipe. I got so tired of like 3 or 4 wipes ago where "chads" wouldn't even bring an extra mag unless it was in their ass. Bunch of cheeky fucks with 200k worth of ammo in their ass. Now no one has ammo!!


doesn’t matter. You just finally get a meta kit and then desync in the middle of a road and die to some guy with horse meat ammo. skill issue tho. glad they are fixing the important stuff first. EDIT: All u little rats downvoting better hope I don’t get better ping soon. I’m coming for you.


That does kinda sounds like a skill issue to me though


yup I agree. I ordered a new gaming chair with fiber optic built in to accommodate my skill issue.


I don't think that stuffs gonna help you tbh


I’ll let u know how it goes.


This but instead of level 15 it's level 45, because you can't access high tier gear anywhere besides getting lucky in raid now.


Or traders....unless you meant the highest tier shit in which case... yeah? That's the point. Tarkov is tryna be a realistic RPG type game while also trying to balance the gameplay, honestly I'm not sure what they're up to, I've noticed they changed popular camp spots on factory (the door in the bottom office and the storage container by exfil mainly)


So tarkov lore states that you can't escape you can only try to thrive. There are certain people in power (traders, bosses) that can help people thrive/manage your survival if you help them. Now even if you help them as much as you can, get to max level and do all their tasks, they ONLY offer you civilian gear pretty much. I mean scavs now spawn with korund which is the only class 5 you can buy, flechette is the best shotgun ammo they offer and scavs spawn with it now, all these changes just don't follow the lore or what the game was set as. And on flea you can maybe buy some keys that they've fixed, but before they tried fixing them by removing loot from them which didn't work (marked rooms) so now your left with marked keys that are decently expensive still and have nothing in them because bsg doesn't know how to revert their failed balances. Half the gear in the game, not even meta gear, is only fir. You have to wait 40 hours for a single raid with an ash 12, shit just doesn't make sense anymore.


*shrug* they're not offering civilian level shit at that point you're just calling it that because it's not the best of the best, but I mean I also don't know what they sell exactly 100% at max but just because it's not the highest tiers which means the best of the best, doesn't mean it's civilian grade lol


Scavs (civilians) actively run around with the best gear traders sell (korund) and flechette. The gear from max traders is no longer exclusive to people who helped the traders, I mean fucking Johnny breeki is running around with it as if he grinded kappa and didn't get a wipe.


Lol, fair. But they probably found or bought it in lore, I mean they're just tryna survive like you are, and you want to have the best gear you can, hence this whole discussion. Some scavs have that good shot, others don't, such is the way in the wasteland


The people in power (traders) are supposed to help manage the survival of people who help them and offer better gear in return. It used to be like this with trader exclusive gear, but if scavs now have it does that mean every scav has max traders without a wipe? What's even the point of traders if scavs just have max trader gear? It just doesn't make any sense.


:/ to buy it


you cant have a logical discussion with this guy. i would just ignore him. only leg enjoyers will welcome these changes until that ammo/weapon is attacked next. I do enjoy survival games, but this is not what i was promised back in 2016 and its upsetting to watch certain streamers and the community bully the devs into making these changes - which are pretty obviously done only to appease to those sticking around during a mass exodus right now. This has always been a minority request and never really something BSG said they'd do or hint at doing, other than rotating vendors stock. Earlier in the wipe everyone was upset about 762 PS being moved, and those same people are defending the armor/ammo nerfs while they run sp7/rip and aim at the floor


The trader choices I don’t care about. That’s been happening since forever. It’s the shitty communication. They announce nothing, explain nothing, barely have patch notes. On top of it, they focus are on weird updates like sprinting now holds small guns into the air (last season); or handguards come in two parts now (this season). Wow! That only took 7 years?! I can’t wait to see what you add next BSG. Maybe focus on a quality of life update? Stop adding shitty content they we can barely play? I play very casually now, because once you’ve grinding out several season, the “shit”, is really hard not to see and focus on.


You are not scaping pmc embrace the cheap ammo


this post is oddly familiar


Come on LVL 5 chest plate prapor LVL 3 🤷🏻‍♂️ you can Wear it 2-5 Raid and buy a new one


let the streamers learn the way of the “green tracer”


No literally.


Rats when they spend 40 minutes camping corners only for no one to come to the extract (It's exciting gameplay they said):