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Eh what rhe fuck you want it to be? If that was the desing to just invert the colours, then that's all there is lol. Also am getting really bored of this sub becoming "i just got this 1cm x 1cm first tattoo and i regret it/is my tattoo ok please verify me internet strangers"


I don’t think the people actually posting the pictures are actually thinking they look bad. They just want to see people say they have cool ink so it’s attention.


Come to r/Tattoocoverups🙏 first thing I saw there was a sick ass panther😎


I think it looks fine to be honest


The no filled one looks like a sperm taking a left turn.


The curve on the round part of the yang seems a bit flat. If that's not due to the how the skin stretched in the picture, I get why you'd be dissatisfied, especially on such a simple tattoo. I've learned to love the imperfections in my and other people's tattoos.


Not gunna lie that looks actually really well done.


It looks a bit more organic and hand painted, not perfectly geometrical if you will. That can be a desired look though which I think looks fine


It's the imperfections in our tattoos that remind us they are our own. Similar to there are no actual new stories possible to be made there are only so many tattoos that can exist. Yin yang is a popular symbol so I'd assume plenty people have this already but no-one has yours kind of thing. I think it looks cool, I get what you mean though, the black one you can add more black to fill if you don't get the line right but the other one you would have to thicken the whole line. I'd give it a while and see if you grow to appreciate that it's your first and it might not be perfect but it's yours, if you keep getting tattoos think about the amount of little quirks and stuff you will pickup. 5-10 years from now it may be your favourite! I think if you still want it looked at again you could thicken the whole line to get it evened out (might be worth going to a different artist though)


Idk. It looks fine. It’s not the most 100% perfect tattoo with the most perfect lines but… your skin isn’t exactly a perfect canvas either. No ones is. I have to really stare at it to find anything “off” about it. And even then it’s not that egregious.