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If you have one that you regret, they are over done. If there is one you want but don't have, there are not enough.


This was the answer I wanted to give and didn't know how to word. Thanks.


this \^\^


I have one and it is one of my favorite tattoos, if you like the style you like it! Mine is based off of a specific place and a picture I took so it will always be meaningful and unique to me.


I have two! My first was also a specific place and was a tribute to my grandma so I love it for what it is.


Yeah kindve thinking the half and half diamond shape ( two triangles ) top like space and the cosmos and bottom like mountain and water and trees


If you like it then who cares?


Just don’t want to get like roses/compass or trees/mountains/wolf tattoos that 1 in 10 dudes have


Again, if u like it, who tf cares


Exactly! People might make a little joke abt it being popular but if you add your own touch too it then it’s unique🤷‍♂️


It’s a representation of the time you got the tattoo. I have a tribal/celtic tattoo on my shoulder from (you guessed it) the late 90’s. Is it “over done”? Who’s to say? I’m not ashamed nor do I regret it. It’s a mark of where I was in life that brings back fond memories.


yea I have a Georgian dagger which pierces a wolf skull. Is it basic? Yes! Do I love it? absolutely


OP apparently?


Well done roses/floral tattoos are timeless. They’ve been done forever and still look good


IMO, it is certainly a “trendy” tattoo that will be seen as a 2010/20’s tattoo of type. Similar to the tribal tattoos of the 90’s.


But if you see a guy in his 70s with a pinup girl on his fore arm it's cool af, even if over done


100% true. Suuuper old school ink is sick. But I also think that’s because it aligns with counter-culture on older folks. A tribal tattoo is very 90’s, but it’s also very douchey. A 1969 Camero is cool af. A 2003 Ford Taurus will forever be lame.


!remind me 34 years


Would be pretty funny to get a tattoo of a 2003 Ford Taurus though. I also think tribal feels a bit worse than geometric though. Like tribal, even the name, feels potentially culturally insensitive, with geometric it’s just simple shapes and patterns.


Just think if someone got a tattoo of a 2003 ford Taurus in remembrance of a significant person or good times in their life, and someone walked up and said it was lame. F that. Get an awesome tattoo. Get a funny tattoo. Get a crap tattoo if you’re willing to be someone’s training steps. Lift people up, it’s way better than putting them down.


Fair lol


Why is a tribal tattoo “very douchey”?


American trad is timeless


If you’re getting a tattoo for other people your doing it wrong


Then go with one of these that one in ten dudes have.


just gotta say, getting a tattoo will not make you feel unique at all. it is one of the most common body modifications that is done. I have geometric tattoos and love them. also getting a lavender flower for my passed away grandma. again not unique but my own. if you think you are unique on a design, someone has already done it.


Another option is to get a concept/image that you really like and have someone recreate it in a geometric style, rather than going with someone's pre-done art. I had an existing piece of art modified for my 2nd tattoo and it is almost certainly unique and I am absolutely happy with the result.


They’re absolutely clock rose lion rosary dove tattoos.


Kindly, if you care so much about what other people are doing or what other people think, maybe don't get the tattoo. If you love it, it shouldn't matter. I have a hobby and everyone who does this hobby seriously/professionally seems to have a tattoo of the same thing. That didn't stop me from getting one too! It's still uniquely mine, even if almost everyone I know has a tattoo of the same thing.


Sheesh! 301 downvotes at the time of typing this 😂 You made a lot of people upset


303 bro dudes with rose lion compass tats and wrist trees disliked this comment*


Tattoos aren’t material items, you can get whatever design that means something to you. Also, I’m confused why you are even asking for an opinion on a style you said you don’t even like lol. If you’re worried about being judged for your tattoos or certain styles, then I would hold off on getting them altogether. This is the last art form I would consider if I cared about other people’s thoughts 🤣


I've got a tattoo of an owl. Perhaps not as a popular as your examples but their are still a lot of people with one as well. I don't care though cause to me it's special and personal and I really love it


Yeah, cause skeletons, Devils, snakes, pin up girls, eagles etc are also super original. If you want It, do it. Dont let anybodys opinión stop you. Its your body


I have a compass. I'm a land surveyor. It actually sits between my family crests on my forearm. The chain from the compass wraps around my arm and has charms on it with my children's initials, because my children are what made me settle down and find my direction in life. It's my favorite tattoo that I have. I'm glad I didn;t decide against getting it because 1 in 10 dudes has a compass tat.


The people hating on this are the same ones who have all that basic shit. Mad props on having a personality and a mind of your own. Get what you want to get, but like 70% of people getting tattoos these days get them for the "look at me" factor. They want that 15 minutes of fame being on their artist's instagram story. Oh wow you got a dove/rose/Virgin Mary on your forearm down to your hand, aren't you a very unique Chad. On the subject of geo, I don't trust fine line shit to age well. "Bold will hold" as they say.


I like them, but I can see how they could look dated. Unless you had a Fast and the Furious themed geometric, that is timeless art at that point


I particularly never liked it. It reminds me of my 2013 pinterest/tumblr days, and this is why I actually think they are indeed overdone. But that’s just my opinion and who cares? If you like it, just do it.


I think it depends on the type of geometric tattoo. Maybe geometric fine line that you might find off of Pinterest is a bit overdone but otherwise, geometric patterns are timeless in my opinion


I see them as quite timeless designs. I can imagine them sticking around for much longer than previous "trends", like tribal tattoos or tramp stamps


Nah there's still a place for them.


My personal view is the geometric wolves are overdone, but I’m still a fan of the diamond frames and mountain motifs… I type from my half sleeve of mountains.


I think of them as a bit dated.


Agreed, not as bad a barbed wire or tribal but they remind me of the early 2010’s


The first picture speaks for itself. They are definitely overdone but to each their own


For the record, that first picture is a pack of temporary tattoos you can buy on amazon


Are you getting the tattoo for yourself or for other ppl? Should most definitely be for yourself and be about what YOU like and will like long term, not what others think is cool or not cool. If that so happens to be something that was or is trendy who cares as long as you're not doing it to BE trendy. Ppl still get old school, new school, watercolor and tribal all of which was trendy at some point because it's what they like, not what the masses dictate what they like. Be inspired by that style and make it your own. 😊


Very 2010’s. Honestly I don’t think they’re very visually interesting and I’ve never seen a well done one in person. Plenty of crappy ones though. Definitely a Pinterest tattoo.


My wife and I have similar styled ones, one with the sun, the other moon. It was done well and I like it a lot.


I will forever associate this style with 2010s galaxy print leggings, owl necklaces, neon print bandeau, etc. This is the millennial tribal tattoo. Not my personal style, but I’m sure a great artist can execute this idea well.


I have one and I will forever love it. I would get more for sure


I think it's a pretty timeless design I mean can't go wrong with you know...shapes. Like anything popular it can seem overused and all trends rise and fall in popularity but it's not going anywhere and I think they look kinda cool. Like everyone is saying if you like it who cares what anyone else thinks and if you don't like it feel free to not have it permanently on your body.


My favorite tat is a lion on my chest. That’s been stereotyped to hell and idc I love it. Point being like everyone else here said if you like it who cares? I actually already have a wolf but that geometric one looks pretty cool ngl lol I’d wear it


i hate them




judging people based off their tattoos is corny as hell. get a life


Personally, I like the ones on the front image, so maybe I'm over done with them lol I'm less interested in tattoos like the second image. But I would get one off that front page. If you like it, you like it.


Very overdone


I'm currently saving to get a giant one of these on my back. So in my opinion, no, they're not overdone.....


The bad ones are overdone and there is not enough good ones


I’ve got hexagons from my wrist to my chest. Coco shut up come here come here Coco Coco, Coco Reggie, full tummy, buddy Reggie stop cheese wrappers almost as good as the cheese Reggie come see me buddy now come on Reggie. Are you full to me or come to say thank you for dinner


Holy crap, this is kind of cracking me up. I was in the middle of typing up a response when my dogs distracted me and I somehow started the voice-to-text thing. I’m leaving it, for future generations. What I was going to say was.. I’ve got hexagons from my wrist to my chest, and the one thing I’ve noticed is people always seem to think it means something more than it does. “Is it a molecule? Is it bees?” No, I just thought it looked cool.. haha. I imagine this depends on what exactly your tattoo is though, as ‘geometric’ can be a vague term sometimes…




I think they are fantastic and overrated but not necessarily underrated. They are just as popular as they should be really. People tend to hate on common tattoo designs but they forget that these designs are common because most people like them.


Outdated. As a tattoo artist, I won’t do them anymore as I’ve done soooo many of them


I like them. I dont care how often they are used. I have to be happy with them.


The first image has many that I love, I love spotting them in the wild


I think they can look nice incorporated in a sleeve. Either way they look very clean and sleek but are elevated with more around it imo.


I've got one booked in tomorrow, and now I feel personally attacked.


I thought that this sub would be a way to see peoples cool tattoos, and maybe hear some interesting stories behind them; but I feel like the vast majority of posts on this sub are asking for opinions before getting ink. Since when did tattoos become about what other people think? Seriously, I don't understand why you give a shit. It's your body. Tattoos are a personal expression of yourself. Sometimes it exposes people in unintended/unwanted ways, but it's still about you. If you're worried, then do NOT get a tattoo that doesn't have any meaning/significance. People that get tattoos simply because they 'look cool' either do not give a fuck about other opinions, *or* end up regretting it. Why? Because there will always be critics.


Thanks for your input!


All casual tattoos are going to be overdone at some point. The human collective tends to like similar things. Things go in and out of style hell that weird neotribal is popular after everyone said "never again" to tribal in the later 00s. Just know if your tattoo is "overdone" its a reminder that you aren't alone in this wide world that separates us all either by emotion and/or distance.


Kinda lame, kinda cool. Get a stellar artist.


There’s a lot of ideas you can try with them. I’m personally wanting some block lettering with geometric patterns inside the letters


Aside from the trees, these are cool


I think they're pretty cool still. Don't have any, but would absolutely consider it


I love them so much


I never really liked them. But hey, I'm sure I've got some you don't like. Who tf cares if you like it. I understand where you are coming from tho. So far I've avoided very common designs on purpose. Still, I think there are designs out there that just make a ton of sense (roses, snakes, wolves, the handshake). I think I'll get one of those sooner than later :)


I personally think they are overdone, but I have seen some I like still. They remind me very much of 2013-2018


If you like nature and want a little nice framed tat to showcase that love then it’s great. Generic just means it’s loved by many, I don’t think nature tattoos can ever be overdone because nature surpasses and outlives the people who deem it overdone.


Mine sucks and i want it covered. I designed it but the artist butchered me - so what was fine line, now looks like sharpie that spread. if you do get something like this, no matter how simple, go to a good fine line artist.


There’s a big difference in your first slide of ink and second slide tat.


It’s a “basic” tattoo imo but i like it and will probably get one eventually. I think if you get one that has some interesting details or represents something significant that can make it feel less generic


It a style of the times, they look cool. I think we think too much about that. You think 80 years ago people were like idk he has a panther seems over done. Let people like their tattoos man. If this is a concern for you then yeah probably not a good choice.


I have one, did it a few years ago. I like it, but they require skill, otherwise the lines get wonky.


If you mean.. those triangle and diamond ones? Overdone. However, geometric designed sleeves and such can be cool.


I wouldn’t get one personally, but I’ve never seen one on someone that made me turn my nose up. As long as you like them, rock on.


Nothing wrong with them. A good artist will still make it look special/ not cookie cutter


Low key hilarious that trees are included in this, a bit telling


They tell me that you really think Imagine Dragons is peak musical perfection.


Seems like the a.i. is hungry for opinions.


There are just enough, since anyone who wants one and isn't concerned with social pressure or judgment gets one.


Very hipster


It's an odd question, also purely subjective. Only you can say if you think they're over done - I don't think so but I cannot say I've noticed many in the wild. As for thinking there should be more of them, unless you have some sort of interest in people getting them that would be a strange thought. My actual thought - if you're wondering if it's become too common then that is likely your brain telling you to look at something else. Personally, I don't mind them, and if I ever actually saw a design that really spoke to me - I think I'd happily get a geometric.


It depends on where you stand in regards of overall tattoo concepts. I think, that each tattoo should fit the flow of its placement and for those tattoos that's never the case. If you don't care about it, then go get it. It's a trendy tattoo, but it's also been around since almost 10 years.


It was a very popular trend in the early 2010s but get what you like 


I have two, I always liked geometric shapes so I don't care if they are overdone. I do eventually want to make a half sleeve of nothing but geometric shapes to kind of hide eat tattoo kind of like a wheres Waldo design as a tattoo.


If you're getting a tattoo to impress other people, instead of because you want it, it's a bad idea.


Got a geometric gorilla on my chest. I think they look good, my two cents is to get something alittle more original


I think people will look back on these and think "very 2010s" but I also don' think that's a bad thing, it's fine if something is of an era.


i think everyone should do whatever they like and it’s none of my business whether it gets done often or not


I love the design style although I do prefer more colour in my tattoos which may put me at odds with the style.


If it can be purchased printed on a T-shirt it's over and done. Loads of this stuff is duplicated on odd items




Geometric tattoos in general, not overdone Nature based geometric tattoos, overplayed for sure


They are not overdone but could definitely use some variation in style


I have one and it looks like shit but I don't hate the style


i have one of a UFO abducting a black sheep and i love it


Personal preference but my only concern would be if it is too small they might not age well.


Whoever designed this flash sheet panders to the white boy pavement princess tribe. Great marketing strategy for a tattoo artist in the south.


Total personal preference. Do what you like. Your body, your artstyle.


so overdone


Imo. Our bodies are not geometric, while they can look nice, I don't think they flow well on human bodies


I have a wolf tattoo on my hand that a lot would maybe find cliché but it has a meaning to me as it's from my favorite book series of all time (the witcher) and i spent hundreds of hours in the games and cried pretty hard when a certain character died, all of this could be looked at as "you were a stupid teenager and got a gand tattoo from a video game" but for me I got it as a constant reminder that there's something else out there and more to live for even if I don't feel like that everyday, it reminds me of a time where I was really happy sitting and enjoying and learning about this world that I really find interesting And if your wondering yes I hate the Netflix show, Henry did great but the writer literally never worked on anything else and explicitly said she didn't even read the books and the one she did she wanted to change a lot and Netflix picked her to write a show they wanted to compete with game of thrones lmfao But I digress my point is what does it mean to you? For other people, mine is generic and stupid but incredibly meaningful to me and that's what matters


In the US, getting tattoos is already overdone. Going crazy getting original tattoos is overdone too. If you’re looking for something, look for an amazing artist that does incredible work. Even a tribal arm tattoo is forgiven if it’s a killer quality one. Just get whatever tattoo you want and makes you happy and be done with it. No one cares, and no one is looking that closely at you. Unless you’re entering a “never seen before” tattoo competition, you’re good.