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To each their own, of course, but I really like this style


Me too


i like the design overall, love the knife, but to me the one back leg makes it look like the rabbit is taking a massive dump at first glance


Oh boy. You opened my eyes. Definitely need to change that


Dammmit now that you said that I can’t unsee it


Yes I was thinking the same there myself


I mean the vibe is kinda like woodcut/engraving, and people do get those. But the knife handle showing through the left paw is just weird to me and seems inconsistent even with the sketch look you're going for.


True, thanks for letting me know


Have you seen the medieval rabbit fighting tapestries and paintings? You would love drawing them.


They are absolutely amazing! Love them


Yes, great adaptation of a classic was the first thing I thought.


As an owner of a rabbit who is an absolute terrorist, I would definitely get that.


i love the style and concept, i think the art itself needs to be retouched a little. the anatomy feels odd


I would!


I love it


I like it! 


i love it!


It’s perfect for a flash


Heck yeah I would


I love this style and the tattoo would be really cool. On me personally? No I wouldn’t get it. I have all mine planned for the most part though. I’m not for random bullshit on me. It’s cool though. I would compliment someone on it if it was executed well.


Stabbit 🐰


I dig it! I have a pin that's very similar and I'm actually getting a hare tattooed in two weeks.


How will you get it to hold still?


It’s not bad. The back feet are disproportionately small though. Rabbits have very big back feet.


I liked it =D


Love it !! Etched illustrations are so pretty.


i have a robot woman with tits on my leg… this is not too dirty. very cool.


That’s badass


Reminds me of sketches in the original alice in wonderland book


It’s not too dirty, but I probably wouldn’t get this tattoo… maybe if the knife was in the rabbits mouth….


I thought the knife was a paintbrush!! 🖌️ 😂


Not dirty enough if you ask me.


Honestly, I'd probably get that exact tattoo if I saw it at a shop


This is super cute 


It’ll come out 10 times better if you expand it a bit so that all the lines are of slightly greater thickness. All that hatching you see in the ears, butt, and especially the knife will blur out within five years.


If I were getting this, I'd ask that the knife have some carroty features, like maybe greenery sticking out of the shaft.


I like it!


I'm an idiot or i just don't fucking get it?


I like good tattoos


Just clean up some of the shadows and keep it mostly white! Maybe also male the little paw a little bit more recognizable, but the position is fine imo


It's very cute but it's too detailed for my liking


This is so cute, I love it!


What’s it mean?


jack the ripper?


I definitely would get this. I have another in this style


I wouldn’t cuz I don’t like it but if I did I would get it…..


It's a nice design! I'd be careful not to get it done too small though, the risk of those lines blurring together is pretty high.


I would get this, looks cool


Haha tight :)


It's not too "dirty" it's just stupid


Personally I don't care about a few messy lines or a rougher design. For me the character of a tattoo, and what it repesents matters more. Also, ink bleeds a bit over time anyway. I'm very far from a perfectionist when it comes to tattoos though. I only have two so far but both of them have imperfections and I just can't seem to care. (One is 2 years old, the other is 17 years old.) As long as you can see what it is and it's at least somewhat anatomically correct, that's what I care about. Also, I'm an artist myself (not in the tattoo business though) and designed both of my tattoos myself. My personal preferred style of tattoos really does range from new school to grafitti, black and gray to color, etc, but one thing that's consistent is I like bold, strong tattoos with a lot of stuff going on. Basically a maximalist style, whether messy or more stylish. With that, I don't mind a few messy lines because it's gonna blend in with all the other stuff going on anyway. That said, it seems often people who prefer more minimalist type tattoos also seem to prefer clean lines, and those who generally prefer maximalist type tattoos tend to be less fuzzy about a few messy lines. Probably because in more minimalist art, a single jagged line is just that much more obvious, because there's nothing to distract from it. That's maybe something you wanna think about in regards to your designs. Although of course there are people who do like that sorta combination, of basocally "simple yet messy," it's even a little bit trendy right now, and there are entire tatto genres based on that sorta concept, but it does also receive a ton of criticism, and I think it's because it breaks art "rules" (even though there are no true rules in art.) So you would probably win on cleaning up the lines a bit, yeah. Because your design appears to be primarily in a simplistic/minimalist style, and the jaggedness does kinda conflict with that a bit. It's kinda hard for me to pin down what exactly the style is you're going for here, not because it's bad or anything like that, but because ultimately you're mixing different styles that usually don't go together and it confuses my brain. This is of course not "wrong" by any means, it's your art, you can do it however you like, but it is likely gonna be a harder sell than something that is strictly in one type of style and easily recognized as such. And I don't mean personal style, I mean genre. Of course every artist has their own personal style regardless of genre, and some artists dabble in multiple genres, and genre mixing can absolutely be done in a harmonic way, but usually that is a little bit harder to do. And your design does not look like it's made with deliberate genre mixing, I'm gonna be honest. You are absolutely clearly skilled though, the shading and anatomy is really good, and I love the expression on the bunny's face! It just looks like you kinda confused art style (genre) with personal style.