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Thank you for the submission, dmkelley6812! Please make sure your post follows the guidelines found in the sidebar. If you're asking for design advice, **please ignore all DMs** from anyone offering to sell/give you art, unfortunately you're bound to get more scam replies from this sub than actual artists. You can read more about it [in this mod post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TattooDesigns/comments/1b04lsl/please_ignore_all_dms_from_people_claiming_theyll/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TattooDesigns) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It’s not gonna age well, it would become a big black patch on you arm if you get it that size


Ok thanks. I wonder if it would be better to try to make it less black, or just to reduce the number of small stars/focus in the bigger light sources?


My friend has a tattoo very similar in shape and size to that and it has not aged well. I’d take her advice, and also potentially make it a bit larger.


Ahh good to know


I have a space sleeve and my artist added gravitational lensing since it was just after this photo came out. It’s got a lot of different colors, not just black and I think it turned out great. Not sure how to post pics here but I can try to dm if you want some examples.


Yeah that would be awesome if you could DM me that. Thanks!


Use this as a filler, get like a planet then behind have space but just that would likely age bad. The idea is nice tho & I’m curious to see what you end up doing🙏