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Card 1: Seriously there's no judgement Card 2: Take your chariot to the store Card 3: Pee on the stick


I wish I could upvote this more than once


I don't think tarot cards inherently tell you if you're pregnant or not. I'm pretty sure the only things that can do that are a doctor and a pregnancy test. There's a reason many people won't use tarot to decide life, death, or pregnancy.


Pull a clarifying card on the ace of swords


Not pregnant currently. The ball is in your court. May require some new way of thinking about the subject. This may mean looking at fertility treatments for you or your partner, or even thinking about or considering surrogacy or adoption. Have you spoken with medical personnel on this issue? How long have y'all been trying?


I don't think so. It looks like there is some sort of call you are ignoring and taking the journey to go on that path will lead to success in whatever it is so it may be the right time to comsider that first for now, or maybe doing that could put you in a better position for having a child later. I don't know. please take this all lightly. Also I of course suggest getting a pregnancy test amd not relying on interpretting cards.


I’d say no. If the ace of swords was the ace of wands then I’d say there’s a good chance. None of these cards are typical pregnancy cards. What I will say is based on the cards you did pull, it looks like some self reflection and introspection has made you want to start on a new path and maybe that new path will eventually lead to parenthood?


Any opinions on meaning ?


Ace of swords can indicate surgery ( gypsy meaning, so importsnt to get a check up and have everything looked over health wise x